Monday, 27 February 2023

Beyond the Horizon

‘Knowing’ is one of the most powerful forces on the planet right now along with ‘common sense’ be real with yourself and serve yourself [your cell] first or you will be no good to anyone else

If you are on your PTAH [PATH] or your spiritual [KAA] journey, if you can be honest with one person then let that be you, be honest with yourself [cell] – there are times that I have lied to myself [my cells] to make myself ‘feel’ better, these are temporary sol-utions and do not fill the void but I have to ‘open’ up to the truth and that hurts, this is on-going, truths are revealed constantly, when you are ready and unexpectedly

You see MA.AT is truth, order, chaos, balance, that which is straight, she is here right, she is the [holy] Kachina [Shekinah] Shakina – she is forcing the issue

You will not be able to deny the ‘feeling’ the truth is coming for many, all those who seem to be living the dream are going to have their dream turn into a nightmare on wax

The ‘feeling’ is real and is part of your life force energy, you will feel it to the core of your very being – by keeping it real you will be able to navigate through obstacles, many people are really good at what they do and so the higher beings give them more and more because they really like you, you are growing, evolving all the while – the hardest part is ‘opening’ up to the truth and accepting the truth, bittersweet I know I have been there and still touch its surfaces 

When Lahamu [Venus] was authorised by RA in 2011 to release the codes many started to activate and this was in waves thereafter, so many are going to have a wake-up call over night when their world is going to fall flat into their lap, they will go sleep with a title and wake up with no title – you were all given the same codes, the choice was always yours to make

If you are real enough with yourself this opens you to the truth aka MAAT, not with everyone else, you see none of these people are coming with you, this includes your family, none of them are coming with you when you leave this plane, when truth hits you, how you really feel is recorded, what you really think is recorded, both conscious and self-consciously, so when you lie you are really only lying to your cells – these are resonating frequencies that hit you, have you ever been told sum thing that rocked your world, that rocked your Atoms, the truth will take you out – are you big enough to accept that and change, are you humble enough to be the bigger person out of you and your alter ego

Nothing happens before the time and you may have known about sum thing for a while and was sitting on it, you would have known sum thing about yourself that was told to you by another and you didn’t like that and then what was known was made known to you when the truth resonated and BOOMBABY, you couldn’t lie to yourself

You have to make the changes, MAAT is asking you to, sum times these changes are hurtful, sum times these changes are painful, but you have to override these feelings in order for you to step up to your final destiny, messages are streaming through to us all, through other people, dreams, visions, in music, in numbers+ these are messages are you, sum times they seem negative to start off with but its to jolt you into contention – sum times you needed that hurt for you to take heed, for you to awaken to truth, this is a bigger picture that is formulating and goes beyond this physical realm, you know this and is a lot higher than these average people out here

No pain can drop your energy levels but its not coming from the truth, its coming from energy and you must take on the truth but transmute the energy – your vibration can drop and this has happened to me numerous times and has wounded me over and over – each time learning, I had enough one day and started to peel back the layers, I started to go through each intricate part bit by bit and go to the source of whatever truth was coming my way, I want to own sh9t that I did and not because of sum one else, what was my choices at that time and did I make that choice, things like that, filtering out allows you to take ownership and whatever was a mistake or human error I can burn off, it starts getting easier once you grow and this allows you to tighten up – do you want to continue to be hurt and in pain, then one day you will have to face-off with the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me [God], she is helping you

If you are struggling today, step away from it, if there are things in your life that does not serve you, step away, if your KAA resents sum thing, then listen to the KAA and if you override the KAA, then you are on your own, too many people are in their comfort zone but yet they are struggling, challenge yourself – you must do to reach higher because this world is going and many will be deleted and reprogramed, give yourself a chance for your next destination, sum people will not like what they see when they get there and we are not all going to the same place

There are things that you say that you don’t want to do or don’t like or feel resistance towards – its is usually for you – you must check yourself – I was doing sum thing and running with it and running out of control and in 2013 or 2014 I was brought back down to earth [KI] with a thud and at the time I couldn’t accept what was taking place, this event bent me out of contention, this burnt parts of BAA – but looking back, it wasn’t the actual event, it was the whole 9yards that came with it, this event prompted me to rebel against anyone or anything in my life and caused me to take an audit, a stocktake and that is what I did without ‘knowing’ it, I was rebelling and that rebellion caused a greater awakening, I’m able to write about it now because I am the living witness – after I walked through the fire I vowed never to be in that position again, I don’t want to be burnt again aka I don’t want to repeat cycles that we are here to break, I’m not in that place no more but the fragments still linger because I keep them has a reminder, and in 2022 another thud 

I encourage you to challenge yourself – the higher beings or higher frequency needs sum thing from you to let them know that you are ready to be upgraded, that you are ready for the next shift, that you will not fail yourself thus this means you will not fail her – remember this is a test down here, it’s a stimulation with many levels, don’t come back down here and start from the lowest level [1D] [2D]

Stepping ways and looking back allows you to see things from a different perspective and you will see how things were affecting you, how you were affecting yourself

You are a SOULAR [SOLAR] being and the others are dead beings, no energy, just the KAA energy, therefore you must be selective in who you provide SOULAR energy for and likewise who you take SOULAR energy from, not everyone has a BAA [Soul] and they can deplete you and drop your energy levels, they can deplete you of your frequencies, vibration 

 Always be aware of how you feel
Do not override the KAA or the KAA will leave you
See how you feel when you consume food, drinks+ everything is NRG [energy] see how you feel – what you consume, consumes you
Check those in your life has they may be the ones draining your energy, anyone, check them – sum places that you visit will also drain your energy, ever been in the company of others that you felt a shift straight away with your energy and felt flat when you left, yeah them mtf – see how you felt before you’re around these people and see how you feel when you leave these people prior to seeing these people or being certain places
People can make you feel the way that they are feeling, this can be positive or it can be negative
Overthinking and worrying – surrender the control and let go because there are things that you cannot control – limit your time in the 3D, stay with those who are your frequency – there are those who are hardwired for negative thinking and these people can have a negative affect on your life – for many they love this place, negativity and they thrive off of it, even playing low vibrating music, sad songs all the time, remember the most important words that you will ever hear are the words that you say to yourself, so watch what you say to yourself and the words [sphering] that you are saying 

Don’t get attached to the thought that is affecting the way that you are feeling – if a sad thought comes across your mind [KHU] don’t get attached to that – observe but do not absorb and talk to yourself like a dear friend – don’t be hard on yourself, cut out the critical thinking and negative self-taught, reprogram the mind or you will stay in your prison [mind] 

False Horizon 
HORIZON the word are two words welded together

Those in Australia [New Zealand] are going to get fuc9ed without no Vaseline, now you know that is going to hurt but will be nothing like what they did to the 9ether ab-originals, their celestial parents are here and are going to tear you a new assh9le for what you did to them
300,000 strong and when the Irish and British finished they were down to under 30,000 or less 
The Tasmanian Tiger used to protect the wombmen at ULU.RU [Ayers rock] 
Its coming right back to you 10fold -

Shekinah [Kachina] Shakina = Sheikh [Sheik] Shaikh [Shaykh] Shaykh
Guru = Heru [Haru] Hari
Shaman [Sheman] Shemanka = Shamanka
Lord = Lard [Monkey = Monk] Simians
BAAL [Adonis] Adonai [A don – ai] 

These are just titles and many of their real meanings have been lost in the Western worlds and many were FEMALE 

Aset symbolizes a wombman, but wears the horn of the BULL [BAAL], so she takes on the role of a wombman and man, or a symbol of Hathor and Re 

Gabriy'el has 10,000 in her personal army and she has access to millions
I like the one who is looking at us out of the 20 strong FEMI.9 army on the left

CHARGED - red and white means charged and black means anytime your ready- look at Australia 
Earthquakes hitting+ and sum one isn't finished with TURKEY 


500hz and 200hz+ 
WAJI [GREEN] is in this field, this is ETHER, it is also PLASMA 
When the HINDU came down from VEGAS they used WAJI avatars 


500hz and 200hz+ Check the blackout, rebooting, merging of timelines, KANADA is the CRWON of the planet and for the longest they are getting their asses whooped, many people in and around KANADA [USA] will have and are going offline - DNA [DEA] upgrades, your body parts, head [crown] will all be affected, lower back, this and more are ascension symptoms+
Tones in the right and left ear over the last the 24hrs - as above, so below - adjustments 

This planet was on 7.89hz for 1000s of years and now we are hitting and above 144hz - many people are not built for this type of frequency and are going to be reaching out to those who can, protect yourselves at all times - check the hertz and colours on the graph against the above graphs - there are [3] tones hitting the planet and they are way, way over the hertz that this planet was put under, those who could only function under 9hz [7.89hz] will not be able to take 144hz because they were not built to take that range - you will either be online or offline 

Brain [Mem-brane] Brane [Mem-ories] your Brane is a organ, its a muscle that expands with waves and right now many are blowing like the God-father 
Check Purple extreme index number 11 - we are on 20 no matter what the weather is outside 24hrs a day and this is why they are worried - people are going to drop 

The CROWN of the planet is lit [CME] is hitting right now 

90 degree angles, see the cube - force field going around this planet- this house is sealed 
Plasma hitting the Dome 

Right to left, you can see the suns energy and the red band which is the dome, van alien belt, EMF, ozone layer - all the same thing - when that cracks open all energies hit the planet and on the right cloaked is NIBIRU 

CME [Corona Mass Ejection] 26.2.2023 into 27.2.2023
There are crafts at both poles and over cities, they will deflect the plasma from areas where their kind are but they are not there to shield everyone, they will let the plasma hit areas that are going down, if the CME gets through they will dump huge amounts of snow in a vain attempt to reduce the burning
Heard the tone in the right ear - adjustments as above, so below - this is a huge CME coming through  

-15 aka negative 14
Arrival - March 8th UK
They have been saying this since December, sum thing is coming
March 1st is Spring - Nu NRG  

Behind the SUN and NIBIRU is the holographic world, the spirit world, the SUN is a docking station with cities, the SUN does not rotate how NASA show you, the SUN rotates in the motion of a clock 



Michigan [USA] 

Washington USA

Scotland and France 


Norway, also seen from Holland
Red kills 


These are mutating wavelengths - that is changing your DNA, these are detoxifying wavelengths that deletes anything that is artificial to this SOULAR system 

The holographic world is right there
Check the colours aka radiation aka energies 

Coming from the Spirit [KAA] world aka the holographic world
Dimensions are merging

What's going on up there 

That craft has its beam on and is ready 

22.2.2023 - that ship was fast 
Earthquakes continue to hit, we also have planetary conjunctions+ 
Huge earthquakes around the planet [world] 4 in one area, more to come whether through man and his machines or through NTR, the devastation will increase - sum one is doing in sum thing 
Kuwait- the sea retreated – and is also taking place in different places around the planet, is the planet tilting 

Whoever controls the SKA controls the planet and it is not man and his machines
Crafts are sitting in the SKA [SKI] SKY 

Two crafts hidden in plain sight, also that black mass 

Highway in the USA 

Fake snow, the same thing they have been doing for the last number of years 

They will have to dump the snow to try and cool the planet but it will only be a temporary solution has the UV is still hitting 20

The hills are alive, no the SKA is alive Mrs Andrews - the chemicals [BA] AL [Barium] and Aluminum  [BAAL] are killing people 

Looks like they are just going to dump it all - IAPAN will go under water if they do
Possible earthquake to split the plant wide open  

Check the SUN [colours and background]
Elephants and Camels come from the USA which is West-Africa  

Barium and Aluminum saturated SKA that is killing you from the inside out 

They replaced him a while back 

Its only the clones, hybrids left out here with the reptilians 

To late, over 600million Bees have already left the planet in the last 3-4 years 

Don't fu9k with Mamma Bear and her cubs

The largest Baobab in Madagascar 
During the rainy season it can absorb thousands of gallons of water and store it in its vast trunk, enabling it to produce a nutrient-dense fruit in the dry season when all around is dry and arid
This is how it became known as “The Tree of Life”
WATER [MATER] MOYA – These people will be here after you 

Haha - I would give him the money because he is honest 

So we saw this over Norway and JAPAN [IAPAN] but check the origin, what is behind the mountain range that is projecting this spiral, what is it, a weapon, portal - whatever it is, it is man-made

Free electricity, Wi-Fi, what happened after both the WW(s) the same for many after WW3 

Look carefully, these are rockets - machines 


They say these cravings are 2,000 years old, the stone records in KHMT took 5,000 years to create, just the records not KHMT [Egypt] like for example Dendera [Zodiac] the structure is built around a device that is over 70,000 to 90,000 years old - so these cravings they say is around 2,000, the Sumerians list is 241,000 and you can see they also have the CAR [KAA] - sum one is lying, their Jesus and Allah all come within their 2,000 years - so wtf is this - sum one lying

JADE Ethiopian symbol aka KUSH [HINDU] symbol found Bulgaria 
JADE is from CHINA  - this symbol is also the big dipper 
Look where Bulgaria is on the map and Macedonia was only founded in 1944 - who was in this region  

1956 Airport 

Hannibal [Hanuman] Barca was called at one point Cannibal – Hannibal was the General [King] of Carthage [Carthaginian] Kharthaddan – he was the [King] of Roma [Rome] and his people also came from Tartaria [Barbaria] BarBary [Tartary] TARTAR he was Hannibal the Barbarian aka the Berber 9ether people before the savage 6ether Berber people 

Etruscan [9ether Greeks] with locks, braids 

Zeus has locks, Atheer [Hathor] Athens is 9ether, not 6ether, she has been repainted to suit the narrative but both are 9ether  

AZTLAN [South America] 
Check the 3rd eye, this piece was smashed by invaders

KAA [spirit] houses in HERU [PERU] 


NIKE from ancient Orissa [Odisha] Orisha [Odessa] Odia

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