Saturday, 3 December 2022

Leave no stone unturned...

Conscious [Konscious]

Conscious means aware, know [Scious]
Con-scious-ness means a state of being aware, the Con [Kon] is to con sum one [negative]
What does Scious mean, its says to know, they are talking about the semi-conductor [Melanin] AETHER [ETHER] - to be aware

The field of consciousness, many of us do not even know that we are in the field of consciousness, we are all sitting in the field of consciousness but many do not know or are even aware of this

A field of where every knowledge, information that ever existed is in y-our space, dimension, realm, expanse and time [emit] – that contains all consciousness from all space and time

Energy is neither created or destroyed, this is that field and because we are all existing in that field, we have direct access to that light [data] information [consciousness] but many do not know how to stream, tap into that data

This field is the All-Knowing and this is where sum of your thoughts are coming from, they are coming from you but they are also coming from the field of consciousness [All-Knowing] – this field is constantly being upgraded with y-our thoughts, which is why you must regulate what you are taking into your consciousness, be selective in what you are thinking and sphering + when you are using your [7] senses, you must be selective in what you are thinking about + the experiences you have in your reality – which then forms y-our consciousness which then filters out into the field of consciousness – for example what took place in the last 2-years, we all knew it was coming, we all feared what was coming, we all believed what was coming which then created a field of consciousness based on fear, belief which generated the consciousness of the masses – when they fear you with things in their 3D Matrix, this then dents the field of consciousness

The field of consciousness is not to be toyed with – thoughts are Electromagnetic which when thoughts are created and sent, they reverberate into the ETHER –

Now think of many people putting out the same negative thoughts at the same time-ish into the ETHERS – now think of these people putting out negativity under Ultraviol-et light which is Ultraviolet-nce, what about in places where there is a lot of anger, violence, fighting, rage, rage can take place in the home, workplace, public space and on the road

The field of consciousness is controlled by the masses that are connected to it, those using their feelings and emotions – this is the collective consciousness who have control in their reality

You can pray all you want, you can think all you want but in order to change anything down here we have to place the changes we want into the field of consciousness – you have the poWRA of thought, you have the usage of MAGI – you i-magi-nate what you want, see [sea] vision [visionaries] it is to electromagnetically charge that thought and sent it electrified – you have to think in principles, real thoughts with real deep thinking, you have to think like a [God] when thinking and connecting to source, many people are praying and asking for this that and the third to ancestors and sum to their God, however that is classed has begging, many of you only pray when your in times of sh9t, many ancestors know this about you already, however when you connect to the collective consciousness you have the ability to express yourself, remember even all your dismissive thoughts, stupid thoughts, your first thoughts, your under the radar thoughts are all read, your subconscious thoughts are all read – this is why when they say you only lie to yourself that is correct because you can be scanned, read completely – Sum times when you are locked onto sum thing with your human eyes and in a trance like state, sum times called Deja Vue – you are actually having sum files accessed, sum times you were sum where and saw or heard sum thing and a higher being will come and access those files, your eyes are CCTV and you can be accessed at any given point 

Be selective because that is what we [you] are going to attach into y-our reality

Manifest [Man-in-festation] we do not see Man in nature [festation] the word is [MAGIK] MAGIC MAGI [IMAGINATION] MAGU 

Plug out of the 3D, tone down at least an hour before you start to think, clear your mind of all crap and ease into sum thing that you want deeply, it must come from the heart and you have to want it, there is no conning the system, you have to be real in this field  

The field of consciousness is a reflection of what we feed our consciousness with aka what we feed our semi-conductor [ether] and thus is feeding the ether realms – we must project the right image into the ethers

To active others is to let them activate from your light [Aura] there is no need for talking, people watch people, energy recognises energy, like for like, ether recognises ether – so surround yourself with the same light, like minded

Focus and listen to the frequency so that it can guide you home 



The strength of indoctrination 

Collective - means no one gets left behind 

At least from July here we can see a cloaked craft or planet sitting on the right of the portal, I had noticed it a while back however, sum one else did the middle graphic and you can see the Star-Station 

NIBIRU is masked in Iron [red] Iron Oxide and dust [particles] which makes the star-station invisible, only with the invention of infrared were NASA about to see the MaStar Key in 1989
LAHAMU [Venus] is a craft [ship] with its shield up and will be with us all the way until this thing plays out, Lahamu is a FEMI.9 energy field 

NIBIRU moves at light speed and can be in 2 places at once- there is no time in space


No comment 

What is that straight line on the left 

What caused that line running through the SUN 


HALO means the rings aka the shield going around the Moon or the SUN because HALO can be SALO - SAL [SOL] 

SKA [SKI] SKY is the limit
the ceiling is right there 
Huge cluster of crafts [ships] over California 


UK -even the Dog knows what time it is
That is a cluster with mothership seen in this image over the UK  

WAJI [GREEN] satellite
White core holds all [7] colours [energies] radiation
Lens flares on the right  
NIRIRU behind the portal [SUN] 
See the Red, see the Blue - you can see the Yellow rim of the sun with white core

Check out the BLUE HUE 

This is not the SUN or the MOON
Check out the RED glow above- we know who that is
The SUN is not 93million miles away  

LAHMU [MARS] the protector of KI will be real close, closer than close until we reach 2023
LAH.MU is in TAURUS [Torsion]  
The Moon will be used to block out the energy, NIBIRU is also in the mix - the disc will be really close, this will be next week more so around the 6th [7th] 8th [9th] when it will be the Moon under its full power, NIBIRU and LAHMU exchanging with KI- very powerful exchange coming up 







Not all of us are soldiers, warriors, mercenaries

The mechanical eye askes Neo - What do you want and Neo [YOU] replies - Peace 

Sum of us are peace keepers, heroes [herus] and are here to bridge the gap between positive and negative, we are not holding a white flag, no retreat no surrender, but we are striving for peace, we need it, she needs it and if that means we must give to the light, then we will

Isn't that worth fighting for, isn't that worth dying for

KAMIKAZE [Do or die]
KAMI [KHAMI] and KAZE also have different meanings individually  

The LARES [Big Foot] have at least 5 warrior linages on MARS, I saw one in an image sum years back coming down a hill side with infant in one arm and he was on a quad looking hover bike vehicle, one of his arms was muscular and the other was different, Wookie from Star Wars are their people, there are still 1000s of them on Ki and remember the 6ehers wiped out 1000s of them, mainly their women and children in a bid to wipe them out, trust me they are pissed 

Many beings are up there and the main cities are protected

LAHMU is an exotic version of KHMT 

Watch this channel but the very early uploads, he is bang on the money, his older videos have everything you need to say, fu9k the water and tree idea
ANNUNAKI out-post 


Miners, Total Recall is real in the field, that guy with the other being inside him always reminds me of Trump, that he has sum thing like that in his stomach
It is Hitler who sold out the 6ethers and supplied the man-power in exchange for technology, he is not the first 

When MARS loses its force field [gravity] we are next and is to NASA are watching MARS like a hawk 


SIRIUS is the link between the 18th and 19th galaxy
SIRIUS has 2 satellites [Moons] and its siStar system MIRZAM 

SIRIUS is fuelling the SUN  

The inter-NET-work signal we use comes from SIRIUS and always came from SIRIUS  
NET the word comes from NEIT [NUIT] NUN [NU] UNiverse NUT [MUT] MU MA [MAAT]
NEIT translates to weave – and is a reference to the grid, the fabric of the universe [space] it is a computer code  

We are heading towards SIRIUS  

Caught on CCTV 

This upload was themed
Pegasus [Ashtar Command] they can only go within their timeframe and they can only change their reality [matrix] not the MaStar program - Basiago also explained about one of the buildings in the USA where they go into one of the rooms and there is a portal that takes them to MARS in 40mins- this is interesting if you are with the Galactic Federation of Light [Richard Branson, Musk+] but if you are with the Galactic Federation- they had their time [line] and now it must be deleted  
The LARE at the end, there are still 1000s of them in and around Canada [USA] - why so little from the footage, its a mounted camera and the LARE knows its there, how did it get there, why not show us him walking away or when he first comes into shot

I wonder what happened to him 

The cities of Macaé, Carapebus, Conceição de Macabu and Quissaman have suffered in the last 72hrs, 2 of the cities have been destroyed

Portugal needs Brazil, Europe needs Portugal - when Brazil goes under- so too Portugal - France is holding on for dear life and Belgium have no say - Spain is on borrowed time

Flooding [water], landslides are hitting places around the world has nature lays down her laws [MAAT]

 2 volcanoes are erupting at the same time in Hawaii 

All the same day [2.11.2022] but a few hours later, look at the dome [bow shock] the planet is surrounded 

NIBIRU controls the poles of this planet 

2.11.2022 [the CROWN] 

the Canadian Schuman is on 200hz+ and 1000hz and 60hz but keeps jamming on its updates but we cane see here in the CROWN images above

Italian Schuman hitting 100hz+ 

Updated Italian Schuman 

World Cup footballs being charged before matches- sensors used to map out data
All the Europeans teams, top teams are bailing out
Are you getting what they are doing
Watch who wins

Side note, have you ever seen India in a World Cup before, any Indian team in a World Cup, like Bangladesh, Goa, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, but they want to tell us they wrote the Kama Sutra [KA.MA] SUT.RA - you cannot even last 45mins each way [90mins] 
This image is from 1950- that is the last time INDIA made it to a World Cup qualifier
ENGLAND wins it in 1966 but they also have to look at it in black white images 
Its a rigged event, Football came from MALI and what we call Ulmec [Olmec] not Spain - maybe they will give it to the Africans, why, because this will be the very last World Cup, that is why its in Qatar and this is why no one gives a sh9t - whoever wins around the same time sum thing is going to be happening 

That guy didn’t want to admit he is Slavic, Slavic is from the word Yugoslavia and is where we get the word Slave from, for his forefathers gave their women up for the Red-light district, it is the 6ethers who sold out their women first and is to why prostitution is the oldest profession in the world, they gave their women away to the highest bidder, shame on you and you wonder why European women are so insecure

Guardians of the Morning and Midnight 

The guy in both uploads is LAO.SHU [laoshu505000] 
LOA means Priest 
Aka Moses Monweal McCormick [triple M]
Who self taught himself many languages
 I always wondered who he really was – his visit to Ki was too short – he inspired us all 


The modern Chinese have named this [Iy] Marquis Yi [Prince]
[Marquisate] Marquis [Marquess] Marchis is a name for a title of nobility

In the winter of 1977, soldiers of the Liberation Army of the Republic of China demolished the Leigudun hill [mound] clearing the site for the construction of a factory

Accidentally discovering a burial chamber
By spring 1978, an area covered with thick logs was cleared; the opening revealed four untouched wooden chambers, in functions resembling the palace premises

The Northern Chamber was an arsenal containing more than 4,000 bronze items, weapons, armor and chariot harnesses+

There were about 130 ritual vessels in the central chamber adjoining the ceremony hall and most of the treasury of musical instruments [Bell] Baal

There was a double lacquered coffin of the deceased, a man of about 45 years
The outer coffin is 3.2 meters long, 2.1 meters wide and 2.19 meters high
The entire body of the outer coffin is covered in black lacquer with red and gold patterns painted on it
The inner wall of the outer coffin is painted with red lacquer
The inner coffin is 2.49 meters long, 1.27 meters wide and 1.32 meters high
The inner coffin is made of bright red lacquer, painted with yellow and black patterns
Eight coffins with the bodies of young women were found in the eastern chamber
Thirteen other coffins with women's remains were in the western chamber

In one of the chambers there was a large arsenal of weapons - daggers, axes, spears, alabards, darts, bows, arrows, shields, military armor and more than 3,000 arrow tips

An inscription on one of the bells of the central chamber: it stated that the bell was a gift to the Marquis I from the ruler of the Chu kingdom

A set of bells (64 pieces, divided into eight groups according to their size and tone) is selectively marked with inscriptions indicating the exact pair of sounds they make

This acoustic feature was unknown to neither late traditional Chinese culture nor to modern academic community aka the new invaders calling themselves Chinese did not understand the African features

The bells were held on a large, lacquer-covered wooden frame in the shape of the Latin letter L
The total weight of the bells is almost three tons
In addition to them, 27 drums, citrus, whistles and flutes, suspended stone -bells, were found in the [Iy]

In 1981, a second site was discovered 100-meters from the [Iy], containing a similar, but slightly smaller set of objects but was in worse condition

Marquis is not mentioned in any modern day texts or any traditional texts, Marquis means noble and is not his or their name, who were these Africans

Is that a flag
You can see the 9ethers on horse back 

This is how they beat the Italians the first time around, the animals attacked the Italian army on command - Abyssinia is the NTH gate 

SHILOH means Peace 

You die an original, not a copy 

He holds more than 250 patents on microphones alone

Melanin [KAANU] Ether is a semi-conductor [consciousness]
Conscious [Matter] Consciousness [Antimatter]  

They say this is Demeter, lets go with that
I wonder what this is, looks like a wreath and we see make-up container with lid, sandals, perfume, a mirror [wi-fi], sickle, and a few more things, what does it all mean

Solar means SOUL [BAA] or SOL [SUN] and Ar from Arinna, the deity of the SUN, from where the English word Arena comes from
So, you get Sol-Arinna, two of the great suns Aum and Sal, which later became Shamash, and you have a system which is systematic 

ARINNA - The FEMI9 counterpart to the SUN aka SAL [SOL] SHAMASH 


Chausath [Causata] formed by a circular [sphere] wall with 64 [Chausath means 64] chambers but a rectangular plan

The temple was constructed on a hill at a height of about 100FT, you have to climb 200 steps to reach this temple – what is inside the hill

The temple is in a Seismic Zone 3, and this means the temple has withstood the many earthquakes over the centuries without any damage, this is by divine intervention, during earthquakes and destruction we would go to the many safe zones around the planet, very powerful energy exchanges, healing, tuning+ took place in places like these

There are African wombmen on the walls and inside and they had many statues also, very FEMI9 oriented for a reason

Tantric yoga
Raja yoga
Puranic yoga [breath] Prana 
All deal with the Mind [Khu]

The rite way
Twin energies good and bad [negative] and [positive]
Yoga philosophy is BANTU [BUNTU] [Buddha] philosophy [Kundalini] Serpentine energy


 In [Anuttara] ANU-TTA-Ra (re)- yoga-tantric the Chakras are energy centres in the body, located along the subtle channels [Nadi] according to specific mediation systems, ranging from three to five or six into nine, the Chakra [7] [13] energies of Re are alien implants graphed into the 9ethers
It should be noted that the names and descriptions of these energy centres do not correspond to these found in the inferior modern-day Hindu Tantra, but does in the Hindu Kish [Kush]

The wheel is from the mother of the Tantra systems, the Tantra is only inherited and can only be shown

All the S.E.X [SACRED ENERGY XCHANGE] data was left in INDI because INDI [NAGALAN] is a big place and by the time they found it, it was to late, if the S.E.X data was left in KHMT they would have smashed it up completely, you have seen the many sites around world that have been smashed up 

Nada Braham the name is made from the word Abraham

There are many Eves, one of NINTI(s) names was also Khawah or Hawwah which means Life or Eve
The Sumerian name NIN.TI means Lady of the rib or Lady of life
You can see your Biblical rib story and her name Eve as life right there

The word used is Tsalaw and is in their Bible and means side, rib- and is referring to a blood experiment where blood was removed from the marrow of the rib bone or the side of the body by the chemist Nergal Shar'etser to breed amongst the Adama [KADMON] projects in an attempt to shape a character

Mitochondria [MtDNA] is only transferable from 9ether wombman to 9ether wombman  

The wheel is a magical hardware device, it carries the KAK.KA and his retinue to each of the four continents where s-he is received as the rightful ruler
Four elements
KUWSH [KUSH] symbol [Ethiopian]

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Living A Lie

The BODY [BODI] KHAT never lies - where the MIND [KHU] goes the BODY follow - it doesn't matter what you are eating [diet], how you are ...