SOUL [BAA] and SPIRIT [KAA] - not everyone has a KAA – the KAA
is logical, reasonable and the KAA is touchable, its not invisible, it is us
that is blind so it appears invisible
Everyone is not spiritual and not everyone has a soul –
everyone does not exist from soul and everyone is not using soul – everyone does
not have a soul – back in KHMT only the Pharaoh had a soul and back then, you lived
and died and that was the end of you unless you had a connection to the Pharaoh
and even when the Pharaoh died people went along with him to get that everlasting
life – the soul and spirit are two different things, Christians mix this up on
This is a soul-ar [solar] system and you need a BAA to be
in this dimension
Sum things may be happening to you and around you; sum are
for your own personal development – we are in the MAAT fields, we are still
learning every cycle [day] and you can be better than the day before, each day
you are reborn, rebirth, dig deep because real sh9t is on the horizon
Many of you are being kept on your toes meaning every day
is battle and that is because they do not want you to drop your guard
Exercise your right to vote and say fu9k you under your breath for you are not the one - be wary of who comes into your personal space
Many people are suffering from cognitive dis-sonance [re-sonance]
That girl on the right is right, he is easy to draw
Check this Orchid only found in AZTLAN [South America]
HERU [PERU] Columbia and Ecuador
See the face, complete with eyes, nose – the little
people – a thin line between plant and animal in a mesmerizing botanical illusion
White Raven [albino] - and is with red eyes and no melanin and the right one is blue eyed and a lack of melanin and looks off white and the main image is melanin and with brown or black eyes which is melanin as well - we've seen a lot of 'white' animals of late, many are one offs - this is interesting breakdown with melanin aka stardust [ether]
They are not from this planet
That woman said, in our water, its not your water - the idea is that you have to leave - you are on your own, same with SPAIN, only after did their king come did they deploy troops - you are on your own, many places have been hit and once reported over this year, they don't report on that place again
They said it was 7 tornadoes that hit but it was 12 confirmed tornadoes that hit
SPAIN - many places around the planet is leaking
CUBA needs to buckle up and Mexico, USA and the Caribbean
Power is going out for many
Electric ship, nope, a floating HARRP machine and was the same ship spotted off the coast of SPAIN where the country experienced a weather system that took them offline - who is doing what out here
SBX platforms utilising NEXRAD, Doppler and HAARP
These machines are basically HAARP antennae, they use
intersecting radio waves to super heat the atmosphere and engineer the weather,
also called ionosphere heaters
Always in the right place at the right time for a
"natural" disaster
HAARP is both land and sea - we have NTR and ancestors out here and we have man and his machines out all playing a role
Wittenoom a place in Australia was shut down and they call this place Australia’s Chernobyl - but the left picture is what they call a navel communications station - this hexagon can be seen from the space and is part of their HAARP systems around the planet - whatever they did in that town they fu9ked the land in doing so
Different resonating frequencies hitting the planet, codes have changed, last 72hrs - all these SOULAR flashes, winds, storms, ejections+ are shaping our consciousness [awareness] even if you don't have a SOUL you know that sum thing is up - consciousness has increased 9fold in the last 4 years which was 20/20 vision for everyone, this planet, plant, animals and HuMins [HuMans] and Mankind, remember this house is sealed and no energy can escape - if you don't have SOULAR energy you get destroyed, many beings, entities, robots, reptilians+ should not be here
Turquoise are two colours 'energies' blue and green - double impact [CME]
The CROWN of the planet normally blue, the other colours 'energies' means the CROWN is lit aka the D-OM-E firmament and if there are any cracks these energies will seep through and you need a CHAKRA system to process these energies and your Melanin to absorb the radiation which are energies to those with Melanin, without it you will fry, many people are walking around in shorts because they are heating up unable to filter the energies causing violence, anger Ultraviolet [UV] violet and violence
They are letting you the mother of all SOULAR flashes is due right after Trump is elected they release this information - they might take him out so the USA is headless - you will be where you are supposed to be, listen to your spirit guide do not override the spirit guide or it will leave you, listen to the signs, repeated thoughts - NTR has been warning us all before hand, this is from 2012 at least and during lockdown when they cleaned up parts of the planet, that was a choice and many just plugged right back into the matrix and here we all are in 2024 sitting round the campfire roasting marshmallows
The apocalypse has not fully gone Pepsi Max – it is the
9ethers who are controlling the wrath, they know what is to come and in so many
ways they are afraid to bring on the full apocalypse because there is no
turning back – the outdated program cannot serve you no more – more and more consciousness
grows, awareness grows – do not follow things that are not serving you, things that
are outdated because your range has now expanded
This SOULAR flash – ETHER of the ‘black’ SUNs rays
I purchased this movie when it came out on DVD say in 2012 but was released in the cinema 2009 and this movie hurt me and since then I have had more awareness and now inner-stand why this world must end, not repair or stabilize, this world he created must be destroyed from the inside out - sum of you are ready and sum of you are prepared - this does not mean a loaded Backpack at the front door, the mental preparation for what is to come is on so many levels and many are already going through what is to come - we all have a different outcome but one overall outcome - remember you can have two people on the same road and both are at different realities, at different frequencies, in different worlds
There is knowledge in movies like this, little clues and things you can use -
Until fear is present there is nothing to fear - danger is real but fear isn't
What is that 'snake' shape, you can see its solid and all the cloud stream coming off of it
Sweden - 'white' core, yellow rim, red hue - this SUN is going to go out
You see that yellow sphere that is a mothership caught on radar satellites, we saw many over the USA and Cuba, I saw one the size of Texas, when people started noticing before NASA and Elon Musk they quickly launch Starlink -
Those circled are in a fixed position and do not move and are cubed shaped, the arrow, those two are moving from left to right together
Diamond in the SKA
It does not matter when war breaks out, these beings have been assembling since 2012 and we have seen enough globally to know we are being supervised, anytime sum thing bad is due to take place we will see crafts also at that specific place
Crafts are riding the clouds in cloaked cloud form
We have [3] main huge motherships and [1] of them is going to show up in the SK real soon - the mother of all mothers
Hector the selector
What where they doing in FL , NPC those who are from the Matrix
Don't play with the spirit world, the Ouija board is now wide open because he did not close the portal and now because the board was set on fire it now means Brian is fu9ked for the rest of his natural life on this planet and beyond because he will never be able to close the portal because it went up in smoke - his friend Chris and the rest are also present and means they too are in real danger - that guy from the Discovery, we do this through Mediation, DMT is produced in the brain and is another from of Melanin - that grandmother is very powerful because it takes a lot of energy to do that, granny is still on the earths negative field and not in heaven
That girl in the water, they said it was an invisible barrier, sum thing cloaked was sitting there
The guy who presents this upload is from the Matrix and always talks sh9t when explaining what it is we are looking at, bypass him and make up your own mind for that counts
These are the photographs of alleged aliens [right] from a planet named Clarion taken by Italian journalist Maurizio Cavallo [Left] Cavallo claimed that he had captured aliens several times on camera, he described that they look like us, but their facial features are somewhat different from ours, it is obvious that such statements caused sharp criticism, and many people believe that the photos of aliens with human faces could be photo-shopped, the journalist doesn’t necessarily looks human either
Independence Day already happened, alien invasion already happened
ENLIL his other family are the Reptilians [Draco] they walk among the HuMins [HuMans] already
Is Star Trek science fiction [Si-Fi] or based o sum thing real [reel]
Jones also wrote the Fresh Prince for Will who is Homosexual and between Will and Jones they took from Tevin Campbell who Tevin must be relived that his nightmare is dead, Jones produced sum great tracks but is still a Pedophilie given the age Tevin was - we like rumours [ruMOORs] because they are built on the truth, rather than gossip or slander, hearsay, bi9ching which is built on opinion
Depopulation - Sodom and Gomorrah cities are everywhere and must be destroyed
Because man wrote their religion
I do not eat this crap, but you do - your body [KHAT] needs the right fuel, so does your CHAKRA [SHANKH] system - you are what you eat and your thoughts [KHU] are a reflection of your environment - it is SOUL + SPIRIT [MIND] and BODY in that order, the BODY is last for where the MIND goes the BODY will follow, the BODY cannot survive with the head [MIND] and both need the right fuel
Not just ladies or ladies clothes
This happened to me with my laptop
They are showing you nothing for nothing
Universe comes from the word Nun so does the word Number - NUN listens to us, she feeds us what you give her and she will do what she can
English words are spells to keep you spellbound
The fifth density is all about the evolution of
consciousness, the awakening of the subconscious mind the raising of Kundalini
energy, the opening of our pineal glands+ we are all consciousness of one
source of light, anything that was put on her plane that would try and change
the frequency of natural cycles and the original origins of existence, will
soon lose all connections with mother Atlas
Innocence = in – no – sense
Roam like a child, you have to be free like a child, child state
Stay on your PTAH
I really enjoy documentaries like this and peoples lives and what shapes them 'energy'
This guy went through this life but he came out the other side and he knows better now - if you know better you have to do better - in reflection is when we 'sea' things - the system created him but he took his life [Chi] back - we all have different contracts down here
There is good and bad in all - your heart is what is being weighed right now and your intention with your energy - in order for this world to end then LOVE + HATE must become [1]
Same symbol from Ethiopia [Abyssinia] to Cambodia [KHAM + BODIA]
Denigrating the dead, digging up the dead - your in big sh9t now - who does that, dig up the dead [resting] for what reasons, their ancestors are here now for the returning energy
The USA aka Mystery Babylon [NINEVEH] decided to carry on like nothing is happening, same attitude like when the Titanic was sinking and the band played, very dignified, we saw in France the water coming in and people just eating their dinner in restaurants like fu9k all is going on - in the USA they still have the children in custody which expired in 2012 [2021] and so they have made their choice and NTR has made hers, the Queen of Heaven and Earth wants her children and she has spoken
MONGOLIA - The 'black' city
Ancient red bricks contain Mercury - abundant energy, mega structures built all over this plane - Tartarian cities - all sitting on ley lines of this planet, when the reSet happened this caused the grid to shut down causing the fall out, melted structures - we are repeat
The Waldorf-Astoria Hotel [now owned by the Chinese]
The hotel was demolished 1929 and replaced by the Empire
State Building
Look at the structure and you knocked it down to build
the empire state building
The Waldorf was two buildings and they knocked one down
in 1929 and they said they built the empire building in 1931 – ok then, if you
say so
Left by giants – found near Thailand, are they drinking
vessels or storage vessels or hatching vessels
The HETU[temple] of DENDUR [DENDERAH] 1870 and now in NYC [DRACO HQ] 2024
stealing for their museums and nothing in there from their culture
DENDERA was a GPS mapping centre
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