Saturday, 6 April 2019


Astral realm and physical realm seemed to have merged, monetary systems around the world are sitting on borrowed time, Dow Jones, stock-markets, call them what you like, they are going to flatline, heavy demonic force that is hovering over this system and is already ready.

State of shock coming up for many, so be it, this will bring them into reality, September will be a full measure of this event but the switches are being thrown.

Curses and diseases are now in place, four of the ten dis-eases are in the USA already, curses have been spoken, demise is in the waves of intent.

The USA have the executive order for the EMP, this means that Tramp can press the switch and blow the Electromagnetic pulse and bring the crafts down that are above you, I’m sorry that is not how it works, these crafts are not working off of electricity, they are Plasma based, they also move up, down, across, horizontal backwards because they are using the magnetic grid, electromagnetic propulsion, the crafts do not have an on-off switch, you cannot bring down these crafts, are they that stupid.

These crafts are controlled by the seat [mind] and hand but the crafts are powraed by plasma.

This money manmade matrix is being dismantled, we don’t want it or your spellbinding words namaste, keep your words and take the Hindus with you, we just want Ki back.

Look at these fleets, no manmade device is going to end this.

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