Wednesday, 21 December 2022

Sweet Phansty

The Butterfly Effect 

Jellyfish has no brain but works off of instinct
[the will to survive] 

What are the Australian Aboriginals walking on 

Over 20million in ABSU [ABZU] alone

 What about these in Atzlan 

ENKI [INKI] ENQI(s) Calendar is out by 2o

Those [3] sones [songs] sonic [sonnet] sounds[sones] are;

[1] Atum Re = Haru [Heru] + Ultraviolet Light
[2] Atun Re = Asaru [Osiris] + Gamma Ray Light
[3] Amun Re = X-Ray [Hidden One]

Which is a part of the 3black-lights called;

[1] U.V. RAYS
[3] X RAYs

AUM [OWM] translates Sound of Life
Vibrational rate [144]

Serpentine [Kundalini] rising - but which way 
Argentina win the world cup, I thought they were going to give it to the Africans or England
BENNU [BENBEN] (Obelisk] they are usurping the energy

This is not Dracula, this is Jinnah [Jinn][Ginn] statue in Bahria town, Pakistan.
This is not vampire, this is Benazir Bhutto at Shaheed park Quetta

the EYE of [GOD] HALO [shield] 

Each of the vapor trails appear to be the same which is more consistent then I'd expect to see with sum thing fragmented- these are crafts, shuttle pods

ANUNNAKI will be in the mix on 90.6

Everyone in Aztlan will have to push up, Brail have lost 3 towns, more to come 

These footages are from now 
Sh9t happened and happens in the woods - a lot of things 

The guy who presents this channel is like the guy who does Slapped Ham and MRMBB3333 are flaky, the footages are what you are viewing only 

[2] light sources 

spir-al [spir-it] 

Space structures are sitting in the SKA 

Who goes there

Who that - last image show cylinder [shams] and they are not traveling alone 

What is that line on the right 




Craft cloaked in the clouds, check out the distortion in the SKA, heavy currents emitting 

All four images show this craft [comet], crafts used the portal, sum dock at the sun cities 

Weather Cells are Mother-ships 

48 states will be under the cosh for a week - that is 80% of the USA

Bottom right image is from Uruguay- by the coast  

[3] towns go down in Brazil - lost

Timat takedown

Typhoons [Dragons] contain swirling winds and water, they contain ancient energies – they are also known has Hurricanes [Heru-Cains] HERU – CAIN and Torn-adoes [Whirlwinds] Spiralwinds

Dragon-shaped rain storm which promises to drown any living creature in its random path of death

Devastation and destruction

These cyclonic storms will tear you a new asshole, places get smashed up, Korea keeps on pissing the ancient energies off by firing their missiles or the man with his shotgun into them – this devastation and destruction are these Dragons embodiment of that destructive power

Today the catastrophic dragon fourth edition to fifth edition conversion continues with these energies set to increase in temperament 

Check this out 

You can see the codes 


You see the RED strikes, pattern emerging
Violence [Ultraviolet] UV is a mutating wavelength 
Murders are up 10fold around the world, get out of the way when you see sh9t coming unless you have to do what you have to do 

Black is charging and white, red means ready now

M7 California
M7 near New Zealand 


Canadian Schuman 
1000hz right the way up into 140,000hz 


Italian Schumann 
500hz and 200hz and 144hz+

20 .12 .2022

Italian Schumann

Mutating wavelengths

Right now 


BLUE KACHINA @7PM position 
RED is emitting from NIBIRU [centre] 

The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is Septet [SIB.TU] [Septarian] September [Sirius] Sothis [Set] and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and the red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU [Neb Heru], and Ratan or Rahu or Raat is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun] Nemesis and NI.BIRU are the same system [binary] we are a trinity system

Barbara van Beck, born of Barbara Ursler 
[1629 – 1668]
Born in Augsburg in the Holy Roman Empire
Her physical feature: her face and most of her body were covered with hair
Called Hirsutism  [Hair-sut-ism] SUT [ENLIL] offspring 

MacDonald's and KFC and the likes are Chemistry experiments 
BLK means [BLACK] ok amazing, there is one thing being proud and there is another thing being stupid and BLK 

Bottom first right is a afro-pick 

1885 - 1972

Kyrgyzstan 1991 [Uzbekistan 1991] Turkmenistan 1991 [Kazakhstan 1991] Tajikistan 1991 
[Pakistan 1947] Afghanistan 1919 [Azerbaijan 1991] Iran 1979

What was you before the 1900s 


You see old UZBEKISTAN and North Africa and LAHMU [MARS] are all connected, BAGHDAD is an exact replica of CYDONIA [MARS]- what about SEDONA in ARIZONA  

[3] main portals used by the ANUNNAKI - one is over IRAQ, KAMBODIA and the other moves 


We've seen this type of stone masonry before, same cutting techniques  
The planet has changed configuration a few times
At one stage she was one landmass  

Look at this global connection 

TURIN [TUR] E-tru-scan
Italy [Ital]

Once they had secured the city, they started their construction of the building in 1863, shortly after the unification of Italy, and was completed in 1889
Architecture featuring a five-pointed star, but later replaced with a statue depicting the winged [genio alato] - one of the symbols of the House of Savoy, the design included an embossed and gilded copper gin holding a spear in one hand and a palm branch in the other, there was a small five-pointed star on his head
When the star was installed in its place on April 10, 1889, it raised the total height, making it the tallest brick building in Europe at the time
On August 11, 1904, a severe storm destroyed the winged gin, but it remained hanging on one of the building's terraces, after reconstruction, it was replaced by a 5-point star made of copper, that was later replaced by a smaller three-dimensional 12-point star
On May 23, 1953, a tornado destroyed the 47 meters (154 feet) upper buildings that were restored in 1961 in the form of a stone-lined metal structure [1953 = 9]


Mammoth [Elephant] found in 1977 stored in a natural refrigerator [ice] in Ukraine
At that time nowhere else had found a fossilized animal of such magnitude and preservation
Studies of the body showed that his leg was wounded, his stomach was wrinkled, and the rectal intestines were full, so, the shrinking stomach of the animal indicates that the mammoth did not eat anything before it died, and the complete intestines are the opposite, indicating a time when the individual was healthy and eating freely

Connecting West Africa, East Africa, and Papua New Guinea's Nissan Island, all in one
During the Bible's narrative of the flood, there were civilizations thriving in Egypt, Mesopotamia and most parts of Africa, there was a flood
What happened was part of the super continent sinking to leave what we have now, and this sinking caused s flooding in sum parts but not all and could have been thought of as a planet wide flood to the peoples of the time

GREECE is a part of Mesopotamia which is a part of Sumerian which is a part of Babylonia which is a part of Typhonian - its one source 

GREEK word for victory - however they say its VIKN which on here looks like NIKH [NIKE] to me  


200,000 9ethers murdered, with the 6ethers invading the main lands of Atlantis [Atlas] Alaska indigenous tribes fled, here in the 1800s the last ones in are the 6ether European Americans
Pictured are US soldiers standing on those who were murdered, mainly the men and older people
Photographs taken by soldiers turned into souvenir cards
American soldiers also took the bones and marched with them in the streets
American soldiers who loved standing on them holding bones and giving the Freemason gesture
$10 payment (about $250 in today's currency) this is in 1899 [1900s] who digs up the dead or who digs up 9ethers – 6ethers whether Muslims [Arabs] or Europeans – there should be 1million 

That lady with long legs, why, is it a tail or maybe she wasn't the one who was really sitting there and was repainted over 

Russia saved millions of artifacts from confiscation, while the Smithsonian hid and destroyed volumes and is why Americans and UK(s) are taught nothing of history 1-12th [1-10th] grades that are indoctrinated with American [English] His-story
Where these people only actually learn 15th century forwards

10 and 12 grade is 10o [12o] degrees of learning – the Freemasons are only 33o

360˚ Righteous Knowledge
720˚ Wisdom of Self
1080˚ Knowledge of Universe
1440o Universal Wisdom [Supreme Intuitive Logic]

MORENOS [MAUROS] meaning scorched 

The traces of 9ether ancestry are visibly existent in a hundred surnames

Some family names that designate an ancestor who had SKIN DARKER than his companions are MURRELL and MORRILL- If the ancestor had a very dark complexion, the name was likely to become MOHR, SWARTZ, SWART, SCHWARTZ or SCHWARZ in Germany — David MacRitchie
The word Swarthy or Swart derives from ‘Schwarz’ or ‘Schwartz’ which means “to be black”; black man, and negro

Elsdon Cole Smith, ‘American Surnames’; 1986
Mohr = a Moor, a Black, a Black - a Moor, a Negro, an Ethiopian

Derivatives of Moor as—Morian, Morillo, Maurelius, Mohrentonih, Mohrenstecher, Morand, Morel, Morican, Morlot, Mormand, Maurice, —Murel, Maurice, Maurand, Maurant, Maury, Maurin, Mauritz, Moran, Morand, Morard, More, Moreau, Moreaux, Morellet, Moricaud, Morricard, Moricault, Morice, Moriceau, Moricet, Morillon, Morillot, Morize, Morot, Mory, Lemor, Lemoore
Moret, Morez, Moré, Morais, Morey, Moraie, Moraies, Mauret, Maurez, Maurais, Maurey, Mauraie, Mauraies, Morret, Maurret, Morrez, Morré, Moore, Morrais, Maurrais, Morrey, Maurrey, Murrey, Murray, Morraie, Maurraie, Morraies, Maurraies, Mouré, Mouret, Mourez, Morris, Morrison, Mourière+

First found in Ile-de-France, (More) where the family has held a family seat since ancient times
These names originally stem from the Old French word MORE (“moor”) meaning a so-called 9ether [black person]

Moorings, Westmoreland, Maurice dancing, Morocco 

In northern England and in Scotland [BISSETT] is the name for the brown or dark-complexioned man
BISSETT = Scottish (of Norman origin): nickname from Old French biset ‘dark’, a diminutive of bis [Biss] Bliss —Altered form of French Bizet: nickname for sumone with a dark complexion

The Irish would call their swarthy neighbours who were dark by such names as DOLAN, DOODY, DOW, DOWD, DOUD, DRUMMEY, DUFFIN, and KEARNS OR KERNS
Greek names with this connotation are KARAS and MELAS

Dubh, Dhu, Ddu, Du, Doo, Dow, Dew = Black
Melas = Black

The Russians would call their dark people CHERNOFF while in Czechoslovakia they would be satisfied with CHERNEY, CAREY, DORGAN, DUFF, DUNN, DUNNE, and KERWIN or KIRWAN, all are names for the dark Irishman
Macduff is certainly a common enough Gaelic name, Mac Dubh — son of the black man, source Peter Berresford Ellis, Macbeth: High King of Scotland, 1040-57
As Niger and Rufus were names of families amongst the Romans, from the colour and complexion of men, so Duff was, from the swarthy and black colour of those of the tribe, or clan of Macduff – source James MacVeigh, Dal-Mac; 1889
Robert Sibbald, The History, Ancient and Modern, of the Sheriffdoms of Fife and Kinross: With the Description of Both, and of the Firths of Forth and Tay, and the Islands in them
MacDuff = Mac Dubh (Son of the Black Man)
Dougal, spelt Dubgaill, or black strangers, in their own genealogy, —there are all the varieties of Dubh (black), —such as Duff, Dow, Macduff, and others, —there are Donns, Carrs, and Dargs, —with their equivalent Dunns, Browns, Greys, and Blacks [Dun]Don] – [black]

All these are colour names, showing a black or tawny ancestor, so also is the name of Dubh-glas, or Douglas, —literally Black Swarthy; and that of Murray, with its kindred forms of More, Moore and so on+

Such are the kind of names that directly point to a descent from the Moors

We find kindred evidence in the surnames common throughout the country, of these, many have already been given—such as Black, Brown, Dunn, Grey, Duff, or Dow, or Dougal, Glass, Douglas, and others, —all indicate a swarthy ancestor

While all black-swarthy people were, properly speaking Dubh-glasses, it seems clear that this title gradually settled down upon one special sept—whose least hybrid descendants were, later on, specified as Black-Douglases

These, again, may have branched off into separate families bearing other names
From Shaw Macduff and his wife Giles of Montgomery, descends one of the most important sections of the previously existing confederacy of Clan Chattan
For this Macduff and his posterity came to bear the surname of Mackintosh, which, it signifies Mac-an-toiseach, the son of the chief, or leader
It is probable that while many of those Dubh-glasses would, in course of time, be known by other surnames such as Black, Brown, Moore, Murray, Faw, Young, Gordon, the original name would long adhere to a portion of the original stock
It must be remembered that this name originally meant nothing more than “the black man” and that it only clung to one special tribe, by the same accidental process that has made such names as Black, Duff, Dow, Brown, Donn, Dunn, and others, become the distinguishing surname of other families

The posterity of Archibald the Grim may have become Græmes or Grimes, others may have been the founders of clans known by various surnames of various origin—other than “Douglas”
In noticing those Douglas Lords that were unmistakably styled Black because of their complexion, it was observed that one of them, a son of “the good Sir James” was surnamed “the Grim”
And since both his father and his son bore the special epithet, the Black, attached to their ordinary names; and, also, because this adjective grim, did, until very lately, signify black
It is worth remarking that one of the equivalents for “a black man”—namely [was] græme, grim or grime, a græme was so known because he was a grim or black man—a moor, those græmes, being moors, blacks, browns, carrs, dows or duffs, dubh-glasses, dubh-galls, and faws, may readily have branched out into numerous families bearing those names – source- David MacRitchie, “Ancient and Modern Britons A Retrospect · Volume 1 & 2; 1884

So called blacks in the U.S. have been configured to associate an adjective and a colour with a race—and their surname with a white slave name, thereby cutting themselves off from any understanding of real history or where they were, and what they were before their forefathers arrived in the U.S.
All so called blacks in the U.S. have a surname, but how many of them have actually researched it and know anything about its origin and history because if they do, they will find out that these surnames are the 9ethers surnames all along, it is the 6ethers, the former slaves masters using your name

Mary Thompson, a researcher historian at Mount‪ Vernon Estate and Gardens said, It's a myth that most enslaved blacks bore the last name of their owner, however, many so called blacks in the U.S. have changed their last names—which they have deemed to be their slave name and in so doing, they gave up a perfectly good so called black European surname, believing that it was indeed a white slave name

EARLY ORIGINS OF MY FAMILY (Rice)—Sir Elidir the Black
Sir Elidir Dhu was the direct ancestor of the family of Rhys (Rice)
The family of Rice sprung from Sir Elidir Ddu, who was created a knight of the sepulchre by Richard I
Sir Elidir Ddu or Sir Elidir the Black, from the darkness of his complexion
COMPLEXION = the natural colour, texture, and appearance of the 9ether especially of the face
Dubh, Dhu, Ddu, Du, Doo, Dow, Dew, Dougal = Black complexion source -Mark Antony Lower, Patronymica Britannica: A Dictionary of the Family Names of the United Kingdom; 1860
John Burke, A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Commoners of Great Britain and Ireland Enjoying Territorial Possessions or High Official Rank, But Uninvested with Heritable Honours; 1836
John Rowlands, “Historical Notes of the Counties of Glamorgan, Carmarthen and Cardigan; 1866

108 [9] temples of SHIVA 
The dot within the sphere [2 circles] 

In a place call Bengal near SRI LANKA in INDI [HINDU KUSH] NAGA [NAKI] PAKI 
Elevation, antennas, power sources [Djed] teleportation for the HINDU(s) who were WAJI when they came down and used WAJI avatars, they are from SAH [SAHU]  


QUEEN protects KING

Silence of the Lambs 

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Living A Lie

The BODY [BODI] KHAT never lies - where the MIND [KHU] goes the BODY follow - it doesn't matter what you are eating [diet], how you are ...