Friday, 17 February 2023

Close your eyes [don't look twice]

Pin [Pineal Gland] and Occhio [Eye in Italian]

Your eye develops in the womb making it your first eye and is the seat of the BAA [Soul] this is the pulpit, throne and takes its orders from flight boss aka you the captain

Pinocchio is a story about the Pineal Gland – Jimmy the Cricket, he is his conscious [JC is also Jesus Christ] JC is his higher-self – when Pinocchio lies his nose grows
Christ means Crystalized aka I-Magi-nation

Pinocchio cannot focus, he gets guided by the Wolf, Pinocchio drinks, smokes Marijuana, attends sex parties and has a police record+ he is being controlled but he wants to be real but we are born into families that lie – we are born into SIN, which is an archery term – when you draw your bow and miss the target that is called a SIN, the Moon cycle also means that those created within the Moon cycle were born into SIN – Cupid is an archer, many of these stories have an esoteric concept on the other side

Pinocchio is not real for he is a puppet – a lot of people had family that were puppets that were born into programs like religion+ and those who invented the tel-lie-vision they told them what was real [reel] they controlled your emotions – it is down to you to cut the strings when you realise the truth – think about your childhood, Santa Claus, tooth fairy+ when you’re a child your parents, guardians are the truth, that is who you looked to first – you are modelling them, you take that energy on as you, your vision of the world comes from your family – how does Santa come down the chimney when you don’t have one, how does the tooth fairy put the money under your pillow why only when your tooth comes out and not when you need it, to the average child this is normal but your not average are you – didn't you always ask why, families that create a paradigm for you becomes your vortex, your ‘belief’ system – this becomes your ‘world’ and not the earth, your perception is coming from your people

They lied to us and our families continued that lie and so few have realised this lie, its a white lie, then what is a black or red or pink lie 

Why does Pinocchio when he lies his nose grows – when you lie your nose grows and you become nosey – in other words your nose grows because your senses are looking for sum thing real, when you were born you were born with natural knowledge, you are born with natural sensations that you only gave up when you agreed to go with the stories that you were told – however you inner-self [pineal gland] is always looking for the truth – the lie made you eat sh9t that you shouldn’t be eating, hanging out with those that you shouldn’t be, becoming sum thing that you are not – you went to school for nothing, there was nothing in school that could enhance you, MENSA [IQ] is a former [SS] indoctrination system and means nothing – sum of your family would always talk down to you, they talked in negative frequencies, always telling you that you wouldn’t amount to nothing or they talked the struggle talk that it was hard out here to get a job, to get married, always chatting low sh9t and eroding you 

That button is your eye

Your parents did their best, don’t be mad, don’t be mad at those who you think about – this is, was a test, it was to test us all and you have to break out of this mother, you have to unchain yourself because if not you become part of the lie, you become the lie itself – you know more, you cannot supress the calling, you cannot be spiritual if you are supressing your ancestral gifts, to break the spell is to break the lie

The truth hurts and this program tells you not to tell the truth because it will hurt their feelings, speak up because crying is good for the BAA, this allows the person to shed sum of that old energy and lets them burn it off – dendrites [nerves] break off when you cry [crystal] which hold on to the issue which is stuck in your tissue- the emotional energy that is in your tissue breaks off when you cry, you have to release it, its spent energy that has built up and needs to be released ASAP – celebrate success no matter how small, release and inhale nu life [Chi] Pinocchio has big eyes that is in everyone else’s business – even your language, this can be your liberator or your lockdown – what you think, sphere travels into the world in which you created, be in your own world and not others

The Pinecone [Pineal Gland]symbol is seen throughout the 3D world, this is also your Wadjet aka your eye of HERU- this is your receiver, wi-fi, Bluetooth, that is picking up all your data from the galaxy, from the cosmos, from the server, from Sirius – your antenna – this scanner can read information on many levels, this antenna can read information [light] faster than your human eyes and can hear information that your human ears cannot – it detects light and light is information

The Peacock represents resurrection, the name Peacock is Pea [size] and cock, the pineal gland is a rod and erects when simulated and the word cock is another word for willy – and is part of the energy field that creates life – when the Peacock opens its feathers you see the eyes – the All-seeing eyes – the Peacock is also the symbol for the All-seeing eye – this also connects us to Carbon, Melanin sits in Carbon and it is the Carbon molecule that gives you your body [material]

When you celebrate – you activate the Melanin [semi-conductor] the pineal gland will release Serotonin, this is why you are to raise your vibration [144hz] to release the Serotonin – the brain in your gut needs to be pleased and you must eat right so that you get your ‘gut feelings’ you will become agreeable because your second brain is also watching out for you – watch what you eat because you do not eat mutant foods – your body is always repairing itself and responds to how you are eating and what you are thinking, so if you are living the lie you will not repair its tissue because you have a false sense of security

Use your Pineal to project energy into the quantum field – your nervous system [CHAKRA] is moving based on who you are, your sympathetic nervous system is the one that is taking in the environment, how you feel with data, what resonates with you to your core which is programming your genes to whatever you are taking in, so if you take in sh9t you will become sh9t, if you think the world is coming to end then the world is coming to an end, all dramas that you take in, all problems that you take in, all this and more is what is reprogramming your genes, if you are good to go and have a balanced in-take, you will be strengthening your immune system – the more you think the more you increase the rate [pace of your metabolism] which is also your nervous system – which will cause fight, flight, fright or freeze – those that freeze, the average have PTSD – then there are those that have CTSD – if you allow yourself [your cells] to take in energy or-and focusing on things outside of yourself and being nosy [Pinocchio] then your subconscious cannot conceive or perceive anything outside of self [cell] aka your subconscious thinks that whatever you are focusing on that is real and then starts to record all that into the cell [self], there are people that think that sum things are real, there are those whose eye is not working, they don’t have a CHAKRA system and will always never know but always believe and they are right now in a state of stress 24/7 – the news comes on everyday and sum thing is happening everyday which is causing stress levels in many to disrupt to the point that they are not vibrate at all and are substituting with the white pony, alcohol, rewired marijuana, porn, sugary things, gambling, short term energy exchanges, anything to numb the pain or distract the pain

Put yourself first, this is called selfish [cell-fish] you cannot serve no one until you serve yourself

The oil that comes from the Pineal Gland will help you focus on whatever you want to really focus on- this oil is also known has Kundalini – Liquid crystal – Milk and honey – Black oil – Christ fluid – Anointing oil – Chrism and the Temple

Your eye is made of crystal, the crystal was pressured emit light or energy or electricity and sone [sound] – you have the Kundalini running up and down your spine and this fluid also surrounds the brain [organ] and is also called cerebral spinal fluid and is one of the [7] oceans in the body and would be the [7] seals to the Bible people – information travels faster through fluid than it does through air

'Pretty huh? I'll bet a lot of you folks don't believe that

The King-dome of heaven is within you and the father of the Kingdome lives in that Kingdome – that Kingdome is within you so that means whatever you are searching for out there is really in here [you] – western ideas tell you its out there, for them its mind, body and soul, when it is soul, mind and body, the body is last for the 9ethers but first for the 6ethers

We take knowledge and apply in our daily lives, we are taught that the trees are our brothers and sisters, we know that what the trees release allows us to breath, they provide food, the trees provider shelter and homes for the animals as well has us, so we wouldn’t cut them down, a tree takes 70 to 100 years to mature, we know the trees worth and so we would not attack the trees, we know that we must work in harmony with our surroundings  - its foolish for us to say that the tree has no profound meaning when if the tree disappears, then we would disappear – carbon dioxide feeds the tree that in turn feeds us – which is nothing more than air molecule minus divine energy that you inhaled in and call oxygen and you send the waste particles back to be recycled in nature again to be produce sum more vital energy that comes from the creation force itself – our ancestors understood this and even referred to them has deities – not god almighty, we were not stupid – divinity is without beginning and without end – there is no way that sum one can say this truth arrived on this date via this person, no - the clarity on the truth arrives to the consciousness of a particular person at a certain time -but the truth was always there and the truth is always in you, there is nothing that needs to be known for the liberation of the human KAA and the 9ether race that is not already residing within you, this is why the Alkebulan systems are to bring sum thing out of that person, you do not put sum thing in the person – we have different cultures and the inferior culture clashes with the Alkebulan KAA systems, this is a homosexual culture, there is no two ways about it – there are two types of homosexuals, one type were molested into that way and others are just inverted and were created that way, genetics, either way we do not want homosexual energy residing over FEMI9 energy, is doesn’t work like that and is to why we cannot have this type of energy alongside us on this family run planet – sum say it’s a psychological disorder that can be corrected – really, that Homer [Homo] works is nothing more than sum one reading and not doing irrepressible acts, reading alone is not going to change sum ones feelings about another – homosexuals are everywhere and in power, the PM for the UK and India are both homosexuals, many are married or claim to be – to know where you are going you have to know where you’re at or to know where you are going you have to know where your coming from [RNM] and this is to know what is your situation right now

I didn’t want to come to KI in my conscious self but in my tradition now tells me that I am now here because I went before [God] and I said ‘send my ass down there because I can change sum sh9t’ – tradition says that we volunteered to come and why we have to go through the initiation is because we have to reaffirm the original contract with [God] – what occurs between concept and when you are able to make decisions – when your down here you lose [God] consciousness so we developed rituals and special days to bring us back in line with [God] consciousness – if we look at IFA [Yorba] this is not a religion but a practice, do not mix up KAA systems with man-made concepts- the reason we look at the Yorba people is because they are a huge number, we find them in Guinea, Sierra Leone, Gabon, Ghana+ not just in Nigeria and the word Nigeria and Niger are leftover Roman words for the word Nigg9- Yorba is a people, a term for people not a religion, they are a people

The Yorba have a very interesting story about their origin – they say they come from Saudi Arabia which was called [Al] Ghor back then – this is before the Red sea was expanded, the Red sea is part of the gorge, the rift valley that runs all the way up into TURKEY that starts below Tanzania, they flooded the area and there are a lot of 9ethers [murdered] bones under that water – this piece of land that is all desert but wasn’t all desert at one point in time and was the central home of these people called Yorba and was the Eastern section of what we call Egypt today and is also called Eastern Ethiopia or Eastern Kush or Eastern Nubia that extended all the way down to what is called India today

They say that Abraham built the KABBA – it is the 6ethers that wrote the Koran [Quran] that the 9ethers gave them the information and it is the bastardized children that are the results of rape by the Greeks and Roman soldiers that give us mixed breeds such has the 6ether Arabs today – when these c99ts came into that area they did not bring wives they raped us, and those children are great [x512] grand children of those raped and incest that went on by these Roman, Persian, Assyrian, Greek soldiers and today they masquerade in the 9ethers identity in the 9ethers land holding claim to the 9ethers history and heritage and land that they have mutilated with their sh9t knowledge because they didn’t understand – but today many understand, today many inner-stand what is to be done in the spiritual war, we are not going to be using physical warfare, its all spiritual warfare – even if we enter a physical war we will perpetuate their death out of our 9ether body and 9ether minds – we have to win the war up there [head] from the crown, from the spiritual and the physical will take care of itself because their won’t be a mind to create a negative field

The Yorba people ultimately became us, Saudi Arabia was part of the great Egypt, a group broke away sum 1000s of years ago and they moved with another group who are called the Benin, these two groups say they are the SEMU [priest] class of ancient Egypt, they are saying this and no 6ether is writing about this – they are also called the Vodun [Voodoo] in Benin they call their God Lisa and in Togo and Ghana its Mawu Lisa [where they get the 6ether name Mona Lisa, who looks like Putin aka a man also] aka Metu Netu – their God is not female or male and is not homosexual and what this means is that s-he contains all the aspects of all of creation – all of the femi-nine aspects and all of the masculine aspects and these aspects manifest in creation as its function is dictated by its necessity – when there is a call for the feminine principle to be operative – then that is what [God] is, when there is a call for the masculine principle to be operative then that is what [God] is, we named these masculine and feminine words for what [God] is and this is just to identify its function as we understand its coming out from nature – we are the cause and we are the aspect in that cause itself and that is what makes it omnipotent and omnipresent – it cannot be omnipresent and omnipresent and supreme if its got a competitor, regardless if the competitor is weak or strong, it has a competitor – so for you to be the supreme you can only be that supreme deity [NTR] nothing less and they say we are the expression, aspect of that deity, and with experience and time you learn what is lesser than you and what is greater than you and what is your role is in keeping MA.AT aka the balance      

Western religion relies on belief whereas the KAA systems are more complex than that – we cannot use the word faith because the West does not understand the word faith – faith is to deep, they use the term – in order to have faith, faith presupposes that you are conscious of a body of wisdom that you can have faith in [???] it assumes that you already know sum thing but what the 9ethers knows is that nothing exists but [God] nothing but [God] the only existence is [God] not up there or over there, everywhere
When I say [God] I don't mean a he or him or sum one physical, the word for me is source, the highest source, the highest frequency aka the Most-High-est frequency   

What happened in the middle east had to happen because it was filthy with what we call SIN and atrocities – they raped so many and killed so many, what happened afterwards was there was a constant flow of spiritual beings sent to bring direction – we see all these comings, Christ coming, Moses coming, Muhammed coming, Jesus coming, Osiris coming – so ask the question why only in that area, what was going on - in that area – this was the place where men began to murder men for property, for gold, for jewels, for land, they spill blood for it – it is forbidden to kill another eye, it is a violation of creation to kill – to kill any animal unless out of necessity, to kill anything unless out of necessity, you were not to violate life [Chi] – so when you read the 42 negative confessions it is clear, these are the things that many will be weighed against during these KARMA cycles, for others, killing, mutilating and brutalizing is way okay and many do not know how far off of track that have been carried, are you willing to accept genocide [gene-ocide] has your history and call it spiritual and then trying to rationalize and justified it by saying they were not worshipping like you were, those who say Christianity is their legacy they must accept genocide and anti-god behaviour of those who say that they are of the church – I cannot accept that because those people were not Christians or Muslims or Witches 

– The glory of genocide against the innocence of the planet, the innocence of all the [3] kingdoms of this planet – over a million Buffalo slaughtered in the USA by these people, imagine that your a family of a million with females and young ones and along come cave dwellers on horses and they murder you at the rate of 3,000 a week over 3 or 4 years, what about the Lares [Bigfoot] over 8,000 and they murder all the females and offspring and half your family, why, why do they do these things, for your skin, for your horns [Elephant, Rhino], to murder Lions and Tigers in the name of fun [game], genocide is on a much larger scale but you are willing to accept that has your history – there are those who do things and then go church on Sunday and do it all over again come Monday – without nothing godly about them, but how many of us think that is a SIN, how many people actually think that what they are doing is wrong – if you can brutalize and murder that Buffalo and her children then you can brutalize and murder humans – its just a thought from one to another and many have gotten away with it but in our eyes which is [Gods] eyes they haven’t really gotten away with it, nature [NTR] is making them pay the price but one of the problems is the ignorance among the 9ethers is causing us all to pay the price with them, when we have not committed the crime, many think they did that, those others, the 6ethers, so it wasn’t me, not me, many think that is alright, no it isn’t alright, you will not be ‘saved’ because of ignorance – you are implored to seek wisdom, knowledge, even in their Bible the word wisdom and knowledge is mentioned 1000s of times – you are acquired to seek knowledge, wisdom – to be spiritual you must obtain those [2] things – yet we reside in a culture where people are kept ignorant and told they could be spiritual – check all literature, they all say you must acquire knowledge and wisdom and that you must understand you and what is around you and how you relate

Oya [Isis] the Orisha(s) many of you are children of the Orisha(s) Osiris and we are going to look at Oya who has power over the dead – Isis transforms, she brings the dead back to life aka this is what Oya does – these are the same people [Yorba[ who were in Egypt and they had moved because sum one had invaded their land, they left their temples, they couldn’t grow Papyrus where they were because of the dampness from the sea and they picked up a new language from their brothers and sisters that were already living there but they brought the divine principles of understandings and they created their KAA system and they added to it because no system should be stagnant because none of us know all the systems, there are fragments left around the planet but no complete system is left – so that means everyday new knowledge is probable for consciousness in search and sincerity

The one thing that the 6ether Europeans did not want us to do and that was to get into Alkebulan KAA systems aka African spiritual systems, you can do whatever you like but don’t get into the KAA systems – why, if its nothing more than Ju-Ju, if it doesn’t mean anything or can do anything then give me all of it, wouldn’t you think that would be the logic – all this knowledge is hidden in private collections, in private buildings, you cannot get access to it and even though the 6ethers sit there all day and night studying it, there is nothing they can use from it because they are not connected through source

The Orisha are primarily [9] principle energies and in India they are called Rishi [O-rish-a, which they are also known has the Orissa [Odisha] Orisha [Odessa] Odia, they are from Alkebulan and are 9ether

When we see the works in India [Ethiopia] you must inner-stand the divine knowledge 

Mother and Child 

Rolled locks [right] 

Head shapes 


He is rolling his lock(s) up 


That is not a mirror - bluetooth and receiver- video call - ipad - cell phone 

 Is she allowed to write - right image is made, craved from wood [Thailand] 
There is no Asia minor or major 

Who are these deities, what animals are they, the Chinese Zodiac is not limited to CHINA has INDIA right the way across to CHINA is one place 

Brahma [Braham] Abraham on left [with tail and another leg] and modem [bag] 

All instruments come from the KUSH that was brought to INDI 


These are not mirrors 

MaStar precision designs - layered stone works   


Natty dread [Rasta] 

Natty Dread [Locks] Locs [Nazareth] Narraroth 


Locks and Bumps 

Rishi [O-rish-a] 


parent to the HINDU KUSH - the HINDU(s) are from SAH [SAHU] Orion - Vegas 
They used WAJI avatars 

Rishi [O-rish-a,] Orissa [Odisha] [Odessa] Odia,
The Nava Grahas [9] from ancient KUSH [HINDI] 
There is no such word has Buddha only in the Western commercial world, the word is
UBUNTU [BUNTU], Due to linguistic evolution, the term BUTHU changed to BUTHA, and later BUDHA- this is an Alkebulan [African] concept 

Laser technology - advanced cutting tools 

Palermo is a code word to mean that you have [black] 9ether blood and means that you are Sicilian and not just Italian – these women are from Palermo and they are BAA people has well as KAA, whether they know this or not – they are the protectors of the integrity of the Italian people

Mafia - Boss – also known as the Capomandamento, Capocrimine, Rappresentante, Don, or Godfather, is the highest level in a crime family – don [dun] means [black] and Mafia is a Moor word – they are not criminals although they are portrayed like that – they provide the money for the instruments for their community- for in their view of ecology the 9ether is an object for exploitation for their survival and are not a human brother of sister – like with the Japanese and the Yakuzi and the Chinese and the Tong and the Jews with the De La Costa Nostra, all these private criminal or private army networks that grow out of the religious centres out of all those committees that are made up of their intricate, intimate brotherhood and sisterhood

Don Dada [The highest Don] 
Dada [Dad] means father 

      Witch [Bitch] Zitch
Wicca [Wikka] Wika [Hika]
Salem [Sol-em] 


Many people were never meant to be parents, many men or women were not meant to have children, bad child is a child who is rebelling and you are the cause, the child is only a byproduct of you
Most people get it wrong with the first child but ultimately the child being allowed is from the parent, if it is a boy and his dad is a dildo and he sees the dad treating the mum like sh9t then what do you think is going to happen, child can only be child, the disrespect starts with the parents 
Look at dogs, bad owners [parents] not bad dog - the child has to be taught disrespect

When you see sum one [or you] that is nervous, this is a sign that you [or that person] cares

 If you feel pain, then you have [Chi] life force, if you have emotions then you have [Chi] life force 

That is how you do it, half the sentence or so and good behaviour - and then collect your pension 

North Alkebulan 

The Sumerians 


In London [UK], workers found what appeared to be remnants of creatures and artifacts when they were clearing an abandoned house for demolition

The house used to belong to Thomas Theodore Merrylin who was known as Crypto, Zoologist and Xeno-Archeologist, the strange creatures and artifacts that were found in the basement of Thomas Merrylin's home in the 1960's

Thomas Merrylin studied and collected items for a long period of his life and his passion stared when he found remains of small creatures, small humanoid like creatures that had wings and could fly, he must have been breeding a certain amount 

Condor [Concorde]

The same whale photographed 35 years apart
Both photos taken off the coast of Mexico
The recent image is from 2020- the whale might have died because sum one is blasting them out of the sea, you can see part of the tail is missing from a ship

Ghosts are residual fragments leftover in the matrix aka ghost programs, the program stays in the negative field, those without a BAA stay in the earths negative field 

The word ghost is from two words welded together gospel and the word spell [ghospell] 

Those birds were taken by craft or they were dump by sum thing, they could have been caught in a vacuum of sum sort, the fact that they are one species makes it unlikely this was random 
We are in real time with these footages- they are in this dimension 
What is up with the baby, is she or him human, what kind of human or is that a glitch in the matrix 

Jamaican footballer Gil Heron was the first 9ether to play for Glasgow [Celtic] FC and the father of musician and poet Gil Scott-Heron

Been looking for this for an hour - 
sum one posted this 

They left this for the ones who were to proceed has agreed, so what if it was blown up, those left working for the negative and disagreeable, those fighting for position will carry on has agreed 
 The 500,000,000 that they want only means the culling must intensify, you are not dying fast enough 

12 so far in 2023
20 in 2018
20 in 2020
Is this the rails buckling because of land movement or all these wagons full of poison and sum one is trying to kill you - was you nuked, like Don King says, only in America  

Over Croatia - man couldn't do that and what are those 3 light sources 

No energy signatures, these are not meteorites or asteroids - so what are they, they are traveling together and the US military can see them - this balloon thing is to cover them because they are shooting at the star-family, meteorites are hitting the planet without them detecting until the last minute, these are pods containing logistics, personnel, we may be breaking out into war soon

Holographic computer code 

Where is the red coming from

Check the size 

[7] colours [energies] 

SUN + NIBIRU and friend 

Moon and friends 

New [Old] Zealand is getting smashed, they have already had 2 or so heavy weather systems and flooding, NTR hates you and is serving you eviction notices 

Earthquakes are hitting - Romania gets two M6 - the planet is charged and ready, more quakes are due 

Algeria- the sea retreats 

Places getting hit 

To me this is a coded message
1+8 = 9 - we see this three times
1,800 = 9 [810 = 9] and 4,000 + 400 + 10 = 9]
The ANNUNAKI mercenaries are in Ukraine and have the portal secure, this is their only chance to take back the portal - to put this message out letting everyone know what they are doing doesn't fit in with Russia and makes me wonder if PUTIN has been taken out or captured - many top Russian ranking officials are dying in strange circumstances  

The release of 26 million barrels taken after they stopped sum months ago, who are they selling it to this time - this means the US have around 340 million left which is 1980s levels - they just drained 200 million since the start of 2022 - the US is in big sh9t with oil [reserves] and artillery and everything else, the war in the USA is looming - this will be their real civil war - blockbuster 

Who is tracking who 

First frame we see the blackout, we see the headlights of a bigger craft on the right light up that would otherwise be cloaked along with a second on the left, next frame we see that craft is going to dock in the SUN and the next set of images show the supervision of this craft that is always around 

Craft with beam on - that other craft is going to dock in the SUN

Main craft and scout craft 

Craft carrier 

Crafts have already been seen and many will soon light up the SKA 

You can see the same-ish craft 

Cursing along is this 'cloud' that is also casting a shadow onto the ocean, captured by a plane that is around 30,000ft - this is the only cloud around for miles

Sitting pretty 

Watching you 

She said she had no fear

Violence has increased 10fold
Women and children
Ultra violence - Ultraviolet [PLASMA]   

The CROWN for many is offline, watch yourself and check yourself 

2009 and 2023 


RED and PINK will kill you
Norway and Australia [images] 
Read all data in CHAKRA NRG

The SUN is blasting out - see the RED in the CROWN [planet]
If you see the SUN first rising you will see the RED from NIBIRU who is rising with the SUN, this has been going on since 2012 and NIBIRU would move in closer each year in October, this expired in 2021
Crafts and other planetary bodies are being seen more and more, sum places have full disclosure and are seeing everything, how long can chemical BA[AL] clouds hide what is to come 

Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, is that Grey 

Energy in the SKA against BA[AL] 

Red-Iron-Oxide SKA
You should be worried 

Snapshot of the resonating frequency 

KANADA 16.2.2023
Huge tones- look at that 
Red kills 

[X] coming, look at the rim 

These are mutating wavelengths that is deleting artificial life, no SOUL then no SOULAR NRG [CME] 

Do you remember [MAAT] is this what you want 


The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is [Septarian] Septet [Sirius] and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and Ratan [Rahu] is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]

MAAT is also the holy Shakina [Kachina] Shekinah

2023 [7] means completion, war is the next phase 

Do not walk past those who you could provide light for, besides were are you going, it begins and ends here, the CROWN [PURPLE] houses the processing plant, sum times this plant can get overcharged, it can slow down, it can block, mental health is consuming many, many people are taking their lives, young couples together has become noticeable, many are taking their lives, don't walk past if the KAA tells you to offer sum thing, a few words or even a smile can ignite the KAA [BAA] in sum one, you could be the only one in sum ones life in that very moment that sparks the Chi [Life] force in sum one

The other day I had to talk with sum one on the phone and the receptionist was low, she was flat and when I was ending the call KAA had been telling me sum thing, I could hear it in her voice, so just before I hung up I said sum thing, she replied how would you know that, I continued and she said thank you, you have no idea what that means to me, little does she know that I do, were did the words come from, it doesn't matter, what matters is that sum one reached out when she needed it the most

Use discernment because many are meant to be in the state that they are in

No one is better than another, we don't know how sum one got to that place, we don't know what they have been through - you must use discernment, don't provide light for those who are going trough KARMA, but for those who seem lost, for those who could do with a spark, listen to the tone of sum one, watch their eyes for they don't lie, there is language in the eyes, in their voice, you have [7] senses and your KAA guide, your heart is powerful and connects to others, don't walk on by when you are being presented with the chance to save a life aka extend a life, no one saves lives, we extend lives  

Intermittent sensations are present and many people are in-between emotions, energy in motion, mood swings are mode swings, heal sum one and you ultimately heal[th] yourself  

The frequency is affecting everyone, Plasma is affecting everyone - you can do this also but in a positive way, spread lov9 [light] 

She is not playing, I listened to that on repeat, real mother, she spoke from the heart and her true feelings 

No trends are being set or go viral unless they say so, there is a lot of symbolism going on out there, more than before, like its normal - like its your new world



The next generation cannot be contained 

Only 6ethers dig up those resting, Muslims and [white] people dig up 9ethers remains, they dig up the dead, how disrespectful, but not if its 9ethers, you are going to suffer for this
I bet that 6ether Arab is hurt, another black person for fu9ks sake
These are SEMU people, caretakers, mangers of sites, these are families that stayed behind to keep the place nice and tidy and functioning

This place is huge and reminds me of Angkor Wok [size]
This place would have been surrounded by water [power]
You can see the damage
Those plates had beams in them, part of the power circuit, you can still see the holes 
You can still see Vimana pads  

INDIAN [MIR] and inverted MIR 


Synagogue [Senegal]

What is going on here with these mosaics – we see Greco [reptilian]-Romans with who [??]
These Mosaics were first discovered at the site in 2012, and work has continued each summer since then a mosaic depicting Samson and the foxes
The next summer, an adjacent mosaic was uncovered that shows Samson carrying the gate of Gaza on his shoulders
  Another mosaic discovered in 2013 and 2014 depicts the first non-biblical story ever found decorating an ancient Synagogue — and they suggest that this is perhaps the legendary meeting between Alexander the Great and the Jewish high priest
A mosaic panel uncovered in 2015 next to this scene contains a Hebrew inscription surrounded by human figures, animals and mythological creatures including putti (cupids)
Mosaics discovered in 2016 portray two biblical stories: Noah’s Ark and the parting of the Red Sea, in which Pharaoh’s soldiers are swallowed by large fish similar to the fish swallowing Jonah

We don't know how or what these are for Samson had dreads, the tower of Babel was a teleportation hub- Johan was taken in an underwater crafts, inside he described the ribs has bronze  

[Aztlan] artefact of an astronaut [he is wearing a animal themed helmet] and oxygen pack and another bent-ish down, they are inside a [portal] tardis, just like they show you in Sumerian panels   

The WARI are 9ethers, ignore the models in the clothes images 

Aztlan [South America] HERU [PERU] 
Bolivia is founded in 1825 and is to why there are crossovers with Chile and those of Nevada [Atlantis] USA with the designs, these are classed has funeral monuments, these are teleportation hubs, these are what we see around the planet, they are older than the 3,500 mark that they cut off most history
The USA is West-Africa - Camels and Elephants come from the USA [Atlantis] 

Counting systems [Calculator]
PERU [HERU] INCA [MANDINKA] INKA – they can run into the millions and are 100% accurate



This planet is nothing without its hosts  

Elite cavalry of the Kanem-Bornu Empire
Chad region
Moors just means [9ethers]

Anne Boleyn [Queen] of England was 9ether 
Queen of Scots Mary Stuart was 9ether 

This is where Scotty and Scota [Scotia] came from – there was one Melanin siStar and one Albino sister – they were fraternal twins exactly like these two siStars and is to why Nova Scotia has so many dark-skinned people and why the Scotty moved into what we called the Appalachians and why you have so many red-headed freckled people from Kentucky and Tennessee – these two siStars are what Scotty and Scota [Scotia] looked like 

A-Set [mind] throne, pulpit, consciousness, eye, Nephthys and Mut either side also represented in the triple Cobra [trinity] not sure who the main Cobra is the other two have had their crowns knocked off 
 [Ma'Sem [Mason] Ma'other and child

Right image Consciousness in its most potent stage, finger on lip, telepathy, Lotus, his crown contains [3] trinity - the left and right eye of the main eye [pineal gland] you actually have seven more smaller eyes near your main eye that allows you to see multiple dimensions at the same time 

They are hoping that time becomes our greatest enemy and our ability to see the full spectrum in putting the pieces together to understand the war runs out

ENLIL [ZUES SKA GOD] is off planet under the supervision of the Galactic Council – however when we talk about ENKI or ENLIL or OSIRIS and so on, if they are not physically present you have to read them has an energy signature, whether KALI or IN.ANNA and so on, they are principle energy signatures, they are certain energy signatures that relay quantum information, the great Thunderbird is telling you exactly why the thunder is being made because he is speaking from the Hussia authoritative utterance insight of the Pharaoh – the Pharaoh is the FEMI9 gender behind the throne the [Raoh] of the Pha-raoh or the woman behind the Pharaoh, [ISIS] is the Pharaoh himself or the male figure which represents the rulership branch

She empowers him to rule the people if he can show he can rule with a balanced temperament and has the view of a God mind and not that of a mortal mind therefore he must move from the PTAH of righteousness into righteous PTAH and guide all of those in his King-Dome into that PTAH and then she will grant him the right [rite] to reign over her people – she will not just let anyone ascend to the throne causing chaos – sum one has to then put the chaos back into order and the only way to correct the chaos back into order is to slow-walk through what went on

Solomon [Sol-Amon] was only the wisest man because the siStars gave him the knowledge, SHEBA [MAKADA] and he siStars chose him, not the other way around

Out ancestors eluded at the critical point and why was they not able to overcome this obstacle – the Conjure wars, this caused them to have amnesia, they cut the frequency to [7.89hz] – how did they end the war – during the war they gave birth and these children still were born with amnesia but they are going to overcome it, these are in the texts from Tehuti – where he lost his mind and put it all back together – it’s the same sh9t that we see now

Hollywood is being controlled by the people they are trying to get rid of, they put out all the history in their movies, all the news and articles are controlled by these people – they don’t want you to know what they look like – they came in the Conjure wars, they were induced between the 32 Scottish rites – there was an ancient city in Morocco [Moorocco] called FEZ [images above] which was an educational institution and when the Hyksos [9ether Egyptians] get kicked out they have to come through FEZ to get to Spain – but in western history they want us to think that it’s the 6ether Europeans that is controlling this matrix when they are just puppets – this is just a game that is being played and you need to know this so that you don’t get caught up in this trick – use the rules to your advantage at all times – the player position is to come from the heart and tell the truth, be of the truth because this game is based on a lie and once you come from the truth then it will set you free  

ENLIL is the SKA daddy and ENLI is the LAND daddy and they are playing a game – SKA daddy is also known has Zeus and he is also known has RA – the people that belong to KI [earth] belong to the Neb [Lord] of the earth [KI] and the people that don’t belong to KI belong to the SKA Neb [Lord] because t-he-y came from sum where else – that is why he has that title – the SKA daddy brought his ‘fallen’ ones with him – they didn’t really ‘fall’ has they came down here on purpose and the war in heaven broke out on earth [KI] – this is the royal family from NIBIRU – which got out of hand and involved other beings that then they set up the Galactic alliance to contain this – the children got out of control and has adults they still are out of control however there are others that do not think it is funny at all – we are all here to learn the game so that you can read the game – you have to grow up and be a [God] and on your way there you need to play different pieces on the board, like SENET [Chess] pieces on the game board – the most powerful piece on the SENET [board] is the QUEEN and once many get to the other side they get a nu QUEEN – under the patriarchal system he rules by himself but under the matriarchal system you rule has part of a team - the collective are the ones breaking this game

Queen protects King 

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