Full circle from 2012 >> things did change
[Mandela] and we are at the bottom of the barrel, we are in the wormhole
[wormh3ll] – they were tinkering with things that they had no business in, like
for example [CERN] and we are in that bottomless pit
We are inside of their wormhole for we can see the
entities, these spirits that are from the negative side of the energy – we are
in the fourth dimension which is the world [realm] between the living and the
dead, the netherworld, the underworld, the world of the dead is merging with
this world because we are starting to see more and more of -off the wall sh9t,
so prepare your mental state
Ultraviolet exposes these entities, it reveals them in
that ray, that ray can also destroy them, many of them have found hosts
[bodies] sum will have to stay in the pockets of the 3D to hide- for now
They store themselves in those who have opened portals
with them, they store themselves in the weak and the vulnerable- it is going to
get a whole lot worse before it gets to any form of overstanding
They only feed from fear - what if you let go and have no fear
-and if all you have to fear is dying, then isn’t this worth dying for
You see Palma, what if HAARP was being deployed and they
were manipulating the fire mountain or they are using the satellite weaponry
and using lasers to trigger the volcano, this means they want it to go, keep this
in mind because sum thing is not right with the way Palma is spiking and with
another M5 hitting the volcano this is strange-ish because its flowing so there
should have been an eruption not another earthquake exactly hitting the cone of
the mountain- sum one wants to speed it up, that is not how the positive forces
The whole east-coast is on the edge [USA] all that filth
that they have been doing over there, sex trafficking, Disney, the history that
they have over there, this is very Sirius [serious] times, central America does
not have any chance of making it once Palma goes full-blown – Jamaica is good
for now, so too the other Caribbean islands – Jamaica is in a safe zone for the
minute – so you have a little bit of time, it’s the east and west coast that
the FEMI9 energy is going after, Mexico is going to snap in half, you are
fu9ked and that is a given – west coast volcanoes will be activated – Jamaika
is important because of the Atlantis connection and the off-spring that was
taken there [512] 400 years ago
Many people will be bailing out of here, the [white]
light needs to be addressed, you came from darkness, the triple blackness of
space and that is where you are returning to, so avoid the [white] light, if
you go to the [white] light you will be trapped and inserted straight back down
here, NI.BIRU does not go out of range until 2043, that is the last flight out
of here, given that it is 2021 you would still have around 20 years+ of service
left, you can be sent back, used for a food source, a light source – you will
be very upset, we are also in the kama [karma] fields
You want to go back home and this means you have to go to
the dark waters, the primordial waters is darkness, light comes from darkness –
go to where the light source is coming from
[1] Atum Re = Haru [Heru] and Ultraviolet light
[2] Atun Re = Asaru [Osiris] and Gamma Ray light
[3] Amun Re = X-Ray [the hidden one]
U.V. – Gamma X-rays are 3 forms of Black [KAA.NU] light
coming from Cosmic Rays that come from outside of this soular-system
Its purple-black, you have seen the gates in your Istal,
that is the NTH domain
That is the way out of here, the false [white] light will
pull you back into their matrix
Balance your lights, intake your minerals, eat the sun,
sungaze – top up your eye, your light will guide you through the darkness, this
is why you have been expanding your ranges, fuelling your AU.RA, activating
your access codes, there are gatekeepers waiting for you to guide you through
You were light before the flesh, before the body and you
shall return to light, protect your light at all costs, be selective, do you
first always, there is nothing in the 3D world that is worth you losing your
light over, nothing, no children, no lover, no family, no one was sent to save
another, this is reSet cycle, all life is being calibrated, its being filtered-
many of you have contracts, this is about you and you only, people have been
removed from your light for a reason – those still present is because you are
keeping them there, the lone [AC] ranger, the gifted one, the strange one, the rebellious
The simulation [veil] is still ongoing and for many they
have slipped back into duality – save your light, go within
With all that you endured in life you never stopped
loving, your energy couldn’t be destroyed and that love [Chi] is your bridge
between this world and the next world, it is the heart chakra that is revealing
the Chi [love] doorway in you, you need this to rise to heaven [haven]
To have you here was a big sacrifice, many women and
children sacrifice themselves in the most humane way for this very moment, they
lost their minds so that you could have yours, make it count
Baphomet [Lucifer] Lu-Cell-fer] is amber light, they say
he is a s-he, tranny, does he or she have a pum-pum or does s-he have a willy –
the Devil is a womb – Satan didn’t lose his proton light, s-he is a bi9ch now –
s-he is two ions not one ions, he-r title is on a false [God] and s-he isn’t
a lizard [reptilian] and if you notice, s-he is not hiding, s-he shows herself
s-he is the [God] of chaos
This does not mean go and follow Baphomet, just know that
what they wrote is always in reverse
They are Arks [Arcs] of light, energy that can be accessed
The spirit [KAA] of NYABINGHI is ancient
Nyabingi is a Lioness
The Goddess of Many
The warrior Goddess
Protector of lands and Kings
She was known by many names across Alkebulan [Africa] especially
The same KA.A [spirit] is OYA among the Yoruba
We saw her in sum recent holographic displays recently in
the Ska- this planet is surrounded by FEMI9 ELECTRON NRG, we are waiting for
her, not him
The Nagas are a race of beings that came to join the
Humnoids from Nyabiru in Sirius, they had a working relationship here on Ki [earth]
The Nagas had superpowers of shapeshifting and
teleportation, telepathy, 3rd eye usage [Cobra] Kundalini specialist+
The Abanyabiru and the Nagas staged a coalition against
rebellious Annunaki [Annunagi] who had formed an alliance with the negative beings
from the Pleiades and Draco over Ki
Sum 9ether races have Nagas [Naaga] DNA [ANU.NAGA][Anunnaga]
and sum of the Dravidics
Naaga-lan [India] Indra [Nagas] is the domain of Ishtar
[Inanna] Aset [Kali] Rita+ there are four domains for this side of the planet
with EN.KI [HERU] Shiva and EN.LIL [SETH] SUK [SUT] Vishnu and A.NU [Braham]
also having domains
Sickle-cell is linked to the Nomos [Nommos] Numo [Nummo] you were once Orisha, Ogdoads, Dercito, fishtail HuMins, Dagan, mermaids – the east-Indians say Takshaka, king of the Naga serpents
- you were once in the past to what we see today before you were
deactivated and put on stand-by
You were the [Gods] from the sea
Sickle describes the cell, what it looks like
What is a sickle(s), shaped like the tool used to cut wheat,
boomerang, bow, curve, hatchet, crescent shaped from PIE root *sek- to cut-
this all describes the shape of the blood-cell
From harpoon- grappling hook, from Greek harpe- sickle
from PIE root *serp and then BOOOMBABY we get Serp-ent
When you are born in the womb you are a tadpole
Human embryo at 1-4 weeks [embr-Yoni-c]
You have gilts [thyroids] and a tail
You sit in water, distilled water in the womb [sac]
Your hands and feet go wrinkly under water [bath] swimming - so you can grip more easily underwater
Sea comes from the word Seaman [Seamen] Season] man and son [Mind means man]
When you depart the flesh- your ancestors didn’t make it
out, you are your ancestors, you were on repeat, you kept coming back, they did
not make it out if they were not a sun or moon eater, which is the only
vibration for your light – they will send relatives, sum demons, sum angelica-
anything that is a spirit whether good or bad is a demon to sum and angelica to
others [use discernment] in here [dome], what you are in light is not a spirit
for you are a neutron star, a star system
You must use discernment because not all will aid you,
they will fail you, you must be wary of your lineage because sum of them are
not good at all – you have to keep pushing, its all part of the assimilation to
keep you in the light within here – trust in your light, trust in yourself
[your cells] it is real in here and you must stay on your Ptah – the same way
you swam your ass off to get to the egg- the womb is the 2nd
dimension before you came into the 3rd dimension when you became
whole with light and flesh – do not follow no-one but yourself [your cells]
trust in your light when you crossover- do not go to the light- you go to the
womb, the triple blackness of space, when you see your ancestors keep it
pushing [you have to bypass them] you have everything you need in your avatar
to get home, help me Obi Wan Kenobi, you-r my only help, you are what you are waiting for…
Venus is the beauty in nature
The Annunnaki used a symbolism of the FAL-CON [BA-UZ] just
as the KHMT [Egyptians] did
In ancient KHMT, the Falcon was an anthropomorphism of
the Sun-god HERU [HORUS]
In Kinyarwanda legend, one of the Ibi-Mannuka gods was
called KIMANNUKA [he who from the heavens cam]) this particular god was also
known as KIWANNUKA (he who from the heavens came) among the Baganda of Uganda
He was also known as CHAMINNUKA among The Shona of
Zimbabwe (meaning he who from the heavens came), he is also known as LEWANNIKA
among Zambians
The Shona also claim that CHAMINNUKA had a falcon's head
and that he led them on a long trek from Sumeria to Zimbabwe
The Luo too claim to have trekked from Sumeria to Sudan
This is the Bird Sumerian god found in Aztlan, in
Nagalan, in Alkebulan
Samura [Samoa]
Solomon [Samoan] island
Marui [Muuru]
All-blacks are black
Native SAMOANS and FIJI who are Nubian and San [Khoisan]
mixture in appearance- before they were breed, slaughtered, out and the 6ether looking ones
There was a nuclear war between Ninurtites and Enkites
before the great flood that caused the lands along the belt of tropic of cancer
to be barren and a desert
It took 8000 years for the radiation to clear
The great flood helped the stretch to regain sum life
and patches of fertility
Modern Europeans did not invent a nuclear bomb
They revived it by studying ancient tablets
Man is the beast in nature
What is in the vac is also in the rain [BA][AL]
Chemical warfare
Hydra vulgaris
Particle matter – so what chemical glows – bioluminescent
glows and so does the vac-attack
Ultraviolet is up and running, you will also glow when
the lights go out and not from those who have the vac-attack
Black and purple street lights going up all over are for
Plenty of WAJI - not sure what that faint line is in he second image
Read all data in chakra and soular energy
You will be raised up if you were taken
Portugal is getting ready to collapse- Europe is shi99ing themselves- this will send shockwaves to the rest of the slavery nations
November [Nova-meber]
Super Nova from super a prefix of Latin origin meaning- over and above and Nova means Nu
They have until the 11th [11:11] to let the man speak to the people, the Galactic Federation want [LH] to speak to the masses with two witnesses, there maybe a media blackout that follows, no broadcasting only emergency broadcasting- watch the weather [plasma] if they do not produce [LH] on the main stage - you saw what happened in Mexico recently, sum one has to say sum thing to the masses, anything...
Scotland [Scota]
Crafts blocking the sun out-
Thailand- look at the Ska
Multiple crafts in the Ska
Sumone said they can see Jesus when this image was posted,
can you see a Doctor as well, when you get sum time
interesting image
Florida [USA]
Sobek [Sebek] -he who reunites, to make pregnant
Light codes, access codes
NASA- we told you in the movies and books
Annunaqi- we left records in and on stone
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
The glass and display cases are intact
Where is the destruction coming from, why are they
cleaning this area up, where did these rails come from, an electron tram stop
around the corner, look at these images very carefully – there is a whole other
floor under here- this place was already here before they got here- why is there a rail track just sitting there
Square [cube] and the sphere [circle]
Columns from KHMT
Dominos and dice, there should be Senat [Chess] pieces also
Curve, bow, dome, celestial alignment
The year 1190- demolished parts around 1520 and onwards by different rulers, as well as parts being added
Castle of the Louvre (Ch âteau fort du Louvre) aka the
Medieval Louvre (Louvre médiéval) in France
Long before becoming a state museum, the Louvre was a Castle
built by the Moor [Muur]
In 1866 they started rebuilding and burying the original structure
– there is a fortress, there is a dungeon
SENAT [Chess] found in what is called in furniture [Chess] today
Reprinted to undermine one race and empower another-
The little people [TWA]
Arms crossed is a tell tale sign [Pharaohs cross their arms]
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