Monday, 23 January 2023

Head of the Snake


Mind setting, conditioning your mind [KHU] means you start from the beginning, your mind must be that of a person in elementary school, you must start innocently, its hard right because now you are an adult and have inhibitions, you have barriers to learning

Childlike, children have vivid i-magi-nations and we used to be that way but when you go through puberty in high-school [secondary school] your not supposed to be dealing with that stuff – that is when you really die – then you become an adult with responsibilities on a conventional way of life

Chaos, what you have to do is overhaul all conventional ways of thinking – get rid of those who are in your company [orbit] that talk things lower than your range, you will need to think like an animal on all fronts, in anything that you are thinking about must come from the animal mind, survival mode, instinct mind, all [7] senses mind, you will have to think like a juvenile – all this is so that you can reverse the polarities of being grown [adult]

When you become an adult you die – the energy is distinguished because what happens is chaos – whenever you put it in a box [cube] [you] its chaos – you have to go with the flow, whenever you put it in a box or try and organise it – it dies, when you name energy – it dies, and is to why western society aka [matrix] is not good for the 9ether at all – business that are owned by 9ethers run like chaos, 9ethers are chaos, unorganised, late, forgetting things+ all this and more is chaos, you have to go with the flow – you will have to eliminate all responsibilities, even not making your bed, people have their hair cut in a certain way, they have their nails, done, car is kept clean, I like things in place and neat and tidy, I let it all go, all of it, you have to go with the flow

Do not try and figure out what you can do physically but figure out what you can do mentally – try and inner-stand that the spiritual world is not a physical world – spiritual is an oversubscribed word has all the new-age people have fu9ked that word up now

I used to think about how fu9ked up people are [were] how – get rid of all that, lets cut to the chase, there will never be a [black] nation or [black] leader or [black] owned this and that, your not going back to [Africa] or ZION, child abuse [all types] women being assaulted, beaten, violated+ will never be deleted, animal caged, hunter, skinned, abused will never be deleted, a Cancer cure, all this and a h3ll lot more will never be deleted, why [??] because the text says, Caterpillar, Cocoon, Butterfly, its does NOT say Caterpillar, Cocoon, Caterpillar – we were prehuman stage [I’m not talking about Ape man] from the spiritual realm, then the vibration [Schuman] frequency fell and we became physical bodies that was able to fragment the BAA [SOUL] so that it could we could be a glorified KAA [SPIRIT] – you have got to stop thinking like a HuMin [HuMan] for we are NOT going back to be better HuMins [HuMans] and improving your HuMin [HuMan] life, we have been there and done that, the last [man] found is the first man, we are going into the 8th root man [man means mind] you have been there and done that and have the t-shirt, we are elevating up-out-of-here

In the spiritual realm, you take things and you tri and inner-stand it, you had been in training young Jedi, you will have to or want to, give up the very things that you deem important in your life, read that again, no - I 'll do it for you, you will need to give up on the things you deem important in your life, for sum of you this was done by you or from source over the last decade and for sum in the last 3 years, in so many words you will have to stop being HuMin [HuMan] there will be a lot of emotions and feelings used during these phases that you will have to complete if you are to rise higher

Cut off, you can take love from a distance, you can send charges if you want to, but cut them off, fu9k them, do not take from them, cut the mtf out of your life – and by this I mean stop trying to teach them sum thing, people who are earthbound only, stop, let them go, don’t teach them nothing no more for you have to do your thing and be on your agenda – its not based on ego when your trying to learn sum thing and your surrounded by dildos – you risk them getting to a place where your also going also but they will get their first, this is not ego but this is putting you first aka selfish [cell fish] 

Each one of us knows a couple 100 people, we know at least half a dozen people, so they don’t need to be conscious because you are conscious, you are the perfected agent for them – these people are fu9ked up out here, but here is the mystery, they are went through the mill so that you could get what you needed, they are the ones who sacrificed for the cause, they are the ones who took one for the team so that you could get the data, they will eventually go to where you are going because you are the head of the snake [energy] 

So don’t lend your ear to all this revolutionary rising, any form of marching, forget BLM and the other organisations forming, the British government are launching protection for women and all the rest of it which is bs, we don’t want it, we don’t want their matrix [society] this is why that number [144,000] aka 144hz is so small, because many have been blinded by the false light - but many have not

You should have made her priority from the outset, now she will take her place with or without you 

Any data that you can get your hands on related to COSMIC or spiritual, read it, watch it, know it 

There are many [BLAC] holes [portals] this is a holographic universe – the one out there doesn’t exist, the universe exists inside of you – the [BLAC] hole is your heart CHAKRA – you neutralise the ego through the heart CHAKRA by not worrying about this Monkey sh9t that you see going on out here and you go by what your feelings say, you will have to do this because you will end up wearing yourself thin, many in the last 3-4 years have been giving to others and they have used up their energy that they are struggling to replace, many on the internet talking the same jazz from the last decade, the last 3years, many still talking about what we already know, many talking about things that even your grandmother knows, many have run out of ideas [energy] – you have been in an animal house, a mental institution – you have to know when to throw in the towel, you have to know when to quit, while your ahead

The last days have already been written, they talk about the chaos, they talk about the insanity of the 3D world, the reason they knew all this is because we have had the same stimulations over and over until now where the program is to be deleted, we have all been here before with the same predicable outcomes, until we were installed to break this Monkey sh9t down once and for all

Most people that have had sum thing done to them are not conscious, this is important to know because most people had sh9t coming for them regardless if they are [BLAC] or [WHITE] many were hardwired for the matrix [society] anyway, what I am saying is do not focus on the small things in the matrix, yes it hurts me to see certain things taking place out here but if I continue to do so, I leave no room for what is to come, so check it, if that person is not conscious leave them be or you will live the reminder of your life dwelling on them, while your celestial family wonder what could have been with you

You have to think of the bigger picture [tree, wood, forest]  

You do what you have to do, don’t burn up energy that you don’t have to give, bypass dildos, the masses are insane – your consciousness has to stand for sum thing, now is the time to line up with material that is spiritual, you want spiritual attainment over physical attainment, this is called Metaphysical aka beyond the physical [5D][9D]

To activate others is to shine, in your light that shines so bright is data, information, to activate others to shine like a diamond

It’s a jungle out there, we have prisoners of war and we have casualties of war

You are here to break generational curses, you are here to break this cycle, you are here to crash their matrix, kill or be killed, there is no compromise, your either in or your out 

'For we are confident in good over evil' 

Entire movie is CCI and only the actors heads are real – released 2012 

Although they look like real photographs, they are just people created by an artificial intelligence [AI] The "terror" is in the details, tiny elements like extra teeth and fingers that aren't as they should, as if there were a silent invasion of beings that imitate us
The images were generated with an AI called "Mid-journey" and none of the people appearing in them exist or do they, are they AI or the -others'

Man child 

6ft reptilian 

Camel toe, they have been killed and the clones are doing the rounds 

Its only the clones doing the rounds, who is in there, check the neck right away, see the rubber creases in the mask 

The planet is terraforming, nature is taking care of business, its all change, UV will expose them
All must be revealed in the last days and that means now 

No nipples, surgically removed, how will he breastfeed or yeah formula milk

HuMan cows - this article is from 2011, they are more than ready 

That is their mark of their beast
Yours is 6electrons 6neutrons 6protons [which one is mutating] 

The KAA [Spirit] world is light, its not dense, its instant, sum times we catch them in our IRIS which allows us to see into the KAA worlds, Spirits can move in a flash, its light in there, there is no weight like in the physical world, it takes a lot of energy to move things in the spirit world
There are other beings also trapped in the spiritual earth plane 

If heaven if is up there, then what is down here - the h3ll plane 

Italian Schuman
200hz+ and 100hz 
Check out all the colours [radiation] energies
PURPLE [RED] PINK are warnings 

Canadian Schuman
Check these codes 
Very ETHER in the graphs

Italian Schuman 

We have [3] tones hitting from 200hz+ and 1000hz and the MAGI number 144hz - keep your vibration in and around 144hz 

You will reincarnate when you fail to cross the Abyss, the Deep 

M7s+ coming in, we also have planetary [energy] alignments 

I have been getting sharp pains in my left ear, very sharp and it hurts, the change in pressure or attitude [planet rising, frequency rising] may be to blame, I have to keep an eye on it, last 5-6 days on and off

Check the colours [CHAKRA] 

All signs are in the SKA 

 Minorca (Spain) Look at the colours [Hue] AURA 

This was taken by a SKA watcher who lives in Siberia 



Those 2 crafts in the same frame, the 3rd craft is always just to the side of the portal 



You shouldn't hit the KAU 

Archaeologists have not yet determined with certainty whether a 6.5-foot femur found in Australia is a bone from an ancient dinosaur or a human, the enormous femur was dug up in a fossil-rich area in Charente, and dates back 140 million years- so man cannot decipher if a bone is human or reptile aka reptilian, 140 million years old and Jesus is 2,000 years ago, what about Allah, same years more or less, so neither was here when femur [FEMA] was around 

Giovanni Battista Piranesi engraving "Le Carceri d'Invenzione", 1761
Check the different height of everyone and the year 1700s or early 1800s 

13 years 

Game changer

Its so good to see young people still into things that are meaningful, great watch, he makes me laugh, there is a upload he did where they go into the tunnel, watch that one also if your keen 

The Muslims have been busy breaking into 9ethers HETU [temples] and stealing from the dead since they got there, they have found 10 Crocodiles, I wonder what they were in because that looks like dried mud, water- like were they alive
SOBEK [He who reunites, to make pregnant] 
MESSEH [MESSIAH] to anoint, using the fat of a crocodile from whence the word messiah comes from   

They have a 3rd eye and they are cousins with the KAT 
The Crocodile, Komodo Dragon, Snakes all used to walk upright until they were casted down 
The KAT and CROC are cousins 

Wi-Fi antenna  

The KSAR DRAA [Algeria] North Alkebulan is an ancient site that stands out in the middle of an ocean of dunes, and it's history has been lost over the centuries on purpose  

North Africa [Alkebulan]
Algeria founded in 1962
Tunisia founded in 1956

[Al] geria [Ghibbore] Gibbore are renowned men of knowledge also called Jabbarians from where the word Jabbar [Al Jabbar] which is Algebra comes, the great alchemist Nergal Shar’etser

The Romans come into Africa from the North, Algeria, Tunisia were not even on the map during this time, it is Morocco [Moor-occo] with its universities, places of higher learning
North Africa had the Berber [Barbar] Barbarians [Tartarians]

Tamazgha [language]
Tamazgha [Tama-zgha] Amazigh [Amazon] Mazagh

Ta-mazagh = Amazigh; the true etymology of the word Amazon = Amazonian, the word used to name the Aztlan [South American] rain forest and the Indigo [blue-beings] people formally known as Negro [Naga] de Terra

Why does North Africa and South America have the same name [Tamazagh]

16th century Portrait called the Creation of Man found in the State History and Art Museum of Solvychegodsk, Russia [!!!!] 
Who are these 9ethers 

Ossuary depicting Odysseus and Sirens- what is going on here, his head is missing and they look like they are going to throw him overboard

Wait until you understand this painting

The Death of Astyanax
By Edouard-Théophile Blanchard
1868 and was awarded the Prix de Rome

9ether Greeks have a substantial relatedness to sub-Saharan [Ethiopian] people, which separate them from other Mediterranean groups, both Greeks and Ethiopians share quasi-specific DRB1 alleles, such as *0305, *0307, *0411, *0413, *0416, *0417, *0420, *1110, *1112, *1304 and *1310
Genetic distances are closer between 9ether Greeks and Ethiopian/sub-Saharan groups than to any other Mediterranean group and finally Greeks cluster with Ethiopians/sub-Saharans in both neighbours joining dendrograms and correspondence analyses

The time period when these relationships might have occurred was ancient but uncertain and might be related to the displacement of Egyptian-Ethiopian people living in pharaonic Egypt

[Aesop] ‘Esop’ was so called from his black and swarthy complexion

SOURCE; (J.Nourse, ”The Primitives of the Greek Tongue, Also a Treatise of Prepositions and Other Undeclinable Particles, and an Alphabetical Collection of English Words Derived from the Greek”; 1773) Aesop (620 – 564 B.C.) was a Greek fabulist and storyteller credited with a number of fables now collectively known as Aesop's Fables

The painting "The Death of Astyanax" by Edouard-Théophile Blanchard is a historical and mythological painting that depicts the death of Astyanax, the son of Hector, a Trojan prince, and the Trojan War hero, Troy, Trojan are later day names for the Etruscans

Astyanax was tossed from the walls of Troy by the 6ether Greek warriors as they captured the city, as per the instruction of Odysseus, as they feared his future

The painting depicts Astyanax being thrown from the city walls as the 6ether Trojan women look on in horror, the scene is one of chaos and despair as the 9ether Trojans are defeated and their city is taken, the painting is a powerful depiction of the brutality and tragedy of war and its impact on innocent civilians, it also highlights the cruelty of the 6ether Greek warriors, who killed an innocent child to prevent him from seeking revenge in the future

The painting was awarded the Prix de Rome in 1868, which was a prestigious French art prize given to young artists who demonstrated exceptional talent and potential in the field of painting
The fact that it received this award shows that it was considered a masterpiece of its time, and it was recognized for its technical skill, composition, and storytelling

Look at the painting, he was NOT falling for the persuasiveness of the Canaanite woman which was always a problem for the Israelites in their Bible, those women always made the Hebrew kingdoms fall, seems to have continued throughout history to this day, she was asking him for the dick, have her child so that he can sit on the throne and they murdered his own child to insure this outcome 

Scientifically the 9ether woman is the only organ that possesses the Mitochondria DNA [MTDNA] that has all variation possible for every different kind of human being on this earth aka the African, the albino, the European, the Middle Eastern+
When the DNA of a black woman mutates, all other types of human beings come about this is called the “Eve Gene” and it’s only found in black women aka the 9ether wombman
Respect to every 9ether Wombman, they are more Powerful than we know, they are the most powerful human on the planet 


Ephesus [TURKEY]
an ancient Greek city on the western shore of Asia Minor in what is now Turkey; site of the [Iy] temple of Artemis

There was a falling out between planets and seasons, SUMMA [SUMMER] had 2 children Apollo and Artemis, planets [children] were destroyed

Queen Bee - Artemis of Ephesus
Ishtar [IN.ANNA] Aset [Isis]
Turkey is a part of Mesopotamia [Babylonia] Sumeria [Typhoonian]

The 6ethers called her abode [temple] Ephesus and renamed her energy Artemis [Artimus] her abode was one of the [7] wonders of the world at one point

Denderah [Zodiac] symbol from Babylonia [Typhoonian] Barcelona Mesopotamia [Sumerian] 
Fertility [Goddess]

ISHTAR [IN.ANNA] becomes the high priestess of the temple of Ishtar; she is now the universal mother of all living things


Muhumuza, a rebel leader and priestess, arrested by the Germans in 1908 and the British in 1911 She spent the last few decades of her life interned in Kampala, supported by four servants and selling her cows' milk, The colonisers feared her influence and spirit medium fame, so she was never allowed to return to the southwest of Uganda, but that didn't stop her from secretly initiating many visitors into the rituals of Nyabinghi, the traditional goddess of fertility

Nyabinghi [Oya] Sekhmet 

‘false doors’ we used to dematerialise matter and walk through walls, sum are teleportation devices, stone holds frequencies, tones, sones, vibration, acoustic

Limestone models of a Town Houses from Egypt

They are called SOUL [BAA] houses

All these stone records had to be left because the frequency was going to be cut [7.89hz] and we would all have to start from Zer0 my Her0, Egypt and KHEMET are two different places in one, it took 5,000 years to leave the records  

Wooden toys with wheels 

Baby rattle 

Made from wood and Ivory 


Terracotta birds that are also whistles 

Football [pigs bladder] 

Balls made from reeves and linen 

Swing and child [head missing] 

Sling and and clay shots 

Ivory dice

The backbone of all HuMin [HuMan] species is the 9ethers full stop 


Kalimba [Mbira] is an ALKEBULAN [African] musical instrument of the lamella phone class or pin tongue idiophones and is found in Central and South Africa as well as the island of Madagascar

Translated from the local Alkebulan dialect, the name of the instrument means 'little music'
Varieties of lamella phones: Kalimba, Marimba, Sanza, Mbira, Lykemba, Timbila and others

Such instruments are called African hand piano
Play separate sounds or chords

Large Kalimbas give an unparalleled low buzz to live bass rhythms of 9ETHER music, while the small ones produce a perfectly transparent, fragile sound similar to a music box
The resonator housing (can be of different shapes) contains a row or several rows of wooden, bamboo or metal tongue plates that serve as the source of sound
The simplest samples have a flat one, the more complex ones have a hollow resonator made of turtle shell, crushed wood, pumpkin field+

Tongues (4—30) are fastened on the resonator board
High threshold limits the sound part of tongues

When playing Kalimbu, the palms of the hands that are bent at a right angle and tightly pressed to the sides or held on the knees, with the thumbs and index fingers of both hands covering and releasing the free (upper) tips of the tongues, bringing them into a state of vibration


SHINAR [Plains]

The [Iy] coast, isles, abode [temple] blasted at sum point, looks like the site may have melted from a weapon that was used, we see the AKUR – we see the SHEN symbol – this place was online
Whose place is this, his footprint is around 1metre long
This place is in SARGON [NIMRUD] land who is the first KING after the flood of Shinar
[Syria founded in 1946, this site is over 10,000 years, the kings list is over 241,000 years, so shut up] 

Strings of life


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