Monday, 11 October 2021

Galactic Mutants [PT2]

 Plant beings
HAPI [The digger, The senses]

Thorns and poisonous ones are the poisonous plants that sum can heal you, sum of these plants is for and work on the Reptilians

The poison of the Reptilians is a by-product of the plants by way of Mother Hubur [Mtu Hubur] as in Old Mother Hubbard who lived in a shoe and had all these children to feed- yeah her
These poisonous plants are not poisonous to sum beings who eat them

Mentioned before- there are plant-based beings called the healers, they are the Herb plants that Dr Sebi referred to as electric [Electron] foods, the same Dr who they killed- the same one that Lisa -Left-eye was taken out for- the same Dr who inspired many other doctors [holistic] who in the last 3 years+ have seen over 100 taken out – all talking about electric foods

By-pass the Western meaning of s Western Doctor
Doctour >> Church father, from Old French doctour and directly from Latin Doctor > teacher, adviser, scholar, in classical Latin >> teacher, agent noun from docere >> to show, teach, cause to know, originally make to appear right, causative of decere > be seemly, fitting

from PIE root *dek- to take, accept

We can see the word is in Doctrine

Meaning holder of the highest degree in a university, one who has passed all the degrees of a faculty and is thereby empowered to teach the subjects included in it
Hence >> teacher, instructor, learned man; one skilled in a learned profession"


Forms all or part of: condign; dainty; decent; decor; decorate; decorous; deign; dignify; dignity; diplodocus; disciple; discipline; disdain; docent; Docetism; docile; docimacy; doctor; doctrine; document; dogma; dogmatic; doxology; heterodox; indignance; indignant; indignation; indignity; orthodox; paradox; synecdoche

It is the source of- evidence for its existence is provided by: Sanskrit dśasyati >> shows honour, is gracious, >> dacati > makes offerings, bestows.
Greek dokein >> to appear, seem, think >> dekhesthai to accept;
Latin decere >> to be fitting or suitable, docere >> to teach, decus > grace, ornament
*dek- is related to 39 word 

Always break down words for you will break down the veil- we are coming Aset 

There are over 20,000 different types of fruit plants on this planet and over 1.2million fruit plant beings that reside around the galaxy
The plant race made a deal or treaty with different beings to yield fruit food in exchange for technology +
You eat plants which are living beings – living things eat living things, the AKUR [Lions] don’t cook their food, KAU [Cows] eat their food raw and alive which is grass and not hay – hay is dead grass and does fu9k all for cows, horses, goats, ox, elephants or any being that lives off of Vegetation  

Vega [Vegetable] Vegan [Vegetation] Last [Lost] Vegas- the Vegas Star-system- 
Asaru is the [God] of Vegetation deity – the Waji [Green] [God] NTR

There is no need for a stove to cook food, as Nubians [9ethers] you are supposed to eat raw plants
If you are living, then you are supposed to eat living things

Plants are alive and are living breathing beings – plants live and let die, can you bring a plant back to life, the answer is yes, the root must be protected- when we see fires, we know the forest will be back because the roots are protected – if the plant stems still show signs of WAJI- then all is not lost

Plants can think, they have a brain, Jelly fish do not have a brain but work off of instinct, the plant thinks because of their root system – so be careful  how you treat plants for they have feelings, emotions [the land is a circuit] plants are the reason you can breath on this planet and they provide food for you, before the British came into India and took advantage of her- all that seasoning or spices were for plant based foods- not meat- you never ate meat – you are plant based beings from the beginning of time- the 6ethers have to eat meat for that is the only way they can receive protien 

Plants or Trees are from the Vegas [Lyra] Star-System – you see all those trees that they chop down and make shi99y furniture with, that they make houses- log cabins, Rosewood trees+ the Amazon- it’s the animals that depend on these trees for home, insects, birds nest, the Orangutans that lost his or her home so that they could wipe out the forest and plant shi99y Palm oil, the Lares need the trees for home- payback is going to be a bi9ch for those who let this take place or your watch, for all those that allowed others to come in and strip her down-

Trees can make you hold your breath, they can fall on your house, car or you, the plants brain is their roots – the plants have nerve stems, they have a nervous system – if they have a brain then it means they think – the root system controls the vital processing in the plant and even functioning has its heart by pumping water and nutrients across the whole plant

Plants have cells and exist on a micro level and are living beings as well – these cells aid in the plant catching the suns energy [think about yourself while you read this]
Plants have cell walls and Archaea 

BACTERIA is no longer classed with another group of prokaryotes organisms, Archae-bacteria (Archaea) until recently when man [I mean scientists] have discovered new forms of life un-associated with any known form of life to date, they simply referred to as Archaea, a new form of life on Ki, scientists say these Critters are proof of a third form of terrestrial life, named Archaea, after the Greek word for Ancient

There are [3] basic cells in plants, which is ground tissue – all having different structures and functions – they also have Mitochondria DNA – the seed is encoded with the DNA of her mother plant – the male portion is the pollen loader which the egg-holding piston is the female part 

Most plants sprout bio-sexual flowers which have both female and male sexual parts but plants like Squash grow separate male and female flowers while others have both bio-sexual and single sex flowers, plants with bio-sexual and male flowers produce more seeds – male plants only contain male sexual organs whereas female plants only contain female sexual organs in their flowers 

Monecious plants have male and female flowers in separate structures on the same plant
Mono means One, so the term Monecious means One House- yet the same plant [house] houses different flowers, sum being male and sum being female

Plants have genetics and man has been fu9king around with nature since he could learn how to read- in the last 400 [512] they are going fu9king stupid on the plant king-domes- they have modified plants without natures consent, like Cucumbers were never long, they were spherical, the Europeans changed the shape, Carrots that were purple before him, Aloe Vera is man-made, Oranges that are WAJI not Orange- they are taking out the nutrients and vitamins because he cannot get the nutrients or vitamins from the nature world, many eat fruits and vegetation thinking they are receiving nutrients when they are receiving nothing because they are not plant based beings- their body is not built like that – the sum does not replenish them but drains them, the food is weak

These plants are called GMO and have been here since the turn of the century- today women have cellulite which comes from toxic waste, the flesh is toxic and is full of bacteria- cellulite does not come from pregnancy, its rotting flesh 

GMO is Genetically-Modified-Organism = the genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering through these products that are GMO-

The 6ether can eat mutate foods but the 9ether will become sick, the 6ether can eat MacDonald’s all day long, you will die and die from the inside out, the 6ether can have plastic boobs and Botox because they are compatible with mutant ingredients

By selectively breeding they can modify genes – GMO means changing the genes in a laboratory setting- this is where man comes into it

HuMans are now GMO and this means we have population control and this means that they were trying to control the future – why does India and China import their rice from Africa

You cannot eat the same things that the 6ethers eat or you will die- you cannot eat microwave dinners or GMO food or fast food –

Nano particles have now been added, GMO is also used to alter the DNA- you must be careful what you are eating and with whom, do not take your foot off of the gas pedal

Seedless means whatever the product- usually Grapes have no seeds and this means this product comes from a laboratory – many children and adults think this is the dogs bullocks- they don’t get out much- without seeds means they own the copy-write, you cannot grow without their approvable or a copy-write from the agriculture department – if your plant DNA code as the same as their GMO plants – they can say you are stealing from them, that these plants are copy-written by man who had nothing to do with creating the plant king-dome

Right now, famers or man – his land or the planets land is being taken away, produce that they are producing has to be thrown away, sugarcane that is GMO can only be taken to their mills in the USA
There is hype on the internet telling 9ethers to buy land and produce their own food which sones like a beautiful idea but the system is crashing, do it but don’t think it will last or will they allow you to continue- food GMO will come from Skynet [Amazon+] 
The sun is also going to stop for many

GMO meat from genetically modified animals say they taste better or different – this is clone meat – I have not eaten meat since they cancelled M.A.S.H in the USA, I have stopped having any milk whatsoever, no dairy products or meat- life is quite bland since then because my body misses it and goes into recall- but we were all warned in the last 10 years to give sh9t up- I miss meat and dairy products but hey- I had many decades of meat and dairy

This is in the 50 years in the making from man and is for this very moment in time- its too late for the 6ethers to do anything about it- if they are meat eaters forget it, they will not be able to change nothing, do not eat Pigs for this is cannibalism- Muslims don’t eat Pigs but they will fu9k your primary school daughter, do not eat Pigs or any of the sacred animals, like KAU, LAMB, SHEEP is still Mutton, basically you can eat Chicken if you have to but that is it  

Reggie Miller

Canis [K9] Major Star system that deals with the Dog ANUBU, Dog reversed is [God] keep in mind the HINDOO(s) mixed with the Dogs [Gods] beings [the ones like DMX or Snoop]

Cannabinoids also called CBD are compounds in Cannabis [Ka-n-Nine-ANUBU-s] Anubis is spelt that way by the 6ether Greeks

This can only be found in those who are plant-based beings- the 9ethers are the only ones who are made from Chlorophyll and not Sulphur- so this means that they can only produce 100% real breast milk for their offspring

THC is the most notable ingredient, there are at least 113 Cannabinoid isolated from Cannabis with all varied effects

Cannabis gets it name because they [Aset-INANNA] had to bring Ganja down from Canis Major to calm Seth(s) offspring down to stop them from eating one another hence the word Cannabis [Cannibal] and Cain [Abel] Cains or Seths children were eating one another on Ki and fu9king sh9t up  

INANNA had already removed their pineal gland and this was causing them to cut-out, they were killing and eating one another- so the weed was brought down in a bid to calm them down, this is another reason how you know the 6ether women do not have Cannabinoids in the breast milk, this worked because we had Woodstock in 1969, this was the flower-power children – the era of lov9 – there are those who the herb has no effect on whatsoever – we consumed the herb or lit it like incense [in-sense] 

THC is what you get when you are high- you then would connect with the Most-High, the brain [organ] releases Dopamine [Dope] Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that plays several roles in the body and brain – in the brain Dopamine acts like a neurotransmitter, a chemical released by neurons nerve cells to send signals to other nerve cells- this is also called KAANU- sum 6ethers produce this as well 

When you get high- you have to come back down- have you seen Cokeheads or those who take XTC have to smoke to come back down – sum people come down real hard

We have two types of receptors in our bodies – THC binds with receptors mostly in the brain that controls mood, pain, feelings+ emotions, the mind- alterstates of learning+ 

THC stands for Two-Hours-(of)- Consciousness

You can travel on the smoke, we has the Bey Native Indians, who were mixed with the HINDOO(s) not the Mongolian ones, called it Wacky Tobacco, a name used by the Irish called Wacky Backy or it was known has the Peace Grass – they also had Bearberry and is now an ornamental plant in North-West USA and was brought here from the Sirius [Sibtu] Septet Star-System by the HINDOO(s) not the ones today or their forefathers who came from the Caucasians Mountains- the HINDOOKUSH 

The original strand is called HINDUKUSH [HASHI], the Hindu had already mixed weed with Opium, they crossbred weed with Opium a long time ago and these plants are hybrids

A hybrid plant grown from the seed produced by cross-pollinating two distinct parent plants of different varieties – this process of controlled pollination creates a new [3rd] variety which they may or may not have desirable traits of the parent plants- this is why the pollen on this planet is way out of control, because of man- he has altered the plant king-domes >> Oats, Rice, Wheatgrass, Soy, Beans 
 Common hybrid vegetation like Garlic, Carrots, Grapefruit, Corn, Beets, Potatoes, Broccoli, Celery, Cauliflower [Kali-flower] Nuts that include Cashews, Almonds, Oats, Rice, Wheatgrass, Soy, Beans- you cannot escape the foods but you can reduce the amount of sh9t that you are consuming, there are pockets of places where you can still get what you need

[do not eat nothing from China, do not eat Garlic from China]

The Watermelon

Melon comes from the word Melanin and was a hybrid that the ancient KHMT made – we were doing a lot of cross-breeding back then with plants and animals and even with HuMins [HuMans]

The original Garlic was made by us [there is also black-Garlic] and even the first Pig [Moon- Pig] by cross-breeding the Aardvark and Boer and bleaching it - that was for the 6ether- this is mutant food, there is a natural Boar that you used to eat 

Watermelon is one of the oldest foods on Ki having been around for more than a millennium – they have found 2,000- 5,000 years old seeds from watermelon in KHMT people, plus watermelon paintings and seeds have been found that are at least 5,000 years old- this gave birth to the Western word Watercolour paintings, they stole that from KHMT when we left it to share with you – they stole this idea from NTR Tut [Iy] 

In the past, watermelon used to have a more pale colour and more seeds and didn’t have the red flesh they have now – it was purple, green and blue and their size was smaller and bigger

The weed [Marijuana] Mary Jane [Reggie Miller] Wacky Backy – today the weed many smoke is not weed anymore, that crap on London streets is consumed by the young people and adults who do not give a fu9k about what they are smoking- its called Punk – I rather go without than smoke this sh9t, others cannot and we have a huge mental breakdown in adults and young people who are all zombie-out, this is loud, loud as in sone, this sone is blowing your eardrums out- [you have an inner ear that is shaped in a number 9- consciousness- you inner-sone-tone- your inner instrument] 

I have tried it and nearly lost all control- its not for me, your thoughts can be consumed- this is not real weed, there is no real weed, but while the Rastas are still smoking and what they are smoking is good to go me, we smoke, the weed is coming from Jamaica and is still high-grade- we do not use cigarettes, we use American Spirit rolling tobacco and others use anything – this is wearing down your mind and is causing you to make mistakes- do stupid things, this is called a blunt- blunt instrument, this is your choice – keep in mind that this war is on the mental plane – which is the fourth dimension- many people are becoming dysfunctional on this sh9t weed and most of them do not know what they are smoking or actually give a sh9t on what they are doing to their mind

Papaver Somniferum also known as the Opium POPI or bread seed poppy

The USA have had the poppy fields in Afghanistan under lock for over a decade while they lavished themselves with the benefits- Trump family own fields, so does the Reptilian families in Europe, none more so that the ones in the UK [China White]

Opium is a species of flowering plants within the Paparazzi in which both the POPI and Opium are derived

Opium is the biggest [drug] sold worldwide- we use the word drug because that is what the 6ethers have turned it into [Hydrocodone] Oxymorphone [Morphine] Codeine [Xanax] Fentanyl+ just to name a few that come from Opium- now you know why the USA where in Afghanistan- have you seen Kensington Avenue in Philadelphia

The USA did this to their own people, nothing new under the sun- the Jews manufacture the synthetic version-

All these drugs are sold by Pharmacies [Chemists] around the world, Marijuana is from the herb family like Basil is from the same family- nature made weeds, the word Pharmacy means Witchcraft- the modern day meaning of Witchcraft which would be Madonna, Cher- those tramps and more 

The Papaver plant is what they made Heroin from which comes from Morphine – which is a natural substance taken from the seed pod- Hero-in [Hero] Heru and many more come from the pods [seeds]

Heroin is one of the most dangerous drugs in the world and is sold in Pharmacies owned by Jews who are the drug dealers – notice the word Pharm and Farm are the same when pronounced
It comes from [Old Macdonald had a Farm] Mac [Mec] Olmec [Ul-Mec] Ul-Old 

Phar-Mac-ies] which sone the same but are spelled differently- spell has in casting a spell – this is their Witchcraft – Pharm and Farm are both dealing with plants in the phonetics

HINDUKUSH [HINDIKUSH] is a pure Indica [Indika] Indra [India] Indigo Marijuana strain -named after the mountain range that stretches 500 miles between Pakistan [Nakistan][Nagastan] and Afghanistan [Af-ghana-stan] 
Hindu Kush Mt range – where it originated 

I had sum Indi around an hour ago

The harsh climate of its homeland has conditioned this strain to express a thick protective coat made from Crystal – there is a subtle sweet and earthly sandalwood aroma
HINDOKUSH endues a calming and deep sense of peace- at ease and brings relief for those suffering from Nausea and stress disorders, for those who want to take the edge off of the day, for those who want to touch base with the most-High, the highest vibration 

To cross-breed a plant, you need one female species and one male species from another species – they can do this by selective breeding – when you pluck a plant, flower you are actually dismembering the reproductive organs of plants – all basic strains begin bland

The favour of Indica and Sativa strains can be changed by combining them with either 99999 or the 9999 99999 seed and the resulting flavour profile will be randomly generated – if you do not achieve the desired strain, you can start again and once a flavour is introduced into the strain- it cannot return to bland again – only another flavour – there are four stages of growth progression

We were taught to farm and the knowledge was handed down- until the 6ethers came in and took over- they introduced money and many people grow for money- a farmer is not a farmer- he does fu9k all and does it for money only

Ginkgo plants have separate male and female planets altogether and you have Duckweed that abstains from sex altogether – they produce leaf like clones that break off and grow into adult plants- what a leaf- Osiris [Asaru] there are records about him waiting for sum of these leaves and him personally talking them onwards 

Plants have a Pineal Gland and they produce Melatonin [Melanin] like the Fig trees [eat figs and dates]
Plants also sleep and sleep is for Melanin repair and replenishment- just like in the HuMin – when plants sleep, they grow and plants have the ability to dream and can go to Sirius [heaven] haven for they have a spirit [Chi] energy 

Melatonin has been identified in many plants like, Tanacetum Parthenium and St Johns Wart 

Sum fruit like Banana and Grapes, Rice, Grain, Wheat, Barley and Oats are rich in Melatonin all this and more your powers that used to be- know already and is to why they GMO them, not because of the 6ethers but because of the 9ethers, Melanin evolves every 3-5 years and they had to slow the 9ether down in the last 50 [100] years, all food that is black is rich in Melatonin – like black garlic, black olives+ herbs, olive-oil, koffee, tea and chocolate, wine [vine] and beer

Plants are inter-dimensional beings that are tapped as a source of energy and poWRA for the planet and the 9ethers, as with photosynthesis – plants get oxygen from the air – through the stomata, respiration [re-spirit-ation] takes place in the Mitochondria of the cell in the presence of oxygen, which they call aerobic respiration and in plants there are two types of respiration – one is dark respiration and the other is photorespiration
Photosynthesis is a process used by plants and other organisms to convert light energy into chemical energy that through cellular respiration that can be released later to fuel the organisms’ metabolic activities [who is this all talking about, as above, so below, you]

There are Humanoid plant beings that have long flowers growing out of the top of their heads and these flowers changed with their emotions, wilting with a bad mood, sum Humanoid plantoids live in homes made from vegetation and sum of these Humanoid plants know martial arts and they have a war-dance

During the Galactic War with the Reptilians [the one we are currently having once again] most of the plants fought with the Rizqiyians and most planetoids refuse to kill anyone if a better solution can be reached

There is the Ulpan plant race on LAHMU [MARS], these beings were also mentioned by John Carter- the Ulpan are a semi- vampiric race blue-skinned bibs who inhabit the valley door on LAHMU, the adults grow to about 10-12ft standing erect and the children from this species grow from the parents armpits, appearing identical to the adults, they are cyclopic possessing one eye in the centre of their faces and the eye is pure white with no apparent iris or pupil – there is no mouth in the head and the nose consists of one nostril which looks like a bloodless bullet wound and the head is covered with thick and black hair and each lock moves independently of the others and act has the creatures ears – the rest of the body is Humanoid in shape but the feet and arms are different, arms are like an Elephants trunk, hands- claws that are razor sharp with each hand lies a mouth that allows food to be eaten whole- the tail is round at the base but becomes flat at the tip – the blood of a plant man is green and sticky – resembling syrup, the Ulpan men travel in packs using their broad feet to launch themselves into the air – the earthly Kangaroos- the brain is about the size of a pinky on an adult HuMan and is only capable of directing the Ulpan movements and processing what they see and hear and are incapable of any reasoning, acting only on instinct, they eat blood from animals and plants, when threatened they leap into the air and strike using their tails which is so strong that cracking the head of a HuMan is the same has cracking an Egg, they are aggressive and will eat HuMans

It is the Planet first, then the [3] King-Domes, Plant, Animal and the HuMin [HuMan] is last aka the Body, the two King-Domes are independented of the HuMin [HuMan] Ki-ng-Dome and do not need the HuMins [HuMan] for anything, agriculture is for the HuMins [HuMans] survival, Kattle rearing was a status thing for the HuMins in Alkebulan 

It is in that order, if the HuMins [HuMans] were deleted, the planet and two kingdoms would still fully function   

Eyes closed Minion [Goddess]
POPI plant and its hypnotic qualities were well known in the classical period of ancient Greece, when Greece was called Etruscan  
It was regarded as a magic or poisonous plant and was used in mediation, heightened sessions and employed in the art of healing

The POPI in Minoan [Crete] which Greece and Crete are part of Mesopotamia [Eridu] 

The surest and most ancient evidence concerning the poppy, the extraction of opium, and the use of both not only in Crete but in the whole Greek area, is that first uncovered in July 1959
One of the five figurines representing the Minoan goddess with hands uplifted
Of these five figurins, the first and largest, 775mm in height (not counting the pins which rise 2 cm higher) has been called by the Greeks has the Poppy Goddess, Patroness of Healing, because she bears on the head three movable pins in the likeness of heads of the sleep-inducing poppy (papaver somniferum)

The three pins on the head of the goddess do in fact represent heads of the opium poppy or the stars of SAHU [Orion]- have you thought about that
The vertical notches in the capsules, which are more deeply coloured, belong to one of the typical forms of poppy used for producing opium
The carving of the capsules, then executed vertically, is different from the circular carving usual today, or the mixed pattern, circular around the top and then vertical as that of the figurine (Dioskourides, Pliny)
Of special interest is the artist's rendering of the colouring in the notches: it corresponds with the colour of the dried juice of the poppy

The Minoan goddess appears to have her eyes closed as though asleep or Istal [mediation]
Especially impressive are the folds in the cheeks giving a smiling effect, and the lifelessness of the parting of the lips
The goddess with the uplifted hands is frequently found over a wide area of the prehistoric world and is the same goddess is found under various identities
The equipment of the goddess, was used for preparing inhalations of opium
This receptacle had a base and a hole on the sides, and bore a remarkable resemblance to those used in Java in earlier times for the inhalation of the vapours of opium

 A vase front Java for inhaling the fumes of opium

The ancient Etruscans [Greek] portrayed the divinities Hypnos (Sleep), Nyx (Night), and Thanatos (Death) wreathed with poppies or carrying poppies in their hands
The later Greeks adorned statues of Apollo, Asklepios, Pluto, Demeter, Aphrodite, Kybele, Isis and other deities in like manner, adding ears of corn to the bunches of poppies
Poppy-capsules, with or without the addition of ears of corn, are also found on figurines, bas-reliefs, vases, tombstones, coins and jewellery
Demeter, in despair over the seizure of her daughter Persephone by Pluto, ate poppies in order to fall asleep and forget her grief, according to Ovid, she supplied Triptolemus also with poppies in order to induce sleep, induce sleep or to go to the spirit realm
The poppy became one of the symbols of this goddess
On a basket at Eleusis it is portrayed in combination with ears of corn
The original medicine man is not man, it is the witch aka the wika [Hika] wombman
The poppy-head, is found in the hands of statues of various gods of the nether world, and because of the multiplicity of its seeds, it is considered to be a symbol of abundance and fertility


The first written record of the poppy in Greece is found in Hesiod, who states that in the vicinity of Corinth there was a city named Mekonê (Poppy-town)

For when the gods and mortal men were divided at Mekonê, even then Prometheus was forward to cut up a great ox and set portions before them, trying to beguile the mind of Zeus
According to commentators on Hesiod, this city received its name from the extensive cultivation of the poppy in the area, others, however, hold that it was because it was there that Demeter first discovered the fruit of the poppy
This prehistoric name of a city which previously had been called Aigialeis, Aigialê, Aigialeia or Aigialoi, was subsequently changed to Sikyon
The poppy is also referred to as growing in the garden of Hekatê near Kolchis, as described in the Argonautica
And there were overhanging grasses with roots sunken low, and asphodel, and famed and lovely maiden's hair
Yew and camomile and the black poppy
Mighty plants, and white hellebore and monkshood too
And many other baneful plants that grow upon the ground
Homer in the Iliad also mentions the poppy
And as a poppy which in the garden is weighed down by fruit and vernal showers, droops its head on one side
In the Odyssey, Homer mentions a drug, Nepenthes, which Helen gave to Telemachus and his comrade to make them forget their grief, she had obtained the drug from the KHMT [Egyptian] Polydamna, wife of Thon [not sure what their real names are]
Presently she cast a drug into the wine whereof they drank, a drug to lull all pain and anger, and bring forgetfulness of every sorrow
Medicines of such virtue and so helpful had the daughter of Zeus, which Polydamna, the wife of Thon, had given her, a woman of Egypt, where earth the grain-giver yields herbs in great plenty, many that are healing in the cup, and many that are baneful
Theophrastus, referring to this passage, states that there is no plant with the properties attributed to Nepenthes
It seems that either he was unaware of it or doubted its existence, when he wrote, they appear to be inventions of the poets, this view is supported by other writers before and after Theophrastus who believed that the word Nepenthes referred allegorically to the blandishments and charms of Helen
Diodorus Siculus gives added information to the effect that it was reported that in his day the women of Egypt used the drug because only the women of Diospolis had in very ancient times discovered this antidote to anger and grief
According to Theophrastus, the Mantineian root-doctor, Thrasyas wrote that from the juices of the poppy and hemlock an easy and painless death could be obtained

The Minoan goddess, her hair adorned with poppy-capsules

Hippocrates makes frequent mention of the poppy as being used in medicinal preparation
He distinguishes between the white, fire-red, and black poppy
In regards to its therapeutic qualities, he mentions the unripe, ripe and baked poppy
He also mentions poppy-juice as a hypnotic, narcotic, and styptic drug; also, as a cathartic
Finally, he mentions the hypnotic poppy, and the great nutritive property of its seeds

We also find the poppy mentioned in Aristotle as a hypnotic drug
Theophrastus also makes frequent mention of the poppy, and lists the following categories: the black or horned poppy, the flowing poppy and the Heraklean poppy
These three types of poppies, differ from the hypnotic poppy

Nevertheless, it is clearly evident from the above references that when the capsule of the poppy was split, juice flowed and was collected
As regards the extraction of plant-juice in general, he writes that it is done through the stalks as with the spurge and the lettuce and most plants, or from the roots, or thirdly from the head, as in the case of the poppy, the poppy is the only plant from which the juice is extracted from the head; this is peculiar to it- from the former plants the juice oozes out by itself like tears; this happens with the juice of the tragacanth, which need not be slit
In most cases the juice emanates from cuttings
Sum times the juice is collected at once in jars, as is done with the juice of the spurge or the poppy
The terms spurge-juice and poppy-juice are used interchangeably when the liquid emanates from plants with many openings

Herakleides of Pontus writing in his work- On Government, about the Keian custom (euthanasia) and makes the following statement- since the island is healthy and the population lives to a ripe old age, especially the women, they do not wait until they are very old for death to take them, but before they grow weak or disabled in any way, take themselves out of life, sum by means of the poppy, others with hemlock- back then -when you are ready you can go
Theocritus referring in his Idylls to the [Iy] temple of Demeter Alois, states that the goddess bore poppies in her hands
Diagoras, the commentator on Hippocrates, states that Epistratos, one of the founders of the Alexandrian school, disapproved of the use of opium for ear-ache and eye ailments, because it dulled the sight and is a narcotic, whereas Mnisidemos considered that the only proper use of opium was by inhalation for inducing sleep, all other uses being harmful
Pliny the Elder says that both Diagoras and Epistratos rejected the use of opium for ear-ache, considering it to be a potent poison
The cultivated or garden poppy, whose seeds are used in baking bread, poppies with an elongated head and white seeds are called pouched
He also mentions wild poppy with an involute and elongated capsule and black seed which is called the -jar- poppy, and also by sum the flowing poppy because the juice flows from it
Another variety is wilder and more poisonous with a more elongated capsule

When the leaves and capsules of these poppies are boiled in water, they induce sleep

As regards the juice he states that when it is cooled and dried and taken in small quantities like vetch, it is harmless, induces sleep, aids digestion, relieves coughs and stomach troubles; when more of it is taken it plunges one into lethargic sleep and is very injurious

He considers that juice to be most potent which is thick, heavy in odour, soporific, bitter to the taste

Furthermore, he mentions the various ways in which the juice can be taken:
Sum cut off the leaves and capsules, grind them in a press, rub them in a mortar, and make tablets of them, this product, he says, is called mekonion [melatonin] and is less potent than opium
By slitting the fruit with a small knife after the dew-drops have become well dried
The knife must be drawn round the crown without piercing the fruit within; then the capsules must be directly slit on the sides near the surface and opened lightly, the juice drop will come forth on to the finger sluggishly but will soon flow freely

The horned poppy, growing by the sea and will
The foaming poppy, called the Herakleian poppy by sum 

The 6ethers Greeks have a hard time with Hul-Gil [Opium], what it does, how its consumed and used- this is healing, meditation tools, gateway openers- what if you didn't have an activated 3rd eye, then you wouldn't be able to reap the benefits 

Black PO.PI
Ether [Melanin] KAANU

Apart from the Latin authors already quoted in relation to Greek authors, it is relevant to mention the statement made by Pliny the Elder, in which he says that the black poppy is hypnotic through the juice produced by the slitting of its bud at the beginning of its flowering
This is Diagoras's interpretation, but according to Jollas the slitting should take place after the flowering, at the bland time of day -three hours after sunrise when there is no longer any dew on the poppy

Annunaki and the Cultivation of Opium

Early medicinal tablets from the Sumerian seemingly relating to Opium cultivation in terms of hul-gil — the plant of joy — explaining how to cultivate it, harvest the sap, and prepare it as a drink

Sum Sumerian tablets of this era have an ideogram inscribed upon them [hul gil], which translates to plant of joy, a reference to opium

A mystery because after those early records there is supposedly nothing, no illustrations or descriptions, indeed they aren't considered to have ever illustrated the plant, but that is clearly wrong as this seal that a plant the Goddess Ninshubur [INANNA] is sum times seen harvesting is the opium plant- why a blackout comes from the grave diggers pay masters, sum one obviously wanted to keep the data for themselves and instead serve themselves

It was the little circular crown on top that seems conclusive, there are other examples of harvesting such a plant but the evidence was inconclusive with regards to variety- [the two cylinders above]

Ereshkigal [Queen of the Underworld] 

Also seen in conjunction with the pony tailed Goddess Ninshubur are many cups and bowls, the prepared sacred drink, she was a one-woman strength through joy movement, we see often a pouring bowl and two cups;

This [Goddess] was also the representation of the SAH [SAHU] (Orion) constellation and seen in conjunction with either the [Bull] Taurus or the Spider constellation Canis Major, so we see below the Goddess in association with the spider Goddess Uttu [her satellite is here] 

The role of Ninshubur was as mediator between Heaven and Earth, Heaven [Haven] is Sirius, between the Bull [A.NU] and also IN.ANNA  as the KIYMAH [7 Star constellation of Pleiades], she followed on from them in astrological terms, as Kesiyl [Orion] in this capacity she was the First Minister of the Universe

A.NU holds the [3] Hul-Gil [Opium] trinity 

Look at that Annunaqi against a Ziggurat and the US soldiers for scale, the SHAMS can hold 50 of them

The USA have left the POPI fields, the Ulmec [Olmec] and Nagas [Buddha] were also in Afghanistan 



Bronze [divine tree] from Sanxingdui, China does not want many to know that the original forefathers are 9ether- so this piece they have been sitting on since the 80s, like the fields of Terracotta armies because they are [black] people’s material

The Sanxingdui ancient Shu Kingdom
The Sanxingdui culture is remarkable as it seems to have developed independently from the other cultures in ancient China, with no similar finds occurring anywhere else
The culture was unrecorded in historical texts and previously unknown
There is no written record of this culture, leaving scholars uncertain about its origins and its demise or shut the fu9k up and mind your own businesses
This culture's unearthed cultural relics have strange shapes and completely different styles from those of other civilizations
Among the enigmatic artifacts are eight bronze sculptures of trees—termed Shen Shu which for them means divine trees by modern archaeologists— which were excavated from the Sanxingdui site in the late 1980s

Shen and Shu are KHMT and Sumerian text words

So, we have [8] of these [divine trees]
Only one tree is almost complete, standing 3.96m high, but its top is still missing
The tree has a main body and base and resembles a great tree, rising from the top of a three-sided mountain, the trunk has three levels, from every level three branches emerge, each bearing three fruits
The branches are upward and the branches are drooping
The fruit holders are huge
[9] Nine of these fruit points upward, each with a bird standing on it
A bronze Dragon is attached to the trunk, which seems to be crawling down the tree
Sum archaeologists assume that the trees represent the mythological Fusang tree and further assume that these bronze trees were used in ritual ceremonies as the heavenly ladder, a medium through which humans could communicate with Gods
The sacred tree is kept in Sanxingdui Museum
Museum executive deputy director Zhu Jiake's explanation to the [divine tree] is - the ancient Shu people believed in the legend of 10 suns
They believed the birds carried the other nine suns so that people could see only one sun in the sky In their minds, the nine suns became nine birds that landed on the holy tree
Maybe if you gave us the top part that you are keeping- then we would understand better and me thinks there was [9] trees or even this ten that they mention because Decimal and December are the same words because there was only 10months at one point – the hand with the SAHU [Orion] symbol is very interesting – are they to do with the Dendera [Zodiac] yes they are – is this the Chakra system- yes it is
They are alien beings but are not Greys, the Zhuan Xu People were the Founders of Sanxingdui Culture, these are the Mongolian Kings, the leaders of these clans- they had [6ether] with them

China built a Nuclear reactor back in the day sum where that they fuelled with wood, wood from the forest, they cut down an entire eco-system in the process as well as wiping out the forest and so they kept their birds in cages and the birds its ass off in the vain attempt that you might let them go

The Roman Road near Donnas
It was part of the road to Gaul, connecting Eporedia (Ivrea) to Augusta Pretoria (Aosta), Italy- now this was either built by Hannibal or the Romans used the slaves they had to build these infrastructures 


All these herbs individually are for the health of your blood, and together they are a force to be reckoned with
The president of Haiti said that he witnessed his people heal their selves from the (you know what virus) using Cara-seed and Ginger root, not to mention the sunny island climate isn't a conducive environment for all these so-called pathogens they received an M8 for their trouble  
Haiti's president said he didn't plan on forcing his people to take any sort of jab and then he mysteriously gets assassinated while simultaneously having narratives of him being corrupt spread throughout the Zionist controlled media, maybe he was, maybe he wasn’t
There are herbs in Haiti that would blow your mind, not to mention certain things that I’m just not going to write about
An asteroid landed in Haiti 65,000,000 years ago and because of that, there is a metal in Haiti that's worth over 45billion dollars per few thousand pounds
Haiti literally has entire mountains worth of this metal
Haiti has more oil than Venezuela
Haiti has sum of the purest gold in the world
Haiti is owed billions from every major power in the world
Haiti right now is being stript for her resources by the US corporation, and the list goes on and on
They stole the organic rice that Haiti grew in abundance and gave them GMO plastic rice, they stole Haiti's wild boar and gave them GMO dirty pigs
France used to refer to Haiti as its crown jewel
When Christopher Columbus arrived in Haiti, he recorded in his journal that he thought he was in heaven- the people were beautiful and the landscape was out of this world
There were rivers in Haiti that would reverse aging and heal any ailment
You think Ponce De Leon was lying when he came in search of the fountain of youth
Haiti is the Wakanda of the west, matter fact Haiti is thought to have been the true Jerusalem Christopher Columbus aka the Christ of the Caucasians came to Haiti in search of the Holy city
If you're Haitian then sum of you remember the stories that your mothers and grandmothers told you about the beautiful giant mermaids that lived in Haiti's waters, there are caves in Haiti that would take you to the inner realms of the earth
Remember the truth is stranger than fiction
Most of these new aged clowns are only here to spread confusion and gather information yet they could care less about character-
Haiti is cursed because they got tired of their responsibilities and disobeyed the Most-High frequency
Haitian people suffered from severe jealousy and envy toward one another and they are blinded by hate
They are literally cursed and neglected by the entire world
PoWRA-full people yet so lost like us all 
Zoe means bone because they are a strong people, however they are stubborn and disobedient just like the Jamaicans who technically are sum of the Haitians

Anyway, the first will be last and the last will be first

It can't rain forever

Senet was found in furniture in KHMT [Tut] called a Chest [Chess]

Rainbow Serpent


Pazuzu first appeared with the body of a man and the head of a scowling dragon-snake, with two pairs of wings and talons of a bird of prey
He has a scorpion’s tail and his body is covered in scales
Bronze statuette of Pazuzu, Louvre Museum
Pazuzu is a Cherubeem – they had mixed animals in Sumerian and KHMT history
In fact, the transcendence of High-gods is often emphasized by their simple representation through attribute animals in natural form

Sumerian [Sumeria] and Samurai are nearly the same words
Japan is a part of Nepal with a whole subcontinent underwater
A statue of Yasuke, who arrived in Japan in 1579 and became the first 9ether Samurai

Red [HERU+MA.AT] FEMI.9 ELECTRON NRG has increased and is stabilised, this means she is upper the charge- the warrior charge 

Sweden [Red] 
When we see in all the four corners of the planet the AURA(s) then its showtime 

Still tripping out 

Tripped out again-

Both the Russians and Italians machines either went offline or there was a reSet or reboot causing blackout, this is over the last couple days+ 

That black patch is over Thailand, Philippines+
Hawaii M7 x2 [M8??] 
Alaska M8
CME is in
12.10.2021 = 9 and its Tuesday [warrior energy] 12:01 - if anything happens it will be at that time [midday] 
Military in the Ska [helicopters] 

If this was not caused by HAARP then this is unusual because hurricane Sam reaches Greenland, in previously frozen waters, which had made hurricanes (which are tropical energies) impossible to reach these latitudes and today, the waters reach temperatures of 20 to 24 centigrade, so the planet is actually warm- this is your global warming but unspoken- the planet- core is hot-plasma is coming from the ground, UV is ground level 

@1:56 Kanada- Mom what is happening

Systematic onslaught- check out the places getting sum- very important - nature is doing this- not god- yet 

Pan African Military Exercises
Everybody getting ready 
Use the guns and the ancestors will drop you 

Whoever she is praying to is not helping her- be real people, who just wiped you out and your a preacher for what [God], what good work are you doing to have this happen

Its was already chem'ed from the get go today, and with the CME coming in, what is in the Ska that is getting closer


Faces in places 

Its transparent and not alone, there is also a casting shadow behind or parallel with the illuminated [craft] or part of a bigger craft 

Huge craft 

Florida [USA]
Crafts are in the Ska, look at sunrise and sunset

the trap door is opened in three layers of cloud or Ska
Quite a few portals have been seen of late 

San Francisco 

Also seen in New Zealand, Russia, USA, UK 

The sun is real close and how comes that cloud is blocking out the sun 
Colour coded

 So much distortion around the sun- the electrical sun- that blue rectangular is solid
The sun does not look the same in the four corners of the planet
Heavy charges coming from the sun  

Thailand - a whole new world is being formed over that region and its getting closer 

Look at the symbol and colours [energies]

Sum one took these, not sure if they were from photos or footage- to have seen what these images live would have been whoa, they were going or coming from Alaska to Seattle 

There looks like structures, a different dimension 
Heavens Gate 

Mathematics [Ma’At-Mac-tics] 
Do your children know the importance of mathematics, in its applied form
All of the monuments that we have shown to you including the Great MIR(s)Pyramids, had to be architecturally drawn, mathematically calculated - using algebra, plane geometry, trigonometry, and engineering statistics, the same as today
Only rigorous engineering standards, precise planning, careful organization of labour and technical materials could finish such complex construction projects with such a high level of design quality Nowhere outside of Alkebulan exists such colossal structures built on such a precise and massive scale so early in ancient history
For example, problem No. 56 in the Rhind Papyrus provides an equation to find the angle of the slope of a pyramid's face
This is in fact its cotangent
With a cotangent, one automatically arrives at a tangent by taking the inverse of the cotangent
In addition, the pyramidal model’s sine and cosine values were available and known, therefore, trigonometry was also developed earliest, very early, in the Nile Valley
The advanced quality of this mathematics is confirmed by an architectural drawing even older than the Rhind Papyrus that shows that engineers had learned to find the area under a curve more than 5,000 years ago
Lies lose their power to mislead you when you already know in your heart the truth

The Ulmec [Olmec] (calendar) is a device, a compass also, it is not a calendar but a Mathematical equation that lets you know the beginning of a cycle and the ending of a cycle

Ma'at-matical [HERU+MA.AT] energy combined [Red energy- warrior energy] 
Make no mistake, she will end and begin this cycle, this is Universal Law






















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