Tuesday, 30 April 2019


The manmade Schumann is off the charts again, the Hz is around the 150hz+, we ready ourselves once again, Ki(s) frequency is going to affect the races differently and accordingly

Its getting ready to go dark out there, either you watch the script or you unplug yourself from the script, history only repeats itself to those who don’t know it, its that simple, watch this show play out, your definition of your DNA, the first line says [god] divine embody, know thyself, you have other kodes within your DNA, the message that we left by us for us is readable
Everyone who is on this planet is here for a reason, not the ones that are trapped down here but the ones who were sent down here for this moment
Astral realm is real in the field, these creatures out here are from there, watch your visions [dream], you have kodes within your DNA that speaks of other things, that they are keeping you from
Mother Ki is speaking in an entirely different language, meaning you need to have a divine shell [9ether] to translate on all 9 levels, you need to be of a soul nation to make it through this phase
Now this second image[Batsrus] from western science is condensing the data down, these are the things they don’t want you to know, see these colours they are all Chakra colours around Ki and NIBIRU is on the right of Ki, all this is Femi9 electron Nrg >> all those colours around Ki, they are not telling you what is really going on, because one, they don’t know, remember, western science has been advancing through the wombman(s) genetic make-up, there is nothing in science to learn about

At one point in time, this scientific advancement was always going to come to light and light being the operative word

The movie the Avengers, what are they looking for, the Chakras, and why is all the Chakras on Ki, why is the North always in red >> think about it, because they are sitting in the root Chakra and are going to get their ass handed to them, why is the movie called the Colour purple, the root Chakra is in red and they are getting ready to have their asses handed to them, why is the [light pillars] always in Kanada
You may find this hard to comprehend, your own people are hiding this from you and many are hoping that there is so much destruction on Ki that this just gets swept under the carpet, well, I’m sorry Ms Jackson, I’m for real, cognitive dissidence is what you are using and we see it out here every-day
But there is a bigger plan in place, the Aquarius age means the age of revealing
Astral realm is still warring   
I always wanted family instead of wealth, many judge you off of what you have, you must engage with the HuMin and not the human form, network and find your own Ki-Nd and reason with those who share exactly the same knowledge, souls must recognise other souls and control your vessel 
You were brought here by any means necessary for this timeline, many are not on your vibrational frequency, soul must be ready for other souls on that level

You were sent here without anyone else and you shall leave here without anyone else 

Never question why you woke up
You woke up and were activated for a specific reason in a specific frequency, vibrate [rise] to it  

It is and it isn’t about your vessel [9ether] its about the blood that you carry

The Aquarius is the seeing age

[Batsrus] measures the Chakras colours or energies that Ki receives, see the dragon [Dagan] holding Ki in his mouth

[Schumann] measures Ki [earth] heartbeat or her frequency or her vibration All manmade devices [machines] because the human is not from Ki, they are not Ki [earthlings]
Many are not telling their people the truth, your spoon feeding them because either you don’t know or you are part of the lie

Four of many, Ki(s) rattles on

Sprites [Spirits]

Liguria, Italy

ROMANIA, April 30

Kats are fully conscious, especially the KAANU ones, the Kats know where all the portals are

 Mexico [Ulmec][Olmec] 9 cities set up by the Ul-Mec including the Inca [Mand-inca] [Mandinka] Aztec and and the underground bases are going clash



Images are from the twin state [Atlantis and Chicago]
Many are not telling their people the truth, your spoon feeding them because either you don’t know or you are part of the lie

Those in these crafts are 9ethers 
They are looking down on us and watching us, everything you do they see and hear
Lights in the sky, holographic sights, the darker you are the more light you are [9ether]
The weather systems around the world are not random, systematic, methodical erosion
Sulphur based gas DNA and you are selenium [metal] based DNA, hence why most products are all sulphured based for that being

Craft in weather cells 

Is this a dream or reality, double spheres

These two images; 
Soul-ar Observatory
How to view images from them SDO

Two entities on the right both in KAANU, the one on the left is a Naga, you can see he has an elongated head, he is wearing a mask, giant beings, the one beside him on his right, both are wearing garments, he is wearing a mask and he is of a Akir, zoom in and you can see his ear, hair, his eye and his nose, he has hair coming off his chin, look at how wide both their shoulders are, that is two beings on the side of the sun holding the CME bolt
The soular flare [CME] itself you can see his fingers around the CME [flare], the flare is an animal, like a dog, you can see the ears and eyes, the flare [CME] above it is a Akir cub, that cub is facing what looks like buzz-lighting, look carefully, behind him is another being, looks like a bird, hawk, with sumthing about him, metallic, in the middle of them both is a wolf with a woman, wolf or fox, you can see her breasts, she is naked and on top of the fox or wolf [what character is that] her long hair, they are all wearing space-suits in character
Where the soular flare is, below is a bridge, many waiting to cross and leave, no one leaves, entities everywhere in this image, one is about to step on the bridge
Sekhmet and Bast are Akir [Lion] deities [Greek word for god] they are Ne-tee-roo [Neteru] which translates supreme beings, guardians
Cartoon and Computer holographic stimulation, if your incarnated in the 70’s and 80’s you will see the cartoon realm and above is the computer realm, no difference only the Nrg was different back then but still the same source   
The sun does not rotate like how NASA show you, Re rotates exactly like a watch, the sun is a disc and behind the sun is the Ka’A world, the sun is an inter-dimensional portal between this world and the next the world, the only way out of this soular system is through SA.HU [Sahu] which you call Orion, the stargate is heavily guarded and so too the sun, no-one leaves








Monday, 29 April 2019


This is what your soul looks like, the dot is the Pi, and around the soul is your thoths, this is the OMH soul when you also chant this is your soul, the soul resides where your organs are, where your mind is and is found in the solar [soular] plexus and your spirit is around in your body.  
Has your frequencies rise you change the shape of your soul, your soul is fully geo-metrix, you must also be in higher thinking mode, you increase your frequencies on your thoths when in the higher thoths and this will change the shape of your soul, you have to evolve to be part of this phase.
I AM one with Nu [Kosmos][Universe]
I AM one with Kreation
I AM one with Ki
I AM one with Nature [Neteru]  
Soul and thoths and OM

All go, she is online

M6+ Yemen
 Today we've already had M5+ on Chile and the Philippines and Papua New Guinea

Senja Norway, Electric Skies

All from Texas

The lavish, weird and secretive City of #Ashgabat also Capital of the TURKMENISTAN, remains a ghost dwelling; hence her designation as the city of the dead
Rich people will be moving there when sh9t goes down 


plasma strikes into Ki to charge her

  South Dakota
Funnel tunnel

Sliver Spring

April 28
This is a binary system and NIBIRU is correcting position after they casted out the suns [sons] of the [gods][you], all to play for
Three of the sons of [gods] are on the horizon, remember the electrical sun [son] is magnetic and so is your heart, many are going to be having heart attacks, the firer [god] comes after the war or darkness

Cleveland Ohio

Whoa, Italian skies

 Monster sinkhole swallows up rice fields in loud rumbling in Indonesia



So many crafts by the sun and NI.BIRU

Red sprites over a thunderstorm in Kansas, April 29, 2019.
A.I over Ka-nsas [spirits]

Double spheres

She rumbles on and so shall you

As above, so below





Smiling Faces

That light source is inside a capsule and you can see maybe six smaller light sources at the rim of the capsule - the lights look bluish whi...