Tuesday, 9 April 2019

Dragon Fire

NIBIRU is not the only celestial body in the skyline around Ki causing changes and in the 9ether Hu-Mins, NIBIRU is the biggest of them all it is the NWN suns [Rahu] that is the biggest planet sitting behind the main sun [Re], the sun [Re] charges up our Ba’A [Soul] and KUN.GA [Moon] charges up our Ka’A[Spirit].

NIBIRU is the kode breaker, the master-key to change this computer kode of this soular-system [holographic universe], the Mekaba has been emitting a pulse since they got here [2012] that you tune in and drop out.

We’ve have been seeing the inter-dimensional portal open around the world, NIBIRU is extracting the spirits that are not from this realm, the portal is called by many has sun pillars, the positive and agreeable are extracting those who are not from Ki.

Many are uploading how they can feel their soul being taken, that their soul is being pulled from their bodies, that is a mistake, that is their spirit that is being taken, the orcs whatever colour that their shell is, don’t have a soul, only the 9ether beings have Ba’A[Ka’A] the portal is now permanently open has NIBIRU, Ratan and Re are extracting the dead spirits from Ki, the Christians are calling it a rapture, no bit9h its called an extraction.

This is the planet of the [Gods] and they have returned, many of you have had visions of NIBIRU and many of us have seen the end, the message went out yesterday that NIBIRU is here, NIBIRU does have an environment and the armies on NIBIRU are ready, just like with Ratan and Nemesis, they are all ready along with the physical crafts that you see loitering above the sky, in and out of this dimension.  

It is the Carbon beings that will make the changes, they are the 9ether beings, our inner-g is in their hands, what do you need to make fire, Ka-rbon.

They told us that they would destroy everything that the orcs [reptilians and grey mixes included] needed, have you looked around the world lately, nature and co destroyed 10million avocados in under an hour, look around you and see that nature is taking out water, food and land, all in orc-strongholds, from Iran to the USA, read it and weep it, Nebraska = 41million cattle were destroyed, bitch and what about all the lives that once lived on that land, murdered, payback is a bit9h, it will be these places that will be the new -feed the world, let them know its Christmas time, yeah that sh9t song and its reasons will be the orcs that also includes the European, the Albino and Caucasian, there is no such thing has a state of emergency, its called world of emergency, has the agreeable and positive look to correct the balance.

Anything that is linked to money is crashing, are you watching or are you still plugged into the Matrix, I don’t think your really ready.

This is a binary system and NIBIRU is correcting his or hers position after they casted out the suns [sons] of the [gods][you], all to play for.  

The [NWN] sun [conscious- dark-nrg-sun] is RA.HU [Septarian] and is cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and Ratan is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian].

Image; everyday the inter-dimension is open, this image is from Pittsburgh formerly the USA[Atlantis] spirits are leaving everyday, negative spirits or ones that are not from Ki.

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