The Metaphysics of Halloween
Mata [Meta] MAAT means beyond
Mata [Meta] MAAT means beyond
SIGI [1997][1998][2001]
Tribu month November [Nova-mber]
Tribu name [Gad]
Tribu colour [Red]
Body part [Reproduction Organs]
Tribu function [poWRA]
A plasma storm like no other is to hit around Halloween
The Hispanic [Hi-Spain-ic] have a celebration whereby
they come out with the skulls called the Day of the Dead
Every country in the ancient world has a Day of the Dead
that they celebrate with the ancestors
Halloween [Hallow Eve] is celebrated because that is
when the two-dimensions cross and is the moment you can visit your lost ones,
this is a gateway which over the last years has become more visible and
accessible and was more so when you knew [know] (believed) in the ancient
Ancestors like sweets and this is why the modern version
in Halloween send out their children for trick or treat, you are actually
giving the ancients sweets and Kandy [Candy]
Kaa[Ka] double you
When you see the letter [C] in modern day English it is
being use to replace the letter K, its in the pronunciation
When you give the children [innocent roaming] they get
blessed [blissed], the children in terms of prosperity for the rest of the year
The Kandy [sweets] given to the child is a representation
of giving sweets to Baron Samedi who is Papa [Baba] Legba – his counterpart is
Mama Bridgette [wear Purple] for they are head of the crossway
You can access data over and over again but sooner or
later, your life has to be part of that data that you access, you have to upload
the data into your reality
Hallows eve’ is like any tradition, this year [2012] 2021
will be different, this is an 6ether European tradition, from Mexico and parts
of Asia and parts of India and Africa all have what is called the Day of the
The Dead also represent the Day of the Ancestors, this is
for 3days [72hrs] [9] when the spirit world is at its closes to the physical
world – this is the underworld, the netherworld, the Amduat, the Amenti, this
is the Hollow E-arth, which is a realm that is up under the earth [Ki] a realm
that is in another dimension which is the ancestry realm
Every culture has a Day of the Dead or this Halloween
[Hallow-eve] that is in Europe which is the European form of the Day of the
Dead – the Ghoul plays a role
This is an important cycle [72hrs] if you read behind the
lines in that we must honour the ancestors in this cycle because they are on
the other side of the mirror, they are in weather systems, they are in the air
Christianity has many spooked out on this cycle
[Halloween], based on time sum of the meanings of these things have been lost
but the practitioners still keep up the ancient practice although the real
meanings can be lost in time, others come [New-Age] into this custom and the meanings get
Now we have superstition, you could say that 98% of what
we know has evil is not, its based-on misunderstandings + time and historical
ignorance – we have taboo or forbidden titles today or it was lost
Even with skulls and bones that you see in Vodun
[Voodoo] and Paulo culture – that is Evil in many peoples eyes, Evil [Eve’il]
il = Lillith [L-il-lith] << many don’t even know where the word Evil
comes from – men are scared of Eve and Lillith, there are many
Eves [Bi9ches] Witch Wicca [Wika] Hika that men are scared of, they call them Evil and they are not
Devil is the same word D-evil [Dark-evil] dark is KAANU
What would Halloween mean, the ancients used to talk
about how they would have to pay homage to the ancestors – an ancestor is sum
one who is no longer on the earth plane which is why bones and the skull are kept
has they are an emblem, a symbol – that is it
These systems around the world are all fragmented and we
don’t have a complete system on the planet, you have to take sum from here and
sum from there and fuse [resonate] them for your interpretation
Rudolf Steiner said that religion comes about when vast
cultures fall and lose the advanced concept of the Mystery [MyStory] systems
aka spirituality – which is locked into religion and taught has spirituality –
religion is political and dealing with moralism [political behavioural
modification moral code] and nothing to do with spirituality or the natural
practitioners of the earth and manipulating the forces of the earth through
ritual [rites of passage] which is Magi which is science
Many cannot deal with those that operate from a
higher-plane, they cannot bypass sitting and praying, sitting and praying is
begging, you are just getting moralism under the banner of spirituality and is
nothing of the kind
In-spir-ed is to be in-spirit >> you’re not getting
enough of any inspiration
True spirituality is tracking the spirit world that is
unseen and manipulating the forces to bring about results in the physical –
this is called Meta and Meta means beyond, to go beyond the 3D aka the physical
You do not need faith, you need Gnosis- you need
kn-Owl-edge in it, this is the difference and the basis of Metaphysics
Halloween is a festival in a European form that you would
find in South America, in the Caribbean, in New Orleans – its called Carnival >< Cannibal
[Festival] Fest-evil] which are a Day of the Dead which all find their way back
to Alkebulan [Africa] even All-Saints-Day, same thing
Today you have Pumpkin and getting trick or treat, stupid
things that make no sense to the pagan mind – Pumpkin seed and Pumpkin itself
[Orange-soul-chakra] wasted on dumbass people and their children so that the
6ether minds psyche can take it for their psyche cannot take anything that is
out of religion – whether they are conscious of this or not, they will not want
to be a disobedient child- do not partake in these practices if you are spiritual, do not waste the Pumpkin
Now we have those who are older, wiser but still in a
retarded state about the universe and cannot evolve any higher
Prosperity, what many deem as prosperity as nothing to do
with spiritualty at all, real spirituality the modern world knows very little
about it, even those with Reiki certificates, those with Yoga mats, the
throwbacks from the Beetles going to India for four years, nothing to do with
the KAA systems, they are just trending
They keep it in European lodges, in the metaphysics and
occult societies and in certain bookstores and certain literature and the
masses both 6ether and 9ether do not get any of the real knowledge
These systems are put together in Akebulan, in Atlantis, in
Lemuria which is nothing more than the earth in different planes into the
physical aspect and Alkebulan was the one of the first aspects – but it was all
of the earth because at one time, it was all one land mass- this is very key
that you know that the planet was one land mass at one stage and was connected,
one land mass, one people, one connection
Alkebulan is because that is where we started to document
and collect records, if we go to KHMT and you see all those vast monuments all
over KHMT [Egypt] which is from another dimension and you think why didn’t the
rest of Alkebulan have the same theme although there are many other examples
throughout Alkebulan- its nothing like the advanced theme in KHMT- why is that
When ancient Egypt [Egipt] was going to be a monumental
state that stored data, it was going to be an online stone library, we were
already at our fallen state, the frequency had already dropped
We were already in decline and along with this the time
cycle, the cycle was getting ready to change
You must know that the 9ether was here for millions of
years prior to KHMT being built, ancient Egypt has Ancient Kingdom and Old Kingdom, there is an older [Valley of the Kings]
Keep this in mind, if you were from Apes it would have
been documented on the walls of KHMT, it would have been carved into stone,
however it is not recorded anywhere and was only told to you in the 1800s by a
6ether man – the Alkebulan man [man means mind] is responsible for the
knowledge [light] on this planet, who is the indigenous mind [man] around the
earth [Ki] – what you know is only a fragment of what they knew then
8,000 - 10,000 years is really the 6,000 [6,500] Moon
cycle, we had 5,000 years to get KHMT ready – Jesus is 2,000 years and
Crocodiles are over a million-years - the timeline is so remote we cannot even
count it
We do not have technology in the modern era, think of all
the ancient people that was in the past that could see what we are seeing in
their own mind and could astral travel at will at anytime of the day and see
the same thing, do not think that the only advanced state on the planet when
people were able to do what stuff we do now is at this particular time – you
are greatly mistaken, this superiority thinking stems from the 6ether Europeans
– they hide from you and then reproduce the European model to you, this is
artificial – all they are doing is recovering material, advanced technology
that was left behind, even all the universities that the Moors built and left
in Spain, the library in Moor-occo and KHMT and keeping it to themselves and then try and duplicate a version of the material – they get to the most common
denominator and put that out – most of it they don’t get it and all they are
doing is giving you are more concepts of convenience – things that you don’t
have to use the mind and soul-spirit in, its all gadgets and cell phones,
gaming, its all body = material
You used to travel from one side of the planet to the
other side, you materialized cells and dematerialized cells – you travelled
physically, I don’t know about you but that is technology, there are records of
us doing these things, we could go to all forms of the universe and not leave
the earth plane physically, now you know why the 6ether European had to hide
this data, people walking around on the clouds, how do we know this because
others recorded them, walking around on the clouds – this is the type of data
that they read about in their lodges
Only a fool would say that they understand knowledge
None of this knowledge is lost, there are access hubs,
there is the Akashic records, there is the astral realm, we are in the Aquarius
energy field which is technology, data, light, knowledge, whatever you want to
know is now available to you
The Egyptians knew they were going into slavery, it says
so in the Hermetic text 5,000 years before hand, they put things in place, they
knew that deep within our DNA are the archetype of the collective consciousness
that we would be able to recover the data files, because it was taught to you
for 1000s of years to 100s of generations – after all they know we are the same
people reincarnating time after time, you do realise this, the dome went up and
everyone got trapped down here, you have been on repeat, reincarnating to this
day – in the Gospel of Thomas which was taken out [Nicaea] it says, in the last
days, all things will be recovered and there will be no mysteries that is
The ancient man would observe things, like nature, the
western man dissects things, the ancient man would use the elements by tapping
into them, to heal others, or the ancient man would observe in order to know how to reside with nature, to reside with the animals harmoniously, whereas the
western man which is the European man would have to dissect – he would have to
destroy – he can only treat the symptoms and not the cause, he is not a master
Inanimate objects are vibrating – all these sites are
vibrating because everything and the planet vibrates, that means you
These rituals and the knowledge, the correct sacraments
were handed down through the generations – everything as force fields and
everything is built up on different dimensions and different streams of
energies and all the ancient man had to do was find sum thing in nature that
would correspond to everything inside of the body – if that is what you were
doing, healing the body, they could use the plant and animal worlds also
because they could find sum thing that was comparable to that which is inside
of your body and all the ancient man would have to do is match up the
force fields in nature with whatever needed healing with that particular part of
your body or organ- they could heal your molecular structure, the cellular
structure, the physical structure by matching up corresponding elements in
Man means mind, the original medicine man is the female, she is the Wicca [Wika] Hika Witch-doctor, knowledge was taught to her first, man wasn't around for a long time
No knowledge is lost, it is in your DNA, I have trouble
sum times in my dreams has the thoughts or data that I want to know about
streams through my mind constantly, data is always streaming through
The spirit realm had entities that would come and heal
you – the physical body is easy for the spirits to heal – they would match your
astronomical energies line up to and heal you from scratch, you would be taken
to the house energy head-being for your Dendera [Zodiac] energy sign and she or
he would come in and align you, all this is advanced knowledge and is privy to
you now
You are world-class people now, no more faith and
everything is going to be alright, access the data so you know and not believe [Ba'evel] Baal'eve
The thing is your comfort, how much comfort do you need
or how much comfort do you want, the spirit world cannot sponsor your luna-cy,
sh9t is changing, you need to be realistic in what you actually need and not what you want
The year 2000 was really key in terms of data, the last two decades
have seen energies [data] that we never had in the 90s, there is so much data
out there now, many won’t get the data because their mind is still in the
European model mind, they are thinking of other things
When you go advanced you don’t need gadgets, you don’t
want these things, you step back and let go, you fade into black – empty mind,
full house, full mind, empty house- spirit world is higher than the 3D world –
we are in the spirit world now [4]5D
You have to let go of the 3D things because you cannot
take them over to the other side with you – this is also what you have in your
comfort and your wants and needs and desires, the red-chakra [Root] is being
We are in a race for spiritual survival – healing energy
[WAJI] is all around us and is for healing, the blue energy is life-force, you
will not be able to receive these energies if you are still in your comfort
The heaven realm is your energy, its within you, there is
no [God] coming for you because you are the [God] you is the microcosm of the
macrocosm – but you have to stream first, you have to tap into the stream – you
are from source, one in the same, same water from the ocean if you used a glass
and took sum out – which they did and you is under the dome – [God] is above
the dome and [God] is below the dome, as above, so below, as within, so your
never without
To draw in energies you should build and [Al]tar, these
are energy conduits within your home and this means your dwellings will be
protected – these are not old practices or outdated practices, sit down and
think what you want to be in your alter has a form or protection, and what ever
comes up out of your mind is what it is that you should get and place in your
energy device, we are not dealing with energy from 2,000 years ago, we are
talking about a nu eon of energy for this energy is coming from inside you, after all it is you that is returning to a lofty state – its your own ritual
and is based on what you think of – read a book on basic Magic, not to do Magic
but just learn what the principles are in Magic – none of these Magic books
work but you just want to know the concepts – when you inner-stand the
principles then go and make your own rituals based on your own-self [own cell]
just do whatever comes in your mind – have enough confidence in your mind to
know that it is authentic and do the ritual [rite of passage] that way – drape
sum type of cloth over your alter that is made from wood, even a speaker box,
and after you drape the cloth start with [1] or [2] candles [deal with the
seven-day candles if you can for these things take time] or any candle that is
encased in glass, you can still use candles that are not encased in glass – try and use blue or green candles as well, for the universe [Nu] said once, I AM triple blackness to the blind and blue to
the ones who can see me – you can use red for a lot of high energy, which we
are seeing around the planet and universe, if this is your nu altar use your
colour that is you that is directed to you from you- outwardly [inwardly]
Then find out the Kaa [double] entity, spirit or ancestor
that you want to deal with, what cultures are you drawn to, what [Gods] or
[Goddess] do you admire or are drawn to and let them jump up at you and you
will know, adorn your altar with personal items because that is closer to you,
put a plate and get sum fruit and things that they like because you need to
appease them [kiss ass for wasting so much time down here and now you need
them] sum like Rum, sum like cigars, if it is Rum, take sum and spit it four
ways [Kardinal points]
You can call on your earth family but keep in mind they are on the 3D and we want 4[5]D
You should have by now sum method of study, we are no
more following people, you cannot be doing same old – same old things, there is
too much data out here, its all over the internet and in books, sh9t they are
making displays using books now, its not based on what you read, its how you
read, when you read, read by chapters, read these books by paragraphs, read
from the index, no more cover to cover, research, research books, you can PDF
most books now
Watch material if you cannot read, your organ [brain]
needs a range, a higher range to aim for
For protection wear Purple [Mama Bridget] ANUBU [ANPU]
can be called on for protection, use your i-magi-nation [creative
visualization] this is your Magi [Magic], so imagine that he is walking beside you and he
will be walking beside you – the [Dog][God] protects the individual
Magi is Manifestation [Imagination]
In all of the esoteric [metaphysics] teachings – the
bases of all esoteric teachings, could be Egypt, India, west -Africa, ancient
Mesopotamia [Greece], Aborigine [Australia] – the basic teachings of esoteric
teachings around the planet, all say that its an illusion and that it’s a
series of events that do not exist except for only in our minds or the wiring
in our brains, this is why the movie the Matrix is so important -because this
is the truth – the Matrix did not introduce this concept for this concept is at
the heart of all religions – your man Jesus says, this world is not my fathers –
I’m just passing through, in the Gospel of Thomas it says, tell us where the
kingdom of heaven is and they say, you won’t find it looking for it
This is an illusion – the Tibetan book of the Dead, the
border worlds – that this is an illusion, there are many books also addressing
the illusion – it’s a holographic universe
We are at a stage where many will never realise this is a
computer holographic program, with going beyond, you will have nu dimensions, nu
expanses, nu realities
You have an entity incarnating on the inside of you, not an
alien from out of space, although it is an alien in your body, that particular
entity that incarnates inside of you, based on metaphysics and based on the
esoteric teachings of the ancients is none other than your soul [Baa], you must
know the difference, everyone down here has a spirit and 98% of what we deal
with in the spirit realm is based on the spirit according to your body but the
soul is totally different for the soul is where the spirit comes from, the
spirit is merely a simulation of the soul, it is merely the energy that houses
the soul and the body houses the spirit – get it
The soul is literary another universe and another entity
within itself, it is an alien, it is the real you outside of the dream of who
you think you are, the spirit has to deal with the dream in a series of
illusions and a series of images, energies that are casted off from the dreams,
it is the soul which is actually dreaming, once the soul starts to wake
[activate] up is no different to a nu entity or nu person waking up inside of
you – although it is who you really are, the other part is who you think you are is
what you were when your soul was dreaming but when your soul wakes up you
become a whole another person and your dream subsides and your soul becomes the
driving factor
[Al]tar Ego is a 6ether Greek word meaning Identity
For me, my soul has had a series of awakenings, wave
after wave and is coming of age, complete lost of identity on the earth plane,
and this world around me becomes insignificant, all these are processes, these
are initiates for the soul is activating [waking up] and coming into age and is
completing itself and becoming a supa-heru [superhero] which is the Christ
[Christhood] = KARAST [KRST]
With the planet [energy discs] and soul-ar storms, flares,
flashes and UV+ you will be sensitive and affected with alignments and all
these energies that are bombarding the planet – LAHMU [MARS] represents the 3rd
eye [pineal gland] and when LAHMU draws in closer you will feel the energy, all
this and more means you are coming online more and more
Plug out, your monitor and metre can not be regular news,
or what you have been trained into, the revolution will not be televised, your
perception around you cannot be given to you by the enemy
You have to think [thoth] on a whole another level or
your soul will not wake up [activate]
The highest level of Egyptian art is Alchemy [Al[Chem]y
KHEM-ET which is the breakdown of the particles of the universe and is the
breakdown of particles of man [mind] and the particles in nature and is the
ultimate study of KAANU [Melanin] Ether and the art of distillation was given
to the 6ether Europeans by the Moors
Alchemy is a Chemical process [KAA.NU]
You do not do these practices to see if they work or just
because, you do them because you know, you know enough information now, you are
world class people , you better act like One [Neo] Neuro
NTH Gate
the KAA.NU Sun
You are the suns down here under the dome, the stars, moon and sun are under the doom with us
read all data in energy
The resonating frequency is fluxing out- different energy signatures - a cut out- left ear went again in the AM, adjustments are being made in the left hemisphere, woke up with head sweating, dreaming all the while-
Plenty of WAJI, look at the signature
WAJI flare around the 6am mark
Brighton [UK]
Read the Ska in Chakra energies, the Ska is talking to you
The Ska is reflecting what these graphs are showing you
This is a soul-ar system with soul-ar energy for soul-ar beings, if you do not have a soul you will be made to go offline - this is a soul-ar system and you need a soul to be here
Last image is plasma, there is no fire in space- this heat is radiation which is energy that you can process through your Chaka alien implants and your 999 and 666 pack - without this you will die
Red destroys along with Purple - added together is still Blue
Red warrior energy
[crafts sitting over a Nuclear plant ????]
Red -FEMI9 electron energy
HERU + MA.AT combined energies
Ultraviolet backdrop [Melbourne] Australia
Plasma strikes world wide- watch for the mental health of many and you- eat chakra colours, plasma is purple which is your crown chakra
[1] Atum Re = Haru [Heru] and Ultraviolet Light
[2] Atun Re = Asaru [Osiris] and Gamma Ray Light
[3] Amun Re = X-Ray
U.V. – Gamma X-rays are 3 forms of Black [Kaanu]-light
coming from Cosmic Rays that come from outside of this soular-system
The 3 types of cosmic rays which when they manifest in
[cellular energy] as well as [chemical energy] are logged under [1] PROT-on [2]
NEUTR-on [3] ELECTR-on [666] yes this spells corona
The 3 types of cosmic rays come in 3wave-lenghts, being;
[A] Alpha Waves
[B] Gamma Waves
[C] Beta Waves
[the 3hands or tri-ads of Re [Ra]
Craft nation
You can see the cube going the planet, the force field, this house is sealed
x2 M5
Grenada doesn't make the news no more- that was also done on purpose
When Palma goes it will trigger a Tsunami that will be heading towards the east-coast of the USA
You should go inland in the USA if you reside near the east-coast
Sh9t is real in the field
This upload is only 4:38 out of 24hrs, a mere snapshot of what is going on out there
it is 2012 now [2021] same numbers
the 10 years or 10mins in their time-machine is over
Busy up there
Are they tracking or shooting at sum- thing or guiding
Just sitting there
When you see crafts in open fields, know that they are on the ground [cloaked]
Crafts in the Ska
There are so many fleets over Thailand, Australia +
There are crafts over all major capitals around the 3D world
North of England
Everything is sprouting from the middle
Finger to lips >> sssSSSh
The outcome will be the same but will be a different story around the world
the guy said he looked out and saw this, matrix glitching
Moon and friend
Nemesis and
NI.BIRU are the same system [binary]
I took the brightness down and the image went from Red to Yellow
You can see sum light pillars
What is on the nu horizon
These backdrops are changing you from the inside out, the radiation is changing your molecule [cellular] structure- from the inside out - you are being forced to upgrade
Scotland [who that]
We have had a reSets, rebooting, a jump in timelines, the planet is slowing down to rotate counter-clockwise - creation has sped up, time is light, the universe will also rotate in a number [9] also which is counter-clockwise = life
NI.BIRU is bending the light [time] the MaStar Key controls the poles of this planet and the magnetic field
Tic tok
East coast [USA] is leaking
Internet signal is flaky
Million strong locusts swarm Trinidad and Tobago
Melbourne [Australia] gets battered
The planet is way hot, the climate is well hot, the
plasma is coming from the core- its hitting the inner-sun [core plasma] and
coming up from the ground, UV is ground level
Cosmic Rays [UV] will make many go offline, soular energy for those who do not have a soul will go offline- Crown-Purple energy will make many go offline
Smart enough to disable rudders on fishing boats, they
bit up the crew of Japanese whaling boat also, yet here we see them in a
different light
CD [hologram]
Crows, Magpies are part of the Raven family, they work for the conscious community
Japan have bigger things to worry about, like the day of fear [YAW-RE]
Nature owes you for [Fukushima] which is really fu9k-U-Shiva
This is the return of the space cowboy, inter-planetary good vibe zone, say at the speed of Cheeba [Shiva]Chi-va, oh we'll go deeper, maybe I'll have to get high to get by....
[Tons of Coke is being removed weekly, drug-lords going down, they need the white-pony to get by, without it means chaos on a grand scale]
City of Barcelona
Catalonia [Katalonia]
Parts of the original city was buried, when they dug up
the city for the Olympics, they saw the original and a park was also created in
its place
Ciutadella was demolished at the upper level of
derailment, meaning about six meters of walls preserved under the bowels of the
Ciutadella Park
-In addition to the remains of the main gates, two stone
bridges, a 75-meter plot of the wall and the remains of the internal buildings
of the Citadel were found
The basement and foundation of the [fortress] were also
discovered: a moat and its derailment; an indoor path surrounding the building;
a plot of nearly 30m long on one of the sides of the De La Reine Bastion and
the remains of the indoor corridor that connected the Citadel with the city
through Portal de Mar
Archaeological excavations and documentation before the
Olympics lasted for several years, in parallel with reconstruction
After the completion of the documentation, the early
foundations were demolished and buried
Barcelona [Hannibal Barca] Barce-lona [Lona] Lonia
[Babylonia] ruler of Spain [Muur]
Fundamentals of the serfdom wall of Barcelona; after the
completion of the documentation, some of them were dismantled in August 1989
Barcelona, Transformation of the Vila Olympic District
It was a period when the city of Barcelona began to
develop rapidly thanks to the 1992 Summer Olympics
One of the points of large-scale transformation was the
reconstruction of the Citadel
A system of deep tranches for pipes and lifts was dug out
during the construction of a sewer branch
It was thanks to this system of deep tranches that the
early outline of the Parc de la Ciutadella came to the surface
14th century
After the occupation of Catalonia in 1714, Bourbon V
Philip V between 1716 and 1725 took over the fortress and was taken out of the
Muurs hands
Bolivia [PERU] HERU
Russia and China [6ether] both come under Tartarus, there is no such thing as Asia minor or Asia major or a middle-east
Tarim mummies
A short excerpt from the book; Great secrets and
mysteries of history by Brian Hawthon, and even below about the analysis of DNA
indicating the descendants of ancient northern Eurasians
Tarim mummies are an incomprehensible mystery of the
ancient world and one of the most important archaeological finds of this century
These surprisingly well-preserved human remains were
discovered in the dry salt sands of the Takla Macan desert, which is part of
the Tarim pool in Western China
The bodies found in those distant parts of the bodies
dated a large period of time
However, the most scientists impressed that mummies had
features of the European race Apparently, tribes mysteriously disappeared 2000
years ago lived in Western China
Opener of mummies - Swedish scientist Sven Hedin in the
early XX century
I was engaged in the common history of the Silk Road - a
network of ancient roads that once led from China to Turkey and beyond - to
The bodies were delivered to European museums for further
study, but the lack of equipment and funding caused them to be forgotten soon
In 1978 Chinese archaeologist Wang Binhua in the grave of
Kizilchok, or Red Hill, in the northeast part of central Asian province
Xinyang, found 113 mummified bodies
Later, most of the bodies were transported to the Urumka
Museum of Law
Over the past 25 years, Chinese and Central Asian archaeologist
have excavated and carried out extensive research in the area, finding more
than 300 mummies
In 1987 Professor of Chinese and Indo-Iranian Literature
and Religion at the University of Pennsylvania, Viktor Mayr, led a group of
tourists to the Urumki Museum and approached the mummy found by Wang Binghua, and
was surprised to find that they were all dressed in dark-purple woollen clothes
and felt shoes
The oldest mummy found in Western China
Chinese archaeologist found this well-preserved body in
1980 near the ancient city of Lowlan, in the northeast part of the Takla-Macan
A woman 5 feet 2 inches tall, died at the age of 40 years
ago, had features characteristic of the European race, hair that was collected
and hidden under a felt headdress)
The body was wrapped in a wool savant, leather shoes on her
feet, and next to it there was a comb and elegant straw basket with wheat
Later in the Tarim river basin we found another group of
mummies - the bodies of a man, three women and a child – Four bodies
Their clothes were made in the same colours, and red or
blue cords were tied around their heads, which apparently indicates close
A man more than a 100ft tall, died at the age of 50
He had long, braided hair, thin beard and lots of face
He had purple-red clothes on, and nearby there were at
least 10 headdresses of different styles
Purple is a sign of royalty
The appearance of well-preserved bodies was very
different from all those before that the scientists had to deal with before
Anthropological characteristics indicated European
origin, hair often braided in braids had a red or Russian shade indicating
One of the female mummies also had many tattoos on her
A woman 6ft tall with blonde chestnut hair braided in two
long braids, was dressed in a red dress and white deer leather boots
With adults, a three-month-old child with a blue felt hat
on his head, whose eyes were closed by blue stones, near the babied body there
was a cow horn bowl and a feeding bottle made of sheep
Who were these Europeans and what were they doing in
The findings are so wide, and their dating covers such a
large period of time that there can be no talk about the existence of one tribu
or that the Chinese of today are the originals in China or that China [Chi-na]
Shiva is the original name- we know that Shango [Sang] Sheng was in China, that
Genghis Khan was also 9ether
Chinese sources of the I millennium BC talk about a group
of people with long hair called bae [bey]
They lived on the north western borders of China and the
Chinese where Jade comes from, we see the Ulmec [Olmec] with Jade and will
beings that come under the Ulmec with them, we know the Ulmec where in China
Parts of Central Asia covering the lands of modern
Uzbekistan and south-western Kazakhstan and later to northern India, where the
Kushan Empire was created- who are the Kushan [Kush] Cush [Kushite] HINDDO KUSH
Shang [Shango] Chango [Orisha]
A full-fledged analysis of the DNA of HuMin remains
revealed that ancient people belonged to a separate population
In addition, felt and woven wool clothes were unusual, in
which mummies were clouded
They found artifacts pointed to the breeding of cattle,
sheep and goats, cultivation of wheat, barley and plain, and even making kefir
To find out the details of their origin, an international
group of researchers analysed the genome data of 13 of the oldest known mummies
that were created
They then compared this data to the DNA samples of five
people who lived about 5000 years ago in the north of the Jungar Kotlovina
Their remains are currently considered the oldest known
human burials in the region
It turned out that the jungar mummy were from the
territory of today's southern Siberia
It also turned out that Tarim pool mummy was not alien,
but were direct descendants of ancient northern Eurasians, this group that
disappeared by the end of the last ice age, which was around 10,000 years ago
The Europeans were 9ether before the 10,000 year bracket
Laser printed designs
There are a few sites in modern day Turkey that have
ancient sites with modern names
Ancient site called Niffur [Nippur] Nif-foor and is the
[Iy] of EN.LIL and is also known as NIBRU-Qi which is Ki [Earth] Eridu of
NIBIRU and was a place where the [Gods] assembled when they came to Ki, there
are [3] ancient spaceports with Lebanon being the second and why NATO are
permanently stationed over there will a no-fly zone in place
So this place in these images are from a place called
Phyrigian Valley and this [Iy] temple is called Aslankaya
aka Lions rock in Anatolia Turkey and also the so-called the city of Midas
which is all in the same place, these places where docking beys, teleportation hubs,
these are [Gods] and their delegations, ambassadors, personnel elite members+
coming to Ki and their parking spaces
False doors are portal doors- this was carved in a
standing rock of volcanic origin
There are AKIR [EKUR] (Lion) Lyra which is what Aslankaya
the later name means (Lion)
[2] Sphinx’s also are featured which brings in IN.ANNA
and Babylonia [Baby Lion]
The façade has a form resembling an entrance to the
temple with a triangular pediment
The monument also has a one-line inscription
The surface of the rock surrounding the niche is
decorated with geometric patterns
The central niche, in the central part of the façade, is
the most important part of the monument, it is surrounded by two frames and has
a size of 2.4 to 1.8 meters >> maybe the niche could be enclosed with
double doors
There is also a shrine dedicated to the [Goddess] Cybee
[Kybele] Kibele [Ki-bele], surrounded by two (Lions) facing each other, used to
stand in the niche
The [Goddess] was represented in the form of convex
She was wearing a high cylindrical headdress that reached
to the ceiling of the niche
The (Lions), presented in the form of a flat relief, are
standing on their hind legs, and their paws once touched the statue of the
[Goddess] Cybele, the (Lions') heads are now severely damaged, but the outline
of their bodies is clearly visible
On the rock walls on both sides of the façade, there are
additional symbols, designs, on the right side, there is a large low relief of
a (Lion) standing on its hind legs, and on the left side – a Griffin
The monument is damaged, many treasure hunters left drill
holes in places where they used dynamite to blow holes to gain entry which has
damaged the site on the right side and in 1994 the statue of Cybele was destroyed
I posted these images in another post and her head had been decapitated, this person is Cybele [Kibele]
Here she is again
Cybele is seen here in an Roman depiction
Ahmet Usta, Athena [Kore] Kouros, Athens
Her daughters
Noses smashed off, colours removed on purpose
Etruscan Female warrior
Cypriot [Cybele] Kybele Kypriot Greek [Etruscan] Corfu - Crete = Mesopotamia
The Etruscans [Greece] and Romans [Ital-y] are 9ethers
Olive skin, Olives only come in two colours, Waji and KAANU
What are you really looking at, what did the Ulmec [Olmec] really leave in their records
Made from tyres
The highest level of Egyptian art is Alchemy [Al[Chem]y KHEM-ET which is the breakdown of the particles of the universe and is the breakdown of particles of man [mind] and the particles in nature and is the ultimate study of KAANU [Melanin] Ether and the art of distillation was given to the 6ether Europeans by the Moors
ABANTU get their origins from ENKI and ENLIL
Crown holds [3] stars, the [3] stars of SAHU [SAH] (Orion) which is home
There is a BENNU in the middle of them
[6] rings or [3] [???] both have left-hand gestures
After Jean-Francois Champollion translated the Rosetta
stone he went to KHMT and was hurt real bad when he realised the Rosetta stone
was talking about the 9ethers
How North Africa [Morocco] was mixed out of contention
European refugees during WWI + II moved to the shores of
Tunisia and Algeria
Albanian refugees later continued to flock in further [whitening]
the population
The [whitening] of North Alkebulan [Africa] has been a
process that is been going on since the invasion of Alexander the great in 336
The original natives of North Africa were dark-skinned 9ethers
tribus similar to modern day Senegalese and So-Mali-ans
Nearly all have been wiped out or absorbed in the [6ether-whiter
race] via interbreeding
Modern North Africans are largely a mix of Araboids with
European migrants from Italy, Greece, Turkey, German and Spain- Romans
Slavery was started by the ANNUNAKI, then the 9ether
Arabs and then the 6ether Arab and then into the 6ether – you were sold out by
your own kind from the beginning, your argument starts with your own people
first not them- the others kept eating the Habiru [Hebrew] in Sumeria so ENKI asked his father
A.NU if he could created the black-headed ones and set up KHMT and move his
people from the stomachs of others and this is why KHMT runs parallel with the
You have been under attack from all sides
-the enemy is within
Many of the Annunaqi were sent, there are positive and negative among them, sum of their names have the Electron symbol in them
No blacks, no Irish, no dogs - welcome to England
Ulster Springs
Nice read, parts missing like the Twa in Iru-lan [Ireland]
Morris dancing is from the Muurs Mooris [Morocco]
but the connection is real in the field
Look at HERU or ANU.BU
Messages left in stone, stonelov9, other hand is over his heart
There are [9] positions- do exactly how you are being shown- down to how your fingers and thumb are being shown here, then break bread [say-thoth- your words- whatever it is]
Positions are portal symbols
Biden [Clone] male-functions
while the on-board computer restarted Biden was talking to himself, look at all these clones with him
what is he doing all the way over there- the clones handlers fu9ked up, you will know when Trump is reinstated
All leaders have a doctor next to them or is their handlers, like none of them are real - you get it
none of these people really attended - they look like toys
Whitehouse being gutted in 1945 to build underground ramp
The Whitehouse is built over a MIR
Chemicals saturating the ska with nano clouds and raining
liquid Freon every day and the sun is still banging out hard, this paradigm is
over and all their old tricks isn’t working
No wonder they are trying to run to the Meta-Verse
Sucker-berg and Musk are secretly embarking on a
collaborative effort to implement the Neuron link into the whole meta verse
They not even slick, they just know that most people are
just that ignorant and comatose, its about to get even deeper >> I bet
they convince most of the world to download their consciousness into the Meta
world and the selling point will be immortality, escaping sum sort of impending
doom, and of course securing an environment where everyone is [cv free]
Where are all your conscious community leaders, I've yet
to hear anyone of them make a sone about this, people are using crypto to buy
land masses in the Meta-Verse
Man cannot stop NI.BIRU who NASA spotted in 1989, you had all the time in the world to make amends, the planet is reSeting without man, we are at extinction level, all that is artificial is being deleted
One is artificial and the other is from source, we are connecting to the MAAT-VERSE
we are connecting to heaven [haven] [5D]
the spirit [ancestors] are just beyond the horizon
What say you
Bolivian quarry
Dinosaur tracks
Turkey [Eridu] Nipper
Craft hanger
Iran [Eridu]
Are you looking at the attention to detail
Camouflaged Owl [Buma]
NN [M] [W] [3] [E]
The primordial [KAANU] Waters is here
All your experiences all come down to this very moment in your l-if-e
-walk in your Ptah, walk in y-our poWRA