Sunday, 23 June 2019

Raging Bull


Ki is responding and so to are the 144,000, Ki is shifting into a nu planet and so to are the natural nrg of this planet, a superior frequency is now upon us

The era of the nu species, a nu people, a nu frequency, earthquakes are going on, she is shifting and she is raging and so are we, we are connected and so we can feel your Ka’A [spirit] raging, many of you are losing the constraints of who you were and are becoming the nu force, you are no longer part of this construct [matrix] nor are you recognising the orcs and their systems

You are evolving and cannot take the system no more for this nu force does not recognise artificial intelligence, the frequency change around the 9th and 18th is far superior and is the 9th level which is [gods] level, of sone [sound] and Khu [mind], knowledge of who you are within

You know when you see sumone and you can see through them or you are not fazed by sumone with a title or rank, they mean nothing to you for you are above them for this frequency is knowledge of self, the lack of fear is the abundance of self [cell]

Balance is going to be served one way, no other, we are being positioned to our original settings and so all the planets and Ki, this means, how we were originally placed here, immortally and invisibility

The more you are aware of who you are and what you are and how you exist, how you function, how we are supposed to be moving, you will figure out that you are not supposed to die, you will see that you are not of a lesser frequency than others, this frequency is forcing us to question

This house of cards is crashing and you the superior frequency can see this; this awareness increases your vibrational frequency, bringing you in line will immortally, the Titans are immortal, so too the Abyssinians, Titans hold so many roles on this planet, Anunnaqi, Sumerians+ you held many, many roles, transforming

Inner-Magi, now you are using your throat and mouth chakra together, I have noticed many are speaking up, many are tired and are ready to crash this system, the frequency is heavy so that now when you speak, you speak things into contention, your Magi materializes, you move mountains, you control the weather and her systems, Abracadabra

There was an invasion on this planet and ever since then, they have been in fear themselves of this very day, the day that the frequency would upgrade [Ulmex][Olmec], it would change

Activation of the PoWra that is within you is now, this mode is very hard to switch off, it’s a raging frequency, seek and destroy, there are no boundaries within us, do you get that, there are levels that are beyond what we can overstand, the eternal inferno, this is the fire that is within us that cannot be tamed

The force is flowing within you, this nu frequencies, its plasma based and jolts at times, its sharp and very sensitive, meaning you are very sensitive, you can taste, smell, feel this nrg, nrg is spiritual, you are a spiritual being, spirit can smell spirit, spirit can feel spirit, remember your melanin is 95% spiritual and 5% flesh, your karbon is spiritual

Mdw-Ntr is awake and so are you, she is raging, don’t lose sight of this, Mdw is starting from 400 years ago, don’t forget those who died so that you could live in this matrix and they forgot about her, you don’t, we are being separated has a species and will be separated has races and then separated from each other

Your body will take the pain, side-effects, stomach, nauseated, sickly feelings, head swelling, body aches, all and more while you upgrade, spread the nrg around, eat well, feed your mind, water [lemon] regulate your thoths  

The term Demon was birthed out of the Daimon [Daemon][Damon] which wasn't originally associated with anything evil, until later when the term entered into Greek religious philosophy

Evil = live = love
Time = emit

None of the Galactic federation and members look like this, none of the Anunnaqi look like this, all that is not from this construct is going, Steven Spielberg aliens, no E.T will not be phoning home. 


Original BA-KONGO
AMaLoya IsiKhulu who represents genealogically the origins of all people there for they are genetically considered the smallest people who fashion and engraved us, they are the Atom they are the PA-OTA [Ptah] they are the reality of things they are the actuality of us and they have done so like dreams [visions] thru out time because we are all part of them regardless of different heights that we may be, they are still in us, hopefully this enlightens our folks to the truth and facts of who we are because we didn't separate from ourselves the Muzungu separated us;

Original Ba-Twa Ba-ntu of

Aboriginal Original Australian of

Original Ba-Kongo
Amallawu IziKhulu.

Original Sân-|khoe of
Hindoo-Kash [Kush] = India.

Original Sân-|Khoe of

Restoring y-our roots gratitude 

The Sea of Galilee
Double spheres NSEW

Iron oxide is all over the sky 

In one hour, 7 earthquakes have been recorded on the shores of Oregon United States.


Seismic movements 22.06.19

According to official information, 21 earthquakes have been recorded in the last 24 hours, 21 earthquakes with magnitude over 4.0 degrees of the 134 recorded, with the highest intensity reached 5.6 degrees in Mexico.

Stronger Earthquakes
#Oregon 5.4
#Kansas 4.6
#Mexico 5.6
#California 5.6

             Amplified >> soular went last night into today, you will be sick today, nrg is really heavy 

Senja Norway
Electric Skies




England Scotland

Hong Kong

Huge meteorite in Australia last night

Special envoy 



In the 80's we saw famine in a world that feeds the rest of the world under the banner of feed the world, now 30-40 years later it will be you that will will know what famine is no-one eats if you are here next year,  GMO is not from nature, all farmers are doing is planting the seeds to get the insurance, no crops, no food 

06/22/19 - Atlanta Georgia: the capital of Atlantis [usa] chakra powra

Its behind you 

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