Ultraviolet light is used by Ptah and AmunRe, this
black-light is purple and we see this colour around the world, this is hidden
light, plasmatic light, this is a tone, vibration, frequency, this is [gods]
word being spoken to you, the 9ether beings.
Ultraviolet light
empowers Eu-melanin and tortures Pheo-melanin.
Universe was created by 3 tones, the ancients worked with
sone [sound] tones, frequencies, vibration, acoustics #HuHi #HeKa #Sia.
The Ka’A world [360] is merging with the physical world[360],
NI.BIRU is the masker-key and is breaking down the computer holographic kode,
there is a light in which all that is hidden is revealed, we are seeing this
now, the Aquarius Age is the Age of information, many do not inner-stand this
final phase because they lack knowledge and knowledge is Nrg.
The Kundalini [Serpents] are both symbols of the electric-magnetic energy-force that animates
all living [alive] things, this is the force that Ob1 talks about, this is your
Chi-force, from trees, bugs, humans and the Sun-Star’s+.
This electric-magnetic [electromagnetic] force is called
the Ka’A [Kaa-Ka] in Kamua-KHMT, the
Serpents are called this Paa Neb-Het-Khu
which was a Double Headed Serpent
with a single body in a spiral-formation
with two-heads MEN [male] and MENET [female] representing the male and
female energy of creation >> masculine and femi9 Nrg of creation, corresponding
to the tone HuHi which is one of the
3tones of creation which is HuHi HeKa and SIA.
Paa Ne-Heb-Kaa-u
which is associated with Sun-Nrg in your
spinal column Re-centres, [Chakra]
your wheels of the double-serpents called the Kundalini in the Naga teachings.
Baa = Soul
Kaa = Spirit
Khu = Mental you [all Knowing]
Khat = Physical body
Khatet-Bet or Khaybet = Plasmatic body
Akh = Etheric you
ShaKhem or Sekhem = Spark of Life
Ha or Ti or Hati = Physical Heart
Ab or Ib = Spiritual Heart
The world was ever only shown the first tri-ad in the
physical ASar [HaRU], and the Supreme hercellf, ASet [Isis].
The first Trinity is the Trinity of the Hydrogen
(Hy-dragon) Atom’s Atum Tri-nity
just means 3, chemistry [alchemy] trinity of Atum-re.
[God] the Mother [Ma’SEM], [God] the Father and [God] the
I AM one with kreation
I AM one with Nature
I AM one with Nu [universe]
I AM one with Ki
Ki is composed of 99-Base-elements also called prime-elements and your body is made up
of these same elements, which makes us the 9ether-carbon beings who are in the
image of nature.
Pope John praying to Aset and Haru
In an Atomic mass
form, in physical we get ASar, HaRu
and ASet when the Romans invade,
break into KHMT they see this, their first ever concept of a trinity, you
cannot have a son without a mother.
Pics = Latin = Roman (same beings), the second pics are the pretending Romans.
The Colour Purple
These 99-elements are upkept and maintained by the 99 Paa
NeTjer NaTuRu [Paa = The] [NeTjer] or [NaTuRu] = Nature of Neteru = [Supreme] who
are a part of the consciousness of these 99elements which are the principal and
base precepts of Mother Nature [MTR-NTR].
450,000 Ki years, KHMT is an online frequency,
world-wide-library, where the periodic tables come from, [ENKI] Asar [Osiris-Greek] goes live 450K
Ki years ago.
The original race created the animals, the original race
are Star origin.
When dealing with the word Pagan you must go to the Latin’s
for the true root of the word and in Latin it is Paganus and simply means village,
rural, country which comes from Pagus>> small unit of land, country dweller,
outside of the city.
Now to say something is Pagan today is negative and
disagreeable but the word itself never started out like that, if you think
pagen then it shall become pagan.
Purple Haze
Ultraviolet light empowers Eu-melanin and tortures Pheo-melanin
UNIVERSE was created by 3 tones, the ancients worked with
sone [sound] tones, frequencies, vibration, acoustics, HuHi HeKa and Sia.
The Universe was created by 3tones, Huhi, Heka and Sia, Hu
= Centripetal forces which relates to Heaven = Womb-Man.
The #Hu force, comes through the top of the head or crown-seat
7seconds prior, before ejaculation.
The sperm or seaman from a man is full of 3 types of Black-lights = UV-Rays, Gamma-Rays and
X-Rays which is more commonly called in KHMT Atum-re, Atun-re, Amun-re.
The movie the Colour Purple
is about your chakra system.
HU or centripetal-forces, spark of light from the
universe is added onto the head of the sperm, no its not speaking of the sperm itself,
but the spirit of the sperm.
The sperm goes through 3 form, from light, sperm (powder),
then seaman once it picks up its liquid or tail for movement.
In order to produce the higher parts of the fetus
structure, the spirit of the sperm, called the life-germ.
In order to create the higher parts of the fetus
structures the spirit of the sperm must pass up the spinal column to the Medulla
Oblongata which is the conductor of electrical impulses between the spinal cord
and the (brains) by way of the 12(Occult) or cranial nerves.
When the spirit of the sperm reaches the Medulla
Oblongata it is charged with black-light because of the Kosmos.
This black-light comes from the universal Sun Re, and comes through the head crown.
The Mind has a direct relationship to the creative forces
known as Huhi which are the Male and
Females creative forces of energy will.
HiKa is the Anthropomorphic Personification of
miracles, magi [magic], manipulation
of elements and chemicals of Nature.
SIA is the Personification of Perception, shape,
form and pattern coming out the 50units of POW-RE coming out the 3rd cipher Seker [warrior Haru] of the Paa PuAt MeTut or the 9Ennead called this by the Greeks, which
are the 9 Neteru [deities] within your body or temple, [Chakra-Star-System], the Chakra system are alien implants
given to you by the Anu-Naga.
HuHi, HiKa and
Sia are the triad-principle of [Godship] who are in the relationship to;
[1] AtumRe [HaRu]
[2] AtunRe [Asar]
[3] AmunRe = the hidden
one which is a part of the 3black-lights
called [1] U.V. Rays [2] Gamma Rays [3] X-Ray’s
The female already has the seed, not man.
Amun [Amen]
are called by different names that have the same Ba [Ka] Soul [Spirit] force and energy.
Amun or Amen = KaMau [KMT]
NyAme = Akhanfo [Akan] in Ghana = Ganesh is from Ghana
NyAmbe = KoKo in Nigeria
NjAmbi = Herero in Namibia
NzAme = Fang in Gabon
NzAmbi = Bakongo in Democratic Republic of Congo = Zaire
NyAmene = ANGI and Baoule Clans
NyAmia #Ama = Senegal
As well as the Male and Female aspects are there, another
example, from the Akhanfo [Akan] of Ghana from the Alkebulan TWA [Ireland] language.
AMUNET [AMENET] is Ny-Ame-Waa, the Feminine
AMUN [AMEN] is Ny-Ame, the Masculine
The serpents are both symbols of the electric-magnetic energy-force
that animates all things from tree's, insects, human's and Suns (Stars) and so
The same Electric-Magnetic Nrg that Einstein dies without
knowing and Newton who tells you its called gravity and OB1 tells us to use the
force, that there is a force that stretches from you to the universe and around
and back again, yes, life-force and is the Kaa.
As above, so below, birth contractions, pains are linked
to the ring circuit board of fire.
Birth-pains are connected to the volcanoes.
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