Jelani Day found with missing eyes and organs after disappearing
on 25.09.2021
That is no organs, the front two upper and lower teeth
removed, the lower jaw was sawed out – no brain, liver, no spleen, the organs
were completely liquefied, the genitalia was unidentifiable
Kendrick Johnson was also found wrapped up in a mat and his body
stuffed full of newspapers- same thing, no organs – whoever did this is a medical
Different bodies parts go for different prices, there are
those who eat flesh - the 9ether is the most prized body, anything lower is low quality
Body shops exist in the USA, cloning facilities exist in
the USA, funeral homes, mortuaries, organ trafficking+ police and other
agencies are all involved, this is a international industry spanning from the USA
into South America into Papua Guinea- into African, Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippines,
India, China, UK- Europe+
There is a planet where all they grow are HuMans to consume - sum of these beings are on this fu9king planet
David Rockefeller has had seven heart transplants, where
does seven hearts come from, Tina Turner had one, Arnold Schwarzenegger has a
pigs valve-
>>In a scientific breakthrough, a team of surgeons in NYC
have attached a pig kidney to a human, and it worked –
The donor had been genetically engineered to grow an
organ unlikely to be rejected by the human body, surgeons at NYU Langone Health
attached this organ to a brain-dead patient who was being maintained on a
Incredibly, the kidney started functioning almost
immediately. Scientists followed its progress for 54 hours before ending the
Their clones sum have machine parts and sum have HuMan parts - by putting in 9ether parts including blood gives them memories, files- however the 9ethers organs and blood is way to advanced to be in a 6ether body [Kha] leading to other organs failing or the body because it cannot keep up with the nu organ from the 9ether, there are now huge monkey cloning sites in the USA
They are also eating your 3rd eye - the list goes on and this has been going on before slavery- there are 9ethers who are also involved and they must be exposed accordingly
This is nothing that you didn't know already, they have been getting messy or they don't care because no-one cares, there is nothing that you can do about it, however given that the cycle has changed, given that back-up have assembled, given that NI.BIRU and the SUN [Re] have changed the access codes, given that MA.AT and HERU [Red] have stabilized the FEMI.9 ELECTRON NRG, given that the ancestors are on the other side of the mirror, given that frequency has changed, the 9ethers have maximum poWRA to change this construct with their Khu [Mind]
The only way to end this sh9t is to crash their matrix system- its all or nothing, no amount of awareness will ever stop the things that matter to you, the animal king-domes have also been altered, the amount of women and children who have lost their lives keeps me awake sum times, i-have had enough already, if enough 9ethers get mad over this using the Kaa-systems, ancestors, the energy will get released and go sum where on this planet and cause destruction, if the 9ether wombman gets involved then the energy will bring roofs to ground level, there are a lot of 9ethers wombmen who will be pissed off at this- these are mothers who are connected to source and can change their matrix
There is sum old git walking around with Jelani Day(s) eyes or jaw
This is not food [fuel] at all- you cannot eat microwave dinners, Macdonald(s) or this sh9t, you will die
In KHMT the 6ether word Spirit is recorded [Kaa] [Ka] which means -double
April 2021
Euphrates river- on the side of the Muslim Turkey is drying
out because of the Christians and Muslims being there- your books even tell you the river will dry out
Another trip-out- this is the 7th reboot in October
Full moon [under its own full power]
EMP field [dome] ozone-layer+
9the trip out and counting
The Moon was full since Wednesday and will be out for a few more days- energy lingers for [3] 72hr
Hurricanes and tornado systems are in Europe for a reason
hits Widnes [Cheshire] UK- tornados reaching Europe
HERU + MA.AT combined
Chaos, justice, that which is straight, balance, order
this is FEMI.9 NRG, the NRG the 6ethers fear the most
Red is coming out of the poles-steady has she goes-this is soul-ar energy for soular beings and those without go off-line
Plenty of soul-ar [yellow-orange] energy in there
Blue Star [Red Star] Kachina
There is a Green-Blue-ish Star which is the life-force of
NI.BIRU [Neb Heru]
UK Ska
[those grain storage containers may already be empty or will be smashed]
Posted and nothing indicating this was a reflection from a window - if real then that looks like a symbol or text of sum kind
Places around the world are lighting up like the Godfather
South pole [is it]
Aurora [AURA]
Washington [USA]
Washington [USA] again, activity is taking place, look at these images, look at the last image
Texas-look how the image is fine but get to the clouds
and its distortion all the way
Crafts sitting in the clouds
Indian Ska
How many crafts are up there
No details- craft in tow- most volcanoes now have a craft nearby if it isn't already over the mouth piece
Thailand -split
Arizona [Sedona]
there is a Sedona on LAHMU
Tasmania- look at the shape of this craft
Jupiter shot at again [15.10.21] Jupiter is a fuelling station and its satellites also have fuels, if that planet was to blow- then it would be goodnight
Korea let off [2] missiles on Tuesday – all wars have
started on a Tuesday which is warrior energy day at 12:01, I wonder what time that was with Korea
Diego Gar-CIA naval-support-facility, British Indian
U.S. Air Force B-1B Lancers and approximately 200 Airmen
deployed from the 28th Bomb Wing, Ellsworth Air Force Base to Naval Support
Facility Diego Garcia to support Pacific Air Forces’ Bomber Task Force
missions, recently
This is the same base owned by the British and rented to
the USA that housed missing flight M370 – sum of those who were taken used
their app or i-phone to take pictures and send them giving away their GPS
Star family watching you all the way
LEBANON – A few hours after Hasan Nasrallah announced
that Hezbollah had 100,000 fighters a video was then released showing them all
Notable is the fact that IDF remains in alert on the
northern border with Lebanon
POLAND – Victory Eagle is underway in Pole-land >> Polish
Land Forces and members of the-Big Red One, almost 6,000 Polish soldiers are
currently deployed at the border with Belarus, Poland's Defence Minister
Blaszczak said on Tuesday, will conduct joint exercises to enhance
interoperability and increase readiness
A group of 10 naval vessels from China and Russia sailed
through a strait separating Japan's main island and its northern island of
Hokkaido on Monday
It was the first time Japan has confirmed the passage of
Chinese and Russian naval vessels sailing together through the Tsugaru Strait,
which separates the Sea of Japan from the Pacific
Nothing new but we keep an eye, no cargo ships on the oceans, they are all docked near their designated places- right
China's PLA has loaded a large number of main battle
tanks on a transport ship to attack Taiwan, which notably are the military
ambulances, they look like tanks to me
[WW3] world-wide 3 aka America, China, Russia+ who else-
that is not the world, many are not participating in fighting the Galactic Federation
led by the Annunaki who the Annunaqi mercenaries are already on the ground, these
are joint drills with the option to go live, these are not drills, in sum cases
WW3 has already started
Sum places will go down from disasters and will need the armies support, infrastructure,
other places to control the masses from looting, panic, order, prison breaks,
the Annunaki are over major states around the world and have been for a while –
so everyone knows where everyone is for all militaries can see each other on
There are huge fleets [crafts] that are designated for specific duties,
there are sites that must be infiltrated both above ground and below
There are crafts also in the oceans
But they said it was arson
Facebook goes beyond, remember Amazon is Skynet
She is not HuMan
I wonder what colour this BUMA [F-OWL] Owl sees in
The child is looking at his [3rd] eye which is another dimension
Hmmm is really OMmmmmm [Om]
Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka
This ancient Naga [Iy] temple situated in Anuradhapura,
the first Kingdom of Sri Lanka
Deva Piya [Paya]
Cuneiform which is old Persian text which is old Ethiopian
trademark symbols
MIR is the middle
Castle [Kastle] means dwelling in the sand
Ani - a ruined Armenian city now situated in Turkey(s)
province of Kars
Ani translates One who is pleasing
Armenian = Amen-ian
Turkey is in Mesopotamia [Eridu]
Kars is Tars [Tartarian]
This city [ANI] had 1001 [Iy] temples, abodes, isles, coastlands,
house – many different trades routes came through the city hence a place for
many to connect, the city held over 100,000 people
Cathedral [Kathedral]
Different coloured stones adding to this place(s) splendour,
this place as the most technically and artistically advanced structures in the
Ani was sacked by maybe the Mongols
Ani never recovered from a devastating earthquake and was
gradually abandoned until it was largely forgotten by the 17th-century,
earthquakes taking out infrastructure usually occurs when the Most-High does
not want you using the technology
U.TU [Sumerian] The Shining One
AZAZEL and his son [SAMYAZA]
Symbols are important [all 4 images are connected by one symbol]
[2] different timelines but [1] moment
Taino the original native people of Puerto Rico
Those in the Caribbean were the Karri [Karib] there are
none left because they were wiped out
Atlantis [Atlanta is still the capital]
Muteczuma who was the last Emporia of Mixtec [ Mexico]
Aztec [Aztlan]
Aztec is from the name Mutec-zuma who was the last
emporia of Mexico
Mu-tec-Zuma [Az-tec] and Mu is from Muur [Maur] Muur]
Inca is a left-over word from the Spanish that they told
the English that they were called when the name Inca [Inka] is from the Mali
tribe called the [Mandinka] Mand-InKa [Inca]
Ul-mec [Olmec] is from Abyssinia [Ethiopia] and today are
called Almade [Al-made] which is Ul-mec
Aztlan [Atlantis]
Mayan [Maya] is the name of their writing system and the
breeds that came after the originals had been massacred on an industrial scale
Not the respect- the acknowledgement
Amethyst [split]
Purple EMF protection
In the centre of each [Iy] temple
Hemi [Half]
Sphere [
Half a Dome
They said they found around 100 objects
In 1922 a man digging ‘after a ferretin rabbit burrows’ –
found two large carved stone objects, one with facial features the other
He reburied them and subsequently moved to England
Returning years later in the 1980s, he unearthed them
The Bantu [Twa] were in Ireland [IRU] IRULAN [IRELAND]
The w-holy KAU [Cow]
Aset [Athya] (Hathor] Nephthys
Nature [Nurture] NTR
Metu Neter
The word Her was borrowed from Heru, so was She- taken from Shu
Mtu Ntr comes from Ma [Mu] water and Ta is from earth (land) and Neter from NaTaRa meaing guardian or Mother Nature, Ma-other
Ma is water, which symbolizes the womb or the embryonic [embr-yoni-c] sac that the fetus rests in before leaving the womb, its primordial water
if you look at the phonetics of the word nurture, you can hear nature, they stem from the same root word, yet man is considered a part of nature [manifestation] Man-in-festation- when we don't see him in nature
Nature was here before any HuMin [HuMan] Wearing the Crown KAU is seen in the mother child [Aset +Heru] statue of ancient Tama-Re of the seated wombman breastfeeding the child, not only symbolizing a wombman, but she [FEMI.9] wears the horns of the KAU [Bull] Baal- so she takes on the role of wombman and Man or a symbol of Hathor and Re
Heads up, the first teacher to the HuMin [HuMan] is the female
She creates in the image of [God]
Neb [Neter] NTR Kheredouankh of KHMT aka
mother of Imhotep, she is an incarnation of Muwi - counterpart [Goddess] to Amen -Re
Muwi [Mu] (Mut) Ma (Un) [Nu] (Na) Nun [Nut]
Mama [Mummy] Mum [Mom] Mother
Nun [The deep, the abyss]
Un-iverse [Omega]
I-em-hotep [Imhotep]- He who comes in peace
Hotep - peaceful, satisfied
Amunhotep meaning; The hidden one is satisfied
Congo [Kongo] Kango
Congo is a storehouse of strategic minerals, cobalt,
copper, zinc, gold, diamond, sliver, magnesium, germanium, uranium, coltan,
petroleum and many other resources
Belgium have constantly been ra9ing Congo, this has now
expired- Belgium will be wiped from this planet- cutting the Annunaqi
off-spring hands or feet to meet your rubber quota means you have activated the
wrath of the Annunaqi
Every action causes a reaction
Jelani Day
To hold a child for 9months and to grow and nurture this child is sum thing that only a mother and child knows its value- the bond cannot be broken
No one [dies] in vain and no one gets left behind
We are in reSet and that is what we want
Never name energy [BLM] for then you wish [want] to own the energy
You are not interested in the obvious, see through the illusion and lift this fu9king veil [Aset]
-enough is enough
George Soros is a Jew who set up [BLM]
You come from names like, Black Panther, So Solid, the Mighty Diamonds, Gangster Disciples, NWA+
Why would you today have a name like [BLM] when you come from pedigree names, no 9ether would call their group by such stupid name
This house is now sealed and no energy, both positive and negative cannot escape, you have to go through the cube [sphere] 360 [720]- we all have to, there is no escaping this
Judgement is on many levels but during this cycle you will receive yours
There is no incarnations during the sun-cycles so this means you will receive your KARMA [KAMA] and once completed you will be deported back to your home source
Do not run unless you have to-
Walk in your poWRA and you won't have to
Holographic heart is called Ab
Physical heart is called Hati
The heart and mind are connected, come from your heart-space- do not come from European love-heart-space - your heart affects the planets Torus [Taurus] field and vice versa
Heart Chakra [WAJI]
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