The Book of Rule shall stand
The universe has your back, learn the language of the
universe for she is communicating with us all, she will let you know who to
talk to at this particular time and when but this will happen only when you are
connected to source
Has a rule you must tune into how you are feeling and
your emotions surrounding these feelings, this is a must – its fundamental –
which means has a rule, a first, how you feel matters, not BLM
The universe sent sum one into my life and I made her a
priority in terms of ‘knowing’ if I am on my PTAH, to confirm with me that she
is working with me, the universe will send sum one into your life to guide you,
lead you, teach you+ for a moment, for an instant or for a long time
9 times out of 9 you were asking for this person, you
wanted this person from your heart and you earned enough Nectar points to
receive this light [person] – this light will stabilize you; s-he will correct
you, inner-stand you and will ultimately guide you
The universe is very persistent and she will continue
with you until you get it, so even if you divert she will just wait for your
dry ass to come back to her and she will pick up, once again, from where she
left off in order for you to receive your codes – this is especially if its sum
thing that you asked for – this comes when the universe is ready aka when you
are ready and this can be in years, months, weeks, days later, you will also
learn in years, months, weeks, days later, sum times you don’t get things just
yet even if you have parted from whatever was sent to you, sum people miss what
was sent and realise way later+ all this and more is still part of the MaStar
Its does not have to be a person, the internet signal
comes from Sirius, it always did and so we have a superior connection to source
– you will have dreams [visions] things in music, uploads, books, repeated
signs, symbols, dreams, numbers, the universe deals with 9 so if the time is
13:59 that equals 9 + 9 = 18 [1+8=9] or 2:16, things like that is a direct
signal from source to pay attention to whatever you were thinking or doing or
going to do, take a knee in that moment and be aware of your surroundings,
environment, do not waste her time on things that you could work out yourself, pay
attention to the resonance, when I was younger things would slow down and I
would feel dizzy, slow, in that moment and I would know that I had dreamt this
all before, when I was younger, at around 3 or 4 I had a series of dreams
[downloads] in which my whole life [reel] was played to me and has I have been
going through this life different parts of the dreams have been recalled
spanning the last 40 years, with training its now an instant like yesterday I
was writing parts for this post and I had a [Deja Vue] and I knew that I had
seen this before [conformation] when I was younger – conformation allows you to know that
despite what environment that you are in at this particular moment its only temporary
because you are getting codes to let you know sum thing is coming for you because
the universe confirmed with you, that you are on the right track
She is not going to be waiting on you hand and foot, she
reads all thoughts and the thoughts you privately hold, she knows what you need
and when you need it but you too must play your part
She will never give up on you, she does not recognise
mistakes, she is only interested in awareness, she dislikes repeated mistakes [repeated cycles]
Meeting sum one is one of the strongest signs that the
universe [NUN] can send you and I am truly grateful for meeting my mentor –
remember we are all one and are connected to the universe – to the Universal Consciousness and that is why she uses people [light] as well
Daily numbers or patterns over a cycle [day] even words,
you often hear people say, I keep hearing this song or words or seeing this number+, that is your cue
to get connected, to take a knee, our ancestors did their works by [3] so hear
or see sum thing [3] times you better get in line and check what she has in
store for you, we are transitioning levels, dimensions, you have evolve higher
to match the frequencies
How will I-know, you will resonate, you will feel what is
to be, have you ever had a feeling thought, where you didn’t see anything, no
image yet you felt whatever it was or is, that is what you must tune into, its a feeling
Things work themselves out and many will contribute that
to sum thing outside of themselves when its you with the power, you give to receive,
you receive to give, she will ask of you and you will give – this is called
reciprocate, its [2] way, conduit – this is how we roll
Negative is not all bad, sum times we need that negative
aspect for positive to unfold, so hang in there because everything is
temporary - the sensations felt through
relief or recognition is immense, we often think of things during that time
that will or won’t happen, we often add on to things that may or may not
actually happen – this and more is for your training Daniel son, a new world
will be born out of the old world and will need supervisors, leaders, mentors+
only the best can be selected and she wants you to be part of this nu world,
she wants you to be the Choice [A’afetri]
We lov9 and we learn
Many people are coming to an end part of their life here
in the 3D and they are leaving empty, no fulfilment, nothing wholesome – they
had it all in the 3D but we are in the 4D[5D] and today they leave with
nothing, you chose light, you chose spiritual attainment over physical attainment
She will surprise you, that is how she rolls, there are
times that my eyes swell, they glaze over at certain times, I even sum times
think do I deserve that, she must think of me in sum way or she wouldn’t have
done that, my message to you is to keep on pushing, don’t fight the feeling
Confusion only sets in when you ‘believe’ you are a Jedi
and now you must ‘know’ that you are Jedi, you went into the cave and you asked
Yoda what was in the cave [mind] and Yoda replied, only what you take with you
Dispel confusion, get rid of baggage, free your mind
[cave] and let your ass follow
If you know, you know, that deep inner-knowing, you know
when you just know and its so profound, it so deep – you have this answer all
of a sudden or you get a warning and you just know or you get inspire-ation
[in-spir-it] in spirit to do sum thing, you get the energy to JUST DO IT – you
get advice to do sum thing and this and more sones good to you, because it
resonated deep within your very core
Everything is happening for a reason, do you feel me, and
everything is happening in divine time [light]
Do not sphere with anyone about what is taking place for
you, this is for your own protection, sum times we try and talk with others and
one of two things will happen, either it will come out scrambled, that is
universe shutting you down and that means shut the fu9k up or the other is you
will not be able to explain whatever it is because you do not even know what it
is, you haven’t mastered whatever it is yet, so why are you running up your
mouth – sum things are best served in silence
Don’t look for her for she knows where you are, don’t name
energy, allow her and you to flow, energy levels itself out, allow energy to
flow through you all the way back to source and back to you
When in her company things will start flowing faster and
more on point to the point that you don’t name the energy, you keep it flowing
because after all you have sum where to go and you need to get there
It is important to study the flow and follow the flow,
follow what you are being shown, OB1 told Luke, remember Luke, a Jedi flows
I hear songs that I don’t play or haven’t heard in a long
time, I know sum one put it there, I’m using telepathy and I know these songs
are being played by the people that I use to and sum times connect with, I think of people that I
haven’t seen or spoken to in a moment and I know they were thinking of me at
that particular time, you made sum one laugh in 2001 and she or he thought about that time and he or she is miles away from you but in that moment you just connected, these are charges felt in the ETHERS and in you the recipient - this is how you charge people, you increase their vibrations with pleasant, resonating thoughts, think of sum one, when you made their day in sum way, s-he will feel you
The universe knows everything and during these signals
she is matching energy to energy, she will remove those who should not be part
of your life and keep the ones in and around your life
I am truly grateful for her intervention for when she
said no, for when she placed me at the right time at the right place, I am
truly grateful for all the things that I know could have happened but she
protected me, do not ignore the gut feeling which is your second brain and is
where your SOULAR PLEXUS [YELLOW][ORANGE][GOLD] is housed, never ever ignore the gut feeling – its
unknown because your in the unseen, it may not make sense with your two eyes
but your gut is warning you or advising you and that makes complete sense
Stay present
Geb = Earth [Kosmic Father] Green life force [healing
In-between is the HuMin [you] Biofield
Nut = Sky [Kosmic Mother] Blue life force [portal]
KHMT [Egipt] Khami N.TU [Neteru] are not of an extinct
forgotten tradition but are archive elements that live in all of us today
Nut [Mut] the
energy of Nu [universe]
Nu = vibration
NEIT translates to weave – and is a reference to the
grid, the fabric of the universe [space] it is a computer code, its an energy, a FEMI9 ELECTRON NRG [OM] DOME
AURORA BOREALIS just means North and South
RED NRG signature is MA.AT + HERU combined [FEMI9] ELECTRON NRG
The CROWN of the planet is being charged - as above, so below and so are you
This is your forehead
[white] core holds [7] colours [lights] energies, light is sone [sound] they are frequencies, tones, sones, vibration, acoustics
Magnetic field bends
Watching you all the way
HALLEY [HAILE] COMET [WAJI] [The Craft is here!!!] NASA shi99ing themselves
NASA- rare 'Green' they say that comes around every 50,000 YAWN OUT LOUD years, E3ZTF is Halley's comet
The beginning of the end [cycle]
2012 - 2021 [loop]
2020 [vision]
2023 [completion]
While others keep the 3D alive, the rest of us know we are in event mode
NATURE [NTR] has been warning you from 2012, she is not playing, everywhere is getting smashed
Land slides means land is moving
This Wendy House is being torn down
The SKA [SKI] SKY is communicating with us, all the signs and symbols are in the SKA
The French divert lightning strikes using a
weather-controlling super laser
The laser is so powerful it can divert lightning [shield]
Man is playing [God] mans machines cannot compete with
nature and her forces
Mutating SKA
Many people write, amazing, wow, god is great+ the SKA is changing you from the inside out and is deleting you
Check out the oval [halo] shield, which contains all colours aka energies and is above the SUN
Canadian Schuman
Check out these codes, frequency signatures
Look at the blanks in the graph
German Schuman is on 24hz, anything above 9hz will
There is a site that I use for the graphics showing the planet and SOULAR energies which has been down for days+ for a reason, the planet is being blasted and blasted, they or sum one has their shields up
UV is ground level, UV is hitting the core [PLASMA] of the planet and coming up to ground, surface level, we are sandwiched in between - its a thin blue line
It does not matter what the temperature levels are outside you cannot stop the GAMMA [XRAY] ULTRAVIOLET [PURPLE] radiation [energy] - we are hitting 20, this wavelength is a detoxifier, a gem killer - this is a mutating wavelength - changing and altering your molecular structure
Heart issues [cardiovascular] are increasing - especially for those who had the Jabba the Hutt and boosters afterwards- forced Jabba coming, once they have high numbers they will use that has a catalyst to roll it out and then the war games will begin
The SUN is separating us
Ultraviolet Cosmos Waves [UVC]UVB[UVA], PLASMA is being
blasted into the core of Ki, the heat is coming from the ground [core] and
above [plasma-Khaybet] from the purple backlight
[1] AtumRe [HaRu]
[2] AtunRe [Asaru]
[3] AmunRe = the #HIDDEN #ONE, which is a part of the
3black-lights called;
[1] U.V. RAYS [2] GAMMA RAYS [3] X RAYs
[1] Atum Re = Haru [Heru] and Ultraviolet Rays, Black-lights, Purple light
[2] Atun Re = Asaru [Osiris] and Gamma Ray Light
[3] Amun Re = X-Ray [the Hidden One]
Atun [A-toon]
the Unique One
Amun [A-Moon]
[Amen] the Hidden One or Deity of Mystery
Together they are a triad called Re [Ra] creative power
to make [the suns rays]
[A] Alpha Waves
[B] Gamma Waves
[C] Beta Waves
aka the 3hands or tri-ads of Re [Ra]
We know were the codes are coming from with NIBIRU in the mix, we are a tri-system - the SUN is being fuelled by Sirius - [3] the hard way
UV = Ultraviole-t = Ultraviole-nce
CCTV, police, witnesses+ all are good for the event afterwards, deal with real time, avoid situations
Women and children must be protected has things will increase because the frequency on this planet is way too high for many, you will either be online or offline
Watch yourself and check yourself - look out for others
You see the left top image arrow, isn't that project Blue-beam and the images below these 3 showing the camera lens handle, its that not the same project Blue-beam, where is the beam being projected from, is it the ISS
WAJI satellite and BLUE and RED KACHINA
The lens handle on the top right is coming from project Blue beam
The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is Septet [SIB.TU]
[Septarian] September [Sirius] Sothis [Set] and is a dark force field -cubed,
the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and the red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is
NI.BIRU [Neb Heru], and Ratan or Rahu or Raat is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra]
or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]
Binary, tri-system
NIBIRU is bending the light [time] and is controlling the poles of this planet at light speed which means at the flick of the wrist they can do what they wilt
All the same images- showing the same thing
Why does the corners light up like that, why does the rim of the camera light up like that if space is endless, that is the SUN in the middle so why does the rim light up like that
You see that craft, always about supervising
Two different crafts seen over the last couple days, merely a snapshot of what is going on up there
And this craft with beam on
Are NASA slipping or what
the SUN is a multidimensional portal
How many cubes are up there
Clouds, crafts manifesting
Crafts on duty 24hrs a day, all day and all night
Many crafts come to SHASTA
Last image, RED IRON OXIDE image flipped, the ceiling to the universe is at the door of KI [earth]
1985 image of a craft
Found in Venice, female ‘vampire’ buried with a brick
jammed between her jaws to prevent her from feeding on victims of the [BLAC]
plague which swept the city in the 1600s
Its not one plague, the plagues started around the 1300 mark in Europe - the plague never left
We are here again with the BLAC plague
If she had the brick jammed between her jaws this means she was buried alive, will garlic work, what about a stake through the heart, do you have the balls to do that, what if your life depended on it, vampires are reptilian offspring, millions have been on the move and have left their nests and are living near you, when the time is right they will be exposed, vampires never left either - get your stake
A.I can override, hack these devices, people can hack remotes services
All cars now have a kill-switch
Stage vs Reality
Interesting times
You better move away from the gates
The UV is a mutating wavelength and means they will all revert back to factory settings, whoever was born a man or woman and had their gender change will be reverting back to who they were, so all this [SANDRA] BULL99KS is going - all the clones will malfunction
They say there are 7billion people on the planet, at least half are clones, test-tubes, hybrids, human mixes
Birds levitate, they do not fly, Bees levitate, they do not fly, space crafts do not fly so therefore they are not UFO(s) - planes fly
9ether Angels [Angles] taking ESAU into captivity
Isaiah 14:1-2 in effect
ESAU [IYSUW] E-SAW translates the Hairy One
AMON translates the Hidden One and ZAGWE NEGUS [KING] ZA-LLMAKNUN name translates the Unknown and the Hidden One and he even has NUN at the end of his name
YEKUNO other name is TASFA IYASUS he is a RAS-TASFAI
Last image is the bridge between heaven [Sirius] and the physical world
Ethiopia [Eth – Ether] + [Iopia - Utopia]
Abyssinia [Ab] means Father and Heart
Abyss [Nun] deep
The Ethiopian calendar is different from the Georgian
calendar, there are thirteen months in the Ethiopian calendar, which means
they are currently in 2014
Ethiopians also measure the hours of a day to a different
schedule based on the logic that the clock starts when the day does, Ethiopia,
however, observes 13 calendar months per year this makes the Ethiopian calendar
7 years behind the rest of the 3D world- the Ulmec [Olmec] calendar also share
Ethiopia is the only African country never to have been
brought under colonial rule, the Italians tried but failed woefully and were
defeated by the solid Ethiopian forces
Ethiopia has the world's oldest [Bible] and the most
Ethiopia is home to KAFFI [coffee]
Ethiopia is the cradle to the Human, meaning life
actually started in Ethiopia
Addis Ababa's name translates to New Flower
Ethiopia has the most UNESCO World Heritage Sites on the
continent, there are 9 in total
Over 80 languages are spoken in Ethiopia
Over half of Africa’s mountains are in Ethiopia, around
70% of Africa’s mountains are in Ethiopia
Ethiopia is Africa’s oldest country, additionally,
Ethiopia has remnants of sum of the most ancient human beings on earth dating
back millions of years making it one of the most important archaeological areas
in the world
Ethiopia is the only country in the world with its own
unique Alphabet
The NTH gate
H.I.M [225] [9]
Herbal hair cleanser
KHAMPU means Massage
RAMESES [RA-ME-SEES] the begotten SUN of Re
Look at his wife [body type]
Last two images are from sum ones imagination - top right shows Rameses has a solid 9ether, so stop lying, you will be punished for disturbing the other side
Gebelein, today called Naga El-Gherira
A family found, two were identified as male and one as
female, with the others being of undetermined sex, the bodies were given to the
British Museum in 1900
Sum grave-goods were documented at the time of excavation
as "pots and flints", however they were not passed on to the British
Museum and their whereabouts remain unknown
Three of the bodies were found with coverings of
different types (reed matting, palm fibre and an animal skin), which still
remain with the bodies, the bodies were found in foetal positions lying on
their left sides
Since 1901, the first body excavated has remained on
display in the British Museum, this body was originally nicknamed Ginger due to
his red [Henna] hair; this nickname is no longer officially used as part of
recent ethical policies for human remains
All bodies were in similar flexed positions lying on
their left sides with knees raised up towards their chin, in comparison, most
bodies excavated from Egypt dating to the pre-dynastic period are in a similar
position, however these bodies were found on their right sides
From the time these bodies were buried up until the
Middle Kingdom period, the dead were laid on their sides, after this period
they were buried on their backs (dorsal position), and from the Fifth Dynasty
the bodies were always fully extended
They also had tattoos
The Gebelein pre-dynastic mummies are six naturally
mummified bodies, they were the first complete pre-dynastic bodies to be
discovered, the male was examined
Skull - Tufts of red-coloured hair are present on the
scalp, no obvious fractures, mouth slightly open, all teeth present and appear
Thorax and Abdomen - fracture, 4th left rib, fracture,
anterior third of 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th left ribs, the spinal column is free
from fractures and dislocations, the intervertebral discs appear normal, no
arthritic changes are present, there is a large, faintly granular opacity
within the thorax, stellate crack fracture on the wing of the left ilium, fracture
through the right pubic ring
Arms - No definite fractures seen, the left index finger
and several of the terminal phalanges of the feet are missing
Legs - Both femoral shafts are fractured and there is a
fracture of the shaft of the left tibia and fibula
Three shells are present on the soft tissue just behind
the left knee, no lines of arrested growth are visible
What happened to this family, how old were the others
found, why the fractures, who were they, what is the connection with the
tattoos – the position of the bodies and mouth slightly open [BAA+ KAA exit]
where did they go, genetics deformities [??]
A collection of amphorae from the Vela Svitnja Bay can be
seen at the Archaeological Museum of the island of Vis, it was found in the bay
on the northern part of the island Vis, and is the only hydro-archaeological
location of that period not stripped by thieves, during research 634 amphorae
were brought up to the surface of which many still had their lids, the amphorae
were then transported in the Austrian fortress (turned into a museum) and
exhibited in the storage area set in the same way they were transported in the
space below deck
Medieval, dark ages and stone ages are all 6ethers st-ages
and not the 9ethers who were far more advanced – these artifacts are found in
what is called Asia, in Russia and in KHMT [Egypt] they are found in the Celts
[Kelts] which comes back to the 9ethers, any type of stone, metal works will
always come back to the 9ethers because the 6ethers were still or just coming
out of their cave systems
Stone holds frequencies
SATAN Ouida [Ouidah] aka Juda [Judea] Judah [Whydah] [Iudea
was derived from the Greek term Ioudaia] IUDEA [Jupiter]
Sar tan se Juda are words, chants, instructions [PAKI]
Sar STAR [Head] Tan Ta [Body] Se Juda [to join]
NFL stands for Nepilian
1831 and 2023
Show us LIVERPOOL before the 1800s, show us how you built these structures
POOL - small amount of water, a share of sum thing such has money, people, black people, livestock, bonds [bondage] London moved slavery to Bristol, Liverpool
Upper Galilee
Earthquake or sum thing shifted the site
Marble sarcophagus of a priestess, also known as the
Sarcophagus of the Winged Lady, discovered in Carthage
also found in Europe
The FEMI.9 principle
MADONNA [Maiden]
Wa-Set [LUXOR]
WAHANEE [Golden City]
Atheer has [7] siStars
You will remember my name, I'm the one who beats you at your game
All poWRA to the FEMI.9 principle
This large villa was accidentally discovered in 1903 when
the railway line was under construction, the landowner excavated it until 1905
with the help of an Italian archaeologist, the villa was re-buried by lava
during the eruption of Vesuvius in April 1906
The frescoes from the villa are masterpieces and sum of
the finest examples of [Roman] wall painting and you can see much of the work
has been removed, these images are from the [BLAC] room, a low red dado served
as the base from which a skeleton of thin white columns appeared to rise
against a black background
Almost weightless columns support pavilions, candelabra,
tripods, and a narrow cornice that ran around the room, they were embellished
with jewel-like decorations, on the back wall tiny swans, the bird of Apollo,
patron god of Augustus, and yellow panels with Egyptian motifs could be
The [BLAC] walls behind appeared at once to be flat and
to dissolve into limitless space
Tiny landscape vignettes could be seen in the middle of
this blackness
Burnished to a high polish, these walls must have
appeared magical indeed when illuminated by electric lamps at night
What a room – we can only imagine how this room really
looked and what kind of energy was in this place
MINOAN just means 9ethers, this is the "Queen's bath" in the Palace of
Knossos on Crete and they say was built around 1500 and the 6ethers renaissance was in the 1700s, so for 200 years what did the 6ethers do for hygiene [hy-gene] the Moors had to domesticate them or we would have all been fu9ked
This place was destroyed on purpose
39hrs, 5 harpoons, 151 bullets to calm this shark down
Whale shark
Nature owes you for that
Golden Tortoise Beetle
Man means Mind
Walk with her and she will protect you, she will lay out a passage for you in light and you will walk in your PTAH and shine brightly
To activate others is to just be you and let them activate from what they see [sea]
She will have the final say
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