Sunday, 12 May 2019

Evil Eye

Eye [Iy]

Pay attention to the eyes, there is a lot you can see if you take the time to address the eyes of the others, even though we are in these physical bodies, we are still Ka’A beings, you are HuMin and they are HuMan.

If sumone is hiding sumthing from you at that particular time you can go online to the Ka’A realm [world] and terminate anything that this thing is tri-ing to do to you, so you must pay attention to the eye.

The evil eye can be classed has the devil, or the negative eye, the entity on this planet gave them the evil eye, this is how we were able to singe him [her] out from the rest and all those who have the evil-eye, the knowledge [Nrg] was very strong back then and him [her] and his [her] followers were easy to see, s-he represented order out of chaos, destruction.
Originally, we were tele-ptah-ic, you were able to read the minds and consciousness of many, all done by reaching the most-high, your higher-cell, [SaKhu] and using your alien implants the wheel-disc-sphere system, the chakra system.
This 3D is not our home, we are from higher dimensions, we could tell automatically about our Ki-Nd, how they felt from their body language and what was on their mind, we could see their aura and know how they were feeling by their frequency [vibration].
Many are into alternative rituals and you must be wary of who you keep and those who are around you and the eye that view you.

This language the words that we use to communicate is not ours, it is not your language, you have to go back to where you came from, the original settings, words are magic [magi] spells and can be used against you, pay attention to what those are doing around you, many are not Hu-Min but are in HuMan form, you must be able to see with the equal eye.

The Wadjet [Udjat] [inner-eye] protects you, heals and saves you from the evil eye, when sumone comes around you, look them directly in the face to see how they are operating on a Ka’A level, where this person is at in their life and what their intention is towards you first and foremost, and what they want to do to others, it may not be them but what ever door that they have opened, watch them from a distance, study their light without losing sight.

Today’s demons are not that powra-ful hence why there are millions of them and only 144,000 of you, their Nrg is very low, these reverse demons, when they come around the higher beings, we do not send them Nrg, it is very dense and low, so just look at them in their face, your Nrg can now burn them and many are losing their shape shifting device, many are simply expiring under Re and can no longer hold their form, shape, your vibrational frequency destroys them.

The windows to the Ba’A to which they have no soul, only low spirit [Ka.A] you will see a sunken place if you look closely.

Your body is an organic device, go back to nature and she will help you in this thing called life, electric word life, but I’m here to tell you, there’s sumthing else.

When your Wadjet is open, have good [positive] intentions, work from your heart.

The most dangerous part to nature is before us, from 2017 they have been escalating Ki(s) elements and so today 12.05.2019 we find ourselves in sum real trouble, many are at the threshold of their capacity, tick tock.

Angels is a frictional word used in your Bible, the image we have are of those with wings, we never had wings, Angel is a word from angle, the four angles of Ki in which light can enter.

Sum of you have been through so much, many of you were born into a situation and the reason being is that you are really good at what you do, sum of you are attracting situations and sum of you are here for a specific experience, and sum of you are here to break cycles.

Sum class themselves has angels or are classed has angels, but you are an angle of light, angels, demons, gods and goddess all exist, you go through the most because you are the strongest shape.

We get placed into certain situations for the experience, for the test and to make us grow, make the soul grow further, sum experiences are for preparation for sumthing far more superior that is due, could be for you or for the person next to you and could be the mother of all experiences for you.

Wherever you go in your daily routine you can be seen, your frequency announces you before you enter [light][angle] the room or domain, they don’t even know why they don’t like us, there is a spiritual battle going on, stay focus, if you have been chosen to be a ray of light, the real light workers, messengers, angel, the time [light] is now, we will succeed.

Many will seek and destroy your light, dampen your flames, but all is bound for failure, all Nrg is temporary and this day that we residing for is upon us, all Nrg must be given back, it is your heart that grows heavy and is to why you go through much, your heart is the organic generator, they don’t have a Ba’A and you need this to operate in this soular system, they hate your for this, these energy in motions, all the emotions that are attached to your experience is to get you to wake up to the nu frequency, for this time [light] now, you have to step up sooner or later because those that have fallen behind need you now.

You are gifted and have a strong purpose, frequency, and they hate that, to see you absorb and move forward, 144,000 if you have been chosen because you are really good at what you do, you are not alone, many more are adding onto the frequency, they are being deployed, this is the age of the Aquarius, ascension, you will have to battle everyday without knowing this sumtimes, your potential to reach the masses is why they fear you, your light is addictive, they don’t want that and would rather you and everyone else go down with them, when the system crashes, I’m not going with you and I want you not to go down with this construct either.

What you are going through now is to aid you find out who you are because many of you just simply don’t know who you are and many of you had to wait until we got to this phase to find out who you are, the Aquarius Age is the range of data, information, knowledge, the age of what was hidden that is now revealed to you, if you want it, search for the truth, what you feel like to know thyself [thycells].

Think outside of the cube [box] you have the internet and a super-computer in your head, use it will you, all is within [PW] you don’t have to go outside of yourself [JM].

Targeted individuals, its easy to wish that you were like the rest of everyone that is plugged into the matrix, sumtimes I wish I were able to blend in, why do we wish for the other side to a coin, that was then, but now I see, I see my purpose and reason and know that it was very important to change or rise with the frequency [2009-2011] I woke up too early, the people before 2009 knew who I was before I knew who I was, but at the end of this test, I know who I AM.

You have it within your Ba’A to reach anyone you want to [AC] you have the sight and sound [sone], you singed a contract with the creator before you came here to Ki, so do not be walking around and be doing the physical world things and life, there is sumthing else that you need to do and complete.

The time [light] is now, go up in your consciousness, raise your frequencies, raise your vibrational signature, your Nrg, leave the low-level vibrators behind, you won’t be taking them where you are going, think like a Neteru [supreme being] think like a [god] like a [goddess] like an angel.

Show gratitude that the creator(s) woke you up, that you are part of this frequency change, that our time [light] is now.

Enjoy the ride no matter how hard it gets, just by you breathing your doing enough, time [light] is being cut, we are ascending, don’t deal with those who are operating on the 3D, they are not like you.

I AM one with the universe Nu
I AM one with Ki
I AM one with Nature Neteru
I AM one with kreation

Stand for sumthing.

Lack of energy or motivation is down to what you are putting your energy into, ask yourself what do you do during a recycle period, 24hrs, do you sit around the house all day or do you go to work, there are your answers right there.

Not putting your energy into what you want, you really want to manifest into your reality is what is clogging your system up, what is good to you and what will suit you in the future is important and many of you do not get this, maybe you are not meant for this just yet.

You are wasting your energy, your gifts on others or have done so and are burnt out, from the environment to the people you are with during the 24hr cycle [day], if you have employment you should also be manifesting your future, your reality, not just working.
9ethers are more powra-ful than what they have made you out to be, you shouldn’t be working full stop, you are made from electricity, your body is a device, a battery, you need energy constantly, the sun is here to sustain you, the sun is to provide you with soular energy for your soular body, your soular panels [eyes].

You must open your full psyche, your full consciousness.

You have been conditioned for a huge amount of time by this entity on Ki and by his fellow man, you are complete has a spiritual being and you ned to know that, the powra is already inside of you, you have that natural talent to create your future in hiStory, those around you on a daily basis are not your light, you are in their domain and are battling for survival, they absorb your energy and use it, they do not want you to make it.

You came from stardust, you come from source, you come from up there, the ethers, you are not from Ki, you’re here to provide light, peace and lov9.

Break the program [habit] of a lifetime.    

 Blue rays over Kanada which is the crown of Ki, the Nrg goes into Ki through the crown chakra and is filtered out into Atlantis and into the rest of Ki, Blue is Nu Nrg. 
This sight is being seen from the four corners of the world, this means that day and night are one of the same and we are on one plane.


Nrg from Nu is here for Ki and you. 

A.I [spirits] in the sky.

Accumulating energy for a great event
Seismic movements

According to official information, it was recorded in the last 24 hours, 15 earthquakes with magnitudes over 4.0 degrees of the 151 recorded, having the highest intensity reached 5.4 degrees in the islands. 

There are those that honour life above all and there are those who do not, goodbye bit9h.

Nature is not messing around, none of the Femi9 Nrg is messing around, she is coming in, we are in her hands, in nature we trust.

No beginning of days [ASet] no ending of nights [Asaru] we are moving into endless day [light].

The [NWN] sun [conscious- dark-nrg-sun] is RA.HU [Septarian] and is cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and Ratan is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian].

The Nrg is building once again, Re steps in closer again, Ki must be purified first, last time it was water and water is playing a huge role once again, but order will come from fire, from the fire [gods].

Three of the sons of [gods] are on the horizon.

Huge crafts moonlighting

You know the back of a CD, that rainbow clingfilm that when the sun hits it the rainbow or the chakra colours are seen, the light spectrum, that is the best way to say what this is, basically the Ozone layer has been removed and so the UVC is reaching Ki.
We are seeing the light spectrum around the four corners of Ki, KUN.GA [Moon] is tailing the sun at a 90 degree angle and is out with the sun.

Missouri USA

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