Friday, 7 March 2025

Mint Condition

The environment in which we reside is for ever changing, constant shifting, nothing really is stabilized anymore, we have to cope with the stresses which leads to anxiety while you TRI to maintain a positive outlook – you must start sum where, if you innerstand the real timeline that you are in and your mission or soul contract or purpose in this timeline, then you must start sum where – the [7] energy disc [planet] alignment was to juice you up so you could face off with dead energy files, so you could burn them out – don’t feel like you have to change your whole life, that alone will cause you stress

It can be overwhelming when you look at what you have to do, so take one or two things that you can do and do those things, you are changing the flow of energy that you have doing the same thing for so long that you don’t even know which way is left or right, start with sum thing that you can do, you see your more conscious now than you were five years ago, you are more conscious than say ten years ago, we are more conscious than those born in the 60s, the 70s were more conscious than those who were born in the 60s, right the way into now, those born in the 2000s and the 10s and 20s are way smarter, conscious than those from the 1960s, and even if you check it, we all have regardless of year have been exposed more to consciousness in real time, so it is up to you the user on how you want to apply what you know, and at this point in your life, you know what is right and what is wrong, what is positive for you and what is negative for you

WAJI [Green] juice calms you down and cleans [detox] the blood and lowers the blood pressure, blood pressure is nothing but the Kundalini rising, the plasma in the blood [AMARASO] WAJI tea calms you down and cleans the blood – so maybe I might have a WAJI from the juice bar which is not to far away from me, maybe you might make a WAJI juice because you have a blender – either way, it’s a change, a change in energy flow

You are starting sum where and with one good [positive] habit, you start off many more good habits until now you have a positive habit of a lifetime – your now creating good habits – you want a new lifestyle, this does not mean new clothes, car+ it might do if that is what you need but point being, in order for you to change, you must first change things yourself, the subconscious mind watches everything you do and even reads your thoughts, the subconscious mind wants to survive

If you cannot start sum thing, then finish deleting sum thing, you have things that do not serve you, you have things that take from you rather than build you, many are coming up short because energy given to them is being usurped from them, get rid of people, places and things that do not serve you, there are those who are plugged into their hijacked Matrix and there are those who are NPC [Non Player Character] and means they have no function outside of the Matrix, they are from the Matrix, they are hardwired for the Matrix, they will kill to protect the Matrix, we are not talking to them or anyone who is following trends out here, do not allow these people to extract energy from you for their survival

You may be doing sum thing one way and now its time for it to be done your way, you may not know how your way goes but the minute you reverse the energy flow, things will be made known unto thee, once you make the change, stay that way, you must keep to your change for the frequency to strengthen and stabilise, then you walk in your power, EMpower - the signal must stabilise 

Heal thyself, Know thyself, you were supposed to make mistakes, human errors, how else would you have learned about yourself, what source is saying now is reshape yourself and take a good look at yourself and reduce the amount of stress and anxiety that you are holding, paying money to a therapist to listen to you when you can do that yourself, its called self-hypnosis – Hy comes from Hypothalamus gland and is where the Amygdala is aka you, and ‘nosis comes from Gnosis which means to ‘know’ and self is Cell, to know your cell, you built your mind [KHU] and sum one holding a qualification cannot tell you how you built your mind, how you built your soular + spiritual, mind and body, you did that not sum therapist aka the-rapist who is raping your soular + spiritual and mind, body – Psy means ‘soul’ – these images are relating to the 3rd eye and all [7] senses + your left and right brain [hemisphere] not everyone has a functioning 3rd eye and sum are missing [2] senses and sum have no access to their right or left brain functions and sum of them are your qualified therapist

For the sacred Female that is going into her initiation sum are not ready for they need to write sum passages but they need guidance, support and sum TLC and for other Females that are living the same lifestyle – healing will not be completed in this lifetime, sum came into this world needing healing from previous lifetimes, sum are healing while in trauma at the same time - you have to level off and stop leaking energy, do what you need to heal

The oldest contract down here is the Females and if we heal one Female, we heal one thousand – so to you the Female, the Female AKUR [Lion] doesn’t have a day off, she has to turn up every day, just like the SUN, who comes out everyday without fail, we cannot fail her, give her space so she can create, give yourself space so you find that way out, let her find that way out because she will take us all out of here - your very presence represents a thousand siStars and this is why you are here, it had to be you

Sum thing that requires the use of hands and fingers [not cell phone] we use most of our power cells when we use our hands and fingers, puzzles [word and pieces], sewing, crocheting, model planes, vehicle [models and real], indoor gardening - just with a window seal or if you have a garden, hands with mind, using energy, TRI system 

Designs, patterns, shapes+ coming from our thoughts, even the way she parts her hair, her hair style, how she changes it, sum ones home, the room, they are changing the pillows around or the furniture, all this and more are indications of what is going on in the mind, what that person is thinking about - the fingers connect to the CHAKRA system - do sum thing you are passionate about ignites your internal dial called a compass which leads you to your destiny aka destination 



Hippopotamus is a Greek word and means River Horse, this is Tawaret and her name translates the Mighty One, Mother of the Deities – she is also in the centre of the Dendera [Zodiac] – she is blue here and covered in the blue Lotus – not sure what that last sphere symbol is, is it a Lily pad [sphere] Lily the name comes from Lillith [Lil – Leeth] aka Lalibela - we are in the year of the Snake aka the Kundalini, Serpentine and the Lalibela [Lillith] energy [currency] power+ 

Real BANANA have seeds - CUCUMBA is a pickle and is oval not straight, Aloe Vera is manmade, Oranges were made the colour of orange - the list goes on  

Huge ship sitting in the SKA [Nevada] USA 

Check the colours, shield and shape - they are hiding the SKA 

KANADA - check that out, near enough 3 light sources, what is up with the horizon, look at the cloud wall above the mountain range, its a veil that is manmade - check the shape of the AURA around the SUN - so, my question is, what is beyond the horizon that they don't want you to see [SEA] 

SCOTLAN which is in the SOUTH [NORTH] you have over 10 visitors sitting in the SKA, you can see them, the Scottish military can also see them all on radar - we embrace WW3 because we know we are being supervised, this view that we are seeing around the four corners of this planet, these crafts are over military installations, facilities, bases, both above and below ground, they are over nuclear waste sites and installations, reactors, those are 10 huge motherships, space carriers and fighter crafts - crafts are at both poles, they are in and out of dimensions, so no matter what, we are being monitored - sum of these crafts are cloaked and sum semi cloaked and sum they are fully naked, they are not hiding, they have been assembling since 2012 [2021] and are only cloaked because when its time for sh9t to hit that fan, 1/3 will go insane and 1/3 will take suicide and 1/3 will attain enlightenment - they are cloaking themselves to protect you from mass hysteria [hy-Star-ai]  we embrace, why, because things associated with the hijacked Matrix will physically be destroyed - they are here for the protection of this planet first and foremost, without her, all this will be over - they have to do what they need to do and so do we

Malaysia - crafts in the SKA 

Italy - what is up with the hologram - the rest of the image is fine and no distortion 

And this in Worthing [UK] 

We don't all have the same outcome or the same Moon or SUN in the four corners of this planet 

SCOTLAND [is in the SOUTH and not the NORTH] check the SKA [SKI] SKY - there are crafts sitting in there as well 

The SKA is poisoned and what goes up must come down

Portal wide open [BENNU] or BEN BEN [Obelisk] in the middle 


Manchester [UK] coloured SKA [backdrop] 

10 minute trip out [5.6.2025] 

Same in the Italian Schuman - and again [6.3.2025] and 8.3.2025 

Canadian Schuman is still offline - there are many other Schuman models but I do not have access to them 

What is causing those waves and only in a certain place in the SKA 

Argentina is in the North [South] they have a blackout and their Pope who is from Argentina is on his deathbed 

 No she does not orbit the SUN, the SUN is under the dome with us and all the other planets all follow her, she is a living entity - California holds on for dear life

Earthquakes play a huge role, I cannot list all the quakes, but energy is being released  

04:03:2025 Alaska 'Dog Mine' M2.7 [Italy M2.5 + M3.2] Dominica Republic M3.6] Afghanistan M4.2 
[Canada M4] New Zealand M4 [Philippines M5] 

05:03:2025 China M4.9 Mexico M5.5 Peru M4.5 India M4.3 + M5.3 Chile M4.3

06.03.2025 Washington [USA] M3.9 Hawaii M2.5 Oregon [USA] M3.2 Egypt M4.2

07.03.2025 Argentina M4.9 Azerbaijan M4.3 Texas M3.1 Nicaragua M4.6 Indonesia M4.6 multiple hits - many more places+

Listen up to what he says, just before Christmas in the UK they were talking about a snow bomb hitting and that is their protection to cool the planet, however when the plasma comes in, it penetrates this planet and hits her core [internal sun] which is a plasma sphere, and then bounces straight back through the planet and up, they can only make the surface cool or cold, everyone knows we have a SOULAR FLASH [EMP] coming - not sure what he says is all correct, we know the powers that use to be have to reverse the energy, maybe BAA [BA] means father to them but we know in KHMT it means SOUL and the BENNU [Obelisk] is an antenna - is Christ consciousness one man, nope, its a supreme 'godhood' energy, the word Christ comes from the Ethiopian world Karas [Karast] - so the used must choose between man and his machines or supreme energy level that you have access to within ones self [cell] 

Keep in mind 144 is not a number of people, nor is 144,000, its a frequency range [144hz] that you have to reach making you choose the frequency making you the 'Chosen One' because you made the choice to what frequency you want to be on - the SUN will only go Pepsi Max when the frequency is right, as above, so below, 2025 does add to 9 and 9 means completion

Is that FLASH this year [moment] yes it is - NTR has been good to us, so many hailstones over the last 5 years+ with no children or women being killed by the ice stones, but yes they have minimised the causalities, she has been good to us, warning us has she goes along but for Love and Hate to exist the 'world' must come to and end and by this means complete shut down, the planet will go offline for a resetting of the MaStar Key Program, she is upgrading and so to her [3] KING-DOMES - when the females reach a particular frequency range [144hz] they will lock in that frequency and reSet the planet, reSet the MATRIX [3] - you know more now, hence why much was given to you

Huge amounts of plasma discharging [CME] during the last 72hr+ it will be bright were you are and how comes the four corners are always missing - watch your CROWN - plasma - eat everything that is Purple - plasma messes with the brain waves, but soular energy charges soular beings

These colours are added by NASA [NOAA] or they wouldn't be able to see the SUN and they would have to tell you that the SUN is ETHER 'BLACK' - what is eclipsing the SUN [hologram]

Cloaked planetary body sitting in the SKA 

Orbs, probes, scouts are in the SKA and have been assembling since 2012 [2021] - they scan, collect data+ they provide coms 

Is this real the caption read, that is the real fu9king question right there 

Crafts around the SUN - when they are like this they are in a convoy, fleet, the SUN is a multidimensional portal and there is a city, docking hub+ guards around the SUN

SpaceX lose rocket - no one is leaving 

Real footages of what is going on out there - many of these uploads come between 2019 into 2025, more and more people are documenting what they are seeing and so must you, these uploads expand your mind so that when sh9t hits the fan, you are not left out - you know 

This is a show of unity, to let their members know they are still in charge, keep in mind that the Freemasons are only the mouthpiece for the Illuminati and within the Illuminati are around 10 to 30 mixed beings, above Top Secret is Cosmos which are around the same number - the same 10 to 30 mixed beings or different beings, the Archon who was giving the Pope and the Crown of England their orders died in 2020 - they have no leader - they have the tv while in the SKA crafts ride the SKA, whoever controls the SKA controls this planet, an EMP would turn off the tv in a flash, and those controlling the SKA would still be controlling this planet - right images, left and right of the SAME coin, they are the same 

Truth - think about that and other things that are reported and deleted in quick time - media 'blackouts'  

Truth is coming 

Tick tock 

Survival of the fittest [Darwin] versus Rivers of Blood [Enoch] both are coming
All data was left in stone for you in this very timeline, choose wisely with what you have learned, the data was for everyone, hence why we are all trapped down here, the filtering process is to separate energy from energy, and you have to do is know thyself - know what is right from wrong, morals, is your heart open, if so, how much, do you even have a pulse+ you are being judged on energy content, how much energy you hold and what you intention is with your energy 

All eyes on you 

Manmade machines that are roasting your brain 

Airplanes 'Air' run on compressed air, zero fuel, for a while I was thinking and looking into this because they told us the fuel is in the wings and this never made any sense to me, plus I never saw huge amounts of fuel tankers at airports, when the plane takes off you'll see fire coming out the back and loud noise then it goes silent, they never stress test the wings and you would think they would if you had fuel in them - let that sink in - plane from planet and plant, plane aka one plane, Aero still means air, aeroplane, one plane, not flat, one plane, under a dome 

[SUMER] TURKISH [KISH] KUSH - melted structures 

WW1 and WW2 was done to destroy TARTAR - which there is a little bit of Tartar on every land mass and then repopulate certain areas that they kept, remodeled+ 

Had they not been blasted, all these sites are earthquake proof and were built to last - NTR cannot breathe through concrete veins and jungles, so she will be taking it all down 

In the USA, archaeologist are not allow to use the word pyramid, they have to use the term mould - this is law [manmade] why, to hide the truth in plain sight 

Who is the big guy, image is in UTAH which we know is PTAH - AMERICA is TAMERI aka West Africa, go look at Monument Valley, all those rock - melted structures - look at this image, is it a guy or robot - are those ancient structures - like 300 years ago - things to make you think deeply 

All part of the natural powered circuit board - while the batch before us harnessed natural wireless electricity we will go down has a type 1 civilisation because we are still using Coal 
[Solar panels are made from Coal] 

Mt KAIL-ASH is covered in ASH, black ash from this structure melting, that is a huge MIR [MER] pyramid and so many other structures around - many are offline and sum are still operational  

The Emperor of TARTAR is KHAN [HAN] SHAN [SHANG] SHANGO - no one was primitive back then, ancient this word is not quite accurate   

1628 DUTCH coin shows California has an island - this coin is from the 1600s - 300 years and it would be the 1900s and in a 100 years [2000] the world accelerated - make it make sense  

The Persian are the Ethiopian [KUSH] another name for Ethiopia is Abyssinia which is where we get the modern name Assyrian [Syria] and Jerusalem is Heru (Jeru) + Sal (Sol) + Em - Darius is not his name and the first king is called Sargon called Nimrud by the higher beings and 2700 is an age that falls under the 3,500 and 4,000 bracket they use, with their boy Jesus coming in 2,000 years ago, this deletion of the old world by man was around 300 years ago with a 900 year false timeline added in-between - Jerusalem is in the NTH gate aka Ethiopia and what does in the first temple era, temple in Sumerian is called IY and translates abode or coast, isles and in KHMT [Egypt] temple is called HETU - modern day call them tombs which is often associated with burial when this is not the case at all - the first temple era is not going to be 2,700 what 700 after Jesus [YAWN OUT LOUD]

The middle one is manmade - the SNAKE comes from the Serpentine, Kundalini, Shakti, Tantra energy, SNAKE represents power [energy] currency, water symbol+ 

We want the truth, so that the truth can set us all free 

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Mint Condition

The environment in which we reside is for ever changing, constant shifting, nothing really is stabilized anymore, we have to cope with the s...