Saturday, 24 December 2022

Unknown [to you]


What is IN.ANNA holding and above the Trident 

Carthaginian [Italian] goddess🔱
FEMI9 principle 

The Mother, child and father – the 9ether Wombman is [God] – she is the shield of the Trinity

Emperor [Empire] Haile Selassie [I] of the NTH gate [Abyssinia] Ethiopia used a 3-pointed-star 
[two triangles] and is known has the Trinity Star

Left eye, right eye and central is main eye 

This symbolised the Holy Trinity [w-holy-Trinity] and is the name for the Emperor [that is what the Baptismal and regnal name Haile Selassie means] – PoWRA of the Trinity

This means for the 6ethers it is- the Father, Son and the holy spirit, like for them is Body, Mind and Soul, when it is The Mother, Son and Father – the 9ether Wombman is [God] – she is the shield of the trinity – she is the holy spirit and it is Soul, Mind and Body - the Body is last 

The correct w-holy spirit is the holy trinity- nothing can take place officially until the nu energy is reintroduced, reinstated and the w-holy elect can only speak on behalf of [God] aka the Most-High, which was Haile Selassie who was the elect, only the Most-Highest frequency, this person can only speak for using the elect [electron] the wHoly trinity, which are [1] Statesman (Stateswombman) [2] Lawgiver [3] Priest (Priestess) 

The Mother, son and father – the 9ether Wombman is [God] – she is the shield of the Trinity

RooStar and dreadlocks, the Etruscan warriors mainly had dreadlocks, after the Romans captured many, they became the Christians that were sent the Colosseum [Rome] these are your Gladiators, your Christians who are the KARAST [KA.RAST] RAS [RASTA] your Nazareth

 Amurru Martu [Bêl Šadê]
The same as the Biblical ’Ēl Šaddāi who is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the priestly source of narrative
Amurru also has storm-god features
He bears the epithet ramān thunderer, and called Bāriqu >> hurler of the thunderbolt and a god of the deluge'
Amurru(s) wife is Ašratum [Asherah] appears as wife of the god [Ēl] 
[ARINNA - The FEMI9 counterpart to the SUN aka SAL [SOL] SHAMASH]

[P'thar] P''tar [Father] Pter [Peter] [F'other] 

Judea, Greece [Roman Jovi or Greek Zeus)] and Babylonia
ZEUS is ENLIL [Ruler of the SKA]

Ouida [Ouidah] aka Juda [Judea] Judah [Whydah]
[Iudea was derived from the Greek term Ioudaia]
IUDEA [Jupiter]
[Yehudi] Yehud [Yahud]

20th century 6ether Zionists eagerly revived the Greco-Roman name and renamed the Westbank area as Judea and Samaria

Kingdom of Whydah crowning of the King of Whydah
The Kingdom of Whydah was a King-Dome on the coast of West Africa
The Akir [Lion] of Judah and the Akir of KHMT [Egypt] is one in the same

Iudea as location is used as allegory in scripture for the 4th Chakra, the heart Chakra (called Thyatira in Revelation)

The 4th Chakra is also called David [beloved] and is also associated to Ya-Shu-wa, or Joshua, later renamed to Iesous, because the [Shu]- syllable refers to Air
The breath (Air) is a vital part of meditation practice, so Ya-Shu-w (or Jo-shu-a) is essential for all Yehudim
Going into the words shows how Judeo-Christian allegories are syncretical connected, and derive from KHMT [Egypt]

Christianity [Karest Ani], Asar school, Karast > Christ, Horus > Iesous, Meri > Mary, Asar >Lazarus, Set > Satan

  Islam [peace], Ma`at school, Salem > Islam, Mizraim > Moslem, Urra >Allah
  Judaism (Iu, Tehuti), Tehuti school, Tehuti > Yehudi, Iu >Iudah
Meri [Merry] Christmas [Christ – Karast] + Mas [Ma] Ma’other

IUDAH is not to be confused with the Roman province Iudea [formerly Yehud] the Kingdom of Iudahis an allegorical, non-historical country which in scripture broke away from an allegorical, non-historical Kingdom of Yisrael [Israel]



The Thames in Latin Themes is part from its origin in Cotswold to Dorchester, is named Isis
Further along the Isis joins the Thames and it becomes Theme Isis [Thame-Isis] TAMAISIS

Tamesis was a combination of the Thames [Thame] and Isis
On the map of Oxford, the River Thames designated as Thames or Isis

The Mississippi River is also part of Isis [Miss-Isis-sippi] the Nile River and Mississippi River are one of the same [Paris is Par-Isis] Isis [emotions] is the 6ether Greek name for Aset 
[throne, seat, pulpit = Mind] 

[Halley] Hallie [Haile] Hail
Haile Selassie [Sol’assie]
[Comet] Komat [KAMAT]

Halley's Comet was not due back until 2022 they told us, and they say it is due back in 2061, the reason it will not appear in 2022 man says is that the comet has an orbital period of 660,000 hours, which is approximately 75-76 years, the Reptilian British royal empire was given 77 years which ended

We have an unexpected visitor due around January or February in 2023, they say -
How comes SARGON [NIMRUD] and HERU have the same incarnation date [4000]
4000 years’ worth of history, the records were left with 5,000 years to get it ready before the crashing of the frequency to 7.79hz

Guess whose coming to dinner

Sum thing more than mans ego is on the horizon my hero [heru] 

German Schumann
6hz - there are codes in the readings and why so low 

144hz and 1000hz+ and 400hz 
DNA [RNA] upgrades 
Italian Schuman 

Canadian Schumann
144hz + 1200hz + 1000hz until 100,000hz spikes 
Yellow [Green] in the energy signatures 

The planet is completely surrounded in FEMI9 ELECTRON NRG

Radio signals, connections with cell, internet, cable tv+ all disrupted - power down in many places


90 degree angle in the middle of space covering the planet 




CROWN - interesting energy signatures 

The SUN does not rotate how NASA show you, the portal rotates exactly like a clock
KI is NOT the size NASA show you, she has expanded and is the size of Jupiter [NIBIRU] and Saturn 



North America and Europe- for weeks they have been letting you know what they are going to do 

Look at that 

KANADA-40C and USA - Washington -7C and London -1

Man and his toys [machines] against NTR 
CHERNOBYL was a HAARP facility that blew up when they went Pepsi Max
Pepsi Max coming up once again 

They have to freeze the USA because the grid that their man made Tesla made has never been upgraded since the 1940s and the grid is going to blow because of the plasma, by using snow they want to keep the grid cold
They are calling this a once in a lifetime, fundamental means has a rule, a first, once the grid goes down it can be between 30 days and 9years for lost of power - this is your own people using their machines to manipulate the weather - the plasma- the SOULAR NRG 
Once the grid does down all their toys like warships, fighter planes, guided missiles, everything that is satellite operated, electronics will be affected but they have sum from of backup that is short-term
The 3D world shutting down will cause mass hysteria [hyStar-ia] we have to be prepared mentally 

We are using mental [charged] thoughts [signals] that are being received   

These images, one is from Brazil [2020] and the other Florida in 2019

Looks like a plane but is a hologram used by a craft [chemical spraying] you can see it at the tail end

Mt Fiji

Craft nation, how many crafts sitting over there- look at the SKA, huge cluster of crafts 
The Japanese military can see them on radar 

[1] of [3] main crafts

[2] of [3] main crafts 

[3] of [3] main crafts - this last craft I have only seen twice between 2012 and 2022 

Who that

Sitting in the SKA 

Who is that 

SHAM on top right- I was watching the footage and I could see this face going from left to right at the bottom

These are screen shots from footage - I know its me, I have pareidolia 

HAWAII [17.12.2022] 

Not sure if this CZECH or BRAZIL

The end of the world is made in CHINA 



The sun Conscious DARK NRG SUN is [Septarian] Septet [Sirius] Sothis [Set] Sut and is a dark force field -cubed
 The pink-sun [Crystal-sun] is Nemesis [Nama-sis]
Red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU
Ratan [Rahu] is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun] 


The face of [God] SUNDOG] HALO DOG GOD

SHE is Universal Law has presented in the SHU[SHE] aka Feather 
Your heart must be lighter than a feather- which heart the Ab or Hati 

That creature on the roof in the Philippines, whoa
and the Fisherman [MERMAID] MERMAN you heard them, she was calling, that was so good - that was them singing, the Dolphins and Whales also provide acoustics in the water - they are often sonic-boomed out of the water [beached] - where do Dolphins and Whales go at night 

They were trying to bomb a portal

 They said it was a gas leak, remember they did it twice 

They showed you in South Park what they were going to do 

They were trying to create their own portals [dimensions] to escape the realm and they told the public this was an underwater gas pipe leak - the only reason a fire would be burning is if there was oil on the surface of the water and there is no oil on the surface, the explosion happened under the water - this was a cover story, they couldn't leave, so a few weeks after that, they dropped the bomb in the ocean and told the public they were testing the warships - this was a lie, this was an attack against the aquatic families - the MERMAN [MERMAIDS] Nomos+ and the Sirens - they already knew that the portal had opened back up to let the MERMANS [Sirens] Cyrus [Sirius] back in- so they dropped the bomb on them, the US killed many and this is what kicked the war off, Ukraine, the war in Ukraine was also to do with the portal in Ukraine- leaking FU9K-U-SHIVA now makes sense- they were trying to destroy the aquatic families 

MERMAN attack has a pack, not has one individually, but has one - they move like Dolphins, they move like fleets 

In the footage you can see nothing hits the water, this was reptilian technology, there was a blue streak in the underwater explosion- you have to watch it on slow play - these are frequency detonators that would destroy a particular set of species that they wanted to destroy and this is why we see the blue ray around the explosion- which is a sonic boom blue ray
[4] phases of matter and the law of vibration - there are other beings in this war with the ANUNAGA offspring, ANUNNAKI means 'these beings' there are many different beings that are part of the ANNUNAKI 

Right after they did that HAITI shown their feelings, all the natural earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, typhoons, cyclones, whirlwinds+ all the natural weapons that the 9ethers used - when they 9ethers submitted, they made synthetic versions of all the 9ethers weapons 
HAITI had a massive earthquake + storm right after 

Phases of matter - gas phases of matter and the beings that dwell here, this is where the [4] phases come into play - when they let off that bomb it was felt by the HAITIANS who had that massive earthquake, I thought that was HAARP at the time, but it wasn't 

That guy with the MERMAID [MERMAN] singing makes sense now, the government found out about him, banned his videos, claimed his boat and they say he was in a car accident- we know how that goes already, but having seen his upload on Slapped Ham- that guy is the only one whose got sum evidence of what is going on out there in the waters

If you were vibrating low they can take you to your death, those stories of them luring sailors to their death, yes because what were you doing, killing the marine life, how many Dolphins and Whales has the 6ethers murdered, the Sirens are in the waters and like I always say, payback is going to be a bi9ch, remember the planet is taking on water, places around the world are going underwater, all these hunters in the woods, jungle, waters, its all over Casanova, do you know how much the LARE [Bigfoot] hates the 6ether European Americans, the LARES that were here are not the warriors [Wookie] ones, but they have learned how to survive and are pissed off, things make sense  

The crab means they are aware of one another - they like him, he has 90 in his name and the word source - sauce 

Another underwater explosion 

This is what is going on, on the planet, end games

When you start seeing snow in Africa, flooding in NY and Philadelphia - tornadoes in NJ and Philadelphia - whole west coast on fire - Europe flooded - all of Europe including Ireland and the UK and Mexico get hit - know we are in end games - you know this already 

DON [DUN] means [Black] 
MA.DONA means Maiden 
Last image remember she is 64, you can see her head shape like a Grey
She has either been taken out and cloned [keep in mind that she and the likes of Cher are high priestesses in their thing - or cloned full stop, many have already been executed and many have already been taken off planet - just look at the shape of her head in her last picture 

Still a Pedo

YOOOO WTF - ADAM apple or s-he swallowed sum thing

Tranny with no fanny, s-he was one of the first batches 

All have dicks and where born men, Cloony likes children and boys, he is still wearing his ankle monitor 

The girl is on the LEFT and the boy is on the RIGHT

Eddie Murphy was killed in a car accident in California, they then unleashed the clone, his partner is a man, Sandra Bullock [Bullocks] slang was also born a man, if you want the glamour you have to have a tranny, no one is allowed to have a real woman, you have to take the wood in Hollywood  

What is this, clone, plasma [UV], Adrenchrome [??]  

Cannibalism had already started in the North, Cannabis was introduced in attempt to control those without light, reptiles eat other reptiles
You shouldn't eat Pig because that is a direct form of Cannablism, Dog [Ca9]Canine] Mad Cow disease+ all make up 6ethers DNA 
When the 6ethers came to Atlantis [USA] during the fall many got caught out and didn't have enough provisions, when their wives died or the husband or child they wouldn't tell the others because then they would have to share the meat [flesh] 
They had added human flesh to the human food chain a along time ago, you are dealing with human flesh and lab-grown meat aka KFC [MacDonald's] this is why the ice-cream has always been pink 

Stop eating meat

SunSet 18.12.2022 [
1+8+1+2+2+2+2 = 18 [1+8] = 9
Aged 63 [9]
Terence was ordered home, safe journey home

She was different 
SunRise 21.12.1959

You can hear the Aboriginals in there 

KHMT was already up and running however the records took 5,000 years to be readied for the system crash and here we all are around the campfire eating marshmallows 

They say this is in Mongolia and sum say its in Korea
You can see the hallmark signature of master masons with their joinery techniques 

One source, global network 


And these warriors are found in INDA and are also part of the WAKA [NAKA] NAGA
The KUSH are not just one tribu, they are a multitude of people 

False doors were to keep the European out, the ancients know how to dematerialise matter and walk through walls - the NTH gate [Abyssinia] Ethiopia was looted 

150 years worth of looted knowledge 
Abyssinia [Ethiopia] is the home of the [Gods] 
Ab means heart and it also means Father 

Build your penitentiary, we build your school
Brainwash education to make us the fool
HATE is your reward for our LOVE
Telling us of your God above 


Too black, too strong 

MOORS architecture 

MUR [MIR] MER [MAR] [Pyramidal] design
Brick roads
Braided [locks]
Busted noses

Altered from its original appearance, with the total loss of the marble cladding and the four sphinxes that surrounded it, all what remains is a block of limestone, pozzolanic mortar and lava stone and shells of a former time, this place was destroyed a long time ago but you get the idea 

Dreadlocks at the controls- these are your Etruscans, your Cathages aka [9ether Greeks and Romans] with locks, braids like the Ulmec [Olmec]  

Lesbos is an island in Greece [Mesopotamia] Sumerian, famous because the 6ether Greeks would take the women there once a year, shave all their beautiful hair off, dress them in a robe and bend them over, the idea was that the homosexual 6ethers would pretend they were boys, men, they had to mate or they would become extinct, there are 9ether homosexual Greeks also

Romans and Greeks [6ethers] hate women – Lesbos is where we get the name Lesbian from

Electrum means a coin made from Gold with 20% Silver- the word Electrum is Electron – Gold is a conductor of energy and store energy

This coin was minted in Lesbos – there are few more examples of paradoxical illusion

We see Athena [Athens]
The reverse shows two confronted female heads with their faces overlapping, all within an incuse square [cube]

NTH gate symbol 


CUBE + SPHERE are both 360 degrees and the SPHERE fits inside the CUBE 

12 [13]
Solomon Ring
DENDERA [Zodiac] 

MaStar the Ring aka you

Dreadlock I.T

There is a Georgia in the USA and a Georgia in Europe aka Cauc-asian Mt - this is the cradle for Mankind, the cradle for all 6ethers aka  [White] Indian [Asia] Chinese [Orientals] Asian

NTR does not approve and will take down the Draco offering, their offspring was created on the planet without permission or the correct light 

This was left in Georgia and also destroyed in the USA by the very people who erected it 

Mastiff is a French word
ABZU [ABSU] Dog, not sure the name 


Apep ‘Apophis’ Tarnush, also known as Beelzebub, Humbaba, Zuen, the Dragon, Satan+
Apep is Female
Humbaba is a positive guardian –


Gilgamesh was used to create the fictional character NOAH [NOAA] 

A local climber named William J. Meister was hunting for trilobite fossils on a hillside near Antelope Springs, Utah in 1968 when he opened a plate and found a human footprint of a sandal

This was quite a surprise as the breed here is identified as the Middle Cambrian Wheeler Formation, over 500 million years old

The estimated footprint was approximately 10 1/2 inches by 3 1/2 inches and was located on both sides of the plate (with opposite relief)

The sample also included at least two small trilobites

Shortly after Cook's report, other creationists (Kofal and Segraves, 1975; Baker, 1976; Wysong, 1976; Hughes, 1983; Petersen, 1987) referred to the Meister's finding as anti-evolutionary evidence

But the world scientific community believed that it was not a shoe print, but the consequences of geochemical processes, such as the penetration of solutions, fitting and ventilation – YAWN OUT LOUD – 

500million years, Jesus is 2,000 years old – sum one is lying about the planet and about who created the planet because she was already here for the tri-lob-ites to be here 

You should not be anything that crawls along the seabed, they absorb all the toxins in the water, they filter out all the crap that is in the sea, crabs, lob-Stars, mussels, pawns, shrimps, oyStars+ don't eat them  

 The Mughal empire is the Mongol empire, INDI [NAGA] only likes to talk about 5,000 years’ worth of Mughal history, like how they only want to talk about KHMT [Egypt] for 3,000 – 4,000 years only
Without the Alkebulan modern day 6ether Indians would still be in caves without a culture  
Alkebulan [African] women are called Begum 

The HINDU had Blue and Green avatars when they came down here from SAH [SAHU] aka Orion - so did Osiris  

Prussia [Russia] Tartar [Barbar] 
Layered culture
Mud flood

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