Sunday, 15 October 2023

Social [Matrix] Experiments

No one is sent down here to ‘save’ another, you can only ‘extend’ sum ones life force, that is what CHI means, you can extend ‘save’ sum ones CHI ‘life force’ in many ways, the impact of your actions ‘saved’ many – in our daily lives [Chi] small acts of kindness changes energies [people]

Your ‘acts’ are not insignificant or are these what we are supposed to do as human beings – your ‘acts’ of kindness resonates with many because it came from the heart

There is one particular act that you did and it was monumental in sum one elses life [Chi] that small act of kindness that you did changed the trajectory, direction of their life – do you have an idea of what kind of impact you had or have, the very thing that you complimented them on, the very thing that you acknowledged them on, the very thing that you took time to work through with them, that you empowered them or encouraged them on – just being you and not coming from the Ego

You smiling at sum one, you holding the door, you helping the lady with the pram, you asking that person if they are alright – these small acts of kindness sends waves into the ethers, did you know that sum of these people [energies] that you extended their lives were sent to you because of your very nature

By extending sum ones energy [Chi] life force means they were able to continue, you allowed that person to shine on despite whatever was or is going on for them or despite what is going on for you

You know you pick up [senses] on others and how they are feeling and those people you guided know that you could read them, this enabled many to feel comfortable in expressing their feelings

There are areas that we all struggle with such has insecurities+ in certain areas but you came along and spoke life into – we innerstand that life and death is in the power of the tongue and that you are to use yours to encourage, uplift and build up another person – this has reached heaven [haven] and the angles [angels] rejoiced when you decided to do that small act of kindness and when that persons life was forever changed by your willingness to extend love to another person

You are being watched, observed and read, that small thing you did goes a long way because you meant it, it came from the heart, granted not everyday we can be a saint, but we can be ‘you’ the real you that flows, you will be given energies to work through, you know you dispelled a lot of stereotyping, you cut out the red tape, you see energies and not just colour – its not black and white out here is it  

We are all being monitored, scanned, you cannot just do things and think if I do this and that I will go to heaven, nope, it doesn’t work like that

Continue to operate out of the heart space without compromising yourself – read situations [simulations] and use discernment, times will yet again be changing and we are coming closer and closer to the end of the beginning and you will be needed in the face of adversity

See this shopkeeper, one day I said, how are you, real slowly and with direct eye contact and he knew I meant it and I wanted a reply, he was at first a little taken aback because no one asks how the shopkeeper is doing, sum times when I am not interested in sum one I will ask them and answer for them, how are you + you alright - so that they can say yes, sum times I ask or say sum thing that requires only one word answer yes or no, then I may ask sum one a question or a prompt so that person is forced to answer but not just with yes or no, they are forced because you mean it - when I left and reached the door, other customers had come in but he was looking at me, he was looking at me in my eye from the counter all the mtf way until I left the store - he had said that he was alright 

Honour to the 1000s+ who lost their lives to owning a shop in the UK just because they were 'ethnic' 

Do you know that sum thing you said or did or was an act of kindness in 1989 is resonating with sum one right now, do you know that that track you played them or that movie you told them to watch or you both watched, is still resonating with them, sum times you think of sum one at what seems like a random moment and you wasn’t thinking of them but they were thinking of you, sum thing that you would say, they remember, 1989 is a long time ago, no it is not, it was only a moment ago, memories don’t last like people, they are always with you, people remember [membrane] memory [reCall] 

Sum thing you said or did is only kicking in for sum one right now, and this could have been a decade ago or longer - your a farmer 

Do not question why you are able to engage with others or you will stop the fluidity, you will disrupt the flow and we know OB1 said to Luke, a Jedi flows, the minute you start thinking about what you can do then you slip into the Ego – if your life is flowing this is because you are divinely blissed [blessed] because you are a blessing to others, do not let a weaker field lower that light in you, know your worth and keep it moving  

You know when you are honest about your own life with others and when you speak on things that others wouldn’t, you set up a portal with that person, sum times this takes time and sum times it is done in a split second, it is done in a moment, once sum one said, no I just know he would be alright and another said but you don’t even know him or you haven’t spent time – there are sum energies that when you first connect [Nexus] come into contact with - you just know, I’m not talking on a sexual energy aspect, I’m talking on an energy aspect, when you know you know

Stay humble, keep your humility – it’s the reason you are in the position you are today, what you had put out is coming back to you, the things that you experienced in your life, what you sowed you now reap, so many things have happened to me because of things I did years before, sum are negative and sum are positive, eye embrace, I absorb all, I own it 

You’re the farmer, you sowed grace, you sowed love, you sowed compassion and kindness and the very same energy you gave to others is being given back to you, not just from others but from heaven which is haven and if we were to look for heaven it would be Sirius – 

Sirius is fuelling the sun and the sun is fuelling you - get it - reciprocation 

Heaven knows your name, they know who you are, please continue to give light 

[light recognises light]  

Sirius [serious] times lay ahead, [Kipling] but if you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you – we need you for the incoming phase, your nearly home now, you’ve come so far, this is why you are a Jedi MaStar 

You are being judged on your intentions [actions] with your energy

Mirari [Miracle]
Mir + Oracle
MIR [MER] MAR + ACLE [Oracle]  
MIR [MER] MAR translates Pyramid [MEKABA] 
KA [spirit double]
BA [soul] strength of the soul 

The world must end, but not the planet, the planet will always be here 

What do you want 'Peace'
Neo [One] Nero [Neuro] is you 

FEMI.9 [FEMININE] = MAAT + HERU combined 

I was here from the star-t [end] 



Walking through my son's schoolyard, I notice a bench painted bright red.
I asked my son, "Is that the only place to sit around here?"
He said, "No, that's the buddy bench. When someone feels lonely or they have nobody to play with, they sit there and kids ask them to play."
I then told him how wonderful that was and asked him if he ever used it.
He said, "Yeah. When I was new, I sat there and someone came and asked me to play. I felt happy. And now, when I see kids on it, I ask them to play with me. We all do."

The KHU [Mind] is only for processing and cannot give you answers, made worse when you are a leftside thinker [analytical] you must escape the [KHU] for all answers are within, come from your AB [Heart] when dealing with things that have everything to do with you 

Artificial plugs 
Concrete Jungle 

'Worlds' apart - one class system is coming, no one will be better than the other, system crash means we will experience what others have all their lives, we will be swapping places with those deemed 3rd world, Babylon system is the vampire empire, the falling empire is to expire 

Over one million murdered and now the land is barren, same when they murdered the Wolves, destroying the land [Nature] in the USA [TA.MERI]

Manifestation = Man-in-festation [nature] we do not see man in nature at all, the planet, plant, animal kingdoms does not need man to intervene for their survival, yet man needs all [3] to exist, nature would have been our backdrop for imagination [manifestation] take man out of the equation and we all survive - you image [imagery] i-Magi-nation - Magic [Magi] sea [see] it to know [believe] it 

Maine Coon - created in the 19th century by breeding the domestic cat and maybe the Lynx [Sphinx] by man   

Check that out - hitting 14000hz - second image every two or so hours that frequency comes in 

Check the colours - last 72hrs 

Energy signatures hitting the DOME and sum getting through - you need a SHANKH [CHAKRA] system to process these energies to those who can process these energies, which are harmful radiation to others, all changing you from the inside out - people always write, beautiful, gorgeous when these light shows are deleting you - red, pink destroys 

Match the colour, Blue - life force energy, all planets have a CROWN

PURPLE [CROWN] PLASMA SHIELD [EMF] DOME [FIRMAMENT] OZONE LAYER [VAN ALAN BELT] all are the same thing - there is a DOME [HEMISPHERE] HEMI in LATIN means HALF - HALF of 360 is 180 a sphere in HALF [HEMI] is a DOME 

This is NASA [NOAA] image from their own satellite called SECCHI - check the Purple and Gold [Ozone layer] and the shape [Dome] this house is sealed, no one can escape  

Right now we have 7 or 8 sunspots [vents] across the sun, maybe it will be 9, the sun rotates like a clock and not how NASA [NOAA] show you

Saudi Arabia 

Puerto Rico 

Face off 

Which one is the SKA [SKI] SKY - remember the planet is upside down 

The yeast is rising - how low is the SKA to the ground

The image from KHMT is the same image on the right from California and are showing the exact same thing - NEB HERU [NIBIRU] on the horizon 

Diamond in the SKA - planetary bodies around the SUN 


WAJI [GREEN] satellite at the 1-ish position 

BLUE STAR KACHINA at the 7'o'clock position 
Multiple objects around the SUN, which is the nu kingdom, NASA call it the trappist system 

The sun dark energy sun is [Supdet] Septet [SIBTU] [Septarian] September [Sirius] Sothis [Set] and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and the red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU [NEB HERU], and RATAN [RAHU] RAAT is the [electrical-sun] RE [RA] or APSU [Sumerian] or PAARE which both mean [Sun]

The SKA is alive, not the hills - do not let the government spoon feed you - people around the planet see what you see - we are not with the Greys or the Draco reptilians - there is no invasion for they have been assembling since 2012 - they will only intervene if they deploy a Nuclear weapon or if Ashtar Command try and leave [from the Himalayas] which is where they left from in their movie 2012, they left from the CHINA end, the end of the world is made in CHNIA - this planet is surrounded and there is no escape - it ends to begin right here 

If you are up late, stargaze, you will be surprised at what you see 


Huge mother ship which are supercells - weather/cells systems cloaked in cloud material, very close to the ground, isn't the SKA getting closer to the planet  

Not sure if this is real footage, but if it is, sum one is fu9ked 

MIR MAR MER [Pyramid] in the SKA 

Top left we see a craft with beam [laser] on and will use it to trigger the SUN, NASA [NOAA] will always only show them in one frame only

That cloaked planetary body is not there 

Seen again, these ringed coils 

Orbs, planetary bodies - reflections - cloaked -  coming from the holographic world 

Land slides means the land is moving below you 

Volcanos erupting

Super tornado rips through Florida 

NY is underwater - NY is DRACO HQ - they have nests down there, tunnels, bases, everything that is hidden must come up and be revealed - Cloverfield   

Even though we are seeing the flood, this time round it will be the fire 'plasma' that shuts down the world - is was the flooding last time and will play a huge role, but they said it is the 'fire' this time round

National forests and public buildings+ many of these [10km] earthquakes are for these bases and cities and networks, they are not just based in the USA 

Afghanistan again gets M6.5 [10KM deep] looks like an M7 or M8 

Looks like the USA or South America, wherever this is, is going to be part of an ocean floor, you’re looking at a trench, we are many new rifts appearing – the planet is terraforming herself without man, she does not need him  

They have weaponised ticks, mosquitoes+ with viruses, they have been blasting it all over the internet and newspapers  

This guy is retarded - your people stole, raped children and women and men, tortured them, how many people Carl did you kill in the name of freedom, whose freedom [Freemasons = Free the sons of MARY] the 100 years is part of the last 120 years with 77 years rulership which is over - those people [soldiers] died trying to steal from others - its all gone now because you only had 77 years which is the length and breath of the Queens rule which expired - its not your country, your sitting there with badges that you gave yourself for your work - your people died in vain - we do not deal in wars 

People do not like 6ether Jews - not just Muslims - there are sleeper cells in every western, European states who hate the 'West' 

2011 became operational - so how did the dome crash, what happened to the A.I  that is controlling it 

So let me get this right, a second strike force ship, Israel and all its military technology need two warships on top of their military might, you see Israel had a dome, shield that was protecting Israel, so what happened, did it fail, yes it did, A.I failed, how did all those rockets penetrate Israel if A.I was protecting it  - who are they really fighting 

The sand may be in the air but that is not where the 'Orange' light is coming from - the footage is from the 15th 

You only taught about Allah [male] but failed to teach about Allet [Al-let] Allat [female]- his counterpart, equal if not his higher guide - try explaining that to the dildos that follow Islam today
This is why you failed, Allat is higher than Allah and she is going to be reinstated bi9ch 

The British museum does not have anything that is British in there apart from the staff

The civil war because they had 1 million skilled slaves and couldn't keep them anymore, the north said if you release them skilled workers the employment will go to them because we don't have skilled workers, the south said - we can't keep them and they will take our jobs - north said, I'll fu9k you up if you don't keep them, the south said bring it on mtf - war broke out between the south and north over 'black' skilled workers being freed, released

There are no records of the CHAKRA [SHANKH] system or the EYE [WADJET] in any of their history or recordings until the Beatles went to INDIA for 4 years in 1968 - so did the British people after taking LSD and killing the real PM, when they returned they never sang live again because Paul was dead -  there is no mention of spiritual attainment in any of their European records, but all of a sudden everyone is 'Buddha' or 'light worker' or a 'twin soul' these people are doing nothing more but are trending - there is nothing wrong with that, just don't be streaming to no one who is going nowhere fast 

Crisis actors not needed when you have A.I makes you wonder what they were actually going to do with this puppy, we saw them do the same thing with Syria showing fake images, drop the Nuke and the SUN will shoot one straight from the chamber - when they say we have an earth facing sun spot [vent] know sum one on earth is going to do sum thing that is forbidden - the religious war is not our war 

Huge voltages, hitting the wire - check the codes -Turquoise [blue and green] or [blue and yellow] either side of 'white' light which holds [7] colours - purple backdrop

If the SUN is being blocked by the Moon, then what is that on the horizon 

   NASA [NOAA] planed to shoot at eclipse or the asteroid - go for it - you cannot stop the time 'light' 

When they say ring of fire, its not fire because fire cannot exist in space, it is plasma, these are plasma exchanges - what is up with the other eclipses, reflections ?? what happened up there because it wasn't the same look over there

Why did that happen so fast 

Reflections hitting the ground [???] 

Energies linger 

You can map your natal chart - your astrological Zodiac, you can only be connected [Nexus] to the Zodiac through Melanin [Ether] without it you have no connection - you have [12] houses and the Moon would have fallen into one of those houses - you have to keep in mind that was a ReSet button that was hit and you need to get refocused, many people are off track - check your natal chart and see where the Moon fell into for one of your houses and this will let you know what energy you have coming in which may affect your finances or your marriage or spiritual attainments, without Ether you cannot access the Dendrah [House of the Zodiac] this is why many people have no spiritual Nexus to anything, they are just trending, following the rest  

Not sure how these images where taken, it could be taken from a computer screen but the symbol is clear


A Tetrahedron is more in sides, way more than a MER [MIR] Pyramid, with a MIR a triangular structure with 3 or 4 sides – whereas a Tetrahedron is more of a 6-pointed star that flips in and out on itself aka it fluxes is what its called

A group of Egyptians – they were driven out and they later on became your Hebrews along with whole Akhenaten thing

After they left KHM [KHMT] KHEMET these Egyptians, they didn’t want to identify with pharaonic Egyptian or hieroglyphic Egyptian, so therefore they took the world mythology and fastened into history

So, Solomon never existed, David never existed, these are all metaphysical terms, Solomon is Osiris, David is Heru, Jacob is the physical body which is still a form of Osiris – Jacobs Ladder which is the Kabbalah, Abraham is the back sun

Daivd, Solomon, Jacob and Abraham are all part of the physical body aka different aspects of your physiological structure – Bethlehem is the BAA [soul] Beth [Bath] means [black] – all these names are metaphyseal terms that they historicized

Solomon wasn’t real – nor Solomon Mines which is Solomon Mind, the name Solomon comes from Sol [Sal] and Amon names welded together but to the older religious people they were real, the Bible is about seasons and astronomy, the Chakra system and the Kundalini – the older ones will be leaving but the advanced generation will totally get it because they come straight from the Cosmos

These group of Egyptians started to work against the other 9ethers because they now had the 6ethers who were fronting to be the chosen people – these Egyptians are KHAMAT or Egyptians or Northern Ethiopians, depends on what you want to call them- they took the mythology that was in Greece, Rome, India, Babylonia, Mesopotamia, Persia, KHMT, Ethiopia, in Yoruba [Nigeria] in west Africa and in ABZU [South Africa] – they took the mythology and made it historical and by doing so they were able to say they were the people of god, that they were the chosen ones

Paul [Saul] did the same thing with their Jesus, they made him real – so they took the mythology of Christ [KARAST] (KAARAST is in all of us) and made themselves the elite – think about sum thing, you always see the Hebrews arguing with the Israelites, the Hebrews [Habirus] hate Egypt then why is Egypt Mizramheem a tribu of Israel – right there alone tells you we are dealing with a mythology thing - Solomon is basically the Osirian Drama – King Solomon, I am [black] and comely – King Solomon and Osirian is one in the same

Osiris was cut into different pieces and thrown over the Nile – Solomon was hit in the head and was taken to a different land – later on becomes Macbeth which all this comes out of Solomon(s) temple, Mac-beth didn’t exist, all them children forced to go to school and learn this monkey sh9t that wasn’t true, its mythology and has nothing to do with real people

Its all a part of you BAA [soul] being separated and scattered all over the EARTH [KI] and you have to pick up the pieces – Osiris was dismembered by Set [Sut] and taken to a different land the same as Solomon – it’s a Demon that took Solomon to a different land [dimension] – the ring of Solomon or the circle of the sphere [360o] or the dot – which are the sphere of [God] the ring of Solomon is the Kundalini energy of the black dot inside of you – this ring [sphere] is the [12] signs of the Dendera [Zodiac] the [12] signs [energy houses] are inside of you, this is your Chakra, this is your Tree of Life, this is the Kabbalah – these are [12] particular parts of consciousness that are inside of you, the [13] is the consciousness of the dot inside of the sphere [circle]

So if you take the circle [ring of Solomon] you will see the KAA [spirit] and the dot – do this [12] times you get the Dendera[ Zodiac] the dot in the middle is the centrepiece which is the 13th piece, which is Christ and the [12] disciples – [12] seasons of the year but those particular cycles emit different types of archetypes of consciousness aka all types of consciousness of collective unconsciousness – once you MaStar this you are all these house energy signs, you need Melanin to connect you to these energy houses – you are now above these signs because you are the one in the circle – how do you get into the sphere [circle] just realize there is a sphere and you bypass the Mickey Mouse jargon out here because its all based on Thoth [Thought] – no more are you just one house sign you transcend all that and more – you can be any of these house signs in any given hour but you are no longer schizophrenic because your right here in the centre and that is the Christ which is the ring of Solomon

Solomon in the Hebrew mythology – take out the historic parts and tap into the esoteric part and the gates open up

Solomon traps all these Demons in his signet ring, those Demons that he trapped are the beasts that he trapped aka the beasts of the Dendera [Zodiac] keep in mind that one of the house signs is a man, they talk about four beasts but the head of one of the beasts is a man and this means the other beasts are inside of him – so Solomon traps these beasts with his signet ring because he has the Zodiacal powers because there are [12] Titans – there is [12] Zodiacs, these are [12] archetypes which are [12] different aspects of Melanin

The word Demon comes from the word Damion which comes from Amon, so does the word Diamond

They say Jason had 50 HEROS [HERUS] – I have seen it has [12] Argonauts and he puts them in the boat, you will also see the Neters in the boat which are also the same different aspects of consciousness because a circle is also called an arc [ark] d-ark - an arc is the boat and this is the same inside of your head [dot in the circle] this is the mothership inside of your head – Jason and the Argonauts is the same story, it’s a historical story, it’s a physiological story, it’s a metaphysical story

Apollonius was the director of the library of Alexandria and he just took a book out and translated it into a Greek story – however Jason means Jah Son [Yahsun] Yah Sun which means -Son of Yah 
[J]uly [A]ugust [S]eptember [O]ctober and [N]ovember – its metaphysical, this is the key to this sh9t

So, Solomon trapped these Demons in his signet ring – once Solomon traps these Demons, they begin to work for him – they are called the Goetia, these are the 72 Demons [Goetia] – you can call on these 72 and tell them you don’t want no bullsh9t happening – this is the power that you have now, these are Demons of Melanin and your have [7] Chakras with one being the 3rd eye

Inside of the 3rd eye Melanin there are 72 other Chakras – there are 72 Goetia Demons or 72 sons [suns] of PTAH – inside of your 3rd eye are 72 other Chakras, this is only for those whose eye is not calcified, these 72 other Chakras are the other shields you see in graphics and each shield is a universe – there are 72 other Chakras in the 3rd eye which is the ring of Solomon

Those 72 Damion’s of Goetia sit over a legion of 50 other Demons [which is where they get the 50 with Jason] these 50 are really an army that are ready and waiting to kick ass – in the encyclopaedia the word legion means 10,000 – so that means 50 times 10,000

We are talking about an army of gods sitting in your mothership [3rd eye] who are ready to kill sum one and we are talking in the millions, 10s of millions because they might have Chakras inside of them – the 6ethers know this, its even in their movie Spawn – he was supposed to get his Demons from hell, climb up to heavens gate and tear down heavens gate but the guy came and fooled the guy and said no, you have to turn to the light – can’t remember their names, the clown was Legba and was the devil, the trickster and told him to get it on but the other guy said no, every so many years a new person has to come and turn to the light – so the guy defects from getting his army from Satan which were these black shadow [Slapped Ham] figures of Melanin, the word Soot [Sut] Sheitan [Shaytaan] and Satan are other words for Melanin, hence why we have matter and antimatter which is positive Melanin or negative Melanin or antichrist or Christ- Satan and Melanin are one in the same and called a shadow – the shadow of god, [4] Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death [god], this guy in Spawn was supposed to get his legion of Demons but the 6ether fooled him and he turned to the light and started working for the other side and is the same side that ultimately killed him – this movie is designed to make you not turn to you, even the movie Star Wars is about not turning to the d-ark side  - this is the shadow realm, this is the Melanin realm called Melancholy the shadow, the Negrito in Alchemy the Saul Niger or Saul Nigg9 [Saul, Sal, Sol, Soul] aka the blackening stage, Melanin the Substania Niagara, don’t turn around defect from god, which means turn around and look at the mouth of god which is the Medulla Oblongata which is the top of the spine and the base of the skull which is where Melanin is –

Solomon is nothing but Osiris and the energy of Osiris - don't get caught up with religion stuff, good or bad - choose one 

King James tranny boyfriend looked exactly like what that does on the top right - they are trying to replace her, the patriarchal and homosexuals and pedophilias and necrophilia's and zoophiles are trying to replace her, we just need 'black' men to find out, tell them that chicken and women will be deleted in two months and ww3 will truly break out - trannies, homos cannot contribute to the human mantle frame, they cannot have children and means IVF, cloning, artificial insemination would be the norm 

They are putting this on us but we have yet to accept, the rebellion is coming, the men were sent to protect her during this phase, many will die for her, many will defend her right to walk among the gods for she is goddess 

Love or Hate her, we NEED her, not WANT her - NEED HER-U   

15 is just a kid, sum are sent with double FEMI.9 energies, sum born into wrong avatars, sum had their gender changed without them knowing, sum where purposely sent in the wrong avatars, sum are genetically flawed, sum had their root chakra ruptured on purpose, sum are androgynous - we must have guidance from the top, this is not right 

Michelle Pfeiffer at 65 - they look like two different people, she isn't wearing make-up on the right, neither does she look 65 in either image 

 That woman Tiffany and the lady in the plane footage are not the same people - they are shape shifting 
UV also messes with their shape shifting device - many more people are coming forward with similar experiences - sum one also said they heard voices telling them to get off the plane - what has happened to the real 'Tiffany' 

Them 'ufo' they call asteroids or meteorites aka stars [a-star-oids] names used to name things that man didn't know what they were - 

In here is the upload from PERU, that being is camouflaged and is not falling, its jumping down out of sight - @00:49 you see the same thing in the movie Predator - how heavy it is because that tree is young but you can clearly see it knows its been spotted - the tree doesn't even shake - looks like it has a tail or the spinal column does not cloak - it is bending the light 

Is this for real, how did seven people disappear from that hospital, even the doctor in the top right camera, who were these people, the mans cell phone did not go through but the lady who had her bag separate from her and the bag was next to her went through, there is camera disruption in the bottom right camera, to me they were teleported sum where or they were projections from the Matrix, just programs being deleted, if its not reel [real] then that was good 

She said it, where are all these people - you saw the cloaked predator in PERU, and the snakes tail - Atlantis is the ship, and the Sahara desert, they say 7,000 years and a map recently said there was no desert in 1644 

The Sphere [mechanical eye] + Starlink + Skynet [Amazon] are all the same thing 
the movie the Terminator was originally called the Blueprint to Mankind and was written by an Oracle in the 80s - do not repeat hiStory - yes A.I has wiped out civilisations before

He said that 'black' magic was pure Evil, Evil the word is Eve + Lillith names welded together and the 'black' comes from the Ether [Melanin] and magi-c comes from the world i-magi-nation - what the artificial races practice is the negative side to the energy, they reverse it, everything out here is in reverse mode, we are more advanced than those born before us  

The sphere in the USA is A.I - Amazon is Skynet - this sphere has everything to do with Skynet 
Haha what about when the lady said what up everybody to the Goats !!! 

Baby unharmed 

He would have had 4 legs, you can see the foot for the 4th leg on the left by his knee, I had sum one I knew who had extra hands on his two little fingers and that girl you can see she has hind legs, these and more are not medical benchmarks, these are defects in genetics - these people are still here and these flaws many don't make it outside of the hospital once the defect has been analysed
The hair over he body is called Hirsutism caused through breeding with monkeys, we have those born with scales over their body called Lchthyosis or with large heads called Hrdrocephalic, or Lupus, Leprosy, Gigantism - just to name a few, many deformities, genetic deficiencies and chromosome distortions, which results in such things as Siamese twins, a result of this original cross breeding of different species  - you actually have have in sum human bodies, cells attacking other cells, which is a result of genes from different species fighting to protect themselves - the same thing happens when sperm of a man enters the womans body, her body naturally fights it, because it is alien to her body 
Everyone in this upload has a genetic deficiencies and chromosome distortions


Due to linguistic evolution, the term BUTHU changed to BUTHA, and later BUDHA [BUDDHA], this is an Alkebulan [African] concept [Incept] billions of years later the UBUTHU surfaced after ABANTU came into the equation

Buddha [BUTHU] and its parent NAGA and HINDU-KUSH [KISH] pride themselves in the recognition of divine order as inner-stood via MAAT


BUNTU [BUDDHA] [T.WA] I.RU which TRIBU they have destroyed the records, that includes the modern-day Sri-Lankans, Goa and Tamil because all the BUNTU are 9ether [Alkebulan] aka Africa – there is the name IDIKA [ITTHIYA] which sones like MANDINKA [DINKA] INKA [INCA] they also have the word RASSAYO [RASKSHAYO] and RASSA aka RASSGALA [RAJAGALA] the Sanskrit word is RAKSHA [RAKSHASA] which is were we also find the word RASTA [KARAST] RAS

There are many dagobas, temples, ponds, shrine rooms and moonstones have been discovered from the site, there are also antiquities that are large and beautifully made stone bowls for drinking water, the BUNTU [BUDDHA] are giants, the HUNDU KUSH are giants

The UBUTHA [BUDDHA] are intermediates between worlds, we do not bow down to them or say NAMASTE which means to Kneel or bow down to another MaStar [NA-MASTAR] when you are a MASTAR - we don't bow down to a lesser inferior being, only say this to another MaStar and not sum one who read it out of a book 

Everything has a balance, and when balance gets destroyed, everything is destroyed

The 'all seeing' eye

If looks could kill 

Every time I see this picture, there is no other prefect example of this breed
The Doberman has the same bite power has a Pit-bull - just without the lockjaw - the Doberman will let go upon command, the Pit-bull will let go when she or he is ready even if commanded or instructed to do so - even though this dog looks relaxed, this dog is permanently on guard - the colour is so rich - beautifully crafted  #Special 

ANU.BU [ANUBU] both the KAT and K9 sit in this position [Sphinx] 

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