Thursday, 4 April 2019

Outside Light

Antimatter is within us and is energy [inner-g], a light energy that is within us, you are very powra-full beings.

The matter, there’s an energy that is within us that is antimatter that is why you feel that heat that is within you, Western Science calls it antimatter because the energy that is within you is against their material, matter is a type of material [mater-ial], know that you are not them and they are not you.

Antimatter cannot be created by CERN and the likes and any type of machinery, up until this day they have not been able to recreated Matter [Ma’at-er] that we use on this planet, the only way to create this bright energy is through Nature [Na-ta-ra][Neter] with all your natural elements from Copper, Silver, Aluminium, Gold, Bronze + then you have Wood, Stones, Crystals are the main part of the antimatter or energy of light is against them, the Reptilians, hybrids, Greys, the mixed beings, the Orcs this pure N-egative energy of light.

They are P-ositive beings, which means these energies that is within us, we get it on the outside of us, this is a full force of light energy, remember the word white means bright, it is not a colour, this full force of light energy is around you, illuminate’s you, they cannot take this energy, they are Positive beings you are N-egative beings, you take a positive wire that is charged and you take a negative wire that is charged and you put them together and you have BOOOOMBABY, an explosion.

This means that the two of them cannot exist in the same space, negative will work well with negative energy and positive energy will work well with positive energy, this is why the towers were destroyed by them when they came to this planet because they were full of this negative energy which they call antimatter.

Once you are in true antimatter you go live, Super-Hero [Heru], you have to work to create the light that is within you, the heat that they call antimatter so that the energy can be on the outside of you once again, accessing your energies will shield you,  the negative energy that you give off is against the positive energy that is within the them, they cannot survive in this energy.

So, there are loads of energies out there, this antimatter is just the Christ-inner-g, the Karast inner-g, the Christ is from Christos or Kristos which is from where we get Crystals.

This [Christ energy] cannot be created by artistical instruments and they are only created antimatter in the movie scenes.

Now we can use the KHMT meaning, this [Christ or Karast or Crystal] inner-g is from the Kosmos, this is the NrG of Nu [Nut and Nun] reverse the NU and get UN add sum I and verse, Uni = together or to gather and Verse is against, [Nun] means Abyss, Abyss is the Kosmos.

Antimatter is the inner-g of creation, the inner-g of life, all powra-ed by the Sun aka Ra [Re] RA.ET [Ratan] the energy of creation, in the middle of the sun is a giant arc of what they call antimatter, the core of Ki is antimatter, and deep inside of us is antimatter, not all HuMins.

That inner-g on the outside is to merge with the inner-g on the inside causing your Ka-bon [Carbon] bodies to transform from this body to energy to matter, this transformation will give us the ability to throw the energy.

Ki is returning to her original state of being and thus so are the plants and animal kingdoms, and so to are you, you are returning to your original state of being, they have been trying to recreate sumthing that is unnatural that is natural to us, they have been trying to recreate what you have on the outside because they don’t know how this is created on the inside, your dark-inner-g beings, extra extensions of the Kosmos.

Levitation, this inner-g comes between you and the atmosphere so that you can lift up in the air, those of you in mediation [connecting to the server] you have been preparing, the energy flows in-between us, this is antimatter is throughout our bodies, inside of us is Kosmic dust, all over us, Kosmic dust flows throughout this planet, how can the Kosmic dust come through the Dome, this planet is the shape of a head, hemisphere Hemi = half, one plane-ish but most definitely not sphere, the Dome is holographic, Ki is actually the shape of a woman head. 

We have poles and when the antimatter is bright it is formed by nature by the Kosmos and we being extra extensions of the Kosmos we have the ability to form it, we just need to focus on who we and are.

When you have that feeling that is like lightning, [hits] you in your feet or hands or the eye, that is enlightenment, that is consciousness right there, you was [hit] with a 9, that is what Western Science call antimatter, it means your consciousness is so high that you are literally pulling in that energy from the Kosmos, I feel that all the time, you are bringing balance of the Komos and the nature of the Kosmos.
All is created by your consciousness which is your state of mind, how you think, how you operate, the things that you do, the things that you say.

Versatile energy, once we are all in the presence of this antimatter we automatically shift, the orcs are done once we go live and they know this, they have never created antimatter only in the movies.
We can recreate antimatter but you must manage our minds, we are a collective and are streaming to one another, we must manage the mind.

Antimatter is against, it is against the material that they were created from not you, Silicone and Sulphur means that they are Positive energy beings and this antimatter aka Negative energy, two wires together you get an arc,

Chaotic inner-g is what created us in the beginning, we can come Chaotic, primordial inner-g what today they call antimatter [antichrist].   

NWN = Dark NrG = Antimatter, Matter, Melanin, Consciousness, it is the Romans that gave us Matter.  


Smiling Faces

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