Wednesday, 16 August 2023

Smokey Joe

People are reporting on all kinds of ‘phenomenon’ lets use that word, on things they haven’t seen before and sh9t is taking place, all this is the ‘chaos’ - from heatwaves with heat indexes that you have never seen before, DEW – Direct Energy Weapons being deployed, they just burnt down Hawaii, to hurricanes, crafts in the SKA, beings, extra – terrestrials+ all this is the ‘chaos’ and the shifting of energies  

When energy shifts it creates ripples and waves which is basic physics, its how the energy moves, sone [sound] also moves in waves unless it’s a particle

Now check it, the planet [KI] is responding to SOUL-AR flares and SOULAR [SOLAR] flares are hitting like the world was ending, the side affect, in January the core of the planet stopped spinning and then reversed and starting spinning in the opposite way

Use these graphics and instead is the earth - the exact same thing is taking place 

The energy grid is inverted on this planet to hold the negative frequency and this was kept in place by Blood Magic and science was used to harness the earths frequency [7.89hz] and put us into an artificial Kaliyuga [sleep] and we also have Conjure wars using Blood rituals at the same time keeping us in a hypnotic trance which gave us amnesia – we didn’t ‘know’ who we was – we didn’t ‘remember’ that we had a direct Nexus [connection] to the earth [KI] and she talked us through harmonizing with y-our BAA [SOUL] off the same UV [Plasma] lights and that KI [Earth] receives energy through the centre [core] from the SUN [look at the graphics] and this energy comes back out and what it took down with it, all them stars that you see is pixie dust, its stardust and when they hit the core of the earth and we come up – we have to have a body – so we come out HuMin [HuMan], the most highest evolved

So the ‘gods’ come in – in HuMin [HuMan] form as Starlight, coming in on Stardust which is a whole Neutron Star – as a whole ‘light’ body, hit the core of the earth and pop right up has a HuMin [HuMan] – just from the energy alone – this energy is making us become mischievous and creative

An artist sees sum thing in their mind and translates or transfers it to paper or canvas, this is the creative aspect, this energy that is changing now is for the better for anyone who is unable to harmonise with the Shu + Tefnut resonance – which the correct frequency of the earth aka from double masculine to feminine and masculine – they confused us by using Schuman which was Shu and Man  [Min] was is the ‘god’ NTR Min who created the measurement and made us all think it was the two male deities – they had it right in our faces all the time because you weren’t supposed to figure it out – but we did, many did and now they are all being exposed one by one 

Things are coming out and many different elders are talking, sum will agree and sum will disagree, that is normal but the data is coming out – this war will be determined by the angle in which many see this from – there are many Jedi on the internet, they are all telling you sum thing, its in their names, so many are coming from different directions – all letting you know that they are here

The energy is reversing back and all it is doing is showing you the pattern, you would Adam and Eve it [believe] the same shi9t that was going on is happening right again, the same fu9king frequency

Everybody’s name means sum thing to us on the land and what the enemy wanted us to see many did but the rest of us saw what everyone else was looking at – the same way they give you directions and its called triangulation

The siStars must be healed, they are still in war mode and we need them in Mother mode – but we have to go through the chaos – take a minute, read things not from a human perspective, take a knee – take stock, its ok to take a minute and take a look at what your dealing with before you make a move, if you keep on making mistakes then it will keep on repeating, it will always be drilled into you until you get it by repetition and then it is going to be a habit and now your in the habit of making the same mistake over and over – swearing that your doing it right, that is called insanity, if you do not break [stop] what you are continuously doing you are going to fu9k yourself up big time

Find your identity of self [cell] the earth talks to you – you will receive an overwhelming magnetic pull in your BAA  

Get rid of the enemy within and the enemy without cannot do you no harm, walk in your poWRA – when you protect your energy, you will never be punished for protecting your light, protect your light and your light gets protected

Step back and divorce this system, let it crash, the Babylonia vampire empire system  



If you’re on edge or you feel like you’re waiting on sum thing or you feel like you haven’t done sum thing or you are thinking what should eye be doing 

If you don’t know what to do, then don’t do nothing, if your supposed to be doing sum thing, then you will know if your supposed to be doing sum thing - when you don’t know what to do, be still, shut down – take a knee, be still - look around, what AM I missing – you will see the PTAH and all of a sudden you will know what to do – it’s a lonely PTAH but fu9k me, isn’t it worth it, don’t you feel bliss at times, don’t you feel free from constrains, to be in a position of knowing ‘self’ [cell] - your still here right [??] well then, 'trust' in the process

Have you ever had a dream that you were sure was real [reel] 

Quantum jump, the portal [88] which was the last energy pattern – I lost time – at one point I looked at the time and it was 20:20 and I looked at the time and it had stayed 20:20 for what felt like a day, from Friday or Thursday I have lost time – I had this post ready from Friday last week and have not logged onto the internet until now  – I feel that I am going more insane than realistic because nothing feels real, I prefer to be in altered states of reality than what surrounds me, I am truly bored of this system – last 6 days was helpful – guidance was given

I knew this person and she went to Andromeda for 2 weeks, she would have slept really well and maybe overslept back on earth but indeed she went for 2 weeks – sum thing to keep in mind – have you ever done sum thing and you knew that you did this thing but upon checking, you didn’t, but you know you did, have you ever been sum where but you hadn’t, at least you don’t think so – trying to figure it out will only delay you, instead go with it, the body follows the mind, the body is your indicator of when travelling, it takes time to adjust, so let it flow, remember Luke, a Jedi flows, use the force 

A lot of women will be caught up in time loops in order to put you back on the correct timeline for you to be a winner – you will remember doing sum thing, it will be the Mandela effect – its just a glitch in the Matrix to put you on the right timeline – all of the women are aligning with the earth based on Mitochondrial, based on the Uterus aka the portals – the earth has portals and so do the 9ether women and you are talking to one another and are syncing up around the world

All accumulating from the AKIR [AKUR] Lions gate opening into 8 days later which is the turnaround

All you need from Mtu Ntr is to know that the anomaly is there, when sh9t is happening and you know different, that is all that is required that you ‘know’ the anomaly is there – it has to be so blatant that you absolutely know – it’s a slap in the face by the universe to tell you to pay attention, so you can get the answer

The women are lining up, we can see this in the Shuman [Shu Tefnut] resonance and it flipped around 2 weeks ago and we saw the WAJI [green] light energy [Oshun] energy to return – we saw the honeycomb pattern in the Shuman and this is the same design of the THC molecule which is a mirror molecule to the Melanin [ether] stardust molecule – the Melanin is talking to the Mitochondrial and the frequency is being attuned to the Uterus of the mothers - this is a alchemy process 

While the Mitochondria is being activated in you, you may become angry, mad at things, this is what Mitochondria can do, this is what lov9 can make you do, Mitochondria is another word for lov9  - the side to you that you are unable to control is the side affects of never being told how to control – when the Mitochondria is turned up or while its being turned up you are going to go slightly crazy for a minute before we regain our orientation aka we are being hit with dope that we do not know how to control yet – so if you are thinking about things and they are blowing up or you find yourself being sum thing that you are not, it will make sum of you violent [Ultraviolet] – you will be going to that place that you do not like, many of you, your sh9t is all over the place, but you are wary of this right - it’s a transitional period and it will past, stay grounded – convert the energy, redirect your focus of anger and your perspective of you – release your anger, there are all types of ways today, hit the gym, go for a walk, down time, walk away, do sum thing – the aggression you have is only there to protect the women, not to be used against her, and for the women you are healing whilst dealing with trauma at the same time, so don’t add to it, move along, it is not your problem - when you feel it coming on, switch it up - erase and rewind and come again

You will struggle with partners – people in your life if you are not operating from the same range, connections are being forged out and connections are being lost out, there is nothing that you can do because the frequency is far too superior – you have to be real in this field, if not you get exposed and many people are being exposed - choose the road of least resistance 

Albert Pike was George Washington and John Hanson was the first PM of the USA and was a Moor 
Albert Pike wrote the New World Order [Dogma + Morals] 

Biggie Smalls said fu9k a dollar and a dream 

Fez [Qez] Fezza [MOORS] versus the Feathers 

Ta-Meri [America] USA [Atlantis is the name of the craft] is West Africa 
Tama-Re [Ta-Mare] [Africa] Alkebulan is East Africa 

Who is leading who in the USA right now 

Electromagnetic [EM]] not everyone has electromagnetic energy or a field - this is your AURA field 

Telepathy comes from the heart 

The 5th element is ETHER - they went and hid among the stars - stardust is ETHER 

There are crafts in the mix up there - check the colours - these crafts are going to uncloak themselves 

Hawaii and Norway - Pink and Red destroys 
All colours [radiation] energies are mutating wavelengths that are changing you from the inside out, your molecular structure is being altered 

The plasma is coming from the SUN hitting the planet and the core of the planet which also plasma which is making the crust hot, UV is ground level

When we see NASA [NOAA] say we had a CME but don't worry it wasn't earth facing, yes do worry, we are in a Dome also called the Electromagnetic field [EMF] and van Alan Belt and Ozone Layer and Firmament, so everything is trapped down here with us, check this guy in FL [USA] and his official NOAA sensor read 94.6 several feet below the surface and 96 [35] at the top - the sea is baking hot 
Its not just summer time - even the weather systems like hurricanes will be more intense and you will know about it 

Is this image real - the SUN is being fuelled by Sirius 

Maui burnt down 

This Maui dog looks petrified [and from another] a high-temperature pyroclastic flow hit the city at high speed and filled all the spots not yet engulfed by other volcanic materials, so that anybody still in the city died at once of thermal shock, the bodies of these victims remained in the same position as when the pyroclastic flow hit them and, being covered by calcified layers of ash, the form of their bodies was preserved even after the biological material decomposed. [and from another] Revealed - What's inside the Pompeii Mummies

The last 72hrs+ the SUN is trigger HAPI 
SOUL-AR streaming 

Multicolored strikes - last image you can see the last week and right now we are in event mode - buckle up - its heavy out there, find your space and stay there 

Top right - we are hitting over 14000hz and over 1400hz - once we hit 144000hz and the frequency stabilizes it will be show time - sum one else is writing on the graphics, you can see the blackouts and the frequency patterns in the graphic, many people are offline and reporting side effects, the Mitochondria DNA is being switched off for many aka the planet is disconnecting from them 

Altered states - dimensions are forever changing, things drifting in and things drifting out 
I saw 4 'shooting stars' aka crafts coming out of hyperspace over an hour a couple days back around 2:50am - it is a different dimension up there which is down here, a lot of SKA activity

I saw a Ladybird today  

The Shu + Tefnut [Shuman] resonating frequency is changing always, its in waves, its in adjustments, the Mitochondria DNA is being switched off, if you are not synced to this planet, it is lights out, this is a SOULAR system and you must have a BAA [soul] to be in this system, without one you will be deleted – many people will be bailing out of here – do what you can with what you have whilst protecting what you have – you are part of a collective but you are very much an individual – the frequency will get higher and stabilize, if you are good to go, nice one, stay grounded, remain focus, and stay on task 

Many messages [crop circles] have been left in a short space of time - it is what it is 

Fires are raging around the planet on purpose by man 

Same image - what lies beneath 

Crafts are using their beams [lasers] from their crafts to ignite the SUN 
The four corners continue you lit up even though they tell us we are in vast space 

Look at that craft 

and here 

That oval shape is a Mothership outline seen over Thailand 

Its been 9 years since MH370 disappeared - who was on that plane, who was it that they wanted, i-phone at that time when you sent a picture the image would come with data and one was location, many people sent images when they found themselves in a plane hanger which the location revealed was this base - what happened to those people, who was it that they wanted 

Beagle land probe sent to LAHMU [MARS] in 2003 and was lost but found a decade [10 years] later on a planet that is 31/2 years away from KI [earth] but you cannot find a plane that was on earth 

Conspiracy means to con the spirit [con-spir] and inspired to be in spirit [in-spir] the people are not stupid - don't deal with anyone who uses this word, they learnt this world from the very same medium they are using to educate themselves, when you 'know' you 'know' end of subject

Cannibalism has already returned - there is no more food 
Stop eating meat aka human meat 

Fireballs, meteorites, asteroids are camouflaged crafts 

Either that guy is lying and he knows who he is or he was cloned and he cannot remember [Jason Bourne] the guy who narrates always talks sh9t either because he doesn't know or he is protecting his channel - shape shifters are Reptilians - in so many ways he answered his own questions when he says or maybe was erased 

When he comes for you
Ignore that singing or play it on mute 
Too many people mix up the word soul and spirit, they are not the same thing - he is taking your life force + spirit - the first two clips yes, not the two Lions that looks like the end of being bitten [snake] and the others look like Jabba the Hutt - either way Muslims have no protection 

This was deep, I have watched many cases of the pilot crashing the plane, its not isolated 
Most of the flight is controlled by computers and the reason they cannot replace the pilot full stop is because the computer cannot land the plane 

Memories don't last like people, they are always with you...



Off the beaten track 

They say this is 5,830-year-old timber causeway and is one of the oldest known engineered roadways and has been remarkably well-preserved, Venice and Hamburg are cities built on wood, in water, Cork, Ireland as well, this causeway is in the UK

Why not round it up to 6,000 years, these engineering feats are from the Moors that were in Europe, they cut history off around 3,400 – 4,000 years because that is when the ice-age stopped and they started recording history, 6,000 is this last cycle that as expired 


Rootbeer - and the meals were real back then

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