Monday, 7 August 2023

Physical Prowess

The word Dream comes from the word Draumr [Dreamer]
Draumr [Dreamer] Dream [Visions] i-Magi-nary events seen while sleeping
Wandjina [Dreamworld] Dreamtime
Parallel [Para means offsite] [Astral] A-Star [Spirit] worlds [realms] expanses, dimensions+ are all describing the same thing  

The Wandjina world is real, those are real [reel] realities and realms that you go to but they lied to you and taught you, that you were dreaming to keep you trapped you in here to make you think this world [physical] was the only world whereas you go to other worlds, realities every night, every dream that you have ever had – is not a dream, those are other realities that you went to and that is why they seem so real [surreal] and those dreams that you have were your still here – you wasn’t dreaming, when your still here - you were astral projecting into the future in what they call time here, never existed

Shaped affects our electromagnetic field and electrical – energy frequency fields around us
Your home is shaped like a square [cube], your books, mobile [cell] phone is shaped like a rectangular which are boxes that hinder you – these are prism shapes which hinder you and is where they get the word prison   
The sphere and cube are unidentical twins and both equate to 360o the triangle allows energy to flow whereas the cube traps energy – they are vortexes, the point where two lines meet allowing for electrical output  

Black mustard seed and black poppy seed fu9ks up the turbulence, if you have sh9t coming or have to be in an environment where its tricky, keep the seeds covered and at the right moment throw them down where you are, the seeds messes with the turbulence in cube [square] energy fields  

When you look at architecture in KHMT and Tartarian using sacred geometry, they have pyramids – even the ancients had cone [pyramid] heads to allow the energy to flow freely, to allow electricity to flow  

Sum of your homes are jail cells in prison [prism] and you cannot generate no electricity in a prism [prison] 

What lies beneath the SKA [SKI] SKY] many are not ready for 

Bottom image is 2009 - the SUN would be on the right and you see the planet - the yellow would be the dome that they call the bow shock and look at the top, colours [radiation] energies - remember primary colours -green is coming out of the poles when a decade ago that wasn't happening - it was black aka ether and they had to add green to their graph within the last 2 years 

People write, beautiful, amazing, gorgeous+ when these are mutating wavelengths 
Purple is UV aka Ultraviolent aka Ultra - violence 

Match the colours - plasma comes in purple and green not how the Gamma colour is on this graphic  

1000hz -130000 and 600hz -1300 for the Canada Schuman and the Italian Schuman is 30hz - 100hz+

These were the [3] codes before that ended in 2022 

[A] Alpha Waves
[B] Gamma Waves
[C] Beta Waves 
[the 3hands or tri-ads of Re [Ra]

[2] Atun Re = Asaru [Osiris] and Gamma ray light
[3] Amun Re = X-Ray [the hidden one]

U.V. – Gamma X-rays are [3] forms of 'black' light coming from cosmic rays that come from outside of this soular-system

Western science only goes up to 35hz and we are hitting 144h and 600hz and 1400hz - these [3]tones are minimum numbers and we are well higher - the 6ethers have never been at this range before since they were created - this graph is now redundant

Read all data in CHAKRA [Tree of Life] Kabbalah energies - on the right are upgrades for the Mitochondria DNA earthborn  


The South is really the North - Red deletes, it destroys, look at targets - flip this image and is to why the North aka South is burning up 

The DOME [FIRMAMENT] OZONE LAYER [EMF] VAN ALAN BELT went up when the virus broke out, this is an alchemy process SOUL-AR, winds, flares, activity cannot damage SOUL-AR [SOLOR] beings for this is a SOULAR system - Melanin is a semiconductor and absorbs radiation and their CHAKRA system processes the energies called radiation - you need Melanin, this is an alchemy process   

They lied to their people, your ancestors never lied, they left everything in stone records 

See that grid, that is the computer code, the holographic computer code that is called space, you can see the grid, 4D[5D]+

NEIT translates to weave – and is a reference to the grid, the fabric of the universe [space] it is a computer code   
Nun [Nu] Un Nut [Mut] Mu [Ma] translates, the deep, the abyss 

The SUN is being fuelled by SIRIUS  

The sun conscious dark energy sun is Septet [Sibtu] [Septarian] September [Sirius] Sothis [Set] Sut and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and the red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU [Neb Heru], and Ratan or Rahu or Raat is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]

Mutating wavelengths

Brazil double bubble 


'White' core holds all [7] colours - yellow rim - red hue 

'white' disc 

Bulgaria - plasma strike

Who is casting shadows 

Craft discharging lighting which is plasma 

We have had a lot of earthquakes and here you see black and blue means charging and white and red means ready Eddie 

Puff puff pass - how does these rings form - who is smoking down there 

Rome is being burnt to the ground - fires are everywhere, climate change is not the result of human intervention, the planet is automatically terraforming herself with NIBIRU magnifying the change
DEW [HAARP] and CERN are also being used by man to 'cull' the masses at the same time 
Trees provide electrics - they provide air quality and thy know this, they must also hide NIBIRU in the SKA - they knew about the frozen methane that would release once the planet reached a certain temperature which she has - scientist aka man cannot save you or this planet 

Russia are fighting the entire Western world 

[USA] Plasma shaft again in Atlantis [USA] 

When the energy grid starts to shift and the energy starts to upgrade – then mother has turned their Mitochondria off and this is one of the reasons why these people are dropping dead – many people allowed others to treat them like a Guinea pig and have taken the Jabba the Hutt – it won’t be that – it will be mother switching them off

Most of the planet is under water, from Brazil to Florida this is Oshun

This was the Moon from the other other day, you can see the Moon features have changed

We had the full moon with Taurus and Scorpio eclipses [Virgo and Scorpio used to be house until they fu9ked with the FEMI.9 and Libra was inserted for balance]
6 means to destroy and rebuild
[3] X flares in 72hrs 

Lions gate 8.8.2023 [9.8.2023] - Sirius and KI merging 
Sekhmet - Oya - Nyabinghi
A portal [window]  

We are also in ANUBU energy and your energy needs to be o point because the ANUBU energy is on the planet, your DNA needs to be right hence the deaths coming up – ANUBU is coming with TEHUTI – the father is followed by a ‘black’ dog, I used to think the dog from Egypt was the dog aka the Jackal but it’s the Canis Major but the ‘black’ dog is followed by a puppy which is Canis Minor which is a [3] parent lineage – which is the father, son and grandson all working to be righteous to the same degree – they come on the heels of Osiris aka Ooranos [Orion] [Pleiades] – linking up with the [3]siStars – energies linger – heavy duty

Orissa [Odisha] Orisha [Odessa] Odia are being called on in by the Haitians  
Sum one went to the underworld and he is coming, he has on a top hat and is known has the Madhatter – Ogun wears the top hat – so does Legba

Of all of the MaStars that we read about in the books are back, every last one of them 

Haiti will unleash and when they do there will be no retreat or surrender - it is the Haitian that opened the Conjure and it will be the Haitian that closes the Conjure 

Drinking water is not going to cut it only, when they say you become aware, there is more to it than just what mainstream tell you 


SHU + HUE + MAN [Masculine + Masculine] = changing to = SHU + TEFNUT = 
 [Masculine + Feminine]

MIN [MEN] MAN [Holder of the mystery] 
TEFNUT [Moisture] Water

Remember the brain [muscle] organ contracts and expands; many brains will be overloaded because their brain is only built for a certain range aka 7.89hz and cannot take anything higher which causes many to go offline including animals

The signal in the Schuman resonance is changing to balance out the energies, we had double masculine [Shu + Min] for 1000s of years and now we being balanced out bringing in the feminine [Shu + Tef] energy for correction 

The Electromagnetic earth grid which the resonance is called the Schuman resonance which is the frequency – Sch [Shu] is a masculine deity [NTR] aka the NTR of light, space, dryness – and Men [Min] is a deity [NTR] a S-E-X [NTR] and now we are to be balanced with one masculine and one feminine

Shu has a counterpart and her name is Tefnut and she is the NTR over moisture [water] – so the correct term is Sch-tefnut frequency, but the 6ethers flipped the grid which is a magnetic grid that surrounds the earth [KI] which is emitting from her heart – this is the layout in which the atmosphere accumulates around – this grid is man-made and is not the one we are dealing with because its coming down – their grid is the man-made Matrix [society included] the whole system which is called the illusion – the false grid – the false horizon – this is the veil and its being crashed - the magnetic field touches Zer0 my HerU - you will physical and holographic [spirit]

This veil hides [hidden] the innerworkings of Mother Earth – if the wombman which is one with Mother Earth springs forth with Mother Earth has Mother Earth – they incarnate in the form of a Human [Humin] [Schuman] and becomes ‘aware’ of the right frequency that Mother Earth [KI] is supposed to be on, they immediately activate to match that correct frequency – they start to self-correct the frequency, tone, sone, vibration, acoustics

The artificial grid is designed to create a hologram [holo – halo] in the mind which redirects the user from rediscovering [amnesia] who they are in their relation to Mother Earth [TA] TIAMAT [KI]

Once they ‘activate’ a signal is sent out to the ETHERS which is psychically rationalized for a [1000] others – to heal [1] is to heal a [1000] it’s a chain reaction – you are all looking at the same angle [angel] nine to nine to the ninth power [triangle], you are already in alignment already – [1] to see the line of vision and this will straighten everyone elses vision out [chain reaction] so that you can use your i-magi-nation – to visualise a false Matrix inside of the natural grid and then you begin to align your mind with others who are also on the same channel with you – the radio, everyone who is tuned in, those that are in-tune [144hz] with the reception of the radio who the host is coming from the SUN who is being fuelled by Sirius and NIBIRU – they are broadcasting and those in reception will know what song they are about to play next

Spiritual and physical energy is going to happen to the structure of the man-made Matrix – you can break down the Matrix [society] and what is in it like education, banking, economics, religion+ and so on, its all coming down, its all going to crash – they are all built on top of each other including the power grid made by man, its all built on one another, so when one crashes, the others will follow suit – we have blackouts, power down, systems crashing

We will be going back to a matriarchal [Ma-Tri-Arc-Al] form of government – the Matriarchal [Holy Trinity] must be reinstated first, the FEMI9 principle must be implemented first - Venus will be in transit all the way unit this thing plays out

We know that the transitions are taking place but what we don’t know is when KI will say, here I AM, come and take me by the hand – she is not a thief in the night like his Bible says, you will hear her coming because she is wearing heels

Ma [Ma’other] Mother

And the trinity is [1] Priest (Priestess)] [2] Law Giver [3] Statesman (StatesWombman)
The reinstatement of the Femi9 NRG Elect [El-ect-rons] aka Gods Elect
INANNA [ASET] ISIS says, who will lift the veil, MAAT says, do you remember

St Peter is really the deity Min and this changed the earth [KI] frequency from the Shu + Tefnut resonance to the Schumann resonance 

The Schumann resonating frequency recorded another wall of frequencies and energy signatures that we have never seen – the DNA [RNA] cells are coming together just like a magnet because magnetism is what it will awaken in your KHA [Body] and then begin to entwine the stands little by little – this is so that all KAANU [Melanin] carriers have 10 of their strands back together – this will be the difference between not having Melanin and those having Melanin, this is an Alchemical process - if you do not have Melanin then your 10 strands [Helix] will not fuse and will be Confused 

Soular activity, soular winds, CME, soular flares – energy bursts of unknown origin – that is what they say for when the Schuman resonance spikes, unknown origin – its coming from Sirius who is fuelling the holographic SUN [RA]

Anything over 7.89hz messes with the 6ethers and amplifies the 9ethers, it makes the 9ethers more conscious, aware, makes them seek light – love whereas the 6ethers have increased in violence, ultra-violence – the sun is rotating counter clockwise - we had a double blast and the energy is streaming in – a lot of soular energy – you are going to be feeling this – even if its not earth facing, we still get impacted - we know south is up because it gets the most sun, the planet is upside down and if it gets the most sun it means it’s the most portion of it that’s to the SUN and we know we are at a 23o axis – the sun is at an angle, the planet is at an angle – and the planet is upside down

[Dark-energy] anti-matter, matter, melanin, ether, consciousness+ are all talking about the same thing – recorded in KHMT as KAANU = Magi [Magic] Imagination - your Black Magic [Magi], its active, its in-tell-i-agent, its knows ancient tones [words] [Schumann] you need to use ancient language to raise the energy, like Obatala, which is another word for Mag-netism which is [Mag-ic] Magi 

The Schuman will be at the correct frequency and this is what is going to switch off many people(s) MtDNA – when this cuts off, it will affect you in three ways, it will turn your brain off instantly, it will turn your heart off instantly or it will stop supplying energy to the DNA [DEA] which means you die slowly – your life force will be stripped from you, many people are being stripped of their energies, this also ties into the damaged coral reefs say in Florida and other places – these reefs produce a lot of Oxidation on the planet – so when the planet is going back into a Hydrogen- based state this means those people in those places who do not belong to this planet are going to die – when the 6ethers invaded Atlantis they came in through Florida and today those leftover in Florida are going to be deleted – the thing is – what they did to the 9ethers, the 9ethers already did it to the 6ethers – its only that the 9ethers are complaining about it – the [Queen] of heaven intervened and said you cannot just throw people away like rubbish – they will be renewed including 9 ethers who did not make it

Mitochondrial DNA [RNA] DEA without it you are not synced to this planet

You come from the great father [Osirian] and your mother is a great mother [Aset] NTR of heaven and earth [KI] she produces a HERU [HORUS] Mitochondrial DNA

CHAKRA [TREE OF LIFE] KABBALAH - all the same thing

DNA [DEA] Crystalline Amino Acid construct – building blocks for DNA – the word amino comes from the word A Mine-ral [minerals] 21 complex amino acids that make up the chain of aminos and held together by the Polypeptides as the joins to stack the genome and it forms into the double helix – it them separates and then comes back together with another piece to share the data in order to update other parts of the genome of what is taking place – the Crystals that are on the genome is powered by the Mitochondrial of the cell and is to why you have to be Mitochondrially synced to the earth because sum of these soular rays [CME] plasma – soular flares, soular winds, if you are not synced, these rays by Mitochondrial DNA is definitely going to fry your DNA because you are not synced to the earth, that means everyone, entities, other beings, hybrids, artificial races, clones, even Aloe Vera which is manmade is going, cloned children, animals, everything that is not from the MtDNA will be burned from this planet – these are the rules of the universe – the universe is a self-correcting code, self-mechanism, the planet has one to and is part of this clean up, part of the reSet – it’s a UV light that cleanses the planet, self-regulating – the crystalline amino acids form the DNA and they become memory crystals and you can access these memory crystals and you can access data that preceded you and you can branch off once you know where your genetics stock branches are and access different family trees to see who you are related to – it doesn’t matter what their skin complexion was, if they mixed in your blood, you can read the bloodline

Melanin is a intelligence until self and produces a field in which to download galactic information whereas neuromelanin is more critical but its through Melanin – dark matter that prime primordial creator can communicate in the brain [membrane]  – this is also called the abyss, the deep and will determine whether you are likely to ascend or not which is your ability [neuromelanin] to Nexus [connect] with prime source – so if your neuromelanin Nexus and your MtDNA sync to KI then you ascend automatically because you have the blood and the right neuromelanin becomes the crucial component of the ascension because if you have MtDNA which all female species of animals have and you are synced to the earth and those who are tide to your heart chakra who are synced to you send a signal in the collective unconsciousness to force the issue, the UV rays can affect that melanin and that melanin can override any of the defects by drawing chaos energy from prime creator in which is sentient melanin to find where the anomalies are because it will automatically draw it to it

We are above the 35hz which is amplified consciousness

The 9ether female is way more powerful than the 9ther male because of her Mitochondrial link to KI [earth] the [earth] facilitates the MtDNA women – the male who doesn’t go through the woman – his energy is delayed until KI decides to move him up – the male is not the owner of the planets [KI] rights – the owners are the ones who hold MAAT [MAA] in place which is the divine balance of nature – the female is the custodians of Mitochondrial and they were the ones who decided to have the male [manifest] on KI so they could have companionship and protection – in the Emerald tablets of Thoth he mentions that they will be having visitors from a distant star system – so they had a prior warning, this warning was the ANNUNAKI coming – this led to KAA[spirits] being [manifested] on KI in physical form has HuMan [HuMin] to protect KI which is Mitochondrial woman

This is why we are so out of balance because we are not operating to the Laws of MAAT

The Gamma radiation that is coming off of the sun [1] U.V. RAYS [2] GAMMA RAYS [3] X RAYs – that is coming from the SUN is called Red Gamma – which is not new – what is nu – where are we at in the galactic cycle on the stella [Star] movement which puts in direct line with another soular ray called the ‘black’ sun and the light appears to be blue – the black sun is at the centre of the galaxy and looking at this sun it looks like a giant black hole but is a ether sun – red shift and blue shift – one is the consistent rate in which items expand from one another and the other one is the measure of the rate in which they come back together aka pushing and the pull aka the effect and side affect

The incoming rays of the ‘black’ sun raises the overall vibrational frequency of the crystals of your DNA – which requires you to stream into higher levels of consciousness but you need your MtDNA fully stimulated meaning that you have to have the right lov9 energy in order for you to inner-stand what is coming in for you to vibrate on a higher frequency for you to get the message – there are so many couples who are in-fighting right now and that is by design – a female does not soften for a man she doesn’t feel safe with – whereas man is comfortable in being vulnerable – she feeds his energy too – the missing link is the MtDNA Mitochondria -  CoQ10 or PPQ – you will automatically have heart palpitations when you work with the heart chakra [Ab] and that is how you will know that the CoQ10 is working but if you are in bad health it will cause your heart to stop or give you cardiac arrest – so people take the CoQ10 in order to go through the process as you transforming because what you are doing is syncing your heartbeat to a different heartbeat – when a child is born whether male or female their heartbeat is matched to the mamma heart and is a song that they play with the heart rhythm – they hook a mother and child up together to a machine and they can hear their heartbeat which sones like a pitter patter sone which is their dialogue between one another and at a cellular level radio frequencies are being emitted and the heartbeat as it beats the syncing takes place – many women do not receive their child for hours and they do this on purpose to disrupt the frequency from syncing – this syncing ties them quantumly to beat that frequency, so now when your ready to awaken [activate] the woman who is going to take control of her MtDNA has to get her own rhythm [r-hythm] hymm [hmm] Omm [Om] synced to KI [Earth] separate from Mamma and this normally happens when she passed and all the children go through sum thing and today we call it grieving – during the grieving you re-establish the heart connection [Nexus] that has been broken in the physical world by the absence and permanence of the absence [Ab means the heart chakra and sence is the word sense] of the heartbeat of the other person who is connected to you – all you have remaining is a spirit [KAA] connection which is communicated through the Mitochondria

If you are in-tuned [in-tu-itive] with yourself and your child is being born whether you are mother or father you will feel the child being birthed coming into this world and is why parent bonding is so critical – the placenta is supposed to drop when you tell it to – those who ate their placenta that is called cannibalism – those who had a natural conception – a natural birth - your placenta will drop when you tell it to, cutting the umbilical cord before the placenta releases on its own tells the mothers body [not her mind] that the baby died – she had a miscarriage – the greatest cause of postpartum depression is the inability for the mother to properly pair bond with the child and this causes postpartum depression – you hear and see this a lot from women who say the baby doesn’t like them or you see no connection from mother to child, they never pair bonded - this applies to you, if you do not have MtDNA and are synced to this planet then Mother has no Nexus [connection] to child [you] as above, so below

These codes will either evolve you or dissolve you


Please recognise others and do sum thing 

The side of a cube 

Craft and cube 

Craft or craft 

This craft system is not alone - those are SHAMS escorting this craft system 

India - 'light' crafts also seen in Thailand 

Huge Mothership - there is no invasion 


Signs and symbols 
HERU is on the horizon 

Germany [??] 

Messages galore 

Kingsley Lake – Circular Lake of Florida
What is underneath, why is circular – sum one made this

Turkey - grain warehouse is destroyed that they said was caused by 'wheat dust compression' during the transfer from the ship - OKAY IF YOU SAY SO - the force of the detonation was so immense that its impact reverberated throughout the town - but was cause by 'wheat dust compression' 

This was a grain depot - that holds up to 8 million tons wheat, barley, legumes, chickpeas, lentils 

Turkey will become a thing of the past, many places are being deleted either by star family or its internal 

That is an older picture of Biden, Trump looks like they don't want or need him anymore
Niger is right, the USA looks like 3rd world in places 
The USA can do what it likes because Africa [Alkebulan] does not need anything from anyone 

For what [??] 

Loads of British stores will be shutting down in August while your watching football 

What do you think will happen when the ANU.NAGA come through - your women are going to leave you [Iran] you will say what happened and she will say I-ran 

You cannot hold her down you stupid mtf 

A c99t is still a c99t whether he is a judge, famous person in the 3D, or sum one you identify with, never teach your children to look up to those in a suit or uniform, let him or her know that predators hide behind titles, uniforms and suits - they give themselves titles and qualifications with letters after their name inside their bs Matrix that they created 

Rodeo performer - what is it that you actually do - these people are stupid 

The spiritual and physical worlds must merge 

Mary Jane will never let you down 

Panoramic memory and not Autism or ADHT or any of the other bs names they invented for these special children that were coming through 

 Procrastination = Pro [positive] and Crast is from Karast [Christ] and is talking about your Godhood energy when you are in real thought 

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