Thursday, 12 January 2023

Sure Thing

CME(s) 2 [X] flares yesterday, the wavelengths are higher – I was reading how the real Christmas is [9] days after the 1st and the actual day changes and is not set like the Calendar
    The SOULAR flares will interact with the KUNDALINI 

So, its 2023 [7] and we are in the 7th year and this means completion and it refers to whatever you have been working on over the last [7] years = which would have been 2016 [9] this was a [7] year cycle and we should start to see a lot of [Imagination] aka manifestation of it, we will see people who had been working on the positive and the negative sides – both will come into fruition – we will also the KARMA [KAMA] from those who had been practising the negative side – a lot of Justice will be served in this particular time

Birthing pains - [7] will be the jump off point to the number [8] which is as above, so below and this means many affirmations will start to come through – it is very important that you are in your own field, away from others because energy will be served to us all – this period is the ISTAL [Meditative] and is to why I know I have to step back for a bit for we are to meditate on all what we want and not to bring anything else into that domain, do not TRI and rush it to qualify it because its working its way just like a ’baby in the womb’ it is NATURE that knows what to do to bring that body to life – she knows what to do with your affirmation – you are to release and hold as a nebulous energy signature aka don’t hold it and say this is what I want and this and that because you’ve already done that – you have to allow it to happen, it must flow naturally

2016 is when I got back from being abroad and in 2014 my 3D was stripped from me –
It is 2014 in Ethiopia and 2023 in the Western world - that is [9] years difference 

The beauty of this year is that ‘it will be’ there will be a lot of turmoil, there will be Chaos – the same amount has a woman having a baby – you get it- 9 months for conception – a lot of things will be taking place but it is still a resting period during the 7th cycle, this is where metaphysics will be at its height, Meta [Maat] means beyond, beyond the physical – this is the metaphysical principles of manifestations [I-magi-nation] Magi – Justice, what goes around comes around+ all this and more is what takes place in the 7th cycle 

The 7th cycle is an accretion cycle which had or has been in the making – consciousness secretion happens in the particular spin [spiral] orientation of particular particles

During the spin orientation you can innerstand from the periodic table, there are periods of specific enhancement of consciousness – you will have [1.1.1] then you have 1.1.2 then 1.1.3 into 1.1.6 then it goes to 1.1.7 and so what we are dealing with is an accretion cycle BEFORE things happen in the manifested world, so while there is affirmations there is an accretion cycle that gives ‘substance’ to that affirmation that you have been working on, there is no point in trying to recall what you have been manifesting in the last [7] years, it is what it is now, whatever you have Magi will come through

[8] Infinity 

This accretion on the periodic table is the original element in Meta [Maat] that is the Hydrogen Atom and Hydrogen is Hy-Dragon [Serpentine] Kundalini and Atom is Atum aka Atum-Re aka a bundle of housed frequencies that constitutes the ‘word’ has they say in the Bible 

When they wanted to find that ‘god’ particle – first of all the 6ether European has their eye calcified and they cannot do what the 9ether can do + with Melanin in activation of the Kundalini energy – now the word calcified starts off with Cal and this brings in KALI [CALI] who did sum work and reopened sum of the 6ethers eye, we know that if the 6ether eats right and serves their TRI system they can open the eye, we are in reSet cycle and all is made available to those who want to ascend

Melanin [KAANU] Ether is a semi-conductor and this is an Alchemy process and Melanin has a way of channelling what is within the Atom – so think of CERN the Hadron Collider – they wanted to smash Atoms but what they didn’t know was that the Atom is not the smallest particle in the universe, they took 2 protons and these 2 protons they smashed together, these 2 protons represent the Ether and the Pingala in your body – these are the 2 snakes that you see and when they smashed these 2 together what was revealed was the ‘god’ particle which was resonance which looked like a sone wave – so at the centre of the Atom is a sone wave and that is what is called the ‘word’ in the beginning the ‘word’ was with ‘god’ aka you at the centre of the Atom is a sone wave, is a frequency [144hz] you cannot see it but the resonance is on the invisible plane – this is the active principle that actually manifests [Magi] everything out from its stated design – so every thought is a design

If you have a design – when you think of a particular thought and depending on the emotions that you add on to this particular thought [because you have to have a healthy emotional body in order to create on the physical realm] so when you are creating your emotions become the diesel fuel – but when its going outward and its angry, you can dissipate that power – if its not from the heart it has no power, but you can use the power of emotion to give fuel to the affirmation that you are dealing with, I don’t have children because you have to be emotionally balanced [body] to even procreate 

When you make the S.E.X the FEMALE is the perfect Chalice to make MUSIC because she has unlimited supply of the primary, primordial energy – whereas the MALE is for the grounding of that emotion or grounding of that energy

It is the emotional energy is what we are using to but into our affirmations – but we direct it, we focus it – focused energy along with the design template of the affirmation that brings in what you want to bring in – your intention and emotions must back your affirmations, you have the Ether to power these thoughts – real emotions and not any of these false emotions – your emotions is the fuel and your intention is the spark [FIRE] that ignites the Magi – your intention is the ‘will’ keep in mind that ‘will’ can turn back on yourself and that is called Ego – Ego is ‘free will’ aka not operating within the balance of MA.AT [META]

Energy-in-motion, nothing ever stays the same, its constantly moving
Reptilians cannot resonate with the heart Chakra
Transitioning – be of the world but not in the world, you must plug out of the 3D world when you can

The difficulty lies in us convincing ourselves that we have a solution – we must not look to them that are stating what the problem is and what the solution is – you must meditate on each of these solutions supposed to be for you – we see the news, we see the media, we see news from other people, the news tells us about wars, famine, weather, disease, poverty, you are looking for solutions to problems that they have, they want you to correct it – but wait, have you found the solutions to your family, to your partner, have you corrected the trust, the love or friendship, have you dealt with all the thoughts at the back of your head that you put there – have you served yourself [your cells]

When you talk with others about what is going on in the 3D world you are discussing their problem, the 3D is not your problem, the planet can take care of herself and her kingdoms, you were not sent to this planet to save another, no one was, consciousness is on so many levels and you are to be with the likeminded, you are to be with those in your range and above, you must stay with the unified force – the solution is not coming from the tv, it is within, during meditation now, all I have to do is close my human eyes and the connection is instant like there is no difference, meditative states are occurring at any given point 

The dome is going to shift and the programming changes and a lot of people are going to have spiritual experiences, they are going to see things, they are going to hear things that does not fit in with their normal mundane existence and this means they are going to flip-out, they are going to go offline – they are going to crash, they are going to have a meltdown and we are seeing this, the Fentanyl, Crystal Meth+ many cannot cope with the shifting of the frequencies, many have to have alcohol, Cocaine, look at the last 2 years at least, people are going crazy out here, people are killing, man is doing what he does best, he is killing, women and children are just being taken like that even more, UV destroys anything that is artificial to this SOULAR system and we are seeing the GAMMA [X-rays] just taking people out – many cannot take the energy that is coming in, many cannot go pass 7.89hz and we left that range sum years ago permanently, even at 9hz that starts the dizziness, between 9hz and 36hz you are in trouble, so imagine hitting 144hz and having [3] tones that are way above the numbers that we had for 1000s of years

The ‘world’ is changing its frequency inside of the Atom aka inside of you [cells] which is inside of your body which is inside of your mind   

The ‘god’ particle after being revealed in the Hadron Collider said, time to change the way you think – I’m going to send more knowledge, more higher frequency energies so that your body is going to ache, so that you won’t know what you are doing or where you going because you will be overloaded but not over bombarded, things about you are going to be intense for a while, you won’t b able to sleep for time, your sleeping patterns will vary, so that your energy is unbalanced+ this and more are the signs in you that this is the shifting cycle- remember ascension and [Flu] share the same symptoms – I spoke to sum one and they are experiencing shaking, these are all signs of the shifting within, this person did not have the Jabba the Hutt, many are being juiced with energy – the Sun is a computer and is a form of irradiating consciousness and is what is changing the spin [spiral] particles in the air – remember everything is water – so the water in your body is matching the change in frequency, your brain sits in water, you were born in water, 72% of your body is water and the sun is giving the instructions [codes] [the sun is a part of your soular plexus] and the Kundalini rises 

Your heart is directly connected to your pineal [eye] gland and the heart is the seat of the soul [BAA] and when you begin to deal with the ‘unconditional’ of love – there is a place you have to go if you want to really go Pepsi Max – a place that is within that completely dispenses with what you determine what is good and what is bad – this is the MAAT principle – it does not judge and at the same time you have to do for your physical frame to exist, how can you not be judgemental [??] however if you find this place, this ‘unconditional’ place of love, this area activates sum thing within the bloodstream and blood crystals – that energy then causes a spark from the heart that filters through the soular plexus aka that is the sun in, the sun out [the sun in you and the sun up there] this is the a SOULRA PLEXUS – this then causes the rising of the energy, high blood pressure is Kundalini rising- this rising then gets into the 3rd- 4th ventricle of the brain which is the cave of Braham because in there is the Substania Niagara and its all [Blac] Niagara means [Blac] Black

This sparks travels and crosses at the Medulla Oblongata and this is when the KARAST [CHRIST] energy begins to light up the pineal [eye] gland and a rainbow arc appears over the pineal – they have been showing us the arc in the SKA and the womb symbol for the longest – we keep seeing the MAAT feather [SHU] in the SKA, there are so many symbols that they are showing us – that arc is the only true arc of the covenant – for sum of you this will be automatically, many are in institutions right now because many do not know what has happened to them and the person does not know what happened to them, many are on the streets going crazy, and for many they have triggered the Kundalini rising – in S.E.X this can also happen [but not in SEX] in masturbation [Ma-Star-BAA-tion] Ma [MA.AA]  

This is a cleansing time and a resting time and elevating time – there is a calculation before what is to become – everything is already consolidated within the [7] before it becomes the [8] it is the [8] that creates the LAW for what was in the [7] because it becomes the cycle, flip the number 8 on its side and it becomes the infinity cycle- you get it now – its becomes the cycle as above, so below    

Wash your thoughts, clear them, file them, keep them pure, keep them away from others, wash your thoughts, check yourself and watch yourself – they are going to become more vulnerable to influence and even those looking for hosts, many are being taken over, watch your children

Remember you are living your KARMA [KAMA] right now, every obstacle that you meet up with that you don’t take into heart and want to avoid – that is you not facing your KARMA and cleaning it – so anything that you find hard to do and stop doing, that is you not clearing your KARMA – whatever resists you, that is what you are clearing – this is what makes you stronger – if you are meeting it head on, you cut your KARMA because what you refuse to do in previous lives is what comes back to you in your next life – your BAA cannot be left unbalanced because the markings from being unbalanced BAA stay in the BAA, you have to iron out the energy of the BAA – you can see how sum one or even children when they are born have defects because sum one did sum thing to them – the worst killers have KARMA coming, no one is immune 



[7] is about the occult, its about metaphysics, its about the Chakra, the invisible world is going to become visible and you must learn about the invisible before its made visible

The FEMI9 ENERGY is the KUNDALINI - the letter I is FEMI9 - the FEMI9 ENERGY is the KUNDALINI - the letter I is FEMI9 like SHAKTI also spelt KUNDALINI and KALA [KALI] – a woman(s) hour-glass figure is actually the KUNDALINI – the hour-glass lady dancing, belly dancing for man because he is all physical, the hour-glass figure is for the human physical eyes and the KUNDALINI is for the first eye – the seduction for the eye making the SHIVA[SHAKTI] aka the sacred marriage – the light sparks [in the lamp] or the bell rings [eye] and the pineal [willy] stands up and if your eye is not calcified it is covered with crystal and that is when it becomes the sender, broadcaster and receiver [antenna] and she feeds him – all S.E.X is in the head first for man and it is she that ignites it, the external representation of FEMI9 ENERGY is the hard willy [Phallus] and the internal representation of FEMI9 ENERGY is our willy [Phallus] eye – hard, the eye and the willy are both the same shape [ROD]

She is under attack, they are playing with her emotions, they are trying to delete her 

We left all the S.E.X [Sacred Energy Xchange] in INDI [NAAGALAN] because INDI is a big place and by the time they found it, it was too late, this is why the Muslims and the likes supressed their women because she holds the power 


Normally, the polar night lasts from November 30 to January 13, but this year the sun was out from behind the horizon 10 days earlier, on January 03, 2023 – did you know that Arizona do not set their clocks ever, that lets you know there is no such thing has time-zones, there is not time, the sun and planets are moving around this planet


We are under a compressed Hydrogen D.OM.E [Firmament], that is the only way to have an atmosphere, a closed circuit, the moon is negative charge, the sun the positive charge, there is no such thing has gravity – we reside in a field of electromagnetics 

Goosebumps are leftover natural primordial warning alert system that lets you know of impending danger before you do 


KALI [VISHNU] SHIVA and Braham are all 9ether [Black people]
HARI [HARI] KRISHNA - The little [BLAC] boy 
SHIVA has locks [Dreadlocks] 

MUGHAL history is only 5,000 years, MUGHAL is MONGAL history, bypass 5,000 years and we find the NAAGA parent to HINDU KUSH the [KUSH] are from the NTH gate, if it isn't the Muslims then it is the Mughals who smashed these sites up in INDI 
The lower image is a photograph and the other is an artist impression I think, who had a camera in 760AD unless they sent sum one from this period back to get data 

Images of selected triadic monumental structures, can you imagine when the sediment has been cleared from this complex full of MUR [MIR] MER] MAR [Pyramid] 

What happens to the other floors at the tilting part of this structure 

Beluga whales, seen from this very particular angle- look like legs for a reason

A torpedo ended the Titanic not a iceberg 

No one is designing no more, there is no difference between the Model T and any modern day car, its the same thing, the oil is going to stop flowing one day, so they have to bring in the Tesla which is reversed technology - that is why there is no new technology, we had been on repeat
To think we were on hover boards, vimanas+ and teleportation systems and to this redundant machine
The CAR [KAA] is nothing new, they has them in INDI and SUMER 
The planet is going to stop giving blood [oil]  

ABZU [ABSU] South Africa is North Africa 

Ancient Egypt is up near Chicago – Chicago also has a tropical climate because its on the equator – Chi-Ka-go is a twin energy state with the capital of Atlantis called Atlanta and spreads down into the eastern part of Aztlan [South America] – the Amazon and Mississippi was all part of the Nile aka HAPI [HOPI] the Grand Canyon was an ocean that dried out twice and was a storage place for KHAMATIC artefacts – they shut it down after we all saw what was in there and the MIRs
Camels are from Atlantis [USA] 
West Africa is the USA 

McDermott Castle
Built on an Island and sum one burnt it down with the people still inside, those that got out drowned, loads of fires during certain parts of history and later rebuilt 


Blue Mountain in JAMAICA 
JA is part of Atlantis 

I never noticed the hexagon shapes on the skin 

Look how low the SKA is [!!!] 
Heaven meets earth [KI]
The physical world is going to be consumed by the holographic [spiritual] world 

Italy - looks like its coming from the ground upwards 

Trinidad and Tobago 


[1] of [3] main crafts 

Busy up there around the SUN [portal] 


I see you



Putin said, Africa is just a cemetery for Africans, when an African becomes rich his bank accounts are in SS-witzerland – when he is sick, he travels to France for medical assistance, he invests in Germany, he buys from Dubai, he consumes Chinese, he prays to Rome or to Mecca, his children study in Europe, he visits Canada, USA and Europe – if he dies, he is buried in his native country only

Think about what Putin said - and this is why when many say that society [matrix] destroyed these people, that is not true, they destroyed themselves – 9ethers are going crazy out here

Read his forehead, its not human - who is under the skin 
They want the blackout so that they can go ML+ and ready for the reboot and then get rid of Biden 

77 years is over- NASA talking about the WAJI [Comet] that only comes around every 50,000 [YAWN OUT LOUD] years- guess whose coming to dinner 

Crows only deal with death 
Storms are hitting, death is hitting 

The milk is for the calf and those with Cow DNA 

One Orca [Orka]

An estimated 7,000 to 8,000 tigers are being farmed in China, their bones steeped in alcohol to make tiger bone wine, their meat sold, and their skins turned into rugs for members of China’s wealthy elite, at least 8,000 tigers are estimated to be held across more than 200 tiger farms in East and Southeast Asia, that’s more than double the number of tigers left in the wild, Tiger farms are facilities that breed tigers for commercial sale or trade of tiger parts, like they do with Bears and other animals
Goodbye China you bit9ch 


Jesus is coming, that means Spiderman is also coming 

Look how they fu9ked up Atlantis, even if ENLIL is offsite we have tons and tons of work to undo

All that black [tiles] are made from Melanin, if they did not put Melanin on the glorified plane, it wouldn’t be able to come from the lower atmosphere back into the SKA
NASA have never been to space 


GERMAN SCHUMANN last 3 days, the Italian and Canadian Schumann are also spiking 
The sites I use to see what is going on are down
NIBIRU is in the mix 
Grounded flights is SOULAR FLARE
Earthquakes hitting 

Check out all the blackouts on the Canadian Schumann 


Returning wave, people are bailing out of here around the 3D world - loads of people are dropping

Sum people are going to learn the hard way -excuse the pun 

Fentanyl looks like candy or ecstasy - they are dropping folded $ bills with Fentanyl in it, watch your children and stupid adults, Fentanyl will be coming to a place near you 
Zombie nation is already here

How does the reflection come up like that 

That picture from Zimbabwe and the accounts from the children
Zimbabwe is ENKI [INKY] INKI ENQI >> HQ
The term Grey is a name for the colour of their suits, their real skin cannot take the suns rays, black lenses are sunglasses many have human eyes underneath, there are different types of Greys and sum are from SAH [SAHU] (Orion-Belt) there is good and bad 

That spirit in the house does not like them - sage and gifts are not going to cut it, I also wonder if they have used the Ouija board before- the last footage with the kid, could be another similar aged kid, but agreed its not positive towards the child 
These are in real time - lots going on 

Silicone Valley
The 54 year old with plastic fantastic
We cannot all be on the same planet, playing with dolls does not mean playing cards or doing make up or reading the doll a story, a 6year old shot his teacher in the USA in Virginia recently - where are we going with all this, to the recycle bin on your computer desktop and then deleted from the recycle bin, the 3D world is running aimlessly, ghosting while spiralling out of control [Chaos] but the mother energy is stirring - 6 years old and 54 years old- who is the adult here - the teacher is fighting for her life force, the mother energy is stirring and that is a good thing because it means [change] 
The frequency is bending the light, you are either online or offline [UV]
you are either Ultra [Beyond] or you are Violet [Violence]  

When they say that energy never dies what they mean is that she cannot be destroyed ever, you cannot replace her, she has too many admirers 

Face off the movie came out in 1997, they have been transplanting well before 1997
Katie Stubblefield lost her face when she was 18 years old
When surgeons gave her a new one three years later in 2017, she became the 40th known face transplant in the world, you can only do this with 6ethers, you can only add Botox [pigs fat] to 9ethers

The Minion images of a wombman at the top, these Minion images are the same, both are copies of an original that is still hidden sum where
Minion is not their real name and is a reference to Crete which is a part of Mesopotamia [Sumerian] and the civilisation that was present there, Helen(s) daughter is the last image -left 

The movie Avatar is solely 9ethers [blac peoples] history
Cultural vultures

 Avatar was created based on the culture of Nile people of Africa
The Nilotic people of Eastern South Sudan, Western Ethiopia, and Northern Kenya inspired Avatar 
The Nilotic people are the world's tallest and darkest people
Avatar (also known as James Cameron's Avatar) is a 2009 American film directed by James Cameron in the mid-twentieth century, mankind colonize Pandora, a lush livable moon of a gas giant in the Alpha Centauri star system, to extract the valuable mineral unobtanium

Muslims and Europeans will be punished for digging up the dead 

 Greek Socrates is 9ether 


Musical [ACOUSTIC] pillars 
There are only 56 musical columns that make sounds similar to the sound of bells
The main columns are made as musical instruments
Each column is 3.6 meters high and is made of granite [9] 
Each main column is surrounded by 7 secondary columns, which with a slight tap of your thumb release different musical notes
Metallography on site showed that the microstructure of the columns was similar to a typical microstructure of granite
Low-frequency ultrasound and impact echo control showed that all music columns are solid, not bare rods
Because modern day Indians had to study these sites, this lets us know they were not here when these sites were constructed

Virginia [USA]
Organ connected to the cave system, all organs were made by the 9ethers and is to why the 6ethers cannot repair them – can you imagine how this acoustic chamber worked naturally, the 9ether native INDI [INDIANS] would have been using this natural device 

 AL GHOR [Saudi Arabia] 
They say tombs, but show us the bodies, lost missing from this site 

This is also in AL GHOR - the site is or the rock formation is about 550 million years old and they say its a fish shape

72-million-year-old giant dinosaur tail found in Mexican desert
That means the dinosaur was here before your Jesus – your Jesus came 2,000 years ago, Allah is next, so how did the dinosaur get here and even more, how did the planet get here

chips with processing units
Cambodia and China

Alligator roll [!!!] 

NEB ANKH aka Caskets aka Coffins - death is a celebration for you are going onwards or coming back 

You get points for that 

If an egg is broken by outside force, life ends
If broken by inside force, life begins
Great things always begin from inside [within] 

Dig deep

This track always reminds me of sum one I never knew, I'm in a better place now because without certain things you wouldn't get certain things, you wouldn't have inner-stood certain things - sum times going without sum thing was to make you today
This track always gets to me 

Ascension will be painful while on the way to 5D, your not crazy, your just ascending, your overwhelmed at times, your receiving nu energies, your body is asking you wtf is going on
You will not be sleeping, sh9t is going on in the spiritual world, intense energies, you will make the shift all you are doing is adjusting
The energy is filling you up
You will be losing sense of your identify, you will be losing the old you, don't lie to yourself, do not override yourself [your cells] 
Seeing and hearing things is a big one at the moment for many, its alright, the orbs, I see them too, also flashes of light and black shadows + all this is because your energy is increasing - I heard codes, digital frequencies, alien dialogue [???] frequencies - your energy is rising up so you will hear things further afield - its just your connection to higher frequencies
When people talk to you, you feel spaced out, you lock off, you do the best you can but you are not there - this is your old you
Heighten sense of sensitivity, those who are sensitive to changes - you don't want to be around loud noises, you don't feel to do much of nothing, you don't care but you do care, in - out 
Just rest and stay by yourself, its very challenging
Do not allow old sh9t to catch you out
Nothing interest you
Depression is because your ego is panicking because your letting go 
No desire for food [appetite] 
There is things that you cannot do anymore, things do not resonate with you anymore
Take time with yourself 
Turn the tv off or throw it out 
We are being separated from woke and unwoke, stay woke 

Stay real in this field 

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