Sunday, 21 April 2019

Atlantis Galactic Federation

Atlantis Galactic Federation 

Transmissions are taking place with the alliance members; the Atlantis command are enabled and are immobilised
High vibrational waves are hitting Ki, kodes are inside, Ki needs receivers to receive data, these high-vibrational waves are laden with plasma which has been flowing into Ki(s) core for a while now, these waves of gamma radiation [UVC][UVA][UVB] frequencies have been impacting plasma light into Ki frequently and are causing Ki(s) resonating frequency to amp up on purpose, we have seen highs of 150[160] and 170hz in 2018 and we are hitting figures like that now, the Schumann resonance is a machine and is a guide for us and an absolute for the orcs and their off-spring

UVC Ultraviolet Comic [Kosmic][Nu] waves are already hitting the ground  
DNA is being modified for the 9ether beings only 
These hz increases will give you 5D into 7D dimensional levels for sustained periods, recent activity has never happened like this on Ki before for the Humans [orcs-european-albino- caucasian] and they are worried, this process is not stopping
Inner-stand that this divine light is being sent to Ki with a great purpose and is being sent by intelligent design, by beings who have an interest in Ki and the ascension of these beings of this planet, the 9ethers
A huge effort is being made right over your head that cannot be seen by many, that involves multi-beings that ride stellar-crafts in and out of this dimension, that are docked in and around Ki, and by Re [Ra] aka the sun, they are docked by KUN.GA [moon] also, specialised crafts such has the 5-coloured light crafts have also been seen around the world

Ki has reached her threshold and so too the 9ethers, change must come and be served, the Atlantean force is here to aid with the ascension, the Atlantean are a division of the Galactic Federation and are here to assist with the 9ethers and star-seeds in their quantum leap into full consciousness [Sakhu], time has sped up for a reason
Many are still plugged into the 3D world and for them that is where they will stay and return, the Washington Economist adviser killed himself recently, that is a small start, we are crashing the system inside out, those in the 3D have nothing to do with this event and will simply expire while we go higher
The illusion is being dismissed, the Norte burning to ashes is a trend and Mecca goes down this year also, manmade illusions and orcs and all that is not from nature is to be deleted
There are those on the outside helping to activate many DNA’s has this event is in waves and many are activated at different timeframes, this is integrated gamma [UVC] radiation that only the 9ethers can hold without damaging their vessels
We are one star-nation amongst tens of thousands, 5D-7D and 9D beings who are here to aid in the release of Ki, the animal and plant and the HuMin Ki-Ng Domes, they are interfacing with the Humins, not the Humans
Volcanos are erupting, religion is getting crushed, water, fire and wind, the Nrg and Ki and nature all lending a hand, the sun has let off, earthquakes+ will be due and physical affects for many I’m sure 

The ancient Nrg is a creating Nrg, br’others and siStars are building mega structures in other universes and dildos down here talking about sum shitty church or rapper dying or what car to buy, come on now
Disagreeable and negative are now out and about and in your ptah to delay you and to disturb you, the heat is on, the usual suspects and always internal, they come in different forms, shapes and patterns, and many appear to hold mental-illnesses

They appear n-ice, but take the n off and they will freeze your pineal gland over, everyway but loose, every situation, your family, those you work with, friends, partner, they are envious, stopping you, owning your moves, it will be opposite of what your supposed to, a lot of Ba’A[souls] have been activated and these demons [daemons][damon] know it, you need to apply discernment

Melbourne beach 


The colours are important 

White disc planet

The Eiffel Tower, of a height of 300 meters, along with lightning, during a storm in Paris
April 20, 2019


Triangle [Mir] rises out of the Pacific Ocean and seen on radar, fleets are over Atlantis, the Adriatic Sea, the Atlantic Ocean, over Europe and all major cities

Mexico 1957


Seismic movements
According to official information, they were recorded in the last 24 hours, 14 earthquakes with magnitudes over 4.0 degrees of the 166 recorded, having the highest intensity reached 5.3 degrees in Russia.
3 x M5 in Russia

Purple [NTH] UVC 


#Chaco #Argentina
Routes Cut and dead


Frequencies everyday

Eye shadow

Ancient Nrg
250,000 6-ethers died before they even left the ships, remember the ancients, Voodoo is based on a French word, you are based on the spoken word, France and Europe are finished










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