Saturday, 26 February 2022

Sundance Kid

Macro [Micro]

You the tiny little sperm-cell [liquid light] that is still in a race [racist] but they have many following in the wrong race out here  

The race that you were supposed to chase is your next sun [son] for the egg that you first travelled to when you became [whole] as [one] that was your first sun [son] which could have been a moon-egg [proton light] or a sun-egg [electron light]

So, way back when you started off, you started off has a little sea-serpent lighting your Ptah

Water is Crystal liquid  
[Moya] Water 
W-ater [M-ater] 

[liquid light varies in colour] – look at you, all them millions that you were travelling with, this was your first battle aka your first race [you fu9king racist] to get to that sun [son] portal [womb] aka a ship for you is an extra-terrestrial entity, a little being of light, so tiny but ever so mighty, you are liquid-living-light 

This liquid-light needed a suit [avatar] because you are too delicate for you are coming in from the light-world [hologram] spirit-world aka the water-world [dark-waters] and what was guiding you was that light- look at image, you lit the way of your Ptah through all that darkness, when the 9ethers are born in the womb they also see after 18 days in the womb [3rd eye activates] 

That is a big head on the sperm for such a little body [semen] [seaman] sea-men [see-mind] you received the other side to yourself [your-cell] when you made it to the egg [portal] and becoming [whole] you are not in a sperm- cell anymore

Survival of the fittest- you were the One [Neo] to make it 

You received your other half aka your upper-brain the organ [muscle] brain and spinal cord [Djed] Jacob’s ladder [vertebrate] and if you notice at the end of the spinal there is no other brain which is the underworld – there is no small and large intestines

This is you, your spine, your brain and nervous system [chakra system]
Sperm-cell is one part of the organ [brain] and the tail is your spine, this is you without the flesh and is still you, now you have your brain – the second part of self [cell] 

Look at your spine [centipede] hence why its called the centre- piece [centipede] and why they look the same, the discs in-between the spine are the angles [angels] the real [reel] you [light] dwells within the vertebrates

This is the spine with the tail, the serpent tail [Cobra] and is where the [Kundalini] dwells aka NIBIRU(s) [Neb Heru] light – inside of you, with her-u forces

NIBIRU travels up the spine breaking all the barriers and [aiding] you to crack all those chambers wide open, so you can get to heaven [haven]

Get to Jupiter’s light [the middle world] for Jupiter’s light opened the heart meaning you can penetrate Mercury [throat chakra] which is the centipede region [neck] your Jacobs ladder, so that you can climb the steps to get to heaven [Sirius], religious people are fuc9ed because they have a different version which leads them nowhere but to earth  

You will have to break through Mercury [throat] to get to Neptune

The serpent in the spine is her light and the other serpent in the body is your enemies [large intestines] light

Mercury [throat] has been in play for a long time with the lies [throat chakra] the centre-pede is the throat chakra 

Go and look at the Tree of Life aka the Chakra system 

This is the organ [muscle] brain [mem-brane] brane-brain with the electron and proton [ions]
The veins crisscross on each side aka proton and electron, so when the suns rays enter in via the crown
chakra via your hair [9ether] via your 3rd eye – right controls left [hemisphere] brain [dome]

Right is the red and left is the blue [circulatory system- and is why the spine is spelt spin-e = spin]

Look at the Pelvis- looks like a mask [batman] and is talking about the underworld aka the first brain – you can even see the bat wings- you have this in your head - the Bat wings 

Basically, you are still a sperm-cell, you just have your other half which is the flesh-suit, you needed a cocoon to grow [womb] a womb is a cocoon, you were already a baby when you got to that ship, your vessel, you needed that vessel [MEKABA] to grow your lights like a butterfly, you are here to do the same, transcend in light

How did you feed your KHA [body] aka flesh- with food, how do you feed your light- with electric foods and radiation aka energies aka chakra and planetary bodies and NIBIRU and for sum of you the Moon and the others the Sun, for you are a soular being in a solar [soular] system with soular light [darkness radiation]

The real [reel] you is light [soul] and not flesh [body]

 New blood or rare blood = clone, rarest blood does not mean [god] there is a horseman in here, you could very well have come from a lab [clone]  
It is the [sickle cell] lineage that are one of the original bloodlines here and they are being readied, for they are from the water-world – their blood saves all here
When Malaria broke out it was their blood that created a natural immune protection system against Malaria
O-Negative [sickle] their blood cures everything in here but they can only take blood from their own kind

A-B blood types, you are before the murder of Cane and Abel and that blood [A-B] from Eve(s) children, they are twins, one male and one female, one was Nubian Koppa-tone and one was Krystal, the crystal murdered the rod – I check for the Krystal because the Krystal was abused by the parents [Satan] and the jealousy thing among siblings, sh9t- have you seen people out here today, it’s the same thing isn’t it, you can see the loop today, sibling rivalry and jealousy+   

There were many Eve(s)

This is how it goes, you see the brain, lets go with the four corners of the world [globe], so say there are four quarters, red, yellow, blue and green [WAJI] – we have to have it balanced on each side, so we have salt-water and you have fresh-water just like the ocean- just like the brain [right and left brain = hemisphere] inside of a body, electrical [currenSea] almost a conductor in here

So, we have the fresh-water mermaids [MERMAN] [NOMOS][NUMO] and we have the salt-water mermaids in the sea for what you see in the sea you see [sea] on land aka a copy

Nommos [Nomos] Nomu, Orisha, Ogrigwabibikwa, Dercito, Draco, Dagan, Takshaka, Naga, Malayket Bahri [river angels], Ogdoads, Ghouls 
[Amphibians] half-fish [half-human] 

You have mermaids in the sea and mermaids on land [for they walk on land], you have the fish-man [with wings] both on land and in water and you have the Horseman, there is the Horseman in the sea and the Horse on land [sea-horse] and Horses, you have seen both [sea-horse are also called sea-dragons], you have the Kat-fish and BOOMBABY you have the Feline [Kats] Cats called Pets and we have the Katman who walks on two legs, you have the Wolf-fish in the sea and on land you have the Wolf – and all is also in the insect world, insect- amphibians- land dwellers- SKA dwellers+ all this and more is what the dragon family are, if you cannot find yourself in the seas and on land then you don’t belong here for it’s a water-world, as above, so below [inside] and [out], we reflect, if you don’t reflect it then why are you here [???]

The ones that carry the sickle trait in the DNA but have no sickle are [1] ion, the rest are [2] Baphomet, the [1] ion was a simulation that became real [reel] through granddaddy Jupiter(s) light

Then we have the original [1] ion who is SET [SETH] SUK [SUT] which comes with all [3] lights 
[this would be the grandchild Cain and Abel]

[A-B] is a top angel [angle] suns [sons] stand above angels, angels are Lucifer's, any rod in here is a Lucifer [Lu-Cell-fer] [Amber light] we are talking about different lights and not the Bible jargon associated with these names, Lucifer's are the bringers of the light, what is the light here – seamen [semen] aka liquid light, the real you before you took your flesh

Who gives the blood to who is both, the flesh must first be governed by the light, it is the light that is powering your KHA [body], not the flesh running the light, the little you when you first penetrated your first vessel [sun] the egg has to govern itself [its-cells] aka your light

You are light grade, the blue bloods give the immortality egg, for blue blood comes from Uranus, the Lucifer's and the original [1] ions come from Neptune – not all come from heaven [haven] Sirius

Jupiter is the middle world-

You need [2] ions and s-he is here to aid you build your lights, she brings the messages, so listen carefully and by the way, she eats lights aka fallen [gods] aka fallen suns aka fallen stars aka you

 No one can hatch unless they give the egg heat, we live in the body of a dragon, we are cells to a dragon, and is to why Hydrogen [Hy-Dragan] is the most abundant energy- ever       

If your lights gets eaten, then you cannot come back- this is it, we are at extinction levels

You must vibrate on her frequency, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune are all in higher dimensions [chakras] and you must attain this level, you need their lights or you get eaten

[Look at the Decepticon symbol- doesn't it look like the Pelvis] 

Voltron [Volt-tron] was replaced with the Decepticons [Transformers] Prime, the characters of Voltron represent the green, blue, yellow and the red

Prime means first, this is about SET and ASARU, the four corners of the so-called earth is his brain, pineal gland, she is his soul, s-he is HERU [HORUS] aka darkness radiation, she is his flower, we are her angels [angles] no-one in here stands above her, no man can outrank a wombman for you came from her first [prime] she stands above you

Many people are going to get left behind, masses are going to go down, it doesn’t matter what your blood type is or how much ether you are, if your light is not on point, you go down, the King Arthur story is about the purest heart, only one could give him one and this is who the messenger of light is, she is texting you right now and she is judging all in here   

We are in Judgement, do not add to this field for she is on a warpath, have you seen what is going on out there in the 3D world, they are having to go to war to distract her energy, remember she is not in flesh and is in light, she is turning the rings and the sun

We are in her world which is the light world [spiritworld] where gravity does not exist and it your light that is the container

If you have blue or greens eyes then you cannot feed on Ultraviolet rays, get sun-glasses and go out after sunset, stay in the house [this is why you have all these companies setting up delivering your goods, foods, because you will not be able to come outside ever again, this will apply to sum of the 9ethers even though you have brown eyes], many of the blue and green eyes are moon babies [feed on the moon] and were created during the moon cycle which has now expired and why many are on zer0 birth-rate, the second largest Hispanic maternity hospital shut down around 3 weeks ago in the USA because now the Hispanics are on zer0 birth-rate, when Obama was in office they said that soon it would be the Hispanics that would hold the vote over the 6ethers in the USA, now both groups have now expired, they are not birthing no-more and whatever children they have here is it and many have defects

The ego [lower-self] lower chakras [underworld] is being removed and means she is destroying all those who are in their egos aka those whose nose is up their ass

The 3D is ugly, ugly minds, ugly thoughts and the rest of us have to get us all up out of here by any means necessary, protect you light at all cost, even if you have to die saving your light for you know you are not the flesh

Your heart records everything, your second brain cannot lie to her, she knows everything, your heart is being weighed right now for we are in her field – watch for those who are feeding off of you or one another, stay out of that kind of field for they are using an extension cord to exist    

Out of your body your light covers a huge range, like the size of a football field 

 The neutrons are what is called spirits, when you leave here you become neutrons stars and they are the ones that didn’t make it out of here, they are called the angels to her, she opens [black-holes] portals [wombs] to get angels through and we all have to go through her portal, and this is where the grey-area is because do you deserve to go through her pum-pum, do you, only she will decide if you can pass through her portal

Don’t fu9k with her for death is moving, death is a part of l-if-e, it is the afterlife that you should be worried about, many think they will just leave here and done, all those who don’t have light and so on+ they just think they can leave or die and that is it, oh-no- it is the after-life that many should be worried, remember energy can never be destroyed and everything down here has spirit-energy, so, once again don’t fu9k with her because we all have to pass through her pum-pum, many of you are not going home because you fu9ked up while you were down here 

Why do you think all them ancients took soldiers, animals, goods+ all to the other-side- many are waiting for you on the other side of the mirror 

All those for example who killed animals [game] trophy hunters, child neglect, rape, denigrated others, denigrated the FEMI9, you name it, whatever you or them did, there will be other simulations for you, you will be punished fairly, you will be given another chance, maybe you will come back down here without no arms so that you cannot use a cross-bow or rifle on another life, maybe you kicked your child, then you come back down here in a wheelchair so you don’t use your legs again, sum will be taken to other planets and will never see Ki or their home again, the next cycle for you will be 12,500 years and means you will have an array of simulations and for many, many have tried to kill themselves but the higher ones won't let you, no matter how you try, you are alive now so that you can go through your karma in real [reel] time and many are going through karma-waves, I hope they allow you to retain sum of your memory so that you slightly remember how much of a cu9t you really was or are or that you remember sum thing is not right when you get sent back, that you were sum thing in another life much better than what you are now in- we are all here to learn- this is a learning zone 

There is a program for everyone who gets their light eaten by the most abundant energy in here, it is the afterlife that you should be really worried about 

MA’AT is the harmonious order of the universe, she is balance and truth she is the sustenance of Amen-Re

9to9tothe9th PoWRA

Ma’AT-Ma’Atics, Ma’at is an ancient system of morals and values that guided thought, and behaviour in ancient times- ancient times apply in today’s times, guides to guide the soul, you

Chaos- Do not fu9k with her 
Truth- Based in fact with honesty and integrity
Justice- A state of fairness and lawful judgement
Straight- A state of consistent positive (good) conduct
Reciprocity- What goes around comes around
Balance- An equal distribution of weight
Order- The correct sequence of thought and action
Harmony- One accord, a pleasing arrangement

The world is equally divided between positive (Good) and negative (Bad)

Read all data in light codes [energies] radiation
Colours are very important 

These images are from the Italian Schuman and are recording sone [light] that is then transferred into these graphs

CME is penetrating the planet so wherever it will hit they will use HAARP to deflect the energy, the sun is shining because the EMF is being hit and this means they will use HAARP to make it cold, the egg needs heat and they do not want this to take place, so prepare for sum very cold conditions 

We will see the lights in all four corners of the world, it will be show-time for many


We know who that is 

but who is that 

Japan [part of Nepal]
Binary system 

Shields 7up

[7] lights coming from the rim of the sun and at the core is the ether-ray [portal]  

Kanada- sphere sitting right there

You have visitors, they are also sitting over the English Channel and over the city of London [UK] and all other major cities and military installations around the planet and that includes their HAARP machines on land, air, water

Elon Musk will use star-link which are a group of satellites to view the fleets that are over Russia and Europe 

Watching you, watching me


This has got to go

Goree island
West Alkebulan

The doors of no return, once you left through these doors you never ever' returned home, you would eventually never know where your family were or when they died nor them about you

The doors of destiny continue to turn in this perpetual cycle called life, eclectic word called life but I'm here to tell you, there is sum thing else 

This door is a mirror or return, reflection, it is a star-gate for those to return, this is the reverse work of illusions 

This is in NAGA [INDA] INDIA- you know the details that this was cut out of rock from the top down, one piece 3D laser-diamond cut, landing site along with teleportation hub+ with underground base
The base also shows African wombman in INDA [INDIA] NAGALAN - sum with locks [locs] 

Etruscan [Italy] Pompeii -destroyed in minutes
You can see the Mt is missing a huge chunk
Below you can see the speaker boxes
The Dead sea is dead because they dismantled the speaker box [sea] that is why it is dead and flooded it  

Precision cut

Portals built by the NAGA
Lingams are transformers of atmospheric electricity 

Look carefully

False fence around German department store which is actually a MUUR portal – they also dismantled the Iy [temple] and the technology [equipment]
Cadres and rotund in temples were protected, screened from electromagnetic and gravitational waves, which are components of the energy flow of time [light] emit 

10 massive steps to where, who built this, the descent is around 2 kilometres 

Organ built by the MOORS [MUURS] MAURS in Germany 

Antenna in a direct-angle 
9 Ether Tartar [Russia] 

For sum reason the artist chose to place a well in the centre of the battle 
Miniature of the Battle of Cresson, National Library of France
Jean Columbus (around 1430 - 1493/1529)
what was really there


This war is going to be one-sided - remember the physical war is NOT our war 

You shouldn’t take things to heart, because after all, its just a simulation, you live and you learn, dust your shoulders off and come again - now get up Neo [you] 

If life wasn’t easy and didn’t ask, didn’t tease me or take things back

Our thoughts are with those around the world - know that no one will be wasted, all energy goes back to source eventually, its how they get there that is the journey

Don’t bite the hand that feeds you- repair while you can, scars need attention 

Your mum will always be your protector 

As above, so below- 


[research and get sum]

Portal to inner-earth 

Japan [Nepal] Beetle [Dub] 

Here you will see the land roach and in Leviticus they mention the water roach which is pawns, shrimps, lobsters, crayfish, crabs+ which is why you shouldn't eat none of them 

There are over 10million different insects, not total of insects, 10 million different insects- that is how intricate the eco-system is 

Egyptian Kat

In nature the evolved hunter is the Feline, other carnivore family members so will evolve like a Feline if there is no Kat area proven like Madagascar
The Fossa which is actually a non-feline evolved its body accessories to be almost like a Kat to hunt like a Kat
Pound for pound the Kat is on top due to their incredible muscular strength, super flexibility and poWRA-full paw-claw-hand ability 

Is the Fossa not mixed between the Egyptian Kat and another Lemur >> 








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Smiling Faces

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