Wednesday, 4 October 2023

Silent Night

Astrology [Astral [Astare] A Star - does have different learning levels to it, the word Scholar are two words welded together – the word School and the word Solar making you are a Scholar

The planets are not just energies [discs] that are interfacing with KI and our body [KHA] for we can actually travel [astral] to these discs [planets]

Our vision and memory is not only being stored on other discs [planets] but is also being displayed [projection] reel [real] reality [reel-ity] being projected – like a movie, meaning that what you think about, what you dream [vision] about – is all being backed up [cloud server] with a lot of it being stored on Mercury – your visions and memory can be used as a video

In photography they talk about Kirlian which allows you to see electrical discharges, auras, souls, electromagnetic fields+ when we envision sum thing, place, people or we think of sum one we have a mental image of that person, place or thing, we see [sea] it in our eye [mind] just like when waiting for a picture to develop, you do this in your mindseye, this is what is called Magi [Imagery] image [imagination] the black you see is ether [melanin] aka ‘black magic’

There are both positive and negative outcomes for those that can use ‘black magic’ one is they can put a spell on you, a lot of native people do not allow you to take pictures of them for this very reason – if you take this picture, you can change the image over the course of years – picking up on their vibration using ‘Kirlian'

Keep your mind open when you are dealing with Astrology and that it is limited to Dendera [Zodiac] energies and how they influence you, your emotions and feelings, and that this is also a physical science

The planets are discs, they are the Kabbalah, the Chakra system, the Tree of Life, all the same thing and directly correspond with your body, not all have a Chakra system down here, not all can draw on these planets energies – many are only able to draw from the Moon and that is it – the children of the SUN [SOL] also draw energy from the rays – the planets resonate with each Chakra – the SUN and the SOUL-AR PLEXUS – those without a SOULAR PLEXUS cannot stream from the energy of the SUN  

The codes are in Hieroglyphs 

Why WAJI [GREEN] - why use Green background to bounce their VFX 

    WAJI [GREEN] energy signature 
Tick tock 

Movies are manuals - NASA told you they put it all in the movies 

'line of sight' 

Check the code in the SCHUMAN [SHU + TEF + NUT] resonating machine 
All satellites are not in space, they are under the DOME held up by helium balloons on this planets lower orbit and are not in space of any kind, all ground base satellite point up and all SKA [space] satellites point down [??] they are bouncing their signal off of the DOME
Around 3 or 4 years ago the CIA [6ethers private police force] lost 9 of their satellites  

In LATIN means vaulted room [CHAMBER] aka DARK [DARC] KHAMBAA] which then the word was used to explain PRISMS - as above, so below 
 EYES [EYE] - the vaulted room is your mind [KHU] 

The ancients can watch through your eye in real time, they sum times access your memories from pervious lives, sum of you were sum where at certain, specific times for a reason - the ancient eye sees all [Horus] IS HERU 

SOUL-AR eclipse - 14.10.2023


Light all the fires you want, you cannot stop time 'light' 
We do not have the same SUN or MOON in the four corners of this planet 

The SUN is being fuelled by SIRIUS 

Original and filtered 

Stay out of the SUN, the SUN is trying to kill you, COVID will go up, we should have cases now
Mini heatwave impending 

Maybe because of the hurricanes that they were left there, run the plates and see what happens

So many places around the planet are filling up 

There have been a huge amount of man made events like no one talking about 'schools with dangerous concrete named' anymore, sum Muslim blows himself up outside a woman hospital [Liverpool], all this and more+ making it easier for Martial Law - a school student was recently stabbed and died making her death more harder because she was a female, we are all having ML but at different times for different reasons, but regardless when or how, it is because they want to implement their world order - shut down is coming on a grand scale 

Its been in the making since 2012 [2023] 

The last time London [UK] had a riot was on the killing of Mark Duggan which sparked the riots and the Poll Tax - nothing really after this, the powers that used to be led by an Indian are only holding out, the Thames barrier is going to fail and the water is going to flood the Square Mile which is the financial district of old built from Slavery money -  once the Square Mile or Canary Wharf [new district] goes under water they will abandon ship aka fu9k off and leave the military to quell the masses - the chaos will not stop there for the violence will expand into homes+ the police will not need to protect business for there will be no businesses to protect 

Whether it was this guy or LAPD or Diddy, all must be revealed, distractions that also have deeper implications - the USA will be under its own house arrest  

So many levels of truth will be made known, that all have deeper connotations - many things are going to come out bringing in those who think they are 'hidden' where the minds and consciousness for the masses must be satisfied first, we must all be made to know the 'truth' the whole truth and nothing but the truth - why - because the truth shall set you [many] free 

FEMA - a test. what FEMA are doing a test - have they before - best you leave your cell phone off all day and turn the tv and unplug and turn off the laptop - keeping you on your toes, for what 

I was in London and the place where I was at the lights flicked but later than 7:20pm, that looked like a detonation of sum sort - hmm sum thing fishy, who did that - where did the lighting come from and there isn't any storm, or raining or thunder - that came from a craft - what are you recycling up there o are they really recycling at a recycling plant 


If Muhammad or Allah is not doing this, then who is - sum one is washing you away, best call on that 12th Mahdi - they say that if that press the button [nuclear] he will appear - the Turkish PM is a proxy for ENLIL - its the same story being told around the world in different cultures 
IRAN + Israel + MUSLIMS 

From RUSSIA with love, Purple haze [rain] is the UV that Prince and Jimi told you about - UV is ultraviolet aka ultra violence, through the CROWN CHAKRA [SHANKH] which is Purple 
Image on the right is from Australia - and in the SCHUMAN [SHU + TEF + NUT] we can see the energy coming through - PURPLE is a combination of RED + BLUE energies - MAAT is SHAKINA [SHEKINAH] KACHINA 

South is actually North 

Multitude of colours [radiation] energies - check the Moorse code 

The SOULAR system does not look like how it did say last year, its totally different up there, many cameras where shut down during lock down and never switched back on, many satellites were also destroyed, like the one in south America and the one in China - this is a signature craft, one of three main crafts up there and have also been with NIBIRU since they started assembling in 2012 on the right image and on the left we see many 'planets' crafts only in one frame and not the one before or after, so its not a planet because we don't see its trajectory 

Lets pretend that earth is the size that NASA [NOAA] show you, then these crafts on guard around the SUN are at least 5 times bigger than the earth 

Is this another space structure or the same one from the other post 

Huge planetary body sitting by the SUN 

Check colour - purple or red and green - huge mothership, how many crafts are in there, its like they double up and both release or charge through the discharge - plasma 

Stars, Orbs+ are not quite stars or orbs close up - crafts are not randomly sitting in the SKA 

HOLLAND - huge oval shape cloaked mothership 

tick tock - remember, Africa is telling Europe to fu9k off from THEIR country and the Europeans have pulled into their domain - ancestors are here, the last time [HAITI] sent them packing, what do we think is going to happen here - BENIN and IVORY COAST - FRANCE say this is untrue, but in this upload you can clearly see a destroyer sitting at the dock of the bey [bay] - but FRANCE agreed to leave NIGER - ok then 

PLO speaks 
The war is not only external, it is internal and they are ready to rid themselves of the dirty Moors
Europe's hold is over - they gave the Queen 77 years and that was this side of the century 

I fell asleep and it was 14:04 and when I woke up it was 4:41 - in-between I had this download - eye remember parts of it and it was very powerful because when I came out, my CROWN was lit and my body had to take time to catch up with the frequency - the laptop time is in 24hrs and the bedroom time is in 12hrs - eye had to look twice when I checked the bedroom time - when you receive a [9] that is a direct conformation [formation] formula from Uni [Nu] that she wants you to pay attention to sum thing

So in that moment, take a knee, check all senses, what do you see, feel+ what was you going to do or thinking of doing, what is plaguing your mind [KHU] what was you dreaming [downloading] of - what was the downloading showing you - even now, I am adding things to this post and left the laptop on and went to the bedroom and was thinking about things and looked at the time and it is 21:33 and again at 22:08 and 22:17 - its not that I look for it but there are days when three 9s come my way, not often, but when they do, I take notice 

Female students AFGHANISTAN [1973] 

Female students IRAN [1970] 

Female students INDIA [HINDU] 1970 


Concrete Jungle [Steel Mountains] we were taught to never build in straight lines for the cube holds energies differently to the sphere and triangle - energy cannot 'flow' in straight lines  

ABZU is going underwater - so no one can have the land - the planets blood [oil] petrol is going to be switched off - the KAROO TRIBU do not even own the farm on their own land 

IAPAN [JAPAN] one of the reasons Japan will be part of the ocean 

Cucumbers where round before the British changed the shape thus changing the nutrients 

Man is not Nature [NTR] Neteru 

Big trouble in little China 


They would have been brain dead by now, sum have even said they get treated better than being in a home 

'we don't have to make an appointment with our parents'

She is 6ether - you can tell she is of mixed heritage but no Melanin, her eyes are blue, she maybe classed has Indian but she is closely related to 'white' people has the English, Indian and Oriental are from the same cloth [Caucasian] Winston Churchill food program was designed to breed out the darker Melanin ones such as the Tamil, Goa, Sri Lanka 

Miss India from 1947 into 2022 

He is not into women - their child is IVF - they hide behind women 


He said the cage was gone, they probably used a submarine of sum sort to move part of the cage, like how they do when moving Lions, and moved the Shark to an underwater facility - remember this underwater cage was in 1970s they said, and we were not how conscious that we are today back in the 70s - its quite easy to assemble a mile by mile cage in the 70s in the middle of the ocean   

They have the fossilized tooth so it is here, why would NASA who deal with space deal with the Shark, they want to know where it goes

Sharks discharge electrical charges, is it from their noses - her wetsuit is not normal 

 Sharks release a secretion when in danger, yet they are the Sharks, the biggest predator in the water, they say the secretion is for when a bigger Shark is present, now we know who for 

They know how to cage Whales - Whales and Dolphins provide harmonics and equalizing of the planets tones 

Big up Bobby 

Translucent - the Octopus is not from this planet 

Man killed them all 


Genesis 6:4 

This is a 20 years old with his father - wtf - he looks 30 or 40 years old!! o n the left and on the right are the DINKA [MANDINKA] TRIBU [TRIBE] 

NFL [Basketball] stands for [Nephilian] meaning 'fell' or 'fallen' those that fell in frequency or fell to earth, they didn't fall to earth, they came down here 

Picture taken in 1962 [99] = 18 = 9 during a storm on a plane through the window 

Many say this is Jesus - this looks like a female to me - exactly like Princess Leia 

He said that these crafts were there to observe, study them practicing 'religion' - he said that 'sum' propose that is the reason why they are there - these crafts have nothing to do with religion, India is next door to China and parts will go under water - all this extra-terrestrial talk, none of the imans, rabbi,  dalai lama, your priest or pastor+ have said nothing, how do these crafts and beings fit into their narrative of Jesus and Mohammed or Allah fit into this, is Jesus at the controls of these crafts, is Jesus or Allah on NIBIRU - is Jesus onboard NIBRIU with a lamb around his neck and sum children around him - I don't think so  - keep in mind that Ashtar Command have their fleets ground sitting over the Himalayas and is to why there is a no-fly zone over there, India said they sent a probe to the Moon recently, India also took images of NASA [USA] bombing either Jupiter or Mars, either way India will be dismantled - all military can see these crafts on radar and there is nothing that they can do about it - that guy talks so much sh9t - that girl levitating was interesting, they should have let her go to see how far up she goes or if another entity is lifting her up 

You either invited them in by doing sum thing or they were already there in your property or you purchased or was given to you sum thing or carried down through you - they cannot just come and sit with you - they know the camera are there, just like the LAR [Bigfoot] knows the cameras are there 

CGI - Photoshopped, whatever you want to call it exists, we are not with Asthar Command or with any type of Greys or Reptilians - the Greys are not our people or our gods or leaders, they are for the 6ethers - they only abduct their own kind aka 6ethers - either way, we at extinction levels, UV is deleting all artificial races, beings+ from this SOUL-AR system, without one you are deleted, you need one to be in this system - what you are looking at actually exists and will be revealed - all that is 'hidden' must be revealed first 

No one is right or wrong, all that matters is what you 'know' to be your truth' 
Conspiracy is to 'Con' the spirit whereas you want to be Inspired which is to be 'In Spirit' - inspired 

When the Pit comes in, he or she is looking at the one who is barking to say, where is the trouble 
The Dog is only effective has the owner, just look at peoples children  


The history of the Ouidah [Juda] Judea [Judah] Whydah [Hwida] 

The guy on the right is European Mexican and the guy on the right is Mexican full stop 

The British was the last into AZTLAN [South America] and it was the Spanish who told the British about the INCA and it was the Spanish who coined the name INCA from MANDINKA [DINKA] INKA [INCA] INKI [ENKI] KI [KA] 

Check their noses, same people, when the British went in they found 'black' people on flying machines while they were still on horses - they murdered these two parents, village, murdered everyone in the village and stole these two offspring and brought them to England

This guy is a dildo, 5 referees and they still got that wrong, the offside rule was brought into the game to stop players hanging round the goal - this is a flaw in football and they all pretend to know how it works, we should ask Africans because after all, football came from their country, read bum bandit Christopher Columbus journals because he brings the ball and sees African playing football [Mali], at that time rim master was working for Spain and is to why Spanish football aka Madrid, Barcelona+ are always made Champions league winners - everything man touches is a flaw - unless he got paid to mess sh9t up on purpose 

NAPOLI only won the league because of an Argentine called Maradona and they just won the league because of an Nigerian [African] called Osimhen - Italy are not producing Italian pedigree footballers 

The football was made out of rubber and was produced by the Ulmex [Olmec] people who were known has the rubber people because they knew how to manipulate the sap from the rubber tree, they were the first to wear rubber soles on their feet 

'Black' people aka 9ethers are crucified on every level not because of their colour [Melanin] but because they are fu9king good at what they do, 9ethers do not copy, they set tends, without them this 3D world would have crashed a long time ago, The Highlands and Jason and the Argonauts is about moving all of the intelligent people into one place, taking them from one land and moving them to another aka this is called slavery - Diaspora - they had to move 'black' people to domesticate their own people '6ethers' around their world, they needed 'black' people to invent inside of their Matrix because their own people are too stupid to do so themselves for they lack Melanin - sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt them 

150 in just one month [September] - say 1 month is 4 weeks, that would be around 37 or 35 a week, 35 children going missing from OHIO [USA] is that normal - 1000+ this year alone - do the maths - come on people - what do you want 


Replace the word Processed with the word Artificial - because artificial races eat artificial food, aka mutants eat mutant foods+ either way, they have got to go  

Ethiopian delegation in what we called Mesopotamia which includes Iraq, Iran, Syria, Afghanistan, Turkey, Saudi+ huge blocks that we machined cut - many of the openings were man made [forced] there are 27 blocks - Granite holds frequencies and many of these higher beings could dematerialize matter and walk through walls, many of these places where teleportation hubs for when the 'gods' were on KI they assembled at 'gods' base  


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