Saturday, 30 November 2024


The spiritual Poles have already moved and it is the physical Poles that are moving 

The Poles are heading towards Siberia – this is what they are saying, scientist from the 3D world, look up countries in Siberia and around Siberia - Poland was only founded in 1918 and means sum thing to sum one this side of the century, however Poland is named Pole Land because that is where the Poles used to be - Russia, Poland, Siberia, Europe [including the UK] are going under ice and this means back to their ice age - the North is going under ice and there is nothing that man and his machines can do to alter this –  
this is Universal Law and nothing can change this ever

Scientist have observed ‘unexpected high activity’ in the North has the Poles move towards Russia and that in 2025 [9] the oceans currents may stop – the planets magnetic shields have been cutting off at times and this is a warning to the beings on earth that the shield [Dome] that protects this planet is coming down – this Pole shift is not new and has been in the making since the 1800s and accelerating in the last couple decades which would be from 2000 – in 2010 it was 20miles a year and from 2012 its been 40miles a year – the scientist told us it was feet [foot] like 40ft a year when it was miles all along, we have seen birds arriving in the wrong places and looking perplexed – we have had weather 'anomalies' with huge amounts of 'unusual' weather and yes we have to take HAARP into consideration which is a modifying weather machines – all man is doing is telling you about climate change which is true but not the reason why, we are seeing land disappear and land appear, we are also seeing new life created, the Sahara will flood over, so whatever is going on, things are being taken and things are being given

The 6ether European have only been recording since they got here which is 3,400 years ago and how they are researching is by following the records left by others because this has happened before

Using words like ‘rare’ ‘unusual’ ‘unexpected’ and ‘phenomenon’ gives a false security to the masses who don’t know what is really going on and still think things will get better or go back to normal 

Its is the SUN and the water [Moya] ocean currents that directly affect the weather patterns along with the 9ethers who are receivers on this planet and are linked to the weather which is w-eather [aether] ether – the collapse that is incoming will affect the planet for 100s of years to come – how do we know this, look at the history aka audit trail the Simpsons cartoon series is what they gave those in the 3D world and now you know that they knew all along 

Pole shift means the dome, firmament, ozone layer, van alan belt, EMF [shield] [all the sane thing] goes down and this shield protects against rays from the SUN called XRAY[GAMMA]UV – this is called radiation but is energy to others – shield goes down means extinction for those without ETHER and this is why their scientists are worried, the governments around the planet cannot tell everyone this because there would be mass hysteria – those from the higher source, along with NTR have been warning everybody and your scientists know this, how else are they able to tell you that the shifting of the poles has accelerated during the last decade [10 years] – they are telling everyone that its 1000s of years away from happening – ok then – the 6ethers haven’t been here that long to document a pole shift, so they won’t know, only by what the evidence is showing them

The planets core is made from plasma – peoples compasses are acting up – we are also in a SUN cycle and all this and more is also playing a huge role in this outcome

They told us that once we see the ‘Northern’ lights in the [4] corners of this planet it will be showtime, the ‘Northern’ lights have been seen as far south as Mexico in the last couple months and that is from SOULAR activity called solar flares, solar winds, coronal mass ejections [CME] if you have a SOUL [BAA] in this SOULAR system then you don’t have anything to worry about but the reason the ‘Northern’ lights are more VISABLE is because the shields are coming down and once they come down, all will bare witness to the real SKA and what it holds, we have a [7] planet alignment in January also which will be 2025 [9] - you are going to see the planets like you have never seen before

They cannot use terms like, catastrophic or extinction or apocalypse+ because you will sh9t yourself 

The 3D program is running on empty and is just ghosting along, they give distractions to many but for others you have your ‘eye’ on the ball [sphere] we are in reSet and there are beings who have returned for their planet and offspring, we are in the 4D[5D] program – so we have a separation of dimensions, a separation of knowledge, there are those who are operating from a 3D mindSet which there are others who are operating from the 4D [5D] mindSet – you reside on a street where you have different people operating from two different programs to which one was deleted a number of years ago, stay around those who are on your frequency, those who are operating from a higher place or be on your own

2025 [9] NIBIRU is also the 9th 'planet' this is the countdown for 9 means completion - it is NIBIRU who is controlling the Poles of this planet 

DOME above the Elephants with the central POLE light 

Why are airplane routes curved and not straight

Airplane flights do not follow a straight line but rather a curved path, and this choice goes beyond any technical issue—it is an adaptation to the curvature of the planet itself, in geometry, we learn that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line, but this principle applies only to flat surfaces, like a sheet of paper – think about that

One plane-t 

For the Muslims in the Quran Surah Ar Rahman verse 33 and the Christians Genesis 1:7-9  

1906 London
Tram bus and its charging station
Electric vehicles already existed over 100 years ago
Ww2 and they MK Ultra the masses 

Everything we have seen, we have seen already, no pupils  

The Winged Figures of the Republic
Hoover Dam
Nevada 1936

The 30+ foot tall bronze figures are sentries at the entrance to Hoover Dam, part angel, part symbol of the strength of man they say, this is the Nephilian and these are antennas, single-cast bronzes were installed on the Nevada side of what would later be called Hoover Dam 
The wings are 'tuning forks' not for healing but for receiving, they are antennas, aerials+

AZTLAN [South America] PERU [HERU]
This is a craft [car] park, landing site, there is a Mercury fuelling depot under one of these MIR [MER] pyramids - you can see they have been destroyed - offline 

Crystal Palace
How does a glass building burn down
Aerial view of the Crystal Palace before it burned down in the 1930s
The glass panes/panels when it was built were the biggest ever made in the world at that time - 49 x 10 inches and were very thin, there were 293,000 panes in total which were not only erected originally in Hyde Park in 1851 but 293,000 panes were dismantled and then reinstalled in Sydenham
What was before the glass, Crystals?? All these sites were built on the ley lines of the planet and were not built by the 6ethers, these places were already there

Subatomic cityscape nanobots quantum exchange silicon microchip - Nano Architecture
This is a microchip that was built with the use of nanobots, and as you can see, the nano architecture resembles that of a modern-day city- the left bottom image is the temple [HETU] of Hours [HERU] to the left in comparison to the architecture of a computer motherboard - the two look almost identical

Technology has always been here

I know that they have taught us that the ancients were primitive people with no advanced technology and that they were 1000s of years apart, however, the old-world Moorish - Tartarian architecture suggests the opposite since these old-world buildings were built with alchemical thought and with advanced automation, via nanotechnology, and these buildings were homunculus (little human), which means that these buildings were living quantum beings with a living soul

I read a book called, "The Architect as the Magician" that discusses this in greater detail

The buildings are Homunculus, and they were built with Alchemical thought and advanced automation, aka, nanotechnology, the book, "The Architect as Magician", talks about how the architect was the magician [Magi] Magu

The MAURS were high priests of ANU and they were the intellectuals of the old world, the SUFI MAURS that ruled the old world were into astrology and Alchemy, which is evident since Latin is inverted Arabic and since most of the names of the stars are in Arabic

The Islamic Golden age is responsible for producing all of the medieval texts on Alchemy [Chemistry], Algebra, modern day numbers, and so much more+
Yes, the MAURS were the Magi - astrologers and they could harness the forces of nature

This building interior is gold (the sun), pink (Venus), and purple, this interior is from a ‘Gothic’ building - mosque in Iran [SUMER] Gothic means to elevate by magical force
Alchemy image and interior 

The Beast Supercomputer
Why is this beast Supercomputer in Brussels, Belgium shaped like the Great Mother [Mount Meru] the Garden of Eden in lower Ethiopia 

Well, because the Beast computer is a Supercomputer [Quantum computer] that is a reflection of Mother Mary [the garden of Eden] or Mount Meru, which is located at the Arctic North Pole ***see 1595 Mercator Map of the Arctic North pole above

All life and civilization are said to come from the NORTH, according to various stories, this makes sense, because the Arctic North pole is fed by the Blue cross [the North star or the pole star], which is the first star and the highest star that created all other stars

All of the stars revolve around the Pole Star, it is the Pole star that spins the Zodiac wheel [the constellations] or the Big Dipper in a clockwise rotation to create the Electromagnetic energy that feeds and sustains all life on Earth

The Black magnetic rock or Mountain [the Kaaba or the Tree of life] at the centre of the 1595 Mercator map use to be a huge tree called the Tree of Life, and it aligns perfectly with the Blue Cross or the Pole Star that rotates it clockwise from above

All water [life] is recycled or Anew [ANU] at the Arctic North pole and the interesting thing about this recycling process is that the water flows inwardly from the 4 rivers that feed the tree of life or the Kaaba [the Black Ice Cube in the centre] and drain around the Kaaba, the draining of the water around the Black Ice Cube or the Kaaba creates a powerful fish vortex, or fish spiral, or fish circuit, aka, Jesus the son of Mary [Meru] Mu, which powers all life on this planet

To learn this knowledge of how to generate and MaStar free energy makes one a Dagon [Dragon] Dogon priest, aka, a fisher of men, or a Magi priest [magician, wizard or witch], since all Magic is just the manipulation of free energy

The symbol of Jesus is the fish symbol, aka, the Vesica Pisces

Yes, Mother Earth is a Free Energy device, think of Mother Earth as a Motor, since the word Motor comes from the word Mother, the Human body is even a Free Energy device in which the key aspect is water since our bodies are over 75% water

The Tartarians, Moors, or Atlanteans [all one and the same people] are known for building their Gothic and Greco-Roman Architecture around water, because water was part of their Free Energy system, the Moors or the Tartarians where masters of free energy and we built it in our architecture

The Moors were into free energy and that we are a Holographic [Hologram] projection of Electromagnetic energy/ light, the video demonstrates that the grid that the Moors built on resembles a computer circuit board

Videos from Jon Levi of him proving that the Tartars built on a Grid that resembles a computer circuit board, The video is called "Living on a computer"

But what is the source of the computer grid, or this natural supercomputer that we all live on

Well, Mount Meru - the Arctic North Pole, aka, the Garden of Eden, is the source and the natural Supercomputer, because it is the clockwise rotation of the poles [above and below] that generate the electromagnetic energy that creates and sustains all life, we have duality [positive - male]and [negative - female], which is life or creation, because of El-ectricity [EMmanu-el: Jesus) and Magnetism [Mary Magdalene] 

Will your car start without the negative charge from your battery - can a Man [positive pole] produce life without a Women [negative pole] the answer is no to all of the above, because duality is life and there is no good without evil

Mount Meru is an earthly reflection of the Blue Cross [the North star or Pole Star] and the Blue Shield [the Zodiac wheel or the big Dipper] that feeds it as the Blue Rays of Cosmic Electromagnetic energy spiral down to power Mount Meru, the great Mother of terrestrial creation, notice the Taw [X], the Swastika, and the cross pattern [all one and the same pattern since we are dealing with symbols of free energy] that form at Mount Meru, due to the four rivers that drain inwardly around the Kaaba or Magnetic Cube in the centre of the 1595 Mercator map

Mount Meru is actually one human cell that went tetrad to create four parts or four landmasses ***see images of cell that went tetrad, the scientific term is called Meiosis

Amazing, how your body is a reflection of Mount Meru, the Supercomputer, since you have cells that went tetrad, and the human form is Mount Meru with its four limbs and a Nav-el [Navel]

The Navel button or belly button is the centre or source of Electromagnetic Energy for the human body because this is where the energy of the body meets up at and this is where the energy is most concentrated at too, this is why martial arts instructors will tell you to breathe from your Navel and to strike from your Navel, because it is your source of power, also, when sum one hits you in the belly button [the Navel] hard enough they will knock the breath of life out of you, so yes, the Navel is the Kaaba or the Source of life of the human [HU-MIN] body


The powers that be have created their own Mount Meru or Garden of Eden with the Beast Computer in Brussels, Belgium, and their intent is to create a synthetic universe so that they can keep us in a time loop to keep us from ascending to the Golden Age, this is all about technology to keep us all under their control, this beast supercomputer is powered by CERN

There is evidence that people from the old world had almost every modern-day convenience [technology] that we enjoy today, this post also proves the mud-flood that occurred in the early 1800's that destroyed the old-world order 

The Fairhaven Hotel in Bellingham, Washington was once the pride of the Pacific North West

Allegedly built in 1890 by two Europeans, Nelson Bennett and C. X. Larrabee, with the cost of $150,000 Dollars, it featured a grand balcony where guests could view the Bellingham Bay (BEY)

The Hotel had every modern convenience including a hydraulic elevator, gas and electric lights, gold and oak furniture, wood carvings, marble mantle fireplace, and paintings with gold frames, it was the epitome of elegance

This Building had free Energy too once, because of the ancient tech (free energy antenna) that is at the top of the building, most of these ancient antennas on these old medieval, Tartarian buildings, are in the shape of religious symbols, because religious symbols, especially, the Cross, pulls in atmospheric electricity from 4 points to meet in the centre for high voltage output, this building was once able to harness Atmospheric Electricity from the Ether

The Fairhaven Hotel is another mud flood building, according to the evidence, when you look at the images you can see that a major event [1811-1812] caused this Tartarian-Style [Moorish] red brick Hotel to shift off of its foundation, because the building is leaning, and it is still buried 
Red brick normally contains Mercury 

Most of these images are black and white but I did find images of the beautiful Tartarian red brick images, the building style of the Hotel is Flemish French] Gable and the Hotel featured a restaurant with a French menu, so we are dealing with French Maurs who built this Tartarian red brick building before the great comet of 1811-1812, which caused a great mud flood, massive volcano eruptions, thousands of massive Earth quakes, and tidal waves, the said events destroyed the Old-World Order that was ruled by Blackamoors

Now how could $150,000 dollars build sum thing this grand [???]  I know that was a lot of money back in those days, but you still couldn’t afford to build sum thing this grand with $150,000 dollars

Also, it opened in 1890, which is the same year that it was built, so they built this grand building in less than a year or in one year, when Europeans where still living in rudimentary wood houses and log cabins during this time, on horses???

Also, there are no construction images and no blueprints for this building, so no they did not build this, the French Maurs built this probably in the 16th century (1500’s) because that is when the Flemish Gable became popular, this means that our ancestors possibly had every modern convenience in the 1500’s that we got today, because this old building was full of modern tech

Could this prove that most of our modern tech is Tartarian tech from the old world
This was a pretty easy one to decode, because the story for its existence just didn’t make any sense
They had to destroy this beautiful Tartarian building, because it didn’t fit in with the current narrative of the Americas being the New World and it left too many clues
The legend of Fairhaven is that it was built by Vikings, I can believe that because the Vikings were Blackamoors and they allegedly discovered America first or they knew of America [TAMERI] already 

Amazing how this Greco-Roman building is shaped like a 5-pointed star.
Image taken from the 1936 Texas Centennial Exposition

 The US Capital Building and all of the State Capitol Buildings in the UNITED STATES display Greco-Roman Architecture, which is Moorish/Tartarian craftsmanship, yes, the Cherokee where the Real Romans and they built all of the Greco-Roman Architecture in the Americas

The Moors built around water for the purpose of extra protection, easy travel from place to place, and for Free Energy purposes, since the Moors employed a Hydro-Electric, free energy system that is superior to our current energy grid, look at the level of illumination coming from these Moorish buildings at nighttime

Our modern-day lights can’t put out that level of light, I saw a upload, The Lost History of Flat Earth, confirms hydro-electric, free energy 

The GM [General Motors] building at night, the image is from the 1936 Texas Centennial Exposition in Dallas, Texas

The Chrysler Building at night, the image is from the 1936 Texas Centennial Exposition in Dallas

Melt down, the natural grid was taken out causing the energy to blow out - blowing sites on the planets ley lines 

Petrified Elephant - Dice found in PAKISTAN [PAKI] NAKI [NAGA] 

There is nothing new under the sun, means we have seen everything before 

NIBIRU travels at light speed and is controlling the Poles of this planet 

Fight the right revolution this time - there are beings who are here for their offspring and planet, man cannot have the land that doesn't belong to you - many places are going under water 

They are still here 

Sum one posted this and said that KAAT Williams is an agent and he is a Ma Son [Mason] Katt house sign is Virgo which in KHMT is called MASEM [MA SEM] which is MA SON – MOTHER + SON

There are literally two fractions of those in the club, it's the ones who uses the hidden knowledge to empower themselves and those who help awaken the masses, I'll leave it to you to choose which category he falls into - our ancestors where Masons as well as every sector of soular and spirituality
Katt is using ‘source’ and he can either use source for good [positive] or negative intentions for he decides the usage of that power 

Your man Katt Williams is a Gatekeeper - a high ranking mason
He calls himself the "Travelling man," because that's how Master Masons call each other
A Mason understands the ANUNNAKI Compass - he never leaves home without
According to the Masonic Lodge Lineage if from our ancestors we know the Elohim [which means these beings] who created 9ethers call the Elohim the Great Mathematician and sum times they call them great Geometrical Geniuses, when we see Nature [NTR] and we know the Universe to be All Mind and you to be a thought in His -Her Mind and why our ancestors developed the Mental Science of Transformation of your wounded fragmented self, your personal Osiris, your Mental Emotional Set and left Meditative instructions on the walls to show you how to Meditate, left instructions on how to defeat Set - Ego with words of power in order to build the Inner 3 sided Pyramid inside us and get in touch with and fulfill your unique talent [God] gave you  and your ancestors as an original Mason

There is Freemason which is Free the Sons of Mary and there is Mason [Mother and child or son] 

KATT is a VIRGO and the house sign VIRGO is MAZZARAH [MAZZORETH] RETH [ROTH] aka ROTHSCHILD aka a child of Roth aka a child of Virgo [Mazzarah] the 9ether MaSem [MaSon] taught the 6ethers Masonry - they taught them 10% only because they knew they could only manage 10% aka 10 degrees with the highest at 33 degrees out of 360 degrees, and you wonder why the world is fu9ked up - because they are only using 10 degrees 

Spot the symbolism
Boy lover symbol in the “y” of the word boy - inverted pentagram with boy lover symbol within it- Pizza symbol on demonic creature to his left - The word rape spelt backwards - Frazzledrip /handprint symbol middle of word rape - Meth pipe above word “pookie” - Dollar sign on floor - Mini mouse on his pants - Adreno goblets - Pained, drugged out look
Have I missed anything

Clones, robots, Reptilians, other beings+ that robot was in a marathon in CHINA and is around 60 years ago technology, more advanced walk among you - always check the eyes because the eyes don't lie 

Started with Donald Rumsfeld who told the USA people that there was a $2.3trillion dollar 'black hole' on 9/11 and that black hole is from all the 'black opts' they have been doing, still looking for water on Mars with $2.3trillion missing - what did they spend the money on all $23.3trillion

An EMP doesn't seem like a bad idea after all - they will give you the Diddy and Epstein list while taking sum thing else from you, most of the 'celebrities' were gathered up and taken to Guantanamo Bay a while back and many are already dead 

Womans Footballer of the Year is Barbra Banda who is a male 

 12 weeks or 16 weeks is when they inject the child with poison

Suicide Pods [UK]

Dr. Philip Nitschke, chillingly known as "Dr. Death," plans to bring his dystopian suicide pods to Britain if Kim Leadbeater’s assisted suicide Bill passes THIS FRIDAY
These machines kill at the push of a button, flooding their chambers with nitrogen gas to suffocate individuals in minutes, a cold, mechanical death disguised as "compassion."
And this is happening as the Government cuts Winter Fuel Payments, pushing an additional 50,000 pensioners into poverty, vulnerable people, already forced to choose between heating and eating, could now face the stark "choice" of death in one of these pods - if this Bill passes, these death pods could become legal in the UK by Friday – why don’t they have them for death row inmates, what happens to the soul, spiritual energy – what are they doing with the consciousness - if you take suicide you get sent back straight down here 

The spiked nose ring, a symbol for all dairy cruelty - to continue producing milk they are forced to have a calf every year, cows are artificially reimpregnated while they are still lactating from their previous birthing so their bodies are still producing milk during seven months of their nine-month pregnancy 

Smile while your winning 

When the water comes into the cities many will be forced to go to the woods, stay out of the woods, its not just the LARS [LARES] Bigfoot that resides in the woods 

Look deeply into the graphic and see the codes, access codes - there are symbols in the resonating frequency 

WAJI [GREEN] coming from the right which is where the SUN is - read all data in CHAKRA [SHANKH] energy - you will go further 

Stay above the SOULAR PLEXUS [YELLOW] keep you HEARTH [GREEN] OPEN your THROAT [BLUE] is the bridge between the MIND [KHU] and HEARTH - speak truth and set yourself free 





Craft also at the bottom right 

Crafts in the SKA 
The law is clear - entering the UK illegally or without proper documentation is a criminal offense, so why does the government appear to sidestep these laws by disguising illegal entry as asylum claims, especially when the vast majority of those arriving are military-aged men – because its an Army in waiting – the British will be going to war on the streets of the United Kingdom aka on their own doorstop - most of the asylums are here for the war and are military men - same in the USA 

Whoever controls the SKA controls the planet - the world and planet are two different things 

Drones, probes, scouts, orbs [satellites] +

Watching you, watching me 

Check this video, they say its from Netflix and that is it - when you see the 'eye' remember you have already seen this in the SKA - RUSSIA getting ready to go Pepsi Max - Putin [Draco Commander] was warned to step down or his people would be enslaved and serve has food 


Bhagavad Gita – the overall message is – in the spiritual war, don’t be surprised who your adversary turns out to be - the Vedic talks about the Vimana [Flying Machines] which are in the SKA right now and also talks about the Nuclear warfare which is what we are dealing [Ww3] right now   

Left-handed and right-handed – the personally difference is the side of the brain – your right hand is using the ‘father’ side [linear logic] the left hand is using the ‘mother’ side [abstract]

Artists who are ambidextrous have a higher output of creativity than the ones who can only use one hand – there are sum children who when they start nursery [kindergarten] and they are left-handed the ‘staff’ will put everything in his or her right-hand to shift that child for they do not want him or her in their right brain – so if you are not right, then what are you – your wrong has h3ll, they do this on purpose and even telling us that those who write using their left-hand are more intelligent

Sum of the children are defiant to them forcing them to write with the right-hand – why – because the influence of the mother line is so strong it overtakes the child left brain with the right brain – so now they are right brain dominant, they are more abstract – they are more adept to be more proficient in the arts and entertainment fields than say science and technology – the Mensa test is a manmade SS construct and means nothing, Western education takes you up to year 10 in school which is only 10o  out of 360o

Your left-hand is your FEMI.9 [FEMININE] expression of your higher self, your right-hand that is your MASCULINE expression of your physical self [Cell] aka this is your spiritual you and your physical you

The Male is the aggressive part of the Female

You used to be ambidextrous but that was systematically attacked by the Patriarchs to keep us from ever accepting Matriarchal influence by turning off the right brain of as many MASCULINE entities as possible and also raping them to ruin them, many were raped to rupture the Root [Sacral] Chakra and now they are not fit to rule no more – these are paedophiles, drag-cross-dressing priests, they know what they are doing, we know this because they wrote about this – Babylonia Sex Magic, many are Princes that will never be a King 

Right now, the masses are on the verge of fighting one another and there are many reasons why the masses will go to war, he wears his cap to the left and I wear mine to the right, come on, or he assaulted my sister so I fu9ked him up – that is a better reason to fight don’t you think – don’t fight in vain


Smiling Faces

That light source is inside a capsule and you can see maybe six smaller light sources at the rim of the capsule - the lights look bluish whi...