Timelines are jamming, you are going to get stuck here
and your next life if you don’t switch it up a bit, all you are doing whilst
stuck is just reexperiencing the same events, the same timelines.
You are very powraful at manifesting thinks [things] and
making them disappear in thin air and be in more than once place
[multidimensional] at the same time, so with sum of you, you could actually be
stuck in one particular timeline that is holding you back, this is preventing
you from jumping up timelines and you are actually spiralling dow6.
Same circle, same timeline, same experience over and
over, are you not bored, why are you in this timeline, nothing is going to
happen while you are still doing the same thing, ask yourself this, what are
you doing on a day to day basis that is holding you back from becoming a better
version of yourself >> ask yourself that.
When you dream [vision] the Ba’A leaves the body and
enters the Ka’A realm, you also jump timelines, not just when you mediate and
so when you come back down into the Khat [body], this is what you need to
master yourself, we all know you have dreams, goals that you want to
accomplish, stay on task and do not give up on them and thus you will jump
timelines, everything for you is on pause or on hold until you wake up and
smell the coffee, this is a dream and I-can manipulate this dream, my dream and
be the one I-want to be, leave your mark here, many are out here to stop you
from completing timelines or its you that is preventing the changes in your
timeline, who or what are you hodling, know who you are and know that you do
not have to participate in certain activities, let the sh9t that sumone else is
doing happen and let them deal with it, when sh9t comes your way, walk on by
with Sybil, nothing doing, pay them or it no mind, has soon as you get stuck
with whatever that maybe, you are reacting to sumthing in this matrix that is
keeping you stuck in that timeline in your consciousness, this is also going to
part of your future timeline, if you have blockage, cloudy judgement, sumone
else’s influence, no future ideas, that means it’s going to be you stuck in the
timelines with Karmic debt+ switch up and change, you have to want to do
You identify with the human body [khat] many of you are
like this, leave them there, we are giants, we live forever, you never die
because Nrg cannot be destroyed, time [emit] itself is an illusion, manmade, a
Reacting to situations, not following your heart anything
that is hindering your progression, you cannot not jump timelines whilst in the
material thoth world, anything that is negative or was negative that you are
still participating in, your feeding into 3rd dimensional [things]
means you stay rite here.
616, know that everything is bee-ing done through you, bee
that change, bee that soul that leaves sumthing beehind for future generations,
you were chosen, so was I, we all have that ability to jump timelines, leave
those in the 3rd dimension, do not be distracted by the mundane 3rd
realm, its boring down there.
Know that everything is beeing done through you.
Diamond in the ruff
Evolution starts rite here, Ka’A [spirit] Ab [heart] and
Ba’A [soul], this is where your evolution begins, that trinity, that square
[cube] with the circle [sphere] inside and that triangle [pyramid] inside the
circle that is inside the square and that diamond that is inside that triangle that’s
inside the circle that is inside the square.
Your Ba’A is vibrating at a higher level for the first
time in 400+ years, you must match the nu frequency has an individual and collective,
the 13th stand is being activated.
Oklahoma Skies
Ka'A [spirits] the firmament is just beyond.
When NASA nuked LAH.MU [Mars] [Muurs] sum years back it
was India who filmed from their $45million craft, we don’t forget, many lost
their lives and so you too.
Deadly India Heat Wave Temperature Reaches 123 Degrees in
Second-Driest Pre-Monsoon Spell in 65 Years.
Nature is burning you a nu asshole.
ROMANIA, what is wrong with the last two images >> that straight line
Temperature amplifies once again
bottom image
Rome [Roman] gets a M3.7 Oooooo, sumthing special is on
its way to you, Roman, then the Greeks and then the rest.
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