When there reaches a certain time in the history of a
planet, certain things happen in the course of events that are recognizable
We have had [7] different floods [this is the 7th
root race going into the 8th root race] upon this planet and each
time it has wiped out a thriving civilisation that thought they were the
dogs bullocks, only to find out that there was always sum thing always a little
bit greater
When people think that they are ‘god’ and act ungodlike
and begin to then manipulate forces and people as though they were pawns, they
call for finally their match maker
Those that cry for battle and want combat in the ring
will suddenly get an opponent worthy of them if you ask long enough – they felt
that everyone on earth [KI] was their pawn and they began to herald it and
throw it out and change books, from the Bible [Biba] onwards and now they
finally called for their match, and in this case, they are overmatched- you are going to yield to her
Many of the ancient sites are sitting on the ley lines of this planet, all the temples, crops circles are also left on the planets ley lines - ley lines is how they were able to invent longitude and latitude
Glastonbury+ is sitting on ley lines of this planet
The Chakra system relates to the planet and the planetary
grid, the ley lines are the planets immune system [nervous] system which is the
planets Chakra system – this is the planets communication system
It is important to keep your Chakra system online, the
Chakra system are alien implants that were graphed into their offspring only,
no one knew about the Chakra system until Woodstock, the Beatles going to India
for four years, and the data that came out in the last 4-5 years+
You need to know which Chakra that you live from and once
you are aware of this and what that Chakra connects [Nexus] to the earths [KI]
Chakra because this can change your relationship with time ‘light’ and response
as far as how long it takes you to Magi [manifest] things or not manifest
[Magi] things – this also can affect things like group KAAMA [KARMA] aka
collective consciousness
There is no such thing as free will, you always had will, you always had unlimited
will, you have unlimited will because you have a Nexus to collective
consciousness and depending on which Chakra you are living from or experiencing
from based in this Matrix – this reality will determine which group [tribu] you are
connected [nexus] to and its Karma
So if you are experiencing [living] from the sacral or
root Chakra, you may be connected with group Karma – planetary Karma from
earths grid and you may also be living from the crown Chakra and this can
connect you to the astral realm – Karma that is connected to other beings [ET]
or crafts [UFO] or higher consciousness
All this and more are crucial because the decisions that
you make with your Chakras – which is your energy centre(s) will be in the
future be how you communicate - speak – talk in the Matrix – how you give off a
So if these Chakras are not aligned or they are not
functioning correctly or not balanced in reference to the earths grids, you
could end up effecting sum one else’s Karma – the planet has a level or bar or
boundary to stop people from this experience of thinking they are going to
destroy everyone or use their Chakras to abuse their self or the planet – these
boundaries are set up on the creators levels and its based upon the Chakras of
the earth [KI]
There are [13][11][7] Chakras – the Kabbalah – the Tree
of Life – and when you connect to this particular grid, tree of life, this can
affect the group, so when people go through accidents+ break ups, fighting or
separation, these are turning points – the ‘fault lines’ are called that
because its your [9ethers] fault, when volcanoes erupt is because the 9ethers
are releasing energy, these are affecting sum thing that is outside of yourself
and comes from your disassociation or miscommunication with the Chakra group
Research the Tree of Life [Kabbalah] and learn about the
different levels, groups and match how the Chakras that you are using relate
and connect, then you will find your realm and this will reduce accidents,
misfortunes, find your BAA [soul] group, your BAA tribu [tribe] you don’t have
any friends down here for a reason, you don’t have many in your life for a
reason, sum of you don’t have children for a reason, however you are a tribu
out there, connect with the universal consciousness, connect with the
collective conscious – people [energy] will be sent to you, you will attract
members to you, stay in tune – the Kabbalah – Tree of Life – Chakra are discs,
the planets are discs that stream us different energies
The KAA [spirit] and BAA [soul] are two completely
different things, for the 9ether they are connected and separate when on last
breath and for the 6ether it is just the KAA [spirit] that they have
The physical poles have already moved, it is the spiritual poles that are ready to be shifted
Shadow work – grounding, get online with what mother KI [earth]
says, clean your filters, liver+
Coffee enema – complete for
3 days or if your hard enough 7 days, try and fast during this time
You cannot know yourself
if you do not trust yourself – you have to control your triggers, what are your
triggers, if anyone can push your buttons they are out-thinking you
because I AM
That building is a man made antenna [Obelisk] that is called a BEN BEN [BENNU]
Read all data in Chakras colours because light is information
PINK [Portal] Star-gate
Multicolored [Portal] Star-gate
The planet is getting hit and its being hidden from the masses
Craft on the left and look at the right image, how does the top and bottom and the rim of the camera only light up, what happened to the other side
Crafts loitering in the SKA
The image is in focus but go to the SKA and see the distortion that is coming from the currents being emitted from that huge craft - see the dark areas at the bottom and the shape, huge craft over Italy, see the WAJI [Green] in the middle part which is common when we see weather systems [crafts]
All these crafts come up on radar that all the militaries are watching
Crafts have always been here but from 2012 we have seen crafts from other star systems assemble, they are over doomed states, military installations, facilities, nuclear sites, underground bases+
There are at least 5 supply ships [crafts] one behind one another with crafts underneath, they replenish each of the main crafts the same way they would with the navy, these supply ships carry everything that the duty ships need - the cloud coverage is a cloaking device that one day will be peeled back, many have already seen these crafts, the world is big sh9t, no more talking, you either know or you do not, you have had a decade [2012] 2021 to work sh9t out - even during lockdown, star family along with NTR cleaned up the water in Venice and the Dolphins returned and they cleaned up parts of India and you could see the Himalayas for the first time and no one gave a sh9t - so its back to saving the planet without Friends of what Earth and Green no Peace
Man was kept away and during that time NTR started cleaning up
Today she also has her middle finger up
The next lockdown is the real deal Holyfield
Huge craft with beam on the left, when you watch the footage I realised that where the top right light is, 100s of crafts go up and down from that light source, whether that is connected or not 100s of crafts, if not more are going up there and many are also coming down from there - either way you can still see the four corners are always lit up when space is vast they tell us and not that we are trapped in a dome
What is going on up there is coming down here
[1] of [3] major ships, this one is always positioned at the rim of the SUN [portal] a huge electrical discharge lights this mother ship up - notice how all the plasma discharge lights up the top and bottom only
[2] of [3] major crafts
Look at all the white 'dots' not all are stars, there are tons of crafts up there
See how they turn, meteorites, asteroids [aStare] A star, comets+ are camouflaged crafts, pods, shuttle and contain personnel, logistics, technology, equipment
The 'black' SUN is the ETHER SUN - dark energy
CHICAGO [CHI.KAA.GO] USA and Atlanta are twin energy states
The SUN and MOON are moonlighting
Double shield [Aura] sphere - diamond SUN [portal]
Check the rainbow(s) like ribbed going across like that
One plane - look at the height of the trees, the mountains make them look like grass
The planet is not flat, but it is one plane - held inside a dome
There is a dome on the Moon with trees+ that is a tower, all those ratings on the tv and views for music, programs+ don't just come from earth, they watch them also - the SUN watches us, the Moon listens to us
The NSA have been and NASA were taken up there - that Golf club was up there and see the wall foundation in the background, on the right are satellites - humans were taken up there, many children because their bodies were still more liquid than solid
Hitler sold out the humans for a place on the Moon working with the Reptilians, and sum of the Greys and Reptoids
Reptoids - Greys and Reptilians mixed - Greys do not have genitals - Reptiles lay eggs, Greys abduct 6ethers for experiments
This is CGI but A.I robots have been here since the days of Shiva
The USA used over 10,000 different robots when they were in Afghanistan [decade]
Hitting 14000hz+ - 1400hz+ and 100hz+ = these 3 tones are higher
200hz and between 1000hz and 14000hz
7.89hz is the old redundant frequency that is never returning
The RUSSIAN SCHUMAN is on 18hz and 24hz
MITOCHONDRIA DNA upgrades for the MtDNA earthborn - check the codes
You may be having head sweats, and tiredness but not tired, you may not be able to switch off or you feel wide awake but tired, all this and more are body adjustments, Moon energy lingers, I can hear the frequency in my inner ear sum times when I tune in or its streamed at different intervals
If you are eating more, this is for fuel, many of you are traveling and need the fuel so you can bring it all back to KI, if you cannot remember your dreams sum times it is because you didn't have enough fuel to bring it back down here, eat electric foods, fuel your energy correctly - manage your TRI system and it will manage you, manage your Chakra system and it will manage you
Stay out of the way of trouble, anything that makes you feel uncomfortable, anything that is draining your energy, many people will be offline and have been for the last eight months at least, we are at the threshold and many people are at their wits end, its hostile among people, tension, friction - many people are creating drama for no reason, there is uncertainty among many which is leading them to be confused, you want to be fused and you have been working on yourself everyday [cycle], so make it count
Everything was a test and now you will take the exam, you have revised and made corrections, alterations - stay grounded, focused and on your PTAH [PATH]
Watch yourself and check yourself, you are responsible for yourCell
The Crown of the planet is holding - green, red, yellow, blue
2009 - 2023
2012 - 2023
Next eclipse is in October and is the same month that NIBIRU would come in closer, this has expired and this October it is going to be different
See the 90 degree cube [force field] around the planet - the oval eye is in green - the turquoise V at the bottom
Look at the EMF
Red - Heru + Maat combined = Feminine energy
The weather is being modified, we have HAARP [CREN] being used, they know how to make it rain, it is also being modified but not from earth but from ships stationed just outside of the atmosphere
70 ships went to Antarctica and they told us it was a meteorite shower - meteorites don't navigate and turn midair, they were ships, asteroids don't turn trajectory - it is going to get worse because all this energy man made still has to go sum where, we have ships everywhere so we know we are being supervised
We have seen a significant amount of crop circles in the
last couple weeks, months, NASA have satellites in the SKA pointing down, so
they read them, the intricate messages are barcodes that can be scanned by
crafts above – Trinity, which is being reinstated
The Mother, child and father = [Life] the 9ether Wombman
is [God] – she is the shield of trinity
The correct holy spirit is the w-holy trinity- nothing can
take place officially until the nu energy is reintroduced, reinstated and the
w-holy elect can only speak on behalf [God], the elect, only the Most - highest
frequency, using the FEMI9 elect [electron] the wHoly trinity, which are
This guy is always on the adverts on the internet, why would he after all these years want to teach you how to do it
Trillion-dollar hole in the global economy, the stock market is about to crash for real for real, all you have to do is watch
CHINA will become an ocean - many Chinese are already in the USA and Africa, they have 'ghost' towns already set up for those leftover but the way nature is dealing with CHINA, there might not be much leftover - the 'end of the world' is being made in CHINA
INDIA is next door and will suffer the same fate
Balkans [Slovenia] is being washed away - France, Italy, Austria, Greece+ are all neighbours and are all earmarked for deletion
Tsunami [tidal wave] the water has receded in the gulf,
its out by about half a mile, Florida, all those by the coast, and their government
are not reporting this, when the water recedes like that, this is a warning –
all this will do is activate FEMA – Florida will go down, they have a bridge that
collapsed in multiple places – Florida is the finish line – if your down by the
coast you need to move away, enough warnings over the years have already been
given out – get to higher ground
2023 is exactly like 1791 and we are on the same schedule
– August 22nd 1791
The open conjure is the Haitian revolutionary conjure and
Haiti used the conjure to defeat the French – the conjure was never closed and
means they still have an open war conjure aka they called on the spirit world
to aid them in the physical world, you have to send them back home – its like reading
a book from start to finish, you cannot say you read the book if you haven’t
read the last chapter – all major conjures that were opened must be closed at
the closing of age - who is holding it
up is the US government who have Toussaint [Jarmal] locked up in jail on bs
charges and this is holding up the closing of the conjure – you would be surprised
at how many magi-strates are Haitian and are raccoons in the USA, there is around
30 and they are making sure Jarmal [Toussaint] stays in jail
Resting Dragon [Thailand]
Dragons eye - Utah + Arizona
Many Dragons laid down to forever sleep
Read that 3 times if you are hard enough
Come on people - sh9t is getting real [reel] out there
When he explains about the Matrix I aged 10 years, the ANUNNAKI set up this program after they hijacked the original program and their program [3D] is crashing, its glitching
That little boy, indeed, they are looking at the earth negative plane in real time, this is still part of the spirit world but is trapped in the planets negative field, remember KJ2 was to take out reincarnation because 6ethers do not reincarnate - its not so much the supernatural but rather the unnatural when it comes to ghosts - that south american footage with the humanoid is real - that craft in Japan was only last year - that craft is made of light - the spirit world edges closer and closer and will merge, consume the physical world
The cesspit must be destroyed, Ukraine was their stomping ground for women and children, this is in just one town, there will be many - organs missing, children missing, women missing+ are all hallmarks of the reptilians and other beings
The UK has taken in a huge amount of people from Albania, Algeria to Ukraine+ and these people have not integrated into their new surroundings, many of them hate Britain and the English, when sh9t hits the fan in the UK, it is these very same people that will go on a rampage, many reptilians left Europe and are in the UK - it used to be, lock up your daughters, the British are coming - chaos is inevitable
Blue eyes
ENLIL [ZEUS] YAHWEH and Ya’quwb [Ya’qob] Jacob
[Supplanter] made the white [6ether] blue eyed humans from the Albino [Albinism]
lines from the 9ether lines that INANNA and ENKI had created
The Albino gene is in animals, plants and humans
ENLILs offspring lacked specific ingredients such as
stardust [ether] melanin] the planet was in a different part of the SOUL-AR
system when they were created on the planet, they were created during the Moon
cycle [6,500] which has expired – the 6ether were created on the planet and not
from the planet
There is Albino in the Indian lines and African lines and
Oriental lines and Europeans lines
There were countless experiments, they had to use sulphur
and animal parts and animal DNA to fill in the voids
Remember a few years ago when they were carrying the
story that scientists had discovered that (sum) Ancient Europeans had dark skin
and blue eyes – this is what they said
“For each variant we assessed whether the Mesolithic
genome carried the ancestral or derived (putatively adaptive) allele, of the
ten variants, the Mesolithic genome carried the ancestral and non-selected
allele as a homozygote in three regions: C12orf29 (a gene with unknown
function), SLC45A2 (rs16891982) and SLC24A5 (rs1426654) (Table 1)
The latter two variants are the two strongest known loci
affecting light skin pigmentation in Europeans and their ancestral alleles and
associated haplotypes are either absent or segregate at very low frequencies in
extant Europeans (3% and 0% for SLC45A2 and SLC24A5 respectively)”
“Although the precise phenotypic effects cannot currently
be ascertained in a European genetic background, results from functional
experiments indicate that the allelic combination in this Mesolithic individual
is likely to have resulted in dark skin pigmentation and dark/brown hair.”
“Further examination revealed that this individual
carried the rs12913832*C single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) and the
associated homozygous haplotype spanning the HERC2/OCA2 locus that is strongly
associated with blue eye colour”
“The genotypic combination leading to a predicted
phenotype of dark skin and non-brown eyes is unique and no longer present in
contemporary European populations
Our results indicate that the adaptive spread of light
skin pigmentation alleles was not complete in some European populations by the
Mesolithic, and that the spread of alleles associated with light/blue eye colour
may have preceded changes in skin pigmentation.”
The genes those scientists were using to find 6ethers
‘white’ skeletons in Europe were of course albinism genes (SLC45A2 &
ALL of the genes they looked at were "Oculocutaneous
Albinism" genes
That is how scientists know whether or not a skeleton is 9ether
or 6ether
To be clear, contrary to what the Genetic testing for
money people might tell you - Y- DNA and MtDNA can tell you everything thing
about race, the 6ethers women do not have MtDNA
The 6ether have the "non-working" recessive
condition of Melanin producing genes
So far, scientists have discovered 7 levels/types of
As we are now finding out, Albinism can be barely
perceptible, that is, effecting only a small part of the phenotype, previously
we have seen that Albinism (a defective "P" gene) straightens the
hair, and whitens the skin, and we have also seen that the effects of a
defective "P" gene are not always universal, thus a person with a
defective "P" gene might only have it effect the eyes
All 6ethers were once 9ether and we have out of those lineages
refined over time 6ethers
Blue, green, hazel, grey eyes mean there is no BAA [soul]
present for the eyes are the windows to the soul [BAA] brown and black is
Melanin and those with brown and black in their eyes is the melanin which is a semiconductor
and takes the energy [data] and processes it and transfers out in its own
translation – the recessive melanin does not allow this and this is where we
see the issues
The blue eyed being is unable to use any melanin or their
senses – this particular strand of their humans cannot function – often many
will have been throwbacks from mummy being raped by Europeans, they are essentially a defected gene - but not in EMLILs eyes
Whereas ENKIs offspring with blue eyes are charging through their main eye+
In growing toe nail is
recorded ‘common’ and that means its common for the 6ethers only – fungal toenails
is ‘common’ among 6ethers – ‘rare’ or uncommon means you have a genetic
disorder, the NHS patches up 6ethers because they cannot cure hereditary, inherited defects
Darwin evolution is only referencing his people, that they were spliced with monkeys and the 9ethers with alien DNA + Chlorophyll + nitrogen +stardust the 9ethers do not have the same DNA like the 6ethers - what they deem 'rare' or 'common' is not for the 9ethers - its become normal but genetically the 6ethers are faulty aka genetic defects
Defected genes
Jeffery [top] look at his left eye, it is always the same with off key beings, the left eye never matches up to the right eye, look at the colour and look at the shape, size, and secondly, all of these people have blue eyes, all the serial killers, murders
Look at the last image, that is Samuel Little whose eyes are blue, they say he took out 93 women, its more than that and he only got caught because he became old - I'm not saying its all blue eyed people, but there is a higher propensity among them - many of the blue eyes have no emotions or feelings because they have no melanin, they have no soul, that is why many can see there is no light ]soul] present only the whites of their eyes, they have no feelings or feel any pain or joy or remorse
Jeffery's mother said she had a difficult pregnancy with him, but no matter what, many are born hardwired to kill, that is what Carnivores do, kill - born to kill - Jeffery only did what he was created to do and is to why he feels no remorse - he doesn't feel anything because it is normal for him, he is also homosexual which is an inverted being, you have heterosexual 6ether women giving birth to homosexuals [inverted], if homosexuals were left on a island by themselves they would die out because they are inverted and fu9k the same gender, all those who had C-Section, test tube, IVF there is no gender being selected and so many come inverted - all these deflects make up their human mantle frame
Jeffery is not alone, there are millions of him out there - when you see him in this footage you can see he feels nothing, he cannot even process that he has done wrong, to which technically he hasn't done anything wrong in his mind, if they were to acknowledge this in the Western world it would alter the Darwin bs and they would have to rewrite their history, there are two HuMins [HuMans] down here, beast and heaven
Cain + Abel are the two words welded together to make the word Cannibal - eating Pigs for 6ethers is Cannibalism, eating your Placenta is Cannibalism for the 6ethers, Pigs taste like human meat because they are one in the same, Botox is Pigs fat, put that in 9ethers and they die - Human ears grown on Pigs and organs grown in Pigs, Schwarzenegger has had a Pigs valve for over 40 years - cannibalism will be returning to mainstream
Notice the judge leaves straight away in the background - I thought the post of the deep pan fryer was funny, it made me grin, however there must be balance and what we deem acceptable is not, Rita said, this is how you act, when you are out of control, many are out of control and we want order, balance
That could have been your brother, dad, uncle, cousin, nephew, that he ate - many people down here do not know that people eat other people - there is a planet that all they do is grow Humans for food
Zayna is not alone, Manchester police have done this many times before and other women have come forward, Zayna said, If I have to be the sacrificial lamb, then bring it on Manchester police
You do not take from her without consent
Zayna speaks for many, not just for Manchester
Zayna'a last surname is Iman [e-man] which translates 'Faith'
The FEMI9 ELECTRON NRG is surrounding this planet, consuming everything in [her] path and she is gathering up her siStars all in good Faith in the name of the Mother
Men [Man] in uniforms that they have to take off - that he is after all, just a man
Know a c99t when you see him - the same principles from Inglorious Bastard - when he takes off that uniform he is still a c99t
Charlize Theron adopted a boy and a girl and she revealed
that she was raising the then 7-year-old boy as a girl – why [??] and Madonna's adopted son
Sodom [Sodomy] and Gomorrah [Gonorrhoea] was destroyed
before and it will be destroyed once again – the unnatural world must be deleted
You still have the golden race in custody and until you
set them free all h3ll is going to breakout down here
This monkey sh9t will be deleted
The rainbow is the Chakra system
You cannot replace her
The FEMI9 ELECTRON NRG is surrounding this planet, consuming everything in [her] path and she is gathering up her siStars - we are her for the protection of the female and her children
We change things with our minds, it starts with a choice, it starts with a thought [Thoth] Tehuti
MA.AT is asking us all if this is what we want, do we want what is in this 3D world and many have said their piece - you must speak up or get left behind, make your choice, with or without you this process will be completed, best you be on the right side of the energy between right and wrong, between good and bad, between positive and negative, choose wisely
You have a duty of care
Alcohol [Al-Cohol] [Al] Kuhl [Al] Gwal
And means Body eating spirit, and is to why its called
Spirits and Booze [Boo]
Drinking Alcohol is the fastest way to lower your
vibrational output and is a tool that has been used for 1000s of years to keep
the consciousness down for 1000s of years, when you consume Alcohol other spirits come and sit with
you and they keep you where they can see you
How to stop sum one who drinks too much
For sum one who drinks too much, get to the palm tree and
collect some of the palm rasta, add small sea salt and grind it to smooth
powder, try your best and put sum into the persons alcohol for the person to
drink, do it 3 times on the person and that will bring a stop to his or her
reckless alcohol intake
Have you seen any Bees - tick tock
Are these real, are they GMO
There are red and purple, but not black Strawberries
This Wendy House is going to crash, everything must be revealed
Trump was always the 45th PM - they are going to have to let him speak
haha - big up the Punjabis - they beat that mft - Punjabis are not known for violence but tonight they got their PhD, from 1:11 he gets it - haha - dear o dear - the one with the Turban, his son needs to watch this anytime he starts acting out - that was so good to watch - I laughed so much
'You better walk tonight' - can I get a soda ??
or they did!!
That's my daughter !!
Haha - smart
Be you
After a little of not seeing nothing, I saw creation, alignment and change
Only know you lov9 her when you let her go...
The young will be here after the old, its good to listen to them, Central Cee had his heart broken and this is evident in these, his words, foul language but this is an indication of these young people, they are more advanced and say it how it is for their generation - real lyrics from the heart, did you hear his words, he knows about intimacy, obligatory, quantum physics, chemistry, spirit, energy and feelings, he said so, I don't remember using those words when I was his age
Whoever she was made him question himself - that takes sum doing and can only be achieved through lov9, that comes from the heart - we all know how he is feeling, I 'know' what he is talking about, I have been there - we all know what lov9 is - we all have felt lov9, to be lov9d and to have lov9d - your role is to experience all energies and bring all back to source
I watched this afterwards - Central Cee is breaking boundaries - he was born 1998 [999] = 27 = 9
The energy is changing and is penetrating both man and woman - heart open - he had his heart broken and was honest enough to talk about it, which many cannot and that takes sum doing
Big up Central Cee
Eye contact - the Reptilians are wearing sunglasses to hide their eyes, the UV is also designed to fu9k with their shape shifting devices - they know when you have spotted them - before they had power but today we all know they are here, you can mention the Reptilian today and even your granddad knows what you are talking about, in the movie Lost Boys, it is granddad at the end that rams the last vampire and complains at the end when getting out of his vehicle after ramming the vampire, sum thing like, bloody vampires and the grandkids are like, you knew??
Elon Musk in South Africa [Abzu] Pretoria during
Apartheid – Musk comes out of nowhere in the last 4 years or so, it was Richard
Branson who was responsible for getting them off of this planet in their time
machine to which he has failed and it is Musk who is tasked with getting them
Those children who witness Apartheid [A-part-tied] and saw their fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts+ get beaten, killed, raped are all still here and never forgot
Europe is being dismantled
Many may underestimate Africa and their military, but you must not leave out the crafts that are in the SKA, that have already mapped out all military threats from the ISS, and ground and underground threats - many people think these crafts are here to save them, to save the world, nope, they are here for the planet - learn the difference - they are here for their offspring, it is only ENKIs personnel that are authorised to come down to KI and deal with ENLILs offspring - 10s of 1000s of crafts scan the earths planes everyday, they already have boots on the ground
4 African countries have taken over from their leaders - they displaced 1000 French troops in Niger, 1/3 of France need Uranium for power [Nuclear plants] in their homes and Niger just told them to fu9k off and put a ban on export to France and yet 85% of Niger does not know what electricity is - don't you think that is a bi9ch [??] and France does fu9k all to develop Niger - Niger is actually producing 25% for the European market, so its not just France - the USA also have a base in Niger - so if France go to war, they are a NATO member also - any attack on Niger is also an attack on Mali, Burkina Faso
This may be a trend of things to come, many Africans want change
If the US get involved, then so will Russia - my question is for Nigeria, why is Africa going against Africa, why is Nigeria blocking Niger - £250million complex built by the British does not mean you are British
The USA is West Africa - keep that in mind when you read Africa is taking back Africa
The USA also have over a 900% spike in Chinese nationals who most are military personnel
Y-our ancestors told you not to build in straight lines or the energy will not flow
Residential complex in the Desert of Doha [Qatar]
Its takes two weeks t bring these apartments under room temperature, the water comes from the sea with massive turbines and piping system under the ground - when the power goes out you will also
This is exactly how big the vehicles are on Jupiter - you know the giants are still here and others are on their way, sum are in middle earth
What are they on, what is the lever for
TAMARE [TAMA.RE] TA.MA.RAY [TAMAREY] translates Land of
RE[RA] REY [RAY] creative power, to make [the suns rays]
AMERICA, we were told, was named in honour of Amerigo
Vespucci, although his authentic Christian name was Alberigo Vespucci - Vespucci
changed his Christian name after his voyages to the Americas
The ancient Egyptians, according to Herodotus, boasted
that “their ancestors, in the ‘Lands of the West’ were the oldest men on Earth”
there were two ancient Egypt’s
The one in Northeast Africa and the first Egypt, the one
called Tameri in the Yucatán
Atlantis [USA] Central + South America + North America is
West Africa, the knowledge came from the West, Camels are from the USA – PERU is
HERU – Angkor Wat is ANKH-Kor = Hor [Horus] Heru
Tameri still has its original name but with the term for
‘land’ [Ta] moved to the end of the name, making Tameri become Meri-ta, or
Ameri-ta, but we say Ameri-ca [AmeriKa]
When seen in the following three-part arrangement
“America” becomes “A-Meri-Ca “
To derive a true understanding of “A-Meri-Ca” we can
begin with KHEMET [KHMT]
When the ancient Egyptians spoke of "The West"
and the “Westerners" they were referring to ARE the Ta-Meri
The letter ‘t’ and ‘c’ are interchangeable, the term 'ca'
is the same as the term 'ta’ meaning 'land’
The name 'Tameri' means the 'beautiful, beloved' (meri)
land ('ta’ and 'ca')
After the original ancient KHMT fell, the Aaferti [Neteru]
kings were removed from their original pyramid [MIR] HETU [tombs] in the
Americas, and relocated, when the people emigrated to that second Egypt in
northeast Africa
“That the peculiar architecture of Old Egypt originated
in the West is proved by its similarity to that in the still older remains of
America, North, South, and Central
In Uxmal, and Chi Chen, Yucatán, are massive stone
pyramids [MIR] so ancient that they support trees growing in the soil deposited
by the atmosphere on their summits during tens of thousands of years, pyramids
that were old before the days of the Pharaohs [Aaferti]”
Sources (‘Stone’ Volume 12; 1896) (Albert Ross Parsons,
‘New Light from the Great Pyramid The Astronomico-geographical System of the
Ancients Recovered and Applied to the Elucidation of History, Ceremony,
Symbolism and Religion’; 1893)
The Ra II expedition of 1970 proved that prehistoric
civilizations, on both sides of the Atlantic, were connected, we know there was
a global network and they had Vimanas
Thor Heyerdahl sailed from the west coast of Africa to
Barbados in a papyrus reed boat which is only 4 hours away
Bottom right image - Akhenaten, Nefertiti, Amarna Princesses (their
daughters), Amenhotep III, Queen Tiye, King Tut, and Princess Meriaten (The
Amarna Royal Family), Thutmose III, Hatshepsut, Ramses III, Seti I, Nodjmet,
Neskhons, Egyptian woman from the 18th Dynasty, Amenidris I, Ahmose I, Khufu,
Taharqa, Khafre, 2 high officials, Menes, Sesostris, Amenemhet I, Mentuhotep
II, Hesy-Ra, Amenhotep I, Ahmose-Nefertari, Thutmose I, and Sennefer
haha - 'wow, music' 'today you took my life'
This guy can take you there and back safely
'when everything is machine, the Human will come back'
This guy is multitalented and knows exactly what he is doing
That was the first time during the movie that I realised that Trinity was afraid, yet throughout the movie, she is the dominating force behind [beside] Neo - she is the mathematical [ma'at-ma'At-ical] equation - Trinity means [3] - the root number of [9] is [3]
The FEMI9 energy is always there to save us but we must go to source
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