Amygdala [throne]
Do not forget your spirit guides, this is what they are
here for >> remember we are also attracting spirits [Kaa] – use nothing
must be based on mans-scholarship, nothing from New-Age people
For the longest we have been under a sectarian rule and
this mindset that was taught to you, this must be removed – man did that
The soul [Baa] and spirit [Kaa] – with the word spirit
just meaning multiple and the word soul just meaning solo [sol] sal [soul] saul
[sin-gle] which means that if you have a Baa[soul] then this means you have an
individual spirit and means you are not just non-existent or just space within
space – it means you have an individual spirit and the term for this is called
Baa [soul]
You have a soul and spirit which is double NRG- soul-ar
NRG and Baa [soul] translates strength, powerful and is referring to how strong
your NRG is -how strong your soul-ar NRG is
We can get attacked by multiple spirits because there are
multiple people in the world
When you hear this passage- [God] was the word- the word
is sound [sone], tone, vibration, frequency, acoustics, and the word [Om] was
with [God], replace the word [God] with mind [Khu] and then you have a Kaa
[spirit] inside of a body [Kha] avatar- so when you hear the word was [God] and
the word was with [God] = this is spirit in a body creating the word [Om] and
the meaning behind it – so whoever created the [Om] word is the architect aka the
mind [Khu] who is creating –
Sone [sound] tone
The [3] tones of creation are HUWA HUHI [HU] HEKA [HIKA] and
Utterance was the first sone [word]
We have many who have different types of spirit where
they can create all types of things – sum positive and sum negative – that all
have different terms
The spirit and soul are [1] thing and the mind [Khu]
consciousness + awareness is taught that they are separated has illustrated by
the Roman concept of mind, body and soul = it is soul, mind and the body- the
body is last for that is the physical world [realm]- they are a triad system –
all [3] go hand in hand to make [1]
The Neuron is not more important than awareness
[consciousness], whereas you can have sum one who is not going through nothing
like fear because they have not developed that kind of feelings’ so they don’t
have their Neurons filling up with sugar – which means its all about awareness
[consciousness] aka the Khu [mind]
For sum this would mean the Khu [mind] is first- the word
was with [God] and the word was [God] so when we come up with a word and
meaning – that is what becomes [God] featured in the book of titles [Bible]
When they mention in their book about the Kaa [spirit]
this is about our interactions that we had to endure with these spirit(s), aka
these [Gods] these devils, these demons, these entities, these beings aka these
titles – the Kaa [spirit] is letting you know how to interpret these things you
The wholly spirit in their Bible is their spirit- whoever
it was written for or by- is it the modern-day Jews based upon allegory and
third person, because it’s a spirit interacting with their own characters,
their own personalities, their own meanings to things and they are giving them
Anthropomorphified concepts to sum-one who is HuMan just like them, understand
which is their fellow Jew, hence why its written towards the Jews most of the
time – there are things in there that is about going against the spectrum,
hence why they made their mentality superior because they call their mentality
[God] aka the Khu [mind] and today in reverse psychology they make you think
that only the Jews can have this overall thought process and no-one else
because they are the chosen frequency or you are left to your own
interpretation and now how did you become a [demon] – was it not because you
read their book and took on their interpretation
The Jews do not even read the Bible that they gave you
From the outset when they said, in the beginning – spring
was the word – who came up with that concept, and the word was [God] – they are
calling that language [God] and the word was [God] aka sum thing that you
should be governed under- and now all your i-magi-nation [Magi] – let there be
light- all your darkness, there was evening+ is all going to be governed under
that [God], that title that wholly spirit aka that Jewish person(s) mentality >>
are you Jewish >> no you are not
We have all these people with titles out here and we are
calling the mentality the Khu [mind] aka we are calling their mentality the
mind [Khu]- our mind [Khu]- if you are listening to Jews, that is not y-our mind
Who is driving [seat] your Amygdala when your not present,
who is in the hotseat when you are AWOL
Uriel [Uri’el] U-ree-El translates [Fire of El] and he was
taken out of their Bible for this reason, for Uriel is the light of [God] or
the light [God] aka your i-magi-nation, your ability to create an esoteric
mirror and see yourself [your-cells], and for the most part you make a [U]-turn
when you realise that is not you [U] – you are sum thing separate, they do not
want you to know this, they [want] you to [believe] this, they [want] you to
externalize, they do not [want] you to know that you had a part in creating
everything, they [want] you to [believe] that you did, they [want] you to
[believe] that you had been created based upon their worldview, their idea, and
the way that they think, this was one of the reasons Uriel had to be taken out
of their Bible because Uriel was the messenger sent to us all to aid in
changing this mindset
Google can only go so far- the Akashic records are wide
open and you can access any files you want, you also have guides with you, and
you have discernment, you have your five [7] senses, you have your other mind
in your stomach [you have a brain in there] soular plexus that gives you a [gut]
feeling when sum thing is not right for it does not resonate with you,
goosebumps are leftover primordial warning systems and you have your own Khu
[mind] and you have your spirit [soul] and spirit guides, ancestors, lineage,
guardians, celestial parents+
Whatever happened 2,000 years ago did happen- but that
was 2,000 years ago and happened to those people at that particular time which
was 2,000 years ago, it is now 2021 you better get a grip
Uriel is an Angel, an Angle of light- light holds data,
frequencies, another word for Angel is Angle, Angle of light that comes in at
45o they are the same words – when you are talking to yourself [your-sells] then you are talking to you, you are talking
to [U]
By Uriel defeating [God] that was Uriel beating his
animalistic natures and became the left chakra – left hemisphere = the ability
to think clearly – he became Is-rael [Yis-rael], he didn’t become anything that
is lower than the horizon like the demonic Jerusalem world- upper KHMT and lower KHMT are your lower and higher chakra system
Its telling you what these spaces are becoming – this
book is a book of titles, with messengers like Uriel activating many- you are
sum where else when you talk to yourself [your-cells] and it is the Angel Uriel
who has come to shine that 45o Angle of light [data] on your dry ass
in these final days
This is not the first time that Uriel has had to
intervene, there are plenty of civilisations over eons that have been taken out
with the Angle of light provided by Uriel
When [God] aka their word said that they sent the spirit
of death- that was Uriel being sent once again, we have to be mindful with who
is doing what out here, Uriel is coming from Bab-El with A.NU being the head of
Babel [Babylon] Baby Lion [Sekhmet]
Many think they do not have a part in this final outcome
when in actuality you do – that is why you were sent, if the highest rate of
skin cancer is in Israel that is coming from Ra that is killing them, that
means he does not like them and if the sun is a natural concept to this soul-ar
system then we cannot be fooled by sum book, if the sun doesn’t like them then
the sun is going to destroy them
This does not mean hating on Jews [the modern-day Jews]
it means sit inside the spiritual chair [throne] pulpit [seat of consciousness]
aka your Khu [mind]
You have to take ownership of your Khu, who is in the
driving seat [Amygdala] of your consciousness aka your awareness- which is the
same thing
Do not be rocked to sleep by them, you are not walking in
your poWRA, because you do not know your own poWRA- you have the ability to
stream from any of these spiritual energies, any of these spirits, positive and
negative, they took this away from you, choice, they took the choice away from
you and gave you sum old man, man means mind, they gave you an old mind
All these beings are here in the flesh [host] because the
dimensions are merging into one, all those [Gods] are also in the Karma field
with us, they are here in the flesh for the body is last, the war is the
physical war and if they want to remain holographic [spirit] they have to
crossover to the holographic world [realm] which is 4D[5D] from the 3D- which
means many will be filtered out in the processing [each time we get frequency
upgrades] the elders are in the 4D[9D] fields, Tehuti, Anubu all deal with the
[Gods] and Ammit, they will eventually have to leave their avatars and come
through the gates to which many have others waiting for them- positive and
negative outcomes for what they did or didn’t do down here- it’s the NRG not
the flesh that will be dealt with in the 4D
Everybody has a left field, everybody has to go to sum
unknown place, everybody has to be reborn, everybody has to fall-
The beginning [spring] is a reference point, when we hear
the word fall, that becomes the fallen angels and all this is are different
names, fall is also a word to describe a season [winter] all these are, are
different names for the fall – like Adam is another name for the sun, when we
can’t see the sun anymore – that is the sun falling below the horizon, when we
say fallen angels these are fallen angles of mind states [leave out the body]
this is a mind state where our fell [fall] from i-magi-nation, visualise and
expression that fall to ideas of wanting shelter – ideas of wanting security,
ideas of wanting
There are no complete systems left on the planet, you
have to take sum from here and there and fuse them together, the 99 formulas
make up the one [God] and the one [God] makes up the 99 formulas- they need
each other to explain the one- its 144 but man hasn’t got that far in the table
You have to see all the aspects – in the spiritual-
mystery systems and the [religions] and pull the equilibrium out of it – when
you check it, they all have a pattern, once you see this, you can filter out
what is bs and what resonates with you
The pattern that you see takes you beyond what is
in-front of you, this comes from your own psyche, how you think, you can be
right but with the wrong interpretation, confusion sets in
We created everything with the Khu [mind], is the pen
mightier than the sword, you need the mind to move your arm and hand to even
hold the objects- that started with the mind- you had to think about holding
the objects, you have to think first before you write, before you move the
sword you have to think [thoth] and that comes from your mind [Khu]
If sum one went to strike you in your face your hands
automatically go up, you did not do this, this is automatic built-in mechanism
from the body- its called reflex – the collarbone is designed to break and give
you one more chance because your entire fibre-optic [nervous-system] runs
through the neck and if you lost that connection you will be in a wheelchair
from that day forward
Your term of [God] is a Jewish persons title for sum
thing and those that have this concept and add on to this, are they not the
ones who are the demons, who is at captains log on Neb-Heru [NI.BIRU] who is
this HERU we see everywhere on the planet, whose concept is that
There is no need to call yourself [God] for that is still
the lowest ability in the universe, you are trapped [Gods] in the physical
world which is one of the lowest levels in the universe, the ability to think
and communicate is sum weak-ass ability, think about it- get this, we are from
where awareness before you start thinking is way more poWRA-full – when you
start to think, your supposed to know based upon awareness, no one knows what
they are going to think of or say in the next five minutes, so where is it
coming from, have you had a thought and didn’t know where that came from and
whatever you were thinking has nothing to do with real time, sum things you
cannot even explain, what seems random – have you had a feeling thought where
you didn’t see, say a person but you felt them or felt thought whatever it was
or them, this and more are the systems you need to be streaming from – sharpen
your awareness
What is guilt, when you are guilty about doing sum thing wrong or not doing sum thing, guilt is nothing more than being aware, conscious- of not doing sum thing when you should have which either is a positive thing or negative thing
Lose interest immediately with those who say, I believe,
its 2021 [2012] and you either know or you do not, deal with interest the ones
whose NRG is stabilized and there is no need for words, we are in the era of
the knowing, deal with those who are progressing like you and stay at that
None of these titles can save you over here, the dead
cannot come back, you are attracted to spiritual NRG not physical NRG, when
dealing with the [Gods] who are you attracted to- who do you secretly like-
these are your energies, many have positive or negative [choice] you might be really bad inside and feel guilty about that- don't feel guilty- this is you, the real you, that only you and Nu know about, this planet is a testing program, you are here to learn and apply- your aware regardless of who you are, the real you
Its NRG, energy in motion [e-motion] emotions [Isis] Aset
Your Khu is built how your Kaa moves and your spirit [Ka]
moves in a certain way and once you move in a certain way you will see your
character the way your mind [Khu] is moving, that your individual spirit [Ka]
which is your Baa [soul] is in – the mind bends in on itself [its-cells] and
creates a body – where the mind goes the body goes and so does those things –
this is how your find your footprints in the sand
Many of you are this [Jesus] energy, you are the teachers
of these virtues, you are the sacrificial lamb, you would give everything for
you family and friends
The [Jesus] energy is the Christhood which is the KARAST-
NRG – you are right but with the wrong interpretation, who says that your
interpretation is correct and that mine is not- this is the grey area we are
experiencing, there are a huge amount of 9ethers who are in the Nation of
Islam, Muslim and Roman Catholic and Christian – who are really struggling
right now has their doctrine is up for renewal – whose world or whose mind are
you streaming from, if you don’t know, you’d better ask sum body
When you’re in the spirit of a 4[5th] and 6th
dimensional being – your space is inside that space, same way with your blood
cells- that spirit is inside of you [if you have had a blood transfusion and
you are not 9ether- then this is a reason why you have spirit Intel or if you
had an organ transplant or you have Nigg9 blood in your family and you are not
9ether- this is another reason] there is always going to be space within space, energy will find energy
When you start to create awareness- that is your mind
[Khu] that is you creating your first world around your space and now we can
separate your space, now you are an in-divide-ual spirit because you have a
representation for it, which is what they are trying to point to as the Baa
[soul], the actual awareness, the actual mind – which is no, the mind and
awareness is a representation that a spirit [Kaa] became aware to be an
individual now, the spirit became conscious and the name we call that is a soul
[Baa] sol [sal] solo which is inside of your avatar [Kha] Krishna
KHMT text tells us that when you look at the sun, that is
the representation of the soul – when you get into content and read the
principle [Gods]
When you are in NRG, the form that you are in, in your
mind, it is your body that plays out these characteristics – you may have a
fu9ked up mentality that you created has a spirit but before you this, you did it with
your body – you saw another spirit to fall short and you thought damn I had the
same thought- each one teach one, this puts us all in situations where when we
are coming down we are making our own title and construction
Your body is the cross [the living cross is a star- a
five-pointed star – stretch your legs and hand-arms out- star] this is your
living tree, your snake [Kundalini] are your desires and Adam and Eve are your
thoughts and feelings and you are the spirit
Many don’t think like this because they externalised and
read a book that a Jew [SS] read for themselves, you were supposed to take the
book and read it for yourself, take out Jesus or lord or Christ and put your
name there instead – take what they are doing and apply it to yourself – know
how to talk to yourself [your-cells] and that you are the spirit [the wholly
spirit [w-hole-y] that they are referring to and if you are constantly coming
up with virtues and principles in your head then that lets you know that you
are a spirit in dalmatian- you are thee, you are not a thy, you are a thee,
spirits that in accordance to thou are spirits that try and bound things and
try and create seals – so there was a lot of thou, let thou be done for that time
sum 2,000 years ago to those people at that particular time
Sum one is destroying this 3D world, then they say that
sum one is coming to save them, and they say that there is only one [God] which
when a debate or argument breaks out they then say there is another [God], does the
Nation of Islam have the same [God] that Arab Muslims have, does the Turkish
Muslim have the same [God] has the Bangladeshi, is their [God] Arab or
Bangladeshi are the Bangladeshi and Arabs the same people- does this matter,
what if this [God] is Bangladeshi will the Iranian Muslim bow down to a Bengali
Muslim, what about the Asia Muslims- does the people from the Afro-Caribbean
and the modern day Europeans have the same [God] is he Jewish, are
Afro-Caribbean people Jewish [technically they are] what does Jesus and
Muhammad look like, where are they from
What [God] is doing what out here- who are people praying
to, are the Muslims praying to the Afro-Caribbean and Europeans [Gods] and vice
versa, if no, then that would mean we have two [Gods] out here at least
>>> all of this is la-la-land >> free yourself [your-cells] from
the asylum, you cannot have sum one else’s [God] and the mystery systems- you
cannot mix spiritualty with religion that has a [God] >> the spirit world does not have [Gods] they
have principal energies
[God] is a title, its the way in which a Kaa [spirit]
acts – whether or not if a spirit is in form or not in form at the moment – one
of your spiritual predecessors
Extrapolate all possibilities
The superhero [supa-heru] is what you created in your own
mind if you Anthropomorphized it because we all have the concept – a little
piece of it and its called possibilities – because you are here
Just by you being here, you made one more thing possible [nice one]
Its alright to gain has many mind-frames that you can,
don’t be afraid for you are not alone, we have established energies that we can
stream from but there is also an abundance of energies [Gods][spirits] that we
have never streamed from and are available to us all – don’t get lost into your
own mind with sum one else’s mind-Set, all these people born into what their
granddaddy was into- this doesn’t make it your knowledge, you only inherited
those concepts, do you even think for yourself, are you using your mind for sh9t
it wasn’t even made for – no one actually told you to do that, you did that,
you just followed suit, the programmable being, instructional beings- is that
Do you know that you are the owners of intellectual
property of any form of energy – you only lost that because you let another
spiritual race come in and rock you to sleep, rock with me tonight for old
times sake, how comes others know your psyche on a higher level and you don’t
and its your sh9t- damn I got to hang out with you, wtf are you doing out here
You didn’t know sum thing until it was told to you, then
you became [aware] you became conscious, they teach you that everything derives
from the brain [membrane] the brain is a muscle an organ, the mind is a blank
canvass in which you [U] draw your MaStar-piece, the brain you install the data
and the data first comes from being aware [conscious]
Heads up- the universe knows when you are aware
[conscious] about sum thing either semi or conscious, she knows so don’t try
and fool her because all you will be doing is fooling yourself, when you access
the files at that very moment of whatever it is that you are being made aware about- she
accesses the same files to see what you are looking at- ha, so don’t tri and
play her – player position- know yours
We are hitting the higher fields which are higher levels
of consciousness [awareness] and that means we are being made aware of things
that are beyond what you already know – you are the observer has the spirit –
levels of awareness is not reliant on the brain, that is HuMan thinking, the
brain is the storage unit and every time you expand your range of thoughts you
create creases in the membrane, you have 5-circuits lines going around the
mem-brane – you get bored of the rhetoric is a great sign, boredom is a great
sign, this and more means you have outgrown whatever it is that you now want
Separate yourself from the 3D world
Stay in beyond, the awareness [consciousness], don’t
judge people, those with conditions doesn’t mean they are not aware [conscious]
the person who is drooling when they speak might not be able to control part of
their brain but this does not mean they are not conscious, the foreigner [I’ve
been waiting for a girl like you] who cannot covey their feelings in words or
cannot express themselves in the national language does not mean they are not
conscious [aware] animals may not speak the Queens language or cut the grass but they know enough about you
Check yourself and watch yourself, when you are aware
[conscious] of sum thing don’t dismiss the space that you are in- be real, come
from the heart because the mind is connected to the heart- if you bypass that chakra
she will still know, remember she only responds to what you are responding to-
she is just keeping an eye on you- but when it comes to the audit trail it
leads back to you, remember its all your own work
Just like how your father had to be aware to fu9k your
mother is the same principal, sum people don’t use their brains, no thoughts
were used in most peoples thinking, you’ve heard and said it before- don’t you
have any brains- when really, they have a brain but they have no thoughts,
awareness, they have no conscious – the brain is not making us do things –
you’re doing everything yourself [your-cells]
Consciousness is just being aware and awareness as
different levels [dimensions] to it
Your spirit [soul] is nothing, no-thing of this world and
every time you try and find it you are not going to find it and yet you know it
is your space, you know what you want in your space and you know what you want
out of you space – take only what is not too heavy for you in your own space,
when sum one talks and you resonate is because the energy it right for you,
their energy is full and they have a lot of things in their space hence why you
think about them – they have a lot of thoughts and feelings that you cannot get
with – these thoughts and feelings were created meaning there was an awareness
and that awareness comes from a spirit that becomes aware – the spirit is
no-thing, its just a space and once aware becomes a mind which as two-sides to
it, thoughts – feelings aka Masculine and Feminine which is Adam and Eve or Man
and Wombman or mentalities or virtues is Wombman and principles is Men, you
need a group of moons, a group of virtues, you need a group of females to have
a sufficient Alpha to have a sufficient practically for sufficient principle-
so I have to go through a group of virtues to develop a sufficient principle
that every time you see me, that principle plays out like an esoteric line that
you don’t cross – but I would never have had that principle without a bunch of
virtues experiences, enduring, mental, emotional games within myself [my-cells]
to know what is right and what is wrong
Virtues are FEMI.9 [Womb]
Principles are Masculine [Sun]
I have a certain principle about myself but it was born
from the womb with many virtues, i-had to come to that conclusion
Any word [title] that you have is fuelled with energy
from you has a spirit into that word, title– you are no-thing, you are what
your spirit [Ka] created – whatever word you have, always go to that word when
you don’t want to go through sum-thing and if that word that you built with the
meaning behind it – is like an imagination about being in a better position-
then it will always paly out in a smaller percentage level in whatever you are
trying to get out of in your regular life and this is what is called, calling
on other spirits
Eye to eye [Khan]
Spirit to spirit
Energy recognises energy
Rectangular tablet inscribed in black ink with seven
columns of hieroglyphs naming seven oils used in ancient burial rituals, such
as the ‘opening of the mouth’ ritual
Beneath each column is a circular depression which may
have held a drop of the oil
Small slabs like this were placed in the [Iy]
Joseph Sams Collection no. 143 an ancient game on a slab
of alabaster
Joseph Sams, Previous owner, Purchased, owned from: 1833,
Sold, Owned until: 1850
Joseph Mayer, Donor, Purchased, owned from: 1850,
Donation, Owned until: 1867
Tablet of the seven-sacred-oils to be returned to Egypt
[Egipt] KHMT
Egypt's embassy in SS-witzerland received today the
'Tablet of the Seven Sacred Oils' within the Ministry of Antiquities' whose plan
to repatriate smuggled Egyptian antiquities, announced Dr Eldamaty, Minister of
The Tablet of the Seven Sacred Oils, repatriating this
tablet comes as an implementation of the bilateral convention signed between
Egypt and Switzerland related to illegal import, export and transfer of
cultural properties prohibition, said Eldamaty pointing out that the
aforementioned piece is planned to return to Egypt soon- they want the SS [6ether]
to give back what they stole to the Muslims, all of the [9ether] people things-
we want them back said Dr Eldamary the 6ether Arab Muslim
The tablet carries the name and titles of the tomb owner
Amen that was discovered by the Egyptian Australian mission in 1996 at Saqqara
Antiquities collector Jean Claude Candor bought the
illegally smuggled tablet from a Belgian dealer after the state of turmoil that
prevailed in Egypt during the 2011 revolution
[7] sacred oils
Many anointments were used in KHMT but these [7] were [7]
primary varieties of Madjet all housed with a jar of a different shape, the
oldest of these surviving jars were found deep under the step-pyramid of Saqqara, carved exquisitely with precision from solid
hard stone aka granite
These particular [7] are for the Eye of HERU, which is
your [3rd] eye called Wadjet, you have a [7] Chakra system which are
alien implants – the Chakra system is also called the Seven [Sefech] souls of Ra
[Re], you have [7] circuits of the Organ [Membrane][Mem-brain] brain [7]
colours [energies]
[7] MA.AT
Sefech-Ba-Re [Sefechbara][Safachbara]
These oils would also be applied for desirable affects,
calming the energy ready for connection for astral travel and to align one’s
soul, mind and body upon return to the physical realm
Our sense of smell is processed by this olfactory bulb,
located at the front centre and base of the brain and sits between - and has
direct connections to - two brain areas that are strongly implicated in emotion
and memory: the Amygdala and the Hippocampus
Interestingly, the senses of vision, hearing, and touch
do not pass through these brain areas, with taste being totally dependent upon
This is why our olfactory sense, more than any other, is
so powerful in triggering emotions and memories- because that is where they are
stored- this the Magi [Magic] about the [7] heaven, you apply the [7] heaven
oils over the [7] seven souls of Ra [Re] over the Chakra systems centre points-
these oils activate your chakras, senses and activated the seven souls of Re
aka the seven energy principle [Gods] = [9] [12] 13 is hidden – there are 13
sacred oils, they are healing tones for the user+ these are powerful olfactory
medicines, the body [9ether skin- KAANU] is a charger
Not everyone has a Chakra system so this type of
knowledge is useless to others
So the main oils where in KHMT and distributed in
Sumeria+ there are smaller [containers], distribution kits, that is why there
are so many of these smaller kits around- we find them in India, Greece, Cyprus
= are part of Mesopotamia
Cyprus is Sirius [Osiris] and Osiris is HERU
C-yp-rus [Eg-yp-t] they are blood brother and siStars
These beings were chilled the fu9k out- they had Opium,
they had Marijuana, they had oils, the whole 9-yards, yet the battle for male
supremacy cut into a harmonic structure
The wars they had against one another on who was Gangster
Number One took precedence over what this beautiful planet had to offer, all
her gifts and examples of her throughout nature- her living energy, things
escalated and he lost his mind, forgot his medicine, he forgot about her
Mahat [Mehet]
Marhet [Merhet] [Mirhet]
Merchant [Myrr-chant]
What was on his stomach that had to be removed
What was he holding, an Ankh and what else was he holding
to his 3rd eye
Not sure if these are the jars or Wi-Fi modems or both-
technology was different back then
The original pen [ink] a pencil is made from wood, wood is an element -so when you hold the instrument you energy flows unlike a pen made from plastic
Attacus Atlas
Butterfly that disguises
as a snake
This took me a day or so to find him or her
Corn, Wheat are not from this planet
Puya Raimindi
India and China and Russia and Europe are not a continent - they are countries
China part2 is Australia
That lady on the right has Nefertiti [Netertiti](s) body-the lady on the left is getting to me
Abyssinian [NTH] gate 9ether Mt DNA Wombman
The Germans sterilised around 30,0000 or 300,000 so they could not bring others down here
The NTH gate is at war- this is prophecy fulfilled
She is stunning [which one] all [3] make [1]
A view of Zuma Rock
Niger Nigeria- these names are from the Romans could not pronounce certain sones
Niger and Nigeria are relatively close to one another
Before Nigeria you were called BIAFRA+
We are not going back but you need to know where you are coming from
Kush [Kish] HINDOOKUSH aka EthiopiaPunt [Plut]-lan is So-mali-a aka the horn of Africa
Bangkok [Ska]
Dutty Boukman
Magi Semu [priest]
The spiritual guide behind Haiti(s) humiliating defeat of
France and Napoleon Bonaparte in which over 250,000 of mainly French and
British were wiped out before they even left their ships, the British paid the
same compliment with two M9+ in recent years
November 1791
Dutty Boukman
The Haitians are one of the most poWRA-full energies we
have on this planet -
What I abhor is ignorance
-smallness of imagination
The eye that sees no farther than its own eye-lashes
all things are possible
When we speak in anger, anger will become our truth
When we speak in love and live by love, truth in love
will be our comfort
Who you are is limited only by who you think you are
-extracts taken from the Book of the Dead [Coming Forth
by Day]
A tree house of the Koori [Koiari] Korowai people, east
of Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
The Koori tribu are from Australia and Papua [Indonesia]
have Korowai tribes
Ayers Roc
You can see the impact blast around the sacred rock,
asteroids, comets are the same thing according to NASA, sum are camouflaged
The Tasmanian Tiger would protect the females here
Pumpkins are Orange and are soul-food [soular plexus] not
sum stupid theme night- the amount of Pumpkins that have been wasted over the
years on sum stupid celebration while people go hungry in the world
this house is sealed
California- if the clouds are blocking the suns rays then the clouds are holding mass
like crafts- look at the rays coming from that direction, beyond the horizon
When the EMF [dome] cuts out the energies stream in
Red Root NRG which is HERU + MA.AT NRG combined which is, Chaos, Balance, that which is Straight, Justice and Order
Order in the house
HERU is a destroying NRG - Neb Heru [NI.BIRU] is also combined with these two energies
HERU is also Osiris aka Asaru who is Amun-Re the hidden one- hidden NRG
The Red NRG is the Root Chakra which is being removed
The 6ethers were warned about what the Red NRG means, sum of 9ethers are not immune from the wrath of h3ll- which they say h3ll is Red
H3ll have no fury, than a woman scorned - she will have her day- see you in court
Red is inside the field and has expanded
Red, Green and Ether coming from the poles
The 3 types of cosmic rays which when they manifest in
[cellular energy] as well as [chemical energy] are logged under [1] PROT-on [2]
NEUTR-on [3] ELECTR-on [666]
[1] AtumRe [HaRu]
[2] AtunRe [Asaru]
[3] AmunRe = the #HIDDEN #ONE
which is a part of the 3black-lights called
[1] U.V. RAYS
[3] X RAYs
The 3 types of cosmic rays come in 3wave-lenghts
[A] Alpha Waves
[B] Gamma Waves
[C] Beta Waves
[the 3hands or tri-ads of Re [Ra]
Two reboots, cut-outs, reSets
USA will now be operating out of Greece, near Turkey,
near Eridu [Mesopotamia] the Annunaqi will be coming through the Eridu star-gate
China now space-ground armed
The planets rotation will slow down so that she can
reverse and rotate the other way which is [9]
A total of 1,652 independent bursts were detected within
47 days during 2019 said the National Astronomical Observatories of Chinese
Academy of Sciences (NAOC)
These are cosmic pulses coming from the Galactic centre-
if that was 2019 what is it now
M4.8 for Bali- have you seen the damage, that was way
higher than M5+
[3] earthquakes in the last 24hrs in Africa
M5 Ethiopia
M5 Tanzania
M4 South Africa
-La Palma is involved
Farmers in Kalifornia are abandoning their fields- the land
Greece- and so it begins so that it can end
Mt Shasta [USA] area- where heaven meets Ki [earth]
Florida [USA]
Over Italy
Huge complex, look at the top, those shapes, plenty of distortion
Nemesis and
NI.BIRU are the same system [binary]
Illinois [USA] craft nation
Drive-by [USA]
Diamond cut
Wu-tang clan [Bat-man]
Hexagon [Hive]
A Freemason once told me, there are no straight lines in nature [NTR]
[white] core [7] rays of frequency
Barabar caves in NAGA-LAN [India] cylinder design
Kremlin Palace
+the top of St Paul(s) Cathedral in the UK
Calling on the negative energy will age you
Magi[c] purges the soul
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