Friday, 13 October 2023


Walking with Dinosaurs 

[Dino] translates 'terrible' and [Saurs] translates 'lizard' although 'Dinosaurs' are not quite Reptile they are considered part of the Reptile family

Upright lizards, snakes, dragons, serpent, reptiles, crocodile 

The crocodile and lion are cousins - they both hiss - they both have slit eyes and they both have a 3rd eye - the komodo dragon, crocodile, snake all used to walk upright until they were casted down to the ground, Eve was talking to a reptilian in the garden of GAN 

There are sum indeed 'terrible' beings down here, there are sum 'great' beings down here, there is good and bad in all - the choice is yours to make - light 'time' is changing and is bending into one light

Crafts are being seen more and more, we do not use the term UFO, the 'object' we see is not Undefiled, the 'object' is not Flying, it is levitating, the 'object' is an Object that we now know is a craft, called a spacecraft, Vimana+ those without a spiritual connection use the term UFO

Many Dinosaurs where taken to inner earth - Russia and China have their own Jurassic park - and sum are still about - sum where 

All birds are Raptors 

Painting is from 1710 - so what happened in between the 1700s and 2023 

Both UFO and Dinosaurs are classed with sum thing of the past, when they are part of this very moment that we find ourselves in, yet at the same time there are people out there who have no idea [concept] that these two existed and exist - their governments are tying to tell them all overnight, sum people are not ready for that, sum people will never be able to comprehend this, sum people only think they exist despite the evidence in stone 

From Russia with love
Who is he really talking about, remember he is the king of the North in their bible, he is a high ranking Draco commander, they always wanted him to start the war, this speech was 6 days ago and since then the Muslims and Jews have broken out - Russia's defence program does not cover Europe, definitely not the UK, he still could press the trigger my nigg* sum one has to, the Nuke switch - reptilian families infighting - the ANUNNAKI already warned PUTIN sum years back - he knows the risk, he said it himself, one week 

All is a ploy, armed forces on the street to get to ML - they keep using the word terror 

SENET [Chess] pieces being moved, sum one is going to say Checkmate 

Hindus have been waiting for Kalki for 3,700 years
Buddhists have been waiting for Maitreya for 2,600 years
Jews have been waiting for the Messiah for 2,500 years
Christians have been waiting for Jesus for 2,000 years
Sunnah has been waiting for the prophet Issa for 1,400 years
Muslims have been waiting for a messiah from the line of Muhammad for 1,300 years
Shiites have been waiting for the Mahdi for 1,080 years
Druze have been waiting for Hamza Ibn Ali for 1,000 years

They are calling for Jihad [13th] Friday which is LAHAMU [Venus] energy but they say the gates to heaven are open on Fridays

Most religions adopt the idea of a 'saviour', and claim that the world will remain full of evil until this saviour comes and fills it with goodness and justice, perhaps our problem on this planet is that people are waiting for somebody else to come and solve their problems, rather than doing it themselves and whilst they are told to expect rewards after death, they are enjoying the paradise on earth

The Kabbalah says, that he shall have everything in this world, so that no portion is leftover for him in the next world aka – they can have all their hearts desires in this 3D world so that nothing is leftover for them in the next world 5D - the Kabbalah is also the Tree of Life and the CHAKRA [SHANKH] system

We have waited 3600 for the return of NEB HERU [NIBIRU] the MaStar Key, to unlock [bend the light] once again - the ROMAN empire will crash in this timeframe and along with its all 'beliefs' systems, for the truth shall set you free

Muslim calendar [1444] [13]
Christian calendar [2023] [7]
Abyssinia [Ethiopian] + Ulmec [Olmec] Mayan Calendar [2016] [9]

Each date has a set of hiStory attached to that period [date] the [7] years difference is being merged into [1] timeframe

This is a biblical ending for many, if that is what they want, this is a spiritual beginning, if that is what you want, where life ends, life begins, in this thing we call 'life' the perpetual cycle of life 

Remember [Memory] you are writing your myStery [myStory] MaStary, not hiStory 


Read all data [people] in energies [frequencies] and find your TRIBU 

Its a real thing, its a natural thing - be real [reel] 

Orion Belt is Osiris [Asaru] as above, so below - SAHU [SAH] (Orion Belt) system 
[7] siStar Star System - Sirius - the [3] Kings are in actuality [3] siStars that make up [7] siStars

Those [3] Stars [Stella] we see are coming from the 19th galaxy and not this galaxy 18th - these two galaxies are merging and rotating [spiralling] in a number [9] SAHU and the SUN are the only two ways to leave this SOULAR system for they are also portals and are under guard because no one or being or entity or energy can leave this realm, for this house is sealed - you have to be filtered through

If you live in the Sirius [Sibtu] Orion (Ouranos) [Sahu], you have a separate time zone – in that case its each Earth Day is equivalent to one thousand years 

No retreat, no surrender - it is all or nothing 

Check out the multicolored backdrop 
ACM [All Colours Matter] read all data in CHAKRA [SHANKH] colours aka energies 

[3] the hard way


Check the colours in the aura field of the SUN - WAJI [Green] hue SKA 

Time is not speeding up, creation is speeding up, NIBIRU is bending the light [time] [emit] has we slip inside the 4[5] dimensions – the spirit world [holographic] world is behind the SUN and NIBRIU 

Check the shape of the SUN and the Blu-ray 

Reflection of a portal that is wide open 

Fleet over Colorado [USA] 

The SUN is a multidimensional portal, there is a docking station, city up there, behind the SUN is the spirit [holographic] world, what you are looking at are ships, vessels, light crafts, sum may be a convoy, the SUN is on lockdown, the SUN and SAHU are the only ways to leave this SOUL-AR system, but both portals are guarded because this house is sealed and no energy can escape - that is a huge amount of crafts up there, remember this is a still image and these crafts move in light speed or the blink of an eye, NASA[NOAA] release the images with 10-15 seconds intervals so we miss in-between  

Craft with beam [laser] on 

Sum one is shooting up there at that planet 

Crafts in the SKA 

 Cloaked planetary body and who is that coming from right to left - eclipse in a couple days 

Crafts litter the SKA [SKI] SKY

When they blasted us about their religious war, they also buried 'bad' news - while many were distracted over the last 72hrs - they quietly released information - the title of this upload says, what just happened on our earth, its not your earth and the title should say, what just happened on our or to our world, the world is being destroyed, the planet is terraforming herself, she does not need man to self heal, self repair, we are not all at extinction levels, the UV is only destroying artificial, mutant races, species, which includes from the plant, animal and human [human] kingdoms and 'extra' beings

Huge weather systems are hitting, whether storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, hail, snow, heat, water [flooding], land slides aka land moving - keep in mind that the map they show you is upside down, so for example we saw Scotland flooded, remember Scotland is down, north is really south, so we can see that Scotland aka the south is getting water - flooding, a lot of places are being flooded out 
Plamsa [UV]C[A]B is ground level and is coming up from the core, they are using HAARP + CERN + DEW + GRIRD to offset  

The planet is rocking and rolling 

Total eclipse 14.10.2023 [TA-MERI] + [AZTLAN] with the Lunar eclipse [28.10.2023] [ALKEBULAN] EUROPE [AUSTRALIA] ASIA  + planetary alignment 

Check the Moorse code 

Check out the Moorse codes - we have [3] signals hitting the planet - check colours aka frequencies 

Match the colours [radiation] energies 

Match the colours [energies] 

Mitochondria DNA [DEA] RNA upgrades - these are nu codes, check the energy signatures, I'm hearing a lot air depression like a dip in frequency, fine tuning rather than just a one tone, the air depression is also like a dimension change, its all combined at once 

500hz and 400hz - there is a signal [tone] that comes in every 2hrs and the second graph shows 75hz and 100hz+ which is higher and their graph only goes to 100hz

South is really North - white means charged and black means charging 
This is not normal - we have incoming


Fire in the hole
NIBIRU is right behind this planet and collecting all the energies [radiation] from the Sun and pumping right back into the planet on a 24hrs basis - read all them colours in CHAKRA energies, plasma [UV] is also hitting  

 Watch the CROWN [CHAKRA] SHANKH one of the major causes for depression is malnutrition - eat everything that is Purple in vegetation and fruit AND EAT - drink water [lemon + lime] for al-kali-ne body to be a wellbeing


Protect your 'inner child' which is your 'natural innocence' 


[5] the FEMI9 energy - she is the protector of him in the spirit world, he is the protector of her in the physical world, it is a trade off, the female gets cut off from having children at around 30+ whereas the male can have children up until he is 70, 80+ years old because he is all physical, whereas she is all spiritual, she comes down here already circumcised and he has to get circumcised 

You have the 'god' eye - the 'Oracle' eye - use it 

There are sum things many are never ever' going to be able to process for they are just hardwired that way

This includes women over 18 and transgender and through the selection act it will be the 20 year olds sent in first aka your children - Biden said, remember your not sending your children to war, he said your sending them to freedom [????] if your son or daughter is 20 [during 2023] aka now, then they will be required to go to war - this is Red October - this is suicidal, they want you to slaughter yourself in the process - who is culling who out here 

There will be wars and rumours of wars, this is the dark ages, all is a st-age for the great fall that is coming for the world [3D] not the planet - this 3D world is coming to an end, this program [simulation] is over and is being deleted to make way for the 5D program - we are at extinction levels right across the [3] kingdoms - reSet, the great shutdown - embrace the reSet - there is no alterative but there is for you-r outcome, repeat the simulation or ascend to the throne [seat] pulpit [mind] KHU  

These other extra-terrestrials are trying to figure how they are going to get off of this planet - this house is sealed, there is no escape, no one leaves, people are starting to realise, catch on, awaken, activate, people are talking real talk now, this is the age of Aquarius, where the truth is more disturbing than the lie - so much is coming out that was hidden but they always told us that the lie must be revealed first before the lights go out 

We are controlling this planet [ship] many of these ships above us are being manned by siStars, sum are remotely being operated because for sum of you, you are in hollow earth, we are in the trappist system which is the NIBIRU complex which is around the SUN and we are heading to dock with Sirius system [SAH] SAHU [Orion Belt] [7] siStars - all is merging into [1] but first everything must be filtered 


No desert in 1644 ?? wtf and where are the pyramids ??

How is this a Dog 

The Dhole - that frequency tone 

Great strategy 

All filter all the crap in the sea and you eat them - water bugs

They are trying to delete her, love her or hate her, without her we are nothing - don't let them delete her, its either them or her 

One of these 'entertainers' are going to slip, the thing is once one slips, they will take others with them, they are now saying that P Diddy ordered Tupacs death and P Diddy is homosexual, just like Will, who had his children's gender swapped, Jaden was born the girl and Willow the boy, Jaden cannot compute and this is evident, we will be seeing a huge amount of 'entertainers' genetics fail, many are taking hormone tablets that one day will run out, many had their genders swapped, UV messes with them also, the clones, hybrids, ivf+ will all be affected because its not natural  

Soul [Sol] music which is tones that resonate within - energy is changing - which is called fundamental which means has a rule - energy is running out - no on is inventing no more inside the redundant 3D world - what are people listening to, it isn't low, boring - same old, same old - where the mind goes the body follows, the mind is listening to the soul - get your soular energy in check

RAPPER [RAPTURE] many are in trouble 

The presenter always talks so much sh9t - those without a soul stay on the earths negative field, granddad or grandmother stay on the planets negative field that is why you see them, they never left this realm - you cannot leave without a soul 

When he says 6th root race, we are going into the 8th root race, we are on the 7th now - these A.I are glitching to the point that we can see and hear them - what the guy says we know - its coming out - A.I has been here since SHIVA and beyond, the ANNUNAKI had A.I robots 

He spent 22mins talking all that jazz – they are grounded, that tesla car is 40 years old - they already had that on LAHMU [MARS] what is happening with Virgin Galactic  – anything they are telling you is coming, is already here 

Ancient technology - all pyramids [MER] MAR [MIR] are online 

'Wood' element - KANAGA - the doorway between worlds 

NUB [GOLD] is a conductor - this hand held device is the Sumerian version of the ANKH and can be called the SHEN [SHENU] which you can see held by INANNA in the last image, these devices are modems, Wi-Fi, walkie talkie, interacts with their skin [9ether] coppa, gold+ they are antennas

Might Men - records left in stone

All the records that you need to make your 'choice' between truth and lie, between right and wrong

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