Sunday, 3 November 2024

Open Market

In the movie Close Encounters of the 4th Kind, they show them using music to connect to extraterritorial beings, back in the day it was the primordial drum [device] 

The octave operation of instruments and was the primary way to connect [Nexus] with those beings, it was all radio waves, frequencies, tones, sound, vibration, acoustics, instrumentals+ they also show this in the movie the Man Who Fell to Earth and he was able to manipulate the language and connect with higher inter-dimensional entities based upon music frequencies 

Many instruments were used, not just the drum

NASA would send music codes to communicate with beings from different places and would send Beethoven and Bach

If you notice the word mental is in word instruMental for a reason and man or men means mind [KHU] if you listen to Classical music you balance both the hemispheres of the brain – many studies show you that music and fetal development+ which all stimulates the synaptic network – so if the synaptic network is just building and its being stimulated will mean it will build itself faster, thicker and stronger – many people already play music when their babies are being born, in the womb and in early development stages, during gestation 

If you notice the word Opera is in the word Operation and this takes us to your Operating system, your brain is an organ [muscle] that expands and contracts by sound and light 

  Opera singers Marian Anderson and Leontyne Price, there was also Elizabeth Greenfield, who was considered to be the best singer in the world during her time in the mid 1800's
 Her amazing talent and skills earned her the nickname The Black Swan
She could sing soprano, alto, tenor and even bass
She also taught herself the harp and guitar
Greenfield was praised by Queen Victoria of England, making her the first Black to perform at Buckingham Palace for the royal family
Opera music is boring and part of the reason is that the musical instruments were retuned to a different hertz, many if not all the Classical instruments belonged to the Moors  

 Right image - UMI [UM] OM [AUM] OWM - Sound of Life 

The firmament [dome] is also keyboard

The firmament is a conscious and evolving being, she is already well into her own transition into the frequencies of the 5th dimension - with her ascension, the 5th dimension is also available to all the Neuro-melanin beings souls who inhabit her - this explains why the draconian socio-political systems that run on the values of 3D are losing their grip and popular support - their dis-functionality, which once seemed to make complete sense to the masses, now appears broken, unjust, and unable to serve the well-being of the human civilization

Geb [Jib] translates 'Goose' and 'to bring' and Geb is the creation story, the 'egg' 

[1] Atum Re = Haru [Heru] and Ultraviolet light – black light – purple light
[2] Atun Re = Asaru [Osiris] and Gamma ray light
[3] Amun Re = X-Ray [the hidden one] 

 [A] Alpha Waves
[B] Gamma Waves
[C] Beta Waves 
[the 3hands or tri-ads of Re [Ra]

Your brain [Opera-ting] system [mind] COM and the RAM is your short term memory, the HARD-DRIVE is your long term memory and your infinite memory is the CLOUD 

You have storage space capacity of 1.2billion average PC hard-drives  

The brain is a complex system built on units which are individual cells called Neurons, the body cannot function without the head hence why your collarbone is designed to break or you would damage your fibre optics [nervous system] 

Solarised water with Solar energy to get Solar Photons into the cells

Spring water or distilled water and leave in SUN for around an hour, the SUNs rays which are electrical and have infrared rays that penetrate the glass and heat the water molecules, causing the molecules to activate, this in homeopathy is called "Dynamics the water" and thus it comes to life and is an ultraviolet flash, which sterilizes the water by eliminating any kind of bacteria, and if it remains uncovered, it will also eliminate the chlorine, which through chemical action turns into gas and is brought to the surface

When the sun's rays penetrate a dark blue glass the temperature of light changes and this is colour temperature, each colour has a different soundwaves – when they carried out experiments in the 1800s they saw that when the SUNs rays penetrate a dark, crystal blue it turns to 7,000Ki and at one point the planet was 7,000K at the time of creation, water regains the memory, your body recognises this for everything that exists in us, already existed, the water not only becomes energetic, loses bacteria, eliminates chlorine, but also restores the memory of what it was doing at the time of creation

To enhance this beneficial effect on the body, place inside the bottle a white Quartz crystal, previously cleansed and energized by the sun with health in tension and personal harmony

The colour temperature scale will not work on you if you do not produce electromagnetic [EM] you need ETHER which will not vaporise the ‘matter’

Solar is soul-ar – the suns rays are electrical and for those with a sol [sal] soul – if you go into the sun you have to wear sunscreen which is Melanin which ‘black’ people already have built into them, the Schuman resonance was 7hz for 1000s of years we are hitting 12000hz – we have [3] tones hitting the planet – the planet can reach 144000hz – you need electromagnetic – water holds currents [currency = currenSEA] frequencies, 9ethers are 72% made of water, their brain sits in water – Melanin converts light – Melanin is a superconductor and semiconductor of light 

Go watch the movie again but this time with your 'eye' wide open

The entire electoral process around the world [3D] is nothing but an illusion – say in Mystery Babylon [USA] they have only had 2 presidents out of 46 and those 2 were assassinated, those 2 did try and make a change but the 44 did exactly what they were told, ordered to do by the puppet masters, no one around their 3D world is in power to make any change, many are homosexual if not all today presidents inside their Patriarchal set up – the whole political stage is a distraction and is only in place so hat you don’t know that you are being dictated to – no ones changes nothing, only what they have been told to change, amend+ comes from the puppet masters – the elections are based off of Stella alignments to usurp the energy and that is how they interrupt the energy flows 

 The centre of the galaxy is FEMALE – big Mama is controlling everything and is why she is on the 13th zodiac seat in the centre in the HETU [temple] of Dendera - so no matter what he does down here, she is watching him from up there

Islam was stolen from AL-LET [ALLET] ALLOT [ALLAT] and was rewritten by Irish priests – they used Islam to replace AL-LET and push the male and to lower the female under Islam aka the doctrine of religion which religion comes from their Matrix [world] and takes us straight back to Babylon that also includes HuMan [HuMin] sacrifice rituals, the money magic rituals and the sex magic rituals

There are more but the [3] forms of conjure is all they needed to conquer the world that they created which are Babylonian Sex Magic, Babylonian Money Magic and Babylonian Blood Magic 

MOOR + SALAM – remember its Irish priests rewriting

siStars riding horses and elephants and bonding, siStar-hood 

Faces smashed because are 9ethers [Nagas] in INDI aka the KUSH 

Tantra [Shakti] Kundalini 

All from a place called BENGAL [1973] but now stored in Los Angeles museum  

They have much still to learn about women 
Mans world verses her world - there can only be one winner 

Husband - band - ban 
Marriage [Marry] Mary 
Merry Christmas - Mary KARAST mas 
Dowry [Down] Down payment 
Contract - Marriage certificate
Renewing Marriage Vows [contract] mean reminding her she is under contract  

Under the Vatican they have 6miles worth 
Thieves in the temple tonight - Prince was right

Hallowed Eve [Halloween] 

Every county in the ancient world has a Day of the Dead that they celebrate with the ancestors

Halloween [hallowed Eve] is celebrated because that is when the two-dimensions cross, this is when the spirit world crosses over during this period and is closer to us than at any other timeframe in the year [360] and is the moment you can visit your lost ones, this is a gateway which over the last years has become more visible and accessible and was more so when you knew [know] in the ancient systems

Ancestors like sweets and this is why the modern version in Halloween send out their children for trick or treat, you are actually giving the ancients sweets [candy]

When you give the children [innocent roaming] they get blessed, the children in terms of prosperity for the rest of the year

The candy [sweets] given to the child is a representation of giving sweets to Baron Samedi who is Papa [Baba] Legba – his counterpart is Mama Bridget [wear Purple]

You can access data over and over again but sooner or later your life has to be part of that data that you access, you have to upload the data into your reality

The Metaphysics of Halloween
Mata [Meta] MAAT means beyond 

For the 'world' to end, love and hate must merge 

You can still lend a hand to those that you can  

The Moth is the nighttime Butterfly 

One of my favourite songs, I purchased this in a place called Bluewater in London, I had ordered this track in 2000 after they played this track in South Park [cartoon] deep words and touching - his brothers are singing chorus, this brother transitioned early 

A day is coming when the OIL [SOIL] SOUL will stop flowing and an EMP will shut down the grid
Babylonian Money Magic 

Repackaging the past and selling it back to us
British Rail in the UK patterned this design  

Horizontal [Vertical] Spherical and in-between - what do they see and how

The KIAAT tree releases red sap when cut, native to southern Africa, in Angola, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zaire, Zimbabwe, and Zambia

Natures designs - everything we have seen, we have seen already 

We are under the dome that is protecting us from UV rays, this protection is going to come down once and for all - the 9ethers have Melanin [Ether] and in KHMT they call it KAANU, but this does mean they are assured - do not get ill boost your immune system - eat everything that matches the Chakra system 

Multi-coloured beams - Chakra colours penetrating the planet where she needs it the most 

Check all colours which match the Chakra system - this image you can see the cube force field around this planet - WAJI [green] is key right now, healing life 'CHI' force energy, the heart Chakra is also WAJI and so is Melchizedek [MELANIN + CHI + ZEDEK] the Sons of the Green Disc and Rapha'el and Osiris [Asaru] 

Right to left is coming from the SUN 

Aurora with a halo [crown] around it, with all the [7] light spectrums
Red turning to blue the true colour ‘energy’ a lights spectrum the human cannot see
And what about the sphere in the middle - see the shape which is oval, dome 

Check the shot 

100 miles long, Spirits [Spites] they are tall like the empire state building 

Watching you, watching me - I see you - not the first time the 'eye' has been seen, loads of images came out over the years and here again, what if the person who is taking this picture, the eye is actually looking at them 

Sum wrote on the post where this image came from, that this looked like a hot dog - make sure you have the 4D[5D] audience - crafts sitting in the SKA 

TARANAKI [TANAKI] aka New Zealand - huge craft and a couple above the main ship 
TA means earth and NAKI [NAKA] NAGA means 'black' has in the 'ALL BLACKS'

On route, one is going to be at the Caribbean's door on Monday

Who is doing what out here, man and his machines or higher beings or both - one thing is for sure

If where you reside looks like this, it means NTR doesn't like you - they say only 200 dead and in North Carolina they have 1000s missing still with only 42 deaths - so we will go with that 

Who that under Cortex foot, for he is in the weather system, fuelling the power in SPAIN - 1 years worth of rain in 8hrs - the mud flood is coming - its not over for SPAIN+ 

Tornado was in SPAIN 

SPAIN + PORTUGAL next week 

Those are crafts sitting in the SKA, we are looking at the bases for these crafts, they were sitting over Spain before they got punished - crafts are always over doomed areas so we are being supervised 

Typhoon is the Typhonian energy, the Dragon energy is fuelling these weather systems, the Typhonian come before SUMER and their history is recorded in SUDAN hence why they flooded the south of SUDAN to bury the records, SUDAN is lower Egypt - its all one place 

Oklahoma [USA] this weather system [Tornado] came in over night, it was [7] that touched down - they were sleeping, their Bible says, that 'God' will come like a thief in the night - they will not reside in comfort for the reminder of their time on this planet, that is what they said

Greece M5.2 [Iran M4.2] Texas M3 [Japan Multiple hits] Alaska M5.8 [Missouri M3.7] Idaho M3
Many places getting hit today, too many to write down 

That patch you could see was the horse 

Draco - Reptilian offspring called Vampire back then and now aka present for they are still here 

Kim Kardashian in albino reptilian form - Ciakar - Draco and Gul Ducat - head of the 2nd order [Cardassian military] Dinosaurs means terrible lizards and is referencing the upright reptilians
 Kardashian and Cardassian sound the same - Halloween is themed event, is it 

Two hunters alerted law enforcement that human remains were discovered near their camp, after a long day of investigating and searching the area two Wardens made their back to their vehicles well into the night. A trail camera left up by the hunters captured the beast following minutes behind as the two Wardens made their way out. The camera was destroyed by the beast but footage was recovered from SD card. This beast seems to have a small one riding on its back, these guys were fortunate it didn't attack - the Lar was 3mins behind them when you check the timestamp

That is a alloy breastplate for a horse found in SUMER [IRAN] with a LAR [LARES] on it

Not human, mankind, a kind of man but not quite - many are wearing suits, even Greys are wearing a suit and they have black lens with human type eyes, they wear this and the suits because the SUN would tear them a new assh9le - there are many creatures, beings, entities, extra-terrestrials+ hiding among the earth people - no one can leave, everyone is trapped down here, this house is sealed and no energy can escape - this is why there are 10s of 1000s of crafts sitting in the SKA  

Be of the world but not in the world 

This is still symbolic because its two females, and the feminine energy is being reinstated, however, using 9ether energy to fuel the Metaverse - sum one is running out of ideas for the redundant 3D world that is 'ghosting' along for the 3D world is a shell program - what is up with Harris neckline and throat 

That is this Tuesday - cyber security exercise - this is a cover for sum thing or for just in case 

Ancient architecture were built for duel, multipurpose+ and are earthquake proof and many structures have no mortar holding them together 

 [Canary Islands] Spain [Africa] 
Cooked structures, melted castles, another archway to no where

Check the red bricks, giants would have been needed to move them into place

Not natural formations but structures 

Mega structures - all around the planet, blasted - melted

Why is it called monument, what is a monument
UTAH [PTAH] TA.MERI - west Africa 
Look at the structures 

Melted bridge in UTAH [PTAH] 

PERU [HERU] AZTLAN [South America]
What happened in the past 

China, Argentina, America, South America, Russia, Indonesia+ around the planet many mega structures where destroyed in sum way - why 

Mt KAILASH [KALI + ASH] is not a mountain but a MIR [MER] pyramid 
Sum one in NY did a close up and we saw sculptures the size of the empire state building

TARANAKI [TANAKI] aka New Zealand  

New Zealand [New Jersey] New York] New Delhi [New Hampshire] New Orleans [New England] New Mexico [New Guinea] New Brunswick+ New because England or France+ say so, what happened to the 'Old' 

Shropshire [UK] called a hill fort
Why is it flat on top and this reminds me of a landing site - mound, pyramid, tree stump, they didn't investigate until 1939 and didn't make the information public until 1990s 
Show us bodies, coins, artifacts, they say it was the different tribes residing there, ok, who, show us 

Stolen from Aswan [Egypt] and now they sit in Russia 

Found in Poland [Pole land] and they say its 30,000 and made from a Mammoth tusk and they say is the oldest Boomerang in the world - Poland was founded in 1918, what was Poland called before that
We have found the Aboriginals in TURKEY

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Smiling Faces

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