Wednesday, 3 April 2024

Limp Mode

Spanish SKA - what news are you watching - the threat is real in the field 

Where is that Green beam coming from in the JAPAN [IAPAN] which is from 2020 - we see the craft but the beam is still present and could well be from DEW - check the areas these footages are coming from - from Chile to Florida 

Whoever controls the SKA controls this planet 

SHAMS [Cylinder crafts] and more than a few caught in the camera feed 

 The rear end of a craft going to dock at the SUN 

Huge craft 

FLORIDA [USA] look how low the SKA is and there is at least 5 crafts sitting there that the USA military can see on radar - FL is very important because that is where the war will end to begin, its also where they launch SpaceX from 

Australia - what happened to the SUN, under we can see a red sphere and where is that secondary light coming from, what is going on over there 

RUSSIA - flipped SKA - look how low the SKA is and check out the waves 

GERMANY - look how low the SKA is 

That first clip in Brazil - what cuts the moon out like that because its not clouds 
Taiwan M8 

Moorse code - check the energy signatures from the Italian and Canadian Schuman 

Russian Schuman 

Check Eclipse symbol in WEF logo 

They are switching on their portal [CERN] April 8th the same day the Eclipse is taking place - all these Ferris Wheels or the London eye around the planet are Stargates made by man and his friends, and the Sphere 'mechanical eye' A.I all in the mix - stay at home if you can, from the 7th into the 9th which is 72hrs which equals 9 - don't go anywhere with anyone that is not unplugging from their Matrix - stay in your own space for this one, this will last at least a month with the effects - 7 disc [planet] energy alignment, we are in it now and not come the 8th - global event but is for the USA

On top of all that NASA are sending [3] rockets up there at the same time 

That scooter and hand movement was good and the cloaked crafts in the SKA 

White 'bright' holds all [7] colours 'energies' 

Sum on posted this and said first sunset - look at the SUN?? the SKA also has tints of the red - in the upload below the guy thinks its the MOON - different angles of the SUN and we do not have the same MOON or SUN in the four corners of this planet

When he says does anyone else seen the Moon red at night, it says 5:30am NOT pm, was that the Moon, it wasn't alone, we do not have the same Moon or Sun in the same four corners of this planet
When the NASA spokeswoman says when the Coronal comes out and is like an eye ball looking at you during this eclipse, listen to those word and remember Coronal means SUN and on this planet right now we have Coronal virus, the SUN is black 'ether' with a hologram and white is actually called bright - so much in this upload - really important to watch uploads like this - what that doctor said about brain dead was deep but only because it was coming from him, he spoke the truth and he knows sum one is filming him, he didn't elude to taking organs from 9ethers which would be the strongest, so many organs taken and what is the demand, between 16 and 30 he said, so these are adult organs for adult people, we are organs needed, many people are clones out here and the clones do also have mechanical parts, also is sum one eating the organs, that is a lot of organs, they are making bodies out here, that was deep to hear the truth - when that guy talks about the extra-terrestrials that we will see, he only showed mostly the members of Ashar Command which includes defected Reptilians and Greys - he showed the ANUNNAKI [ANUNAGA] and when he showed the NOMOS he showed a Dolphin, he showed the LARS[LARES] 'Bigfoot' those 'white' Pleiades, nothing 'white' exists in space, yes the Pleiades exist but not white with blue eyes and the name guardian angels and arch angels is a term but they are not like Bible angels and when he says Lemurians they are also 9ether like the ANUNNAKI whose names means these beings and are many different members with the NAGA [NIGGA] the main lead - that kid about the homework, they took critical thinking out of education because sum people would do really well - dumbing down this generation on purpose is to control them and we have sh9t parents out there 
That Elon Musk code of 1485 is also England's forgotten 'sweating sickness' which is still the Black Death [plague] 
This is a really good read - 

People are conscious 
Israel wants to purchase Tik Tok 

NAZI soldier with cell phone and ULMEC [OLMEC] MAYAN Chief with levers for what, where is the rest of the machinery 

Look at this, is it real - where was it taken, AZTLAN had tons of VIMANAs they had the technology, sum of their technology was like Transformers, like this machinery above, what is it, its a moving vehicle, reminds me of the AT AT form STAR WARS or is this image A.I - the soldier has a cell phone, the Mayan Chief, this machinery vehicle 

This image looks A.I but we know these horses existed for the ANUNNAKI [Sumerians] are giants and have horses - we saw them in their 3D layered stone records 

They were here and are still here 

All these images are showing you the same thing - studying the PUSSY 

Vajra [Vagina] Virgin [Uterus]
Vajra [Thunder Bolt] Vaj-Ra [RA] RE [SUN]

Womb [Dome] Om - Van Alan Belt [Ozone Layer] Electro Magnetic Field [EMF] Firmament+ are the same thing – all these images are showing the same thing – as above, so below

Nexus [Connect] Con – deception [Con-Nec-t] Nec [Nex] Nexus - her Uterus is the microcosm of creation which is the macrocosm which is a direct phone line – the main line is the Uterus – it’s the portal – the Yoni is the portal  

[Yoni] Yomi [Yummy] [Om]
[Vajrayana] Yana [Yani] Yami [Yammi] [Yummy] Yumi [Yomi] Yoni
Omega [Alpha]

The Symbol of the Apple represented the electromagnetic science of the Vagina - Uterus - Aums - Voltage - Ωmega and (or) the U-Magnet aka the science of her pumpum [womb] 


Why SUB- Sahara - Question everything and don’t just accept anyone’s definition
Why do Africans agree to accept this nonsense and actually use the classification Sub-Sahara
Why do they allow others to define them and make them Sub - Sub means beneath 
Look at this map, how comes Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Chad, and Sudan are Sub- Saharan Africa
 Below the Sahara Desert -  and why was  South Africa under white '6ether' rule not classified as Sub-Sahara

North Africa is actually South Africa
 ABZU [SA] is in South Africa 
What is South Africa today [2024] is earmarked for flooding, Ethiopia, Horn of Africa is higher ground



I watched this movie years ago - #Special 

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Smiling Faces

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