Saturday, 11 February 2023

Repeated Distortions

Check your spiritual armoury 

Its important to inner-stand the energy that is incoming, we must be aware and not afraid of what is to come – all is designed so that we can properly prepare for the returning waves

We are inside [7] which is a spiritual number [2023] full spiritual awareness and is coming in along with chaotic dark energy which is being released into the planet

For those who are sensitive [EMPathic] and who are streaming into the energy you would have sensed all this many years back and since then the feelings have gotten stronger and stronger, the connection has gotten stronger and stronger for you, the emotion has gotten stronger and stronger for you

Those who were in power, their time is running out and KARMA is kicking in their door, with this being the year of justice [judgement] this is the year for a lot of people to receive their KARMA, it will be in this year – shame we know your name, people who have done you wrong, those who have done her wrong, those who have wronged the planet, plant, animal and humin [human] kingdoms are fu9ked, stay out of their way, the KARMA [MA.AT] RED NRG has been in the making for a number of years and today she is right there waiting – payback is going to be a bi9ch for many, no one is immune, look at those in the limelight [spotlight] they are crashing – people are being exposed, whether they are famous or Joe Bloggs, they are being revealed – everyone even if they are plugged in or out will all see what has been hidden, many people are coming online and are shi99ing themselves, when people are nervous they talk sh9t, they act involuntary, they are out of sync, you can see them

Conspiracy means to Con [Kon] the spirit and inspired means to be in spirit, they had been conning many and those many are starting to realise that sum thing is not right 

[Stay true to you]

This is the year of MAAT, she is not playing, she had been asking if you remember

Things are changing around you in the 3D, things that were never for you in the first place, plan well for the 3D fall-out especially if you have a cat or dog [pets] children, dependents+

Nothing has changed since the lock-down started, we are just moonlighting, the crash is coming, ML is coming, the God-Gene is activating and that is all they care about, all these strikes, unrest, France had many on the streets during the week, its still full stream ahead with them, job losses on a grand scale, the USA bank of America said that they have reached their limit, that means no more money, repossessions+ all is coming, many are still dropping dead whether from the Jabba the Hutt or the UV or both, numbers will significantly increase, its doom and gloom based on your reality 

 To the ‘anointed ones’ you must increase your Psychic self-defence – psy means BAA [Soul] and is talking about your SOULAR energy [CME(s) and Chi is your life force energy that is Blue or Green – not everyone has a BAA, everyone has KAA, the BAA energy is more powerful – you have Alchemy, you must MaStar your dark arts [arcs] this energy is not negative only if you are, you’re dealing with primordial energy that you always had, its unfiltered energy that you are to use to manipulate the matrix or reality has you see fit to do so aka in your favour – the negative have been using the very same energy to entrap you, to control you, you see Slapped Ham, they show you all these entities that are entering through these portals – these are chaotic beings, in the movie the Lost Boys, you have to invite them in and many did so not just in this life, the planet has a lot of beings, entities that should not be here and many now have hosts in which to hide – many do not know how to handle this type of energy, many will go offline [crazy] many will change and you will see this, many will be close to you, this is your choice to intervene but for the rest of you, you have a contract to complete, you came here to complete [7] 2023 that is what 2023 means completion

Anyone without a BAA stays here, the earth plane which is rammed, the negative earth plane, where all them 'ghost' programs all are, even the entities are hiding in there 

A lot of energy is being released and because of all these portals have opened, which is causing a ‘quickening’ they have moved their doomsday forward so they know this also, dimensions are shifting, during the week I could feel the shifting, adjustments, there will be emotions that many will simply not be able to handle – depression [CROWN] has increased and will get higher, many people are taking their lives- they get sent straight back down here, don’t do it, all families will be tested and all secrets are going to be revealed – just because you are connected by blood does not make them your family, it means they are related to you, they are not your family – you’re the [black] sheep and you know this – you’re the one, so stop engaging with redundant energies – this is the year that you are going to unify with other ‘black sheep’ others that are on your page will be forwarded to you, this is when your vibe will attract your tribu, we have been single for a while but we will be in the same field this year, hold tight, soon come – look for light, those who you deem close to you may not actually becoming with you, keep this in mind because many would have started out with you but many will not finish with you, over night you will have to grow up, think of Turkey, one day you are going to wake up and the world around you would have changed, I know my PATH way is unfolding, KAA guide has already let me know to get ready, prepare, we are entering a higher dimension, a higher consciousness, a higher frequency, dimensions are shifted dependent upon the mind -  the universe is mental – all is mind

Dimensions are shifted dependent upon the Mind [KHU] 

Many are waiting for the 3D world to shift into sum fantasy movie from Hollywood, it does not work like that at all – what happens is when you shift dimensions you are shifting the Alchemy in your mind – you are activating the DNA upgrades, you are activating the God-Gene- the [72] Goetia which is that energy being trapped in the Pineal Gland [3eye] which is how you open up your psychic centres thus you can access the God- Consciousness

[7] seals are the CHAKRA [TREE of LIFE] being activated [9] into [13] the 13th is [hidden]

Isis [Aset] the NRT [Queen] of the Witches [Wicca] this is also her year- this is the year of the healers, the teachers+ the Full Monty because there is going to be so much trauma, suffering in the world on a mass scale, the Book of Eli, the Road, Mad Max [original] these movies touch on what is to come but you have to add steroids – while the truth is being revealed people are going to be asking questions, questions that you know, you won’t have those talking sh9t because we will be in reality point blank and very simple

You have been working on yourself and have your energy protected, you will know who to be with and who you should not be with, you were isolated for a reason, all part of your training young Jedi

Protection, Strength and Guidance – this is what you can provide, Guidance – people will be confused, those in Turkey give to Allah [Mohammed] and at this point in time they will be questioning why he did this or what did they do to deserve this and your role is to provide guidance, like if I was there I would say, there is no fuk9ing Allah [Mohammed] get a grip because the Reptilians are looking for food and they will come out at night so we need to find shelter, right there and then they will be thinking wtf did you say, but sum one else listening will say what shall we do, right then and there that is the person you need to move with, the rest will tag along or stay, either way, take who, what you can and keep on moving, get out of the cities, stay away from the coast, be real, this is not a drill or test - those people crying over there do not give a fu9k about you over here, stay around and you will find out, not everyone out there gives a flying fu9k about the matrix ending, they are on a different agenda, dirty men are out there... 

Aset is pure love, motherly love [TIAMAT] but you know that when you fu9k with her cubs she will kill you, the Akur does not play when it comes to her cubs, Aset [Isis] comes from the same Pantheon has Lilith, Kali+ so she can get wicked with the flick of the wrist – Oya+ all these are the dark goddess and they are being implemented into this energy coming in, they are making us make room for what is to come on a micro and macro level, embrace her, open heart

Your going to be needed during the fall out but you must seek energy in energy, be wary of who you are aiding, be wary of those that walk among you, many reptilian offspring left Eastern Europe and spread into the UK, USA and other places, many have left Arabic states and are in places near you, many have left their nests because of the UV coming up from the ground, they are all wearing sunglasses at night, many are shape shifting in real time, if you don’t want to aid anyone keep your mouth shut until you know when – use your 3eye, that is why its online, you see using your 3eye [main eye]     

Protect yourself at all times from what is to come, use your 3rd eye to discern from what is right and wrong

The BAA[KAA] are under attack, strap up, we are on alert  
Stay conscious, we are going to crash the Matrix [Maya] by any means necessary 

Tiger Balm

100,000 Tigers at one point in INDI [KUSH] down to under 4,000, with the bulk in captivity – there is probably around 500 left in their natural inhabitant that we call ‘wild’ they say because of people moving into their habitat and poaching that the numbers have nearly seen them wiped out, they never mention that the British murdered them under the banner of 'game' 

Called the Bengal Tiger, Bangladesh was only founded in 1971, so what was the Tiger called before Bengal Tiger – Tamil Nadu was formed in 1956, what about Nadu [Nagu] Naki [Naga] when was Naaga [Naga] founded

Tiger - Old English Tigras, also in part from Old French tigre "tiger" both from Latin tigris "tiger," from Greek tigris, from Akin [Akir] to Old Persian tigra- tighri- Zend
  Tiger's-eye "yellowish-brown quartz" is recorded from 1886


How many TIGRA(s) right across minor and major, at least 400,000+ at one point

There are those who honour all life and there are those who do not
Look at the British, murderers of humans and animals - look at the younger ones 


Emerald Green
Persian reflective mirror lighting

You can see the antennas [Wi-Fi] devices have been removed 
From the cities of Ur -Sumerian to Alkebulan to Aztlan
One global network 

Xuan-Di means [Black emperor] 

ASEAN [ASIAN] acronym for Association of South-East Asian Nations, formed 1967 by the British - Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand; since expanded to 10 nations

Philip-pines is Prince Philip of [Spain]
Indo-nesia [Nesia] is from the word Melanesia Indo [Indi]
Malaysia [Mela-y-sia]
Himalaya [Hi-Mala-ya] Mala [Mela]
Thailand Sukhothai [SUK-HOT-THAI] MON [MONGOL]
Esia is Asia [Asian] and Caucasian
Mala [Mela] Melanin
Melanesia [Nesia]  
Amnesia [Melanesia] 
Before it meant Ether [black] but today it means Cauc-asian [white]
Basically, all these places never existed until 1967 and Melanesia means Melanin
BLACK [BLAC] is not a colour 

Myanmar (Burma)-Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, China, Japan and Korea into India where all inhabited by 9ethers, through the Bantu and Khoisan [San] Kush+ tribus, while many of these 9ether tribus still visually exist mainly in Southeast Asia, many became partly absorbed by the Mongolian element that we see in contemporary times, they were bred out and murdered out

There is so much that many still do not know about the role of 9ether indigenous inhabitants that played in building the powerful dynasties of Asia that were stolen by the 'yellow' tribu of today
The book 'Paekche's Principle - The Secret of Asia' by Bayemy Biyick tackles this history and the relationship between these [black] and yellow tribes of Asia head on

There is no such place has Asia minor or Asia major but there is the Caucasian [Caucasus] Caucasia and Caucasoid [Kaucasian] Mountains in Georgia which is the cradle of Mankind which is the 6ethers cradle and not the 9ethers

Indians, Chinese [all Orientals] and [white] all come from Georgia Mt 

Ancient Black China, the Mongols, Zhou, Ainu, Jo-mon, and Huns, after we had the mixed Mongols who were used to breed out the 9ethers both in China and in Atlantis [USA] giving us the native 6ether Indians in the USA today, the word Mongrel which means mixed breed ‘dog’ and is the same word Mongol and is the same word the modern-day Indians that use Mughal [Mongol]

The entire planet up until 10,000 or 512 years ago was all 9ether  

We have been here many times before, we are not here to repeat the stimulation, what for, it doesn’t work, the only way to free ourselves is to crash this mtf – nothing more, nothing less

History will only repeat itself [to you] if that is what you want, wake up Neo [you] stay woke 

Second to last image is SIDDI TIGER 

All you see is antennas, power transformers, ethereal taps, Wi-Fi, teleportation devices


Many of these sites are online 

Knowledge was taught to 100s of generations for 1000s of years and you gave it away for free because you were free 

We often see 'planets' moving the same rate that we do, however if that is a 'planet' on the left, it shouldn't be there, and its too big to be a star, so what is it and on the right we see craft or planet in one frame and nothing before or after

NASA say no CME(s) released today yet we had [7] today 9.2.2023 - they are stronger and are more KI facing, we lost data for over 2 weeks so we know sh9t is incoming, sum one posted a huge CME from the CROWN of the planet that went straight up and they said it wasn't KI facing, however the SUN does not rotate how NASA show you - the sun rotates exactly like a clock 

When the SUN lets rip it looks black and it is because that is ETHER, PLASMA is PURPLE and is WAJI, MELANIN [ETHER]
NASA [NOAA] are using WAJI [GREEN] in their new models [graphs] for a reason   


It does not matter what they spray, NTR is coming through 



Ultra-viole-t [Ultra-viole-nce]   

The SKA is letting us know what time it is 

Check the colours in the CROWN 

See the GREEN, PURPLE, BLUE, YELLOW and RED what colours give you Turquoise 

Check where NIBRIU is right now in 2023

The data is letting you know, WAJI is coming out of the poles and so to ETHER 
Look at the RED, look how the colours aka energies have swapped places, look at the RED band instead of the YELLOW band 

Read data in CHAKRA NRG - know your primary colours 

Ph levels and the CHAKRA(s) are the same
You need this plus ETHER [MELANIN] for this is a Alchemy process
KAANU [ETHER] absorbs and the CHAKRA processes the radiation aka colours aka energies 

NASA know when the sunspots are coming because they can see them, the sun rotates clockwise, not how NASA show you the sun going around 
RA[RE] charged and ready



Italian Schumann- see the WAJI [GREEN[ ETHER [PLASMA]
New frequency is coming in, look at this Grey with Blue, Red and Green, its a machine

See that Yellow band right above the Red and them its Green - the Red is showing 100hz but the Green goes up into 10,000hz the Yellow is 3,000hz - the second graph shows mixed data, like is it fried - jammed - how many tones are hitting the planet, third image you can see the breaks, reboots, machine jamming - you can see the spikes and the forth image shows the DNA adjustments

Earthquakes are continuing to be set off around the planet – feel like I am having different things going on, hot flushes, air depression-tone-adjustments, thinking things have actually happened, not knowing what is real-ity and what is reel-ity at times, dream state is confusing me at times, I know what these are, the Moon is also keeping me up, wide awake, body and mind are in different places, I wanted to shut down and sleep, the body was asking but the mind was elsewhere – the weather is hot and cold, no snow but mist, the SUN is triggering, we had another CME released, no matter how they try and modify the weather, the SUN is releasing the light, people are sick, watch yourself around them 

500hz-110,000hz and 200hz-600hz 

Black-Blue means changing and Red-White means ready 
9.2 and 10.2.2023 

So your Christ the redeemer statue it is an antenna

They are saying between 18,000 into 20,000 or 40,000 [???] people left the physical earth from Turkey, its not over yet, that was a M9, if that was not HAARP then the returning energy took them 

Detonation [HAARP] or Earthquake or wtf hit Turkey 
Turkey go on a 3 month-state-of-emergency 
Erdrogan [Er-Dragon] is a proxy for ENLIL
The Gods are fighting
ENLIL may be off planet but his avatars are still here 

Fish dead washing up on the shores of JAPAN since 7.2.2023 
JAPAN [IAPAN] was done on purpose [Fukushima] and is a warning 

You can see there is a craft in there and on the lower right sum thing shows up [objects] 

System crashing 

The money raised sits in bank accounts that are worth multi-millions, there is a law that prevents the cure for Cancer, there is a law that you are not allowed to cure Cancer, yet millions of dildos run every-year raising millions for what ??? do not caught up in the hype, in London they built the billion pound Cancer wing, that is where you money went to, a nice plush hospital [hospitable] fro you to die in 
Stop fooling yourself, you ran for nothing and helped nothing 

North England
No details, what is that up there 

Alaska camera 


What is up with the SUN 
Check the colours 

Seen over two days - big

What are you looking at - what is coming out of the portal 

What is on the horizon 

Whoever controls the SKA controls the planet 

Four crafts in this image 


These are members of the Galactic Federation - Alliance - many of these crafts are manned by female pilots - we are not with the Galactic Federation of Light or with Ashtar Command who have their people [beings] here walking among the offspring of the ANU.NAGA [ANNUNAKI] 
They are scanning AU.RA(s) Bio-fields, they are observing
Many beings are here from other galaxies, many have come for their kind, many are here for the security of this planet and SOULAR system- why don't they show themselves, why don't you
Oh they will and they peel back the SKA at the same time
They are higher than you and is the same reason why a AKUR never looks around when a Dog barks  

Ashtar Command - these are not our people or kind, none of Steven Spielberg(s) E.T(s) are with the ANUNNAKI, top left is Jennifer Aniston 

She was the only one that could take down Garbowski, he couldn't touch no one after Marianne took him out, Marianne prevented sum thing more that was to come, what if her 2 other daughters later on in life read about this story never knowing that was their real mother
Don't fu9k with her - you won't like it
Power to your Marianne 💜

All that is mutant, artificial will be deleted from this planet 

Do not confuse Religion with the KAA systems 

TIBET the word is from the 1700s and is a man made word, we have the word [BOD] BHOTA 
NEPAL is a part of IAPAN [JAPAN]
Due to linguistic evolution, the term BUTHU changed to BUTHA, and later BUDDHA
Land of the Kings or Land of the Dragons [same thing]

There is no such word has Buddha, Tibet or Himalayas until the 6ether Europeans came on the scene

These two brothers are ENLIL and ENKI 


HAPI birthday Marlene
She would have been 9 on Monday 13.2 
[Thinking about you]

Not from this planet
Aztlan [HERU] PERU 

1,100 or 10 acres because that does not look like 1,100 acres to me 

HEMP jungle 

Natty Dread 
Sum one cut his locks [top image]
Last images you can see the paint, cleaning remover, the white, grey-ish residue, shame on you  
AZTLAN [South America]

 What was you before
Bolivia [1825]
Peru [1821]
Colombia [1810]
Chile [1818]
Guatemala [Mala] Mela [Melanin] 1821
We could go on and on
What was Aztlan before all these foreign names 


The Ulmec [Olmec] are pioneer builders from Alkebulan [Sumeria] 

Under the same bracket
Egypt is Sudan, Ethiopia [lower and upper] Somalia all the way to Nigeria and Kenya+ 
KHMT is the stone library 

Last 3 images, you can see where they have built the new wall, what was it before, looks like a Ziggurat [MIR] with landing platform  

Locks or Bushy or Bumpy 
The Persians are from Ethiopia and Ethiopia is the NTH gate  

[1] of [18] empires that made up the PARTHIAN 
This is NERGAL whose full name is Nergal Shar'estser who is a CHEMIST [KHEMIST] 
NERGAL is one of ENKI(s) sons 
There are 2 Kings lists, one is 241,000 with 8 Kings and there is another Kings list that is older that no one ever talks about 

Native 9 ethers [Atlantis] INDI Aztlan 

[Athyr] Hathor [Atheer] Ha Yoga [Yogi] Yogini [Shakti] Kundalini [Tantra] Serpentine [Hydrogen – Hy-dragan] = FEMI.9 ELECTRON NRG – the very existence of FELINE [FEMALE] N.R.G 

Stop lying

1966 [1066] 

We know what you did to Macca [MAKKA] all truth will be revealed 

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