Friday, 25 February 2022

Casting Out

Athyr(s) Angels 
 [7] siStars [Orion] [Ouranos]
Netert Athyr [Atheer] Hathor [Hatha]  
Hathor is the double for ASet
FEMI.9 principle 

Yuko [Yuka] Yoga [Yoda] Rero [Riro]
Atheer [Hatha] [Hathor] Ha-thor [thor] Athyr  
Yoga started in the Nile Valley before Yuko arrived in India and China 

Hathor(s) are an ascended, energetic and inter-dimensional
They are intergalactic and have outposts that span parts of this universe and beyond

The Hathor(s) siStars came through Sirius [SAHU] which is a portal to this universe and the etheric realms of Venus 
[We are in Venus transit full stop]
In the past they worked through the main fertility goddess of ancient KHMT [Tama-re] Egypt
They have a very strong FEMI.9 presence

The Hathor(s) are healers of healers using sone therapy in their healing process [read carefully]

Hathor(s) [Angels] Athyr are serving us in our evol-ution and ascension

They are helping us to achieve our self-awareness and our elevation

Many of them had spread out into the cosmos and created new civilizations, sum went to Vega, others the Pleiades, and yet others Sirius

They were tall, giants, different features including blond and blue eyed the inferior avatar, but not all, their Lyran [Syrian] Sirian roots are present in their appearance, sum glowed in a golden colour
Same winged disc symbol like the Tama-re [KHMT] Egyptians, but also symbolic of the ability of the Ka [spirit] to fly free while remembering their wise, divine source

Now these extra-terrestrials literally came down from space, but souls choosing to incarnate upon the earth also had to change their vibrational frequencies

EN.LIL [Set] was first to come to Tiamat [Earth] and was there before any HuMin or Mankind was created, the Sumerian texts called mankind the Black-Headed People

When protons and neutrons didn’t exist, the universe was a soup Quarks [souls]
The strong forces carried by particles of the physicist called Gluons, because they act like the most perfect i-Magi-nable glue [plasma] 

Hy-dragon [FEMI.9] Kundalini [Serpentine] 

This element used in the formation of stars and the most abundant and simplest gas in the universe in one of the many fuels of the stars, the light of the heaven [haven] Sirius and the Earth [Ki]
All elements and substances in existence came through hydrogen to this side of matter [NWN] from antimatter [NWNT]
In the stellar cores, hydrogen is converted into helium and other heavier elements

So it is, with Ether [1] you have energy darkness into Ether [2] you have subatomic energy
At Ether [7] you have spirit [Kaa]
At Ether [8] you have soul [Baa]
At Ether [9] you have [God]

For 90% of hydrogen’s life-time, this is the main activity of a star as a HuMin to reproduce its kind
This period of burning hydrogen at a consistent rate designates it as a Main Sequence Star, a light star, a light sun, and is the ether state

 There is a dark star, a dark sun, the Black [KAA.NU] Sun

The most abundant energy in the universe is hydrogen = FEMI.9 NRG 

S-he is here

SA.HU (Orion-) is teeming with Nebula(s)

A Nebula, or Nebulae is a diffuse mass of interstellar dust or gas or both, visible as luminous patches or areas of darkness depending on the way the mass absorbs or reflects incident radiation
It comes from [Middle English] Nebule, cloud, mist, from Latin (Roman) Nebula
Sum bipolar Nebulae contain more than a sun’s worth of mass, and all of them are expanding at hypersonic speeds
Astronomers now see bipolar Nebulae as an imprint of violently colliding stellar winds 
You must understand that all things are created for their specific functions, those of which you may not understand, forms, deformity, all play their parts in All
Events in the universe affect and interact with each other uni = together = to-gather verse = against
In other words, there is no such things as an isolated incident that affects nothing outside of itsCellf

As above, so below 


The three stars that appear about midway in the SAH [SAHU] constellation are coming from the neighbouring 19th soular system and not this soular system [18th]

The Sahu constellation is a StarGate a portal out of the 18th soular system where we reside, the hologram image is that of Asaru (Osiris) who is the Gatekeeper aka this is his holographic doorway, holographic universe

The only way out of this soular system is through Sahu and the Sun [multidimensional portal+ docking station] are both are heavily guarded, command ships, command fleets occupy the space in between

The western breakdown of what a Nebula is, is from Nu [Nun] which translates to the Abyss, the Deep, Nut translates Energy of Nu, her other name is Neit [Net] which translates to weave and is referring to holographic program, the fabric of the computer program [Holographic] 
[Hologram] Universe [UN][NU]   

The earth is like a magnet, she has a north pole and a magnetic south pole and NIBIRU is also a magnet, a stronger magnet, a bigger magnet with its own north and south poles

What happens when a magnet of a certain size approaches a smaller magnet, the same poles repel each other, and opposite poles attract, Earth is usually aligned with the magnetic field of the sun, but NIBIRU has introduced a new magnetic influence, which is impersonating the magnetic influence of the sun and its poles exert a push or an attraction over the poles of the earth, the interaction between all three is evident, NIBIRU wants her and she wants him but she will have to let go (stop rotating and counter-clockwise  

As the earth rotates in her normal rotation movement, the magnetic poles of NIBIRU push, or attract the poles of the earth, according to her polarity to the distance it is located, the north pole of NIBIRU begins to push the north pole of the earth out, because they are of equal polarity, and they are rejected

And, as the earth is spinning (bally) she starts to swing as if she were a top that is losing its momentum, then the magma of the earth (which is magnetic) is shaken, the sway of the earth, which increases, disturbs air currents, and sea currents the climate goes crazy

Tectonic plates drop out of their equilibrium points, or anchored points, and start moving, seismic activity increases, volcanic activity increases, stationary satellites lose their positions, GPS loses accuracy

At the point of its maximum approach to earth, NIBIRU crosses the ecliptic passes across the plane but at that point its magnetic embrace on earth is very powerful, and for an instant (moment) has replaced the magnetic influence of the sun

The Atlantic backbone by composition has a special magnetic quality, and it works as if it were a second south pole, the Atlantic is controlled by the north pole of NIBIRU (opposite poles attract) and the earth stops rotating, the inhabitants of the earth see that the sun has been stopped, or that the moon is never put on one side of the earth an endless day, on the other side a night that doesn't see dawn

So, the north pole of NIBIRU attracts the Atlantic, and the south pole of the Earth with it, upwards, the magma, which is liquid and viscous, adapts rapidly
But the crust of the earth, which is rigid as a shell resist, there comes a point where the bark is loose, and moves quickly to follow the magma

There are great cataclysms all over the world [planet], the pacific is shrinking (Fukushima)- they are shaking things up, flushing the oceans removing the radiation and plastic and trash), and the Atlantic expands, three motherships sitting pretty in Atlantic for a while on duty

The inhabitants of the earth look up and they see [sea] that the stars move quickly, (the ska collapses), the seas come out of their beds to go to the shore, with a height and a strength from which we have no memory or record in historical times other than Gilgamesh

The sea has penetrated violently into the interior, the volcanoes are awakened, those who were active and those who had been called into activation, the powerful winds arrive with hurricane force then it rains, incessantly, for the large amount of water deposited in the atmosphere for 40 days and 40 nights

NIBIRU is no flyby and is following protocol, they have minimised the damage, NIBIRU will be out of range around 2043, the star-station will not be crashing into this planet and only destroys artificial energy hence the name destroyer

NIBIRU will follow their Ptah and leave this system, the earth spins again, as she did before but the earth is no longer the same, the darkened SKA, by the ash of many volcanoes it rains incessantly, for many days, changed is the landscape, changed are the hills, they have changed the plains, they have changed the rivers, sum mountains have risen, others have lost height, others they have collapsed, there is flooding, the ocean raid has bitten off the coastal lines- forever sunk entire territories, and has created new lands from the bottom of the sea, the coastline is now different, and the poles of the earth now occupy a new geographical position, the sun comes out and sets in different places allowing space for the second sun

It is estimated that the new north pole will be located in front of the apex of Brazil, due to the special magnetic condition of the Atlantic backbone, then a large part of Brazil should remain inside the new north polar circle, a new Siberia, one day after tomorrow and the new south pole, over India- the planet is terraforming and so are you, everything is changing

WAJI [Green] radiation symbol is the symbol of the BITCH [ZITCH] WITCH [WICCA] WIKKA WIKA [HIKA]  

Healing energy [WAJI] is hitting the planet as the frequencies change, there is a strong divine FEMI9 presence is the air, people are changing, realizing, activating, they are starting to know [believe]    

ever-green [ever-willing] ever-living [ever-lasting] ever-sure 


The cube [square] and sphere [circle] equal the same = 360o [4 parts] and they have the same magnetic charge, when [2] like charges are put together they repel but because of the tremendous force and pressure of fusion, a force that made them act [react], this submits; contrary to their natural act of repelling
[2] distinct -incomplete squares formed, after further subjection in the intense commandment of [Kuluwm], they merged together to form [1] single complete square [cube]
The centre of each square and each circle became as [1]

If you look closely, you will see each quarter of the circle within the square
This vast energy, was trapped within the square and was not able to escape
[this house is now sealed and no energy can escape]  

The ancient ones did not turn the square inside out, but rather they used the circle, because to turn a square inside out would give you [4] separate squares, which would be [16] 90o degree angles, a total of 1,440 degrees, a science beyond comprehension for many
It does not total 360o yet, it does have [4] 90o outer angles and [4] 90o degree inner angles, which would be [8] x 90 = 720, which is 360 twice

The circle [sphere] is equal to the square [cube] because they are both 360o [unidentical twins] as in looking at the MIR [MER] MARE [Pyramid] from above and the [4] 90o degree angles meet at the capstone
[2] different shapes but both equalling 360o

In the realm in which you dwell, the highest of in-tell-igence is only of the physical realm
Things they tell each other: in-tell-agent, and in this realm, they are limited to persons, places and things
[3] distinct 90o degree angles, which is 270 in itself that equals [9]
They see no further than 360o degrees 3 + 6 = 9 and the chipper is as far as they go

The next realm is the unseen realm and can only be created in illusion to them, whereas the etherians exist as illusions to them 

Thus, we began from 720o degrees, in our realm, things are what they are, in their realm or this realm with illusions, short for [Illyuwn] [Ihm] aka the higher heavens, they make objects appear other than what they actually are, such is faith and belief – this is the same for the sphere and cube, the sphere and cube, as shapes appear to be different but upon exanimating their mathematical properties, you will find they are the same, the square that you know on this plane was not the same one which the ancient ones dealt with

The cube [container], square and triangle all hold energy differently, every shape passes through the triangle [dome] 

Cube NI.BIRU magnetic (neutron star) and Earth [Tiamat] [Ki] (sphere of water) meaning the genetic compatibility between the two is assured

The ancients dealt with its counterpart on the spiritual [hologram] plane and the plane of force, on this plane you start from Hydrogen on out to Einsteinium, the 99th element  

On the etheric realm, we start from ether [1] on back through 99 ethers, making the energies in reverse and of a different nature
The etheric realm is beyond the element realm, these etheric planes are not perceived by the ordinary human eye

Allah [99] this is the periodic table – you need the 99 elements [Gods] to explain what [God] is and you need [God] to explain what the 99 elements are, the [2] go in hand in hand  

Quantum [Quarks] means [4] there are [4] planes
Spiritual realm, physical realm – the link from the material plane into the plane of force onto what becomes known as the spiritual plane, then the mental

In the element realm, the energy which was confined in the cube tried to escape
It pushed upward, outward and downward, causing friction resulting in an explosion of enormous force

This grand event is manifesting on the physical plane- as the birth of this side of the Universe, the formation of the stars, galaxies and planets

It is all a grand plan of the E.T(s) or Plan-E.T(s) [Planets] = Chakra system  = Tree of Life

This is the merging of the sphere [circle] and cube [square] from an Atomic [Atom] Atum point of view linking into the science of sub particles [microscopic] called Atom(s)

The energy upon its arrival on the material plane was manufactured by the conversion or changing of certain elements and gasses known as Hydrogen and Helium, which is not by far the lightest, as time will tell

360o forward, we had been in [359o] reverse 

[Owm] Om [Aum] Kun = utterance [144hz] tone [sone] vibration [frequency] acoustic [sone of life]
Life = [Chi]

Chi force = [Blue] [Green] 

Do underestimate the FEMI.9 principle

Pluto is in the house

22.2.2022 field [Pluto] Plutonium
Pluto returned to the exact position when the USA was founded
248 years for Pluto to travel around the sun
Pluto field [returns] have marked the rise and fall of empires and dynasties
Pluto deals with death and rebirth cycles, Pluto deals with growth, Pluto wipes out old establishments that no longer serve us and forces us to re-i-magi-ne nu beginnings

Pluto has been getting ready since 2008 [seven years behind with the Georgian Calendar which would make it 2001] and this 2008 return [Pluto into Kapricorn] and in 2008 the stock-exchange crashed, Pluto is in the exact position [27o
This will spark a major event that we will experience the fallout until Pluto leave Kapricorn which is not until 2024 – the US is in trouble has this marks a major shift

To counteract this the USA have started the war with Russia

The destroyer [energy] of old energy [old programs] last time Pluto was around Pluto crashed the stock exchange- are you watching

[Nice one Andrew for the logistics] 

[Uranus] Uranium [Ur-ANU-s]
Planetary conjunctions are taking place

From 1:10 you will see the King of the North eyes slit over, if you have payback then slow it down to 0.5
Not everything is to be blamed on the Reptilians, for the other beings have also played a role 
Putin is Reptilian Commander - 

Russia must prepare for the wrath of the other Annunaqi in the western hemisphere 

Huge mother-ships over Russia 

The USA and Russia are less than 10miles away from each other- get ready 

On YT this uploader called Net most wanted videos- the link won't work on Blogger - but he is on point, watch the upload from 2 days ago with the radiation symbol on the thumbnail 

The parasite after 4 days hatched and when the doctor looked at the parasite the parasite looked straight back at the doctor- the parasite is intelligent- this is what is in the Jabba the Hutt
For sum of you only have a few years and for many its already too late- these parasites will take over your immune system [the central immune system]
They have made sure you cannot sue them for taking an experimental drug and for all those who made their children take the Hutt- you just killed them- you should have had more common sense; you are the parent- remember kids kill – they will seek you out, you should be ashamed of yourself, what have you done  
The booster-shot is the kill shot- you haven’t escaped nothing if you still had a shot, the booster is just an acceleration 
[Kabel] Abel [Haa-beel-Breath] is the vegetarian and K9 [Canine] [Qaayiyn][Qayin – He who possesses] Cane [Kane] is the werewolf and is the meat [flesh]
When you are called, go out standing up, not on your knees, there will be revenge for those who were lied to, both from parent and child – this will be the Rage against the Machine 

Nubian people are not dying fast enough, so they are dishing out all their other diseases, viruses in a bid to get the 9ethers sick, war is the only option because they are not dying but are converting along with sum of the 6ethers who have 9ether blood and sum of the Indigo(s) and sickle cells energies because in sum cases they came in - in all races 

-Ritual, the stage was designed like a motherboard [chip] circuit-board
While many watched the NFL - Ukraine was getting it because you are not dying fast enough
Water, food shortages, flood-outs are not getting peoples’ attention, all the over 40s [50s] are just going out and don’t see the 3D crashing at all, what are people tuned into, so they go to war [plan b]     

Heart and HIV/AIDS adverts – its alright for children to have strokes and for [ICD] Implanted cardiovert-defibrillator to be fitted, people getting A.I heart, heart problems for many, new strain for HIV- are you getting this- FEMA coffins hold a family of 5- last time round they said AIDS[HIV] came from homosexuals and monkeys that the [Africans] were eating- let us see what they tell the masses this time round – a lot of older people transcended in the last waves [over the last year+] and we will have more people bailing out of here, protect your light at all times for a passage out of here you will earn- do not let no one dim that light of yours, protect the children, do not let them have the Jab-ba the Hutt- measles, rubella and mumps are all making a comeback- [why]     

Sickle cell children have the strongest immunity system in here, don’t give the children the Jabba the Hutt – sickle cell blood cannot be cloned
Sum sickle cell children are crystal children, sum red, blond, browns of Koppa, red and bronze  
Anemia [Anemic] means low on Koppa and Zinc because you are producing too much Iron [not the other way around] giving more Iron does not aid you at all nor does blood transfusions
You have a gene that causes your blood to produce too much Iron which is the binding of your light code for your avatar, sum of the A’aferti [Pharaohs] are mermaids [Mer-man] Fish [Nomos] Ghouls [Nubians] sickle-cells hence why they had Koppa and Zinc symbols on the walls in [KHMT] Egypt 

 Be of the world but not in the world [3D] 

Benjamin [Benyahmin] March [Tribe colour] Black [KAANU] [Body part] Feet 
[tribe function] Elimination

October was Judgement
November was PoWRA
December was Understanding
January was Lov9
February was -Imagi-nation

And now March which is Elimination which is the ‘casting out’  

Sunrise February 14th 2014- Sunset 2020
When I was younger I had a series of downloads and in one I saw myself with a dog and the dog was white, these downloads [visions] were around primary school age
Over time we had different dogs but none were white, in 2014 one of my brothers got Marlene
4 decades later [uploads] Marlene was laying in front of me [in 2019] and I was at my computer and I looked over at her and the uploads of this white dog was Marlene, she was laying with her belly up, which Marlene is all white underneath, she was laying exactly how I saw her 4 decades ago in my visions [uploads] in the exact position and with me viewing 
Right then and there i-knew I AM on my Chi [life] Ptah, codes [keys] portals opened 
When I get these codes, time [density] slows down and everything becomes central  

Always in the heart Marlene 

Tasmanian Crab

Memory of smell, if you say to sum one do you remember this smell, sum thing like an old perfume or aftershave or sum thing that has a smell of sum one+ see what that person does when you say smell this and watch their eyes, with visual memory tell them a story that you have to explain sum thing in detail, auditory memory sum thing that happen that this person wasn’t there but they remember what happened- could be a telephone call that happened between you guys sum time back, visual and audio construction will require imaging, sone

Minus the smell memory, the rest sum will alternate between- its interchangeable

We can always tell when sum one had to think about sum thing, especially with children, the older one gets, the more many become conscious, however when the vibration is right between two fields you can see how sum one remembers [recalls]

Memory and the word re-member [mem] come from the word membrane – all data files are stored within you, its in your blood, its held on crystal files  

These are examples, either way watch sum one when you ask them sum thing…   

 Re-boots, system shut-downs taking place, jumping timelines
Creation has sped up-  not time

[3] storms recorded for the first time over seven days in the UK, are they storms or hurricanes
Storms [hurricanes] come in total destruction but leave in total peace

Plasma is hitting the planet; you have plasma within you [Khaybet] Tachyonic [Tach-Yoni-c] energy
The word Plasma comes from New [Old] Latin meaning; image, figure, from Greek Plassein meaning to-mould -where energies and gasses are moulded into images called etherians [the 9th gate] where the [Gods] reside  

This planet is lightening up like the Godfather- rays coming from everywhere

Magnetic field from the last couple of hours [dome] EMF [van allen belt] ozone layer+ and from over the day and week, check out the energies [colours] codes

Command ships are around the sun along with the nu kingdom, command ships are over doomed states, command ships are over both the poles, command ships are sitting by the [3] main earth-portals
Crafts, probes, scouts, craft carriers, armadas, flotillas are all in the S.KA [S.KY] S.KI and whoever is controlling the SKA is controlling the planet [Ki]


Iron Oxide

South Africa [ABZU]



Fleets of crafts- drive-by

Signature craft 
Images are from the last 10days+ or so 

This is a holographic [hologram] computer simulation, a computer program

SHAMS [Cylinder crafts] 5 in that range 

Did NASA do that [??] 

What is that around the sun [portal] 


What makes the top corners light up like that- the sun is under the dome with us

Who is that on the left
the soular system has changed 

When you see the stills, you don't see the whole footage, but you can clearly see the eyes, mouth, is that he-r hair 

Draumr [Dream] [Visions] i-Magi-nary events seen while sleeping
Wandjina [Dreamworld] Dreamtime
Parallel [Para means offsite] [Astral] A-Star [Spirit] worlds [realms] expanses+ are all describing the same thing   
The Astral [parallel] spirit worlds [realms] dimensions are places where all things meet
The unseen [seen], the involuntary [voluntary]

You have seven smaller eyes by your inner-eye that allows you to see seven dimensions at the same time, its 9 in total

Do not let the earth [physical you] rule the [spiritual you], regulate the emotional you and connect the three [tri-system] and serve you for the time is now…

You must not alter the spiritual body

As above, so below
As within, so [that you are never] without
As the universe, so the soul


When anyone comes to you, leave them with one of the above, offer them protection, guidance and strength, it may play out as a conversation [guidance], a smile [strength], how are you, I haven't seen you in a while [protection], we have a duty of care even when your shield is down, this does not make you weak, reciprocate- because it comes back to you [l]if[e] you came from the heart [intention], energy to energy, like4like..




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