All thoughts produce energetic vibrations, even though
you cannot see these frequencies, the airways are full of who you are.
Feel the feeling but don’t become the emotion
Witness it
Allow it
Release it
Inner Sanctuary
Iy is what they
call temple today, Solomon’s
[Sol-Soul] temple or tomb, they use the word tomb, when these are abode, coast-
of EDFU.
Edfu translates perfection.
You are looking at a celestial
boat for soular traveling by the elite that are the Neteru, that is Nu or Nun whose name translates the deep, abyss, the universe aka abyss is Femi9 Nrg, this is an Omega Universe Nut translates the energy of Nu, this is Nu powra.
Look at image, symbolically they re showing you that Nu swallows for example the Sun or NIBIRU in her mouth [abyss] and they travel through the Galactic centre to reach their desired dimension, they left you your inner-eye so you could join them.
You need a Ba'A [soul] and Ka'A[spirit] to operate in this soular system with your soular panel eyes.
All doors are sealed within the sanctuary, what took
place would only blow your mind forcing you never to think the way you do about
this truly special place that we call KHMT (Egypt), the online worldwide library, KHMT is a frequency that you tune into.
We are in the centre of the sanctuary [Galactic Centre].
The head at the front of this boat is that of Heru [Haru] Greeks call him Horus which
translates Mountainous, far away
also known by Harakhate which
translates Haru of the horizon, there
was also a statue here made from Nub
made from Gold, which has obviously long gone.
Het Heru translates
The dwelling house of Haru.
An example, Atum-Re,
his celestial boat is called Matet which
translates morning sky boat of Re.
There are 12 chambers.
The Iy of Edfu
is the largest dedicated to Heru and Athyr [Hathor] of Denderah.
Hathor is A-theer
[Atheer] and translates The Dwelling or
house of Haru.
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