Tuesday, 7 May 2019

Navigators of the Celestial Seas

He watches from the North and see’s the east, the west and the south, the all-seeing eye of Re in the physical, he watches through the dome, image comes from Greenland.

Spring is about a month+ late, look at the leaves they are in tripod shapes, there is nothing but plasma [neutrons] in the air, Khu [mind] Khat [body] and Ba’A| Ka’A [soul+spirit] are your key to riding this wave, feed the soul and mind and body.

Nrg is here along with the CME, along with all the chakra healing Nrg that is surrounding Ki, the weather is flipping in and out, we have awakened and taken the role of the awakened ones [144,000], you are the 144,000, with 72,000 demonic forces around your pineal gland and nature [NaTaRu][Neteru] has 72,000 demonic forces, blend them into one [Neo] and now we have 144,000.

How did Neo beat the manmade matrix, he had to merge with it, we have to merge with it.

This is the mathematical equation or Ma’AT-Ma’At-ical equation, 9 to 9 to the 9th PoWRA, the red around Ki is Ma’at.

Ki is hot but yet they have to keep her kool and kold, they have their A.I assembled but the A.I cannot take the heat or light from Re.

Remember you are here for this specific timeline because we wanted this manmade construct to end, they only chose you because you will complete what is required, you see, NIBIRU does not move until we are ready has this is a dimensional shift a di-mental-sional, the 144,000 are controlling this outcome and ending all that is not from nature, that is a 144,000 arsenal of weapons, different weapons, you’ve seen what is going on in the astral realm, you have been warned that you must be tapping into the mainframe of the Kosmos [Nu].  

72 Demonic forces + 72 Angelic forces = 144 [you], [+/-] for love and hate to exsist the world must come to an end, 360 physical and 360 spiritual.

144000 are the stars in the galaxy that would be saved, you represent more than you know, remember you chose to come here for this very timeline to complete this passage.

Ra-et translates the energy of creation
Ra-t translates creative power
Re [Ra-tan] translates creative power, to make [the suns rays]

This is a binary system and NIBIRU is correcting their position after the orcs, reptilians casted out the suns [sons] of the [gods][you], the three suns [sons] are on the horizon.  

The [NWN] sun [conscious- dark-nrg-sun] is RA.HU [Septarian] and is cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and Ratan is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian].

Three of the sons of [gods] are on the horizon, remember the electrical sun [son] is magnetic and so is your heart, many are going to be having heart attacks, the firer [god] comes after the war or darkness. 

Seismic movements for 06.05.2019

According to official information, recorded in the last 24 hours, 19 earthquakes with over M4 degrees of the 163 recorded, having the highest intensity reached M7.2 degrees in Papua New Guinea.

Indonesia gets a M8, they say it was a M7.1, we are due an M9, that was an M8 and Papua gets an M8 also, there should have been a third one and sister quakes elsewhere.

Senja Norway, electric skies, this is not a fancy light display, this is Kosmic Nrg seeping through into Ki, this is a soular system, you need a soul to be here, chakra colours for chakra beings.

Delta flight landing in Atlanta

Iraq Yemen Iran Saudi+
Ancient plagues coming to a place near you.

Florida >> plagues are in the USA and Muslim states, what does that tell you from Nature.
York UK
Rahu is in there also

Inter dimensional portal is open 
Hail Romania, May 6

3 sons of the gods
Paraguay 06/05/2019

Spheres next door to Ki

Michigan USA plasma discharge


                               India gets its wake-up call, more on the way for the spicy nation. 

Dhaka in the BANGLADESH, Jakarta INDONESIA and Bangkok in the THAILAND are some of the cities that are sinking due to rising Sea levels and floods, May 4th.

tri system 


Remember this is about extinction, yes you the Human and Humin, Cancer [Cain] is on the way, Cannibalism is returning, especially in the USA.

You need a soul to be in this soular system, all those without and their off-spring get deleted.

Four of the ancient plagues are in the USA, remember measles is the number one side-affect of the MMR vaccine and there is no clue for measles.

Mothership over the UK, the four corners of the world, the angles who your bible calls angles, are covered. 
                                             The sun is 93million miles >>> Shut up.

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