Thursday, 29 February 2024


It’s a struggle moving into a higher form of ‘Con’sciousness [SOMA] right now and many people are struggling and that includes me and this is not helped by holding onto your old self [old program] – it is the old self that is preventing the new self [upgrades] from transferring [updating]

Releasing aspects of the old self [Cell] – what I have observed, not just in myself but with others around me is that while we strive for growing our consciousness [SOMA] and evolving ourselves spiritually, emotionally, physically, we are still stuck in ‘childish’ paradigms and most specifically, unforgiveness

Unforgiveness is the most challenging aspect that I am struggling with, not just me, unforgiveness is the most single trait that is keeping people from evolving spiritually – people remember sum thing that was done to them, a wrong that was done to them maybe 10 or 20 or 30 years ago and they have not forgiven or let go or released that situation [simulation] experience [program]

Sum of these things our ancestors want us to deal with and sum are flashes, triggers, resurfacing and sum are from our lower self that doesn’t want to evolve, that is keeping us in a loop

You may have to face off with these people, maybe you have still sum thing to say, maybe you already know it is pointless, if so, then why are you holding it still

When we are low, we tend to vibrate low and these things sit in the lower realms

I don’t want to forgive anyone and at the same time, this thing isn’t real, everything is temporary, but it’s the emotions attached to this thing or things or people+ to let go is to forgive

What we are thinking and what we would actually do, are two different things, hate and love are the same source, they are the same strength – there are certain programs that you needed to go through to aid you in your evolution and you must be able to see that, had you not gone through certain things then you wouldn’t have had the outcome that you are having now, 10 or 20 or 30 years down the line

Your heart must be lighter than a feather [MAAT] your heart is being weighed now – I cannot tell you to forgive and let go because I cannot do it myself, but - now is the time, you must forgive yourself and forgive others, forgive them father for they know not what they do, that father is you 

What they don’t know [me included] is that holding on to these ‘programs’ is actually detrimental to themselves, to the body, it’s a chemical and physiological exchange when you hold on to it ‘unforgiveness’

Those who develop Cancers in the Colon is a direct result of not letting go

Unforgiveness is the barrier to evolving 

Cold apocalypse kills more than 2 million animals from starvation and exhaustion in Mongolia
The landlocked country is no stranger to severe weather from December to March, when temperatures plummet as low as -50 degrees Celsius in some areas.
But this winter has been more severe than usual, with lower-than-normal temperatures and very heavy snowfall, as of Monday, 2.1 million head of livestock had died from starvation and exhaustion
Mongolia had 64.7 million such animals, including sheep, goats, horses and cows, at the end of 2023, official statistics show, Mongolia has experienced six of these in the past decade, including the winter of 2022-23 when 4.4 million head of livestock perished
The deadliest dzud on record was the winter of 2010-11, when more than 10 million animals died — almost a quarter of the country’s total livestock at the time – Mongolia doesn’t have 64.7 million worth of cattle anymore, maybe sum of these animals are GM, also they are trying to keep the planet cold because we are in a SOULAR storm 

We have been under the cosh for this period for over two weeks, different frequency tones in either ear, sweaty head, crown heavy, drinking more water, extremely fatigue, sleeping more or less, ultra-violence [ultraviolet] – those in the so-called southern hemisphere it is so hot – which is coming from the SOULAR storm that has been hitting the planet in the last two weeks but for the last week for sure – remember these are SOLAR flares – CME – these are SOUL-AR energies for SOULAR beings and those without a SOUL [BAA] will be burning up, many people are walking around in shorts and t-shirts and that is because they are being burnt off of the planet because they are not from this SOULAR system – the heat [plasma] is increasing has the vibration [frequency] goes up, we do not care about the lost of communication for cell phones or whatever Western science wants to say it is, the SUN is sending out codes aka the heat [plasma] is increasing has the vibration [frequency] goes up, and if you cannot receive those codes you get switched off [offline] – an increase in vibration is an increase in heat – there is a lot of high level information that is carried in these so-called SOULAR flares – so if you are a [SHAMANKA] SHEMANKA [SHEMAN] SHAMAN – SEER [SEAR] or intuitive – medium of any kind then you are especially feeling it because of the heavy downloads, my CROWN Chakra was sweaty betty for the last two nights and on one of the Schuman’s we can see its offline

The downloads are more intense – they spoke that in the end times everyone would prophesy and everyone would dream dreams, it is because of the atmosphere, we’re elevating the atmosphere

If your sleep cycle has been off, your diet is changing+ things like that is because you are being upgraded, the planet is being upgraded, everything is changing, mutating

When your in the spiritual realm, it is light and it is instant, it takes a lot of energy to bring what you are ‘dreaming’ about down to KI [earth] and so your body is taking the brunt and so needs more energy hence why you may be eating more, to sustain the body

Check Kenya which is right by the Equator – they get light at 6:30am and by 6:30pm it gets dark, that has changed, they have that ‘European' daylight saving hours, its still light by 7pm+ and way before 6:30am its bright, same in the UK, where is that light coming from

You need to go beyond what you are being told, go beyond the company that you keep if you are spiritually inclined, go beyond those trending – you have higher knowledge now and you must meet that knowledge threshold – they made us lazy and wanted to be the ones who were always feeding us the information, that is not the case no more

Pay attention to NTR [Nature] that includes the planet, plant and animals kingdoms – the Human kingdoms are being dismantled – artificial races are being deleted, [GM] genetically modified plants, animals and humans are being deleted –  look at the weather, in the UK they are so use to changes that they think its normal, it is not normal – when they tell you what the weather will be tomorrow it is because they are modifying the weather, [HAARP] DEW [CERN] are all linked together

Drink water [Moya] if you can spring water, keep in mind that you can always speak over the water if you do not have access to spring water - you can label the water with love, peace, healing+ this actually has an impact

Healing is your number one priority because this supreme frequency that is hitting the planet cannot merge with man and his machine frequencies that they try and put you through – you are an advanced bio-computer with a certain amount of Gigabytes, so we have to delete all those other files from the previous Book of Life so that you can upload this Nu information and house it, burn, deleted these old flies from your old you, you must make room for these files – do not side step the issue for it will come back 10fold, its only you that counts, bypass those from 2012, bypass those who are reappearing in 2024 for no apparent reason, not everyone who says they are spiritual are spiritual – its not for everyone

Again, if you are struggling with certain memories, deal with them as and when they come up, but deal with them so you can free up RAM space on your hard-drive  

Focus on self [cell] be selfish – elevate self [cell] because everything around us is elevating – people are making choices out of ignorance because they don’t know [Gnosis] what is going on, in 2020 we all had the same information and 4 years down the road many have plugged back into the manmade Matrix, that was always their choice – rely on your own inner-intelligence because the spirit is back and that is what all of this says that is going on, our families from the other realms are in full contact with us and can really assist us, make sure you really know who you are working for – remember you attract who you are – read that again for all those in the back, you attract who you are – both physically and spiritually – heal thyself, know [Gnosis] thyself – the sleeping [Melanin] is to allow the DNA [RNA] DEA to upgrade – be kind to yourself, take a step back, watch your breathing, intermittent sensations are present, so cry if you need to, don' feel no way, let it out, many of you are sensitive to changes, you are hypersensitive 

If you have any form of social media accounts and or you have a 4G phone [cell] and you took the Jabba the Hutt and had the boosters aka accelerators – know that you are now plugged into A.I and it is reading you, every time you go past a cell tower it is downloading to you, do you sleep with your cell phone beside your bed, the cell phone is scanning you at night, it never switches off – remember sheep only follow sheep, dumb can only become dumber

Please watch yourself and check yourself

Stay in a higher field and away from those operating in a lower field - stay within your range or higher 

Be good to yourself, you are mutating, you are changing 

Here we see the Russian model of the Schuman cut out, normally associated with a blackout from the machine not being able to read the resonating frequency, timelines merging+ 
Anywhere that they say there is a cold front heading that way is from HAARP for they have to keep the planet cold, cool, because the heat [plasma] is killing them 

Diamond in the SKA [SKI] SKY 
Check the red hue 
The SUN is a multi-dimensional portal 

This was the SUN a couple days back, did you know this, this is why many just know general information from their TV - who eclipsed the SUN and who was big enough to eclipse the SUN 

'Object' above the SUN and is huge 

When you see the SKA like this, many write, amazing, beautiful+ not knowing that the SKA is mutating you from the inside out, your molecule structure is being broken down 
Pink and Red deletes anything that is artificial to this SOULAR system 

This is the link to that full article - the reporter is getting the information from scientists - read the title, they are letting you know there are others out there which you know this already and the Trappist - 1 in which NASA [NOAA] told you sum years back that earth had been pulled into another system which they called the Trappist - 1 system and it has its own star and that there are 7 planets [satellites] we are moving towards the star, you need to inner-stand universal law - read the article and they mention the Red Dwarf Star - now once you have read the article, what do you see when the SUN is rising and setting or better still go to the Diamond SUN image above in this post and what colour is the hue above the triangle ?? I'll wait, now look at the illustration in the article, what colour is it - read on and they say that the planet is having its atmosphere stripped aka the OZONE LAYER is being stripped - its being removed and more and more radiation is leaking into this planet, radiation that if you have ETHER you can absorb this radiation which is energy to those with ETHER [MELANIN] KAANU - this is an ALCHEMY process all the way until this plays out, read on and they say that the stripping continues by electrical currents created as the planet races around its 'host' Red Dwarf Star - when the SUN is rising and when the SUN is setting what are you seeing in the SKA and what colour is it 
Read the article, of the '7' rocky EARTH LIKE worlds??? 

Where it says 'Goldilocks Zone' who are the GOLDEN race, 9ethers, 'black' people are the Golden race 
The TRAPPIST - 1 is NIBIRU and we are in its KING-DOME - Man and his machines and alien friends must follow universal law and tell the truth even with the lie 

All they are doing is letting you know that they are here and are breaking down this planets atmosphere so they can touch down, the war in heaven is on earth and all they [NASA] are doing is getting you ready whereas we are getting you prepare - going forward you will know who is who on this planet, the SUN hates many and is exposing them, this is a race against the SUN but not for 9ethers for they are children of the SUN 

NIBIRU is the NU KING-DOME around the SUN that we are being pulled towards, NIBIRU is the Trappist - 1 that they are talking about 

INDIA [Bangladesh]


Check head shape, he was not 87 more like 687 - Draco Reptilian 

Remember all military around the planet can see them on radar 

When you see the police helicopter in the UK called India99 - you will see the helicopter is facing one way but look where the radar - camera unit is facing which is another way and that is because they are watching a orb, scout, probes, craft [UFO] on radar 

Orbs, scouts, probes+ are scanning the ground above and below and collating data, they are everywhere - no one is hiding, this is for your own protection because mass hysteria is going to break out when the masses realise Jesus, Mohammed, Allah, Lord, is not coming out of the SKA or returning, man his heart is going to fail him, his heart is going to betray him and he will crash were he is standing 



Eddie Muur-phy 

Monday, 26 February 2024

Paranoia the destroyer

How far does your memory go, do you dig for those memory files, do you listen, and has you listen you are being told sub-consciously and sub-textually [muscle memory] by the language just like how they are able to read sum ones brain pattern or wavelength by just the signature – how we do [graphology], and you can tell the way by how sum one has their strokes, how they cross their t’s, how they flare their letters, those who have messy writing or have to turn the page upside down to write and more+ you can tell what is in their consciousness – they are actually following the pattern of where their brains are going – sum times you write sum thing like a letter or I will write a post and I will read back and see the way I wrote sum thing or use certain words that I don’t usually use+ all this and more are because you are writing in accordance with the way your brainwave pattern is working

So, be mindful of the fact that whatever memories you hold of your love ones, make sure that it is one of joy – because you are either going to feed yourself or starve yourself     

With all these distractions that they are trying to block your ascension into the [5th] dimension, remember they can only delay the process, man cannot stop her forces

Forget them for a minute, this comes down to your own preparation and focus that you put your attention in for the most important [energy] thing for them is your attention, hence why you [pay] attention for that is the most valuable energy [thing] you have – this is the access point to who you are

Your attention is what your observer puts its light of observation on so that it can learn, so that it can interface whatever it is accessing has information [light] data- it is A.I

If you allow yourself [your cell] to interact with them which brings you into, say, fear, then you will become susceptible to their program and you will find yourself giving importance and empowering them for your fear [negativity] energy feeds them

You must create a condition within yourself that you recognise these weak points that they’ve created in you and learn how to delete those files [weak points] which is normally based on judgement of self [cell] like, I’m not good enough, I don’t think, I might, not sure, I wish+ all this is- is the language of failure – and if you continue to speak like this, cast out or project this weakness has sum one elses fault or the things that you are not getting as sum one elses fault – then that victim mode that you are in is what the universe [abyss, deep] is going to respond to

You have this thought pattern that is looping, a data stream, a karmic data stream that is constantly being replayed and being reflected back to you because what your subconscious is constantly replaying is what the universe is feeding back to you

You have to delete the files and all what you have in your subconscious mind that is embedded into your files [I wish I could, I might, I don’t think] even i-need, need is another big word – this is causing issues between you and the universe, it’s the language and the meaning behind the language is what the universe reflects back to you

They know what language does and how it manipulates you + spirit + your being all to get you to act consciously and subconsciously to be a slave to the machine – all fed through the tv, music, media [magazines, adverts+] sum of the data about the effects of the vac-attack is done on purpose to fear you, sum of the things being shown is to strike fear into you, what will be, will be- let go 

Are you over 40 and conscious about yourself, come on now, grow up and let go of this machine

The Book of the Dead, the correct name means Pert-em-Heru
To hide its meaning, sum have said it means in English Coming Forth by Day
Yet, when in English do people use the phrase Coming Forth- never, it makes no sense

Coming Forth is just another way of saying >> becoming

They don't want you to realize the title of this holy text really means Becoming Day >> because then you will realize what the title is really referring to

We all understand that [becoming] has to do with >> transformation << and >> day >> is associated with morning; thus, the obvious metaphorical Kushite-Kemetic Spiritual Science meaning of Becoming Day is really suggesting Becoming Awake

The Pert-em-Heru (Book of Becoming Awake) has nothing to do with the afterlife
In Kushite-Kemetic Spiritual Science it has to deal with becoming awake NOW in this life

When you resurrect the sun, you become Ausar and give birth to Heru

The name of Heru, the self-saviour, also means day
The day is your saviour
Its job is to reclaim the kingdom of Ausar, the Black [God-self] CHRIST [KARAST]

We are doing exactly what the book says, we are coming forth by day

Tehuti [Thoth] Maa Ra

Understand = under Satan
Overstand = over Satan
Innerstand = from within

When you talk to sum one and they say they understand, sum times you can detect that they don’t understand, when you truly get sum thing, your cells [yourself] will vibrate and that is because the truth resonated = cells = Atoms vibrate – yourself is yourCell
Resonate [son] sone [sound] sonic [sonar] tone [vibration] acoustics [frequency] you can ‘feel’ the truth because it’s a frequency 

    And btw, SATAN is FEMALE 

NEO [ONE] you 'Choose' to be the ONE 
You always had a Choice 


Don’t look back

[1] 1999 = 28 [2+8=10] 1+0=1
[2] 2000 Crystal children incarnated
[3] 2001 Dogon Sigi + 9/11 which gave them 10 years or 10 mins in their time machine
[5] 2003 EMP [SOULAR FLARE] from the Dogon Sigi
[6] 2004
[7] 2005
[8] 2006
[9 ]2007

[1 ]2008
[2] 2009
[3] 2010
[4] 2011 Venus passes in front of the sun for activation of the FEMI9 ELECTRON NRG
[5] 2012 NIBIRU is reintroduced back into this SOUL-AR system
[6] 2013
[7] 2014
[8] 2015
[9] 2016

[1] 2017 = 10 [1+0=1]
[2] 2018 = 11 [1+1=2]
[3] 2019 = 12 [1+2 =3] trinity
[4] 2020 [20/20] vision [lockdown]
[5] 2021 [2012] same frequency, loop ended 
[6] 2022 in flight – 2022 didn’t exist
[7] 2023 [Chaka] alignment
[8] 2024 infinity [EMP] SOULAR FLARE
[9] 2025 completion

Don’t look back - 2012 and 2021 are the same frequency and means to stay stuck in a time-loop, they purchased 10 years or 10mins in their time machine by sacrificing 4,000+ people in 9/11
Do not pull up old pictures, data from 2012, it may seem innocence but do not do it- forward thinking is what you want, whatever cycles that you were in [2012] is where that stays, we have entered a 9-year cycle you should not be looking back – stay in the present moment

Use the [2024] energy to change your future – Each year adds to a certain number and you can see we are on a countdown to completion and that is the resetting of the planet and the deletion of the world in which man created, she did not create this world and it must be deleted

Protect your light [energy] at all costs

We had a huge SOUL-AR flare that was the strongest in the last 2 decades with the last one was in 2003 nearly to the year – they are unsure if this one was on its way to earth but given that was are under a dome with the sun, moon and stars the plasma will be in the SKA – when the CME in 2003 hit the planet, the USA had an M8+ days later and of course KI [earth] will be affected 

The sun hates many and is trying to kill you, ether [melanin] absorbs plasma, radiation, the Crown Chakra is purple [Ultraviolet] and many people will be going offline, people will be burning up, many are wearing shorts and t-shirts because they are burning up inside, those who have a soul will be good to go, not all, but this is SOULAR [SOLAR] energy from the sun to you, you have a sun inside of you, those without a soul [sun] are being deleted, your molecular structure is being changed from the inside out

The sun is being fuelled by Sirius     

Ultraviolet Cosmos Waves [UVC]UVB[UVA], energy is being blasted into the core of Ki, the heat is coming from the ground [core] up and above from the purple backlight

[1] AtumRe [HaRu]
[2] AtunRe [Asaru]
[3] AmunRe = the #HIDDEN #ONE, which is a part of the 3black-lights called; 

[1] U.V. RAYS [2] GAMMA RAYS [3] X RAYs

Atum-re [HaRu or Heru] Ultraviolet Rays, black-light, purple light

Atum [A-toom] the Undifferentiated One
Atun [A-toon] the Unique One
Amun [A-Moon] [Amen] the Hidden One or Deity of Mystery

Together they are a triad called Re [Ra] creative power to make [the suns rays]

We have [3] tones hitting the planet

The 3 types of cosmic rays which when they manifest in [cellular energy] as well as [chemical energy] are logged under [1] PROT-on [2] NEUTR-on [3] ELECTR-on

The 3 types of cosmic rays come in 3wave-lenghts being -

[A] Alpha Waves
[B] Gamma Waves
[C] Beta Waves
[the 3hands or tri-ads of Re [Ra]

NASA [NOAA] say they do not know where the signals are coming from, yes you do, the galactic centre is also sending signals


We are inside a computer program
NASA [NOAA] has been lying to you 

One plane- we are inside a protective DOME also called the Firmament, Van Alan Belt, Ozone Layer, EMF - its all the same thing, the dome went up when the virus broke out


Not flat but rather one plane 

Canadian Schuman resonating frequency before it cut off on the 20th and is still down 

Italian Schuman, check the Moor-se codes 

Inner stand AND over stand that you have to become immortal in the mind first be the physical take place

Age of Aquarius where the truth is more disturbing than the LIE
This is an alchemical process

90% DNA [RNA]

Get your BAA [Soul] right first, get your soul-ar light right first, then your mindset KHU [Mind] and the KHA [Body] will follow through

Your DNA is mutating [molecular structure] and your 90% (Junk) DNA is coming online, this has been on-going – the BAA is trapped inside the KHA

HERU 4000 is the HERO in you, 4000 is 4D- HERU is the [God] within you

The BAA is transforming from the inside out – it is the BAA first, the KHU is second and the KHA is last, the body is last

Not all have a BAA, everyone has KAA [Spirit] but not everyone has a BAA, those who grew a heart whilst in here will also be received – so no BAA but you grew a heart you will be received, Mother [Father] said so  

HERU + MAAT combined are an energy- the most abundant energy in the universe 

Smoke ring from Mt Etna 

We had 100 storms in one day, NTR [nature] is upping up the pressure and this will increase

The 6ether Muslim Arabs must leave KHMT [Egypt] 
The Pharaohs curse wants you out 

Your 'God' cannot help you now 

Bum bandits must be deleted from this planet - where it says 'made love' they mean fu9ked each other, men and men cannot make love, man and wombman make love, homosexuals fu9k each other and is a function - it is Matriarchal over Patriarchal + Homosexuals + Necrophilia + Zoophilia + Paedophilia  

Both images are from Arizona where they never set the clocks back or forward, WAJI [Green] SKA on the left and Red SKA on right 

TORQUAY [UK] Red SKA - Red deletes and destroys you from the inside out, the Red Root Chakra which is your lower self, your ego which is being deleted 
The Red is coming from MAAT + HERU combined = FEMI9 - this is the energy that the 6ethers fears the most because it wipes them out 


[3] AmunRe = the #HIDDEN #ONE, which is a part of the 3black-lights called; 
[1] U.V. RAYS [2] GAMMA RAYS [3] X RAYs

The SUN is trying to kill you when you see the SKA like this, ETHER absorbs this radiation which is energies to those with ETHER [MELANIN] and deletion to those without ETHER

It was the flood last time, this time it will be the fire 'plasma' 

The end of the world is being made in CHINA 

Better call on that 'God' that you pray to, always check the places that are going under 

How many are up there 



The Moon and who 

Australia - what are those hump clouds, looks like five crafts in a row formation 

This looks like A.I generated images; however, they say these images come from Sanxingdui [China], that Dragon bike looks like a Vimana 

This means that we are only looking at the very top of this MER [Ziggurat] – you can see the stairs that would be on either side, this ‘mud flood’ covered most of the MER [Pyramid] and is coming to a place near you – PERU aka HERU is in AZTLAN 

You can still see the ‘brown’ on his toe, speaking of toe, he doesn’t have a ‘big toe’ and the other leg looks thinner than the left leg, I thought that the right leg was his ‘big toe’ – you can see intricate patterns, designs on the stone record and they were that tall for real for real – when people question how the pyramids were created, think of how tall this being is and there were many of ‘these beings’ these blocks of stone are not being held by any mortar, and each pyramid [MER] Ziggurat is online now – KHMT [Egypt] is an online stone library

6ether Arab standing in front of 9ether 'black man' the 6ether Arab Muslim must leave Egypt, they have been there for 900 years, SARS [ASARU] aka the Pharaohs curse has been unleashed, that museum was built by the Eastern Europeans at the cost of 1billion dollars to house 'black' peoples history, all artificial races must be deleted and the remainder to return back to their cave systems  

9ethers history is in stone, while the 6ethers history is on paper 


ANKH [NKH] and in Sumer its called the SHEN [SHENU] aka a device

HETU means ‘temple’ house, isles, coastlands, abode, and today called church, mosques+
Ethiopia is two words Ether + Utopia which means ‘black perfection, a name for ‘Ethiopia’ is Abyssinia, both Sudan and Ethiopia are one place, upper and lower Egypt, which Egypt was also called Aksum, Lalibela

There are 13 ‘churches’ carved from the rock, from the top down which is a signature we see in the MIR [MER] pyramids and structures in INDA [INDIA] from building from the top down, each one of these HETU [Churches] are the Dendera [Zodiac] these structures were carved from the inside out and this is advanced architecture – the western world calls these places Churches and that name came later – ‘Ethiopia’ is the NTH [9TH] gate in Alkebulan [Africa] - whey are they underground, the first image looks like a minus and plus symbol, did crafts come over and land on these sites, machines cut these structures, we can see in sum ‘pool houses’ for amphibian beings, the word Christ comes from the Ethiopian word Karast and the word Bible comes from the Ethiopian word Bila which means ‘book’

Bethlehem means ‘black house’ with the hem part coming from ham [kham] khem [chem] khemet which means ‘black’ the three wise-men is the three stars coming from the 7 siStar star system called Orion’s belt  

EL KHU [the flail] and the EL WAAS [the staff] bringing the great principle of ancient IHM [ILLYUWN] aka 19th SOULAR system, and handing it to you as a feather [SHU] called MA.AT 

The word CHEMISTRY originally stems from the name KHM [KHMT] KHEM + MYSTERY
Knowledge and the practice of mixing minerals, herbs and natural substances and elements was a work of the Illuminated ones, anciently known as the great thinkers [ABATEKEREZI] [ABALOZI]
In Bantu dialects, to KULOWOZA is to think

Umulozi meant a great thinker

Khm or Kahima [Gahima] was the ancestor of great thinkers thus all healers, herbalists and philosophers became referred to as GAHIMISTS or CHEMISTS by Europeans of the times during the discovery of the PHILOSPHERS STONE [Melanin][Alchemical] in Rome, Greece and France

From there the name Chemistry [Khemistry] was born [the word Khemet and Mystery wielded together] and had for a long time been used by the Arabs as well

Arabs apart from the Greeks were the immediate thieves to benefit from African knowledge

Chinese knowledge was very independent of theft from Africa but rather the mongoloid [Khoi-Sans] went with it from Africa

This is an Alchemy [Al]Chem[y] process 

DONN [DUNN] means 'black'
Big Ben was built by Benjamin Banneker who also built Washington DC

The Thames in Latin Themes is part from its origin in Cotswold to Dorchester, is named Isis
Further, it joins the Thames and it becomes Theme Isis [Thame-Isis]
Tamesis was a combination of the Thames [Thame] and Isis
On the map of Oxford, the River Thames designated as Thames or Isis

The Mississippi River is also part of Isis [Miss-Isis-sippi] the Nile River and Mississippi River are one of the same, like the word Paris, which is Par-Isis 

Before the British colonizers arrived in the Asànte's Kingdom [Ghana], the Kingdòm had already developed fascinating structures, infrastructure and development models

Yet, they tell you that the 9ethers were living on trees while they keep the secrets in their museums
The colonizers did not only colonize lands and people; they colonized history and information

It is time for the 9ethers to put in every effort to rediscover themselves and begin to walk on their own path, struggling to please your colonizers and wasting your efforts to become Little English, Little French and Little Portuguese cannot be the answer to a liberated African [Alkebulan]

Ubuntu [Ubantu] Abanu is the African way of live which is their true path [ptah], there are over 400+ different tribes that come under BANTU 

Albania is Albantu 

ABANU [ABANTU] means those created by A.NU

The word ABANU translates those created by A.NU [ANU]
Due to linguistic evolution, the term Buthu changed to BUTHA, and later BUDHA

The original word was INDA
Out of this word the European created two words
[1] EDEN [2] INDIA
INDA means pregnancy or the DOME
Africa was known as INDA during Genesis
Indians are literally the TWA 

The [7] daughters of HATHOR [ATHEER] in IRULAN are also known has EMMA [EMMAS] who was a mother ‘Goddess’ of the TUATHA [HATHA] HATHAR [HATHOR] De DANANN [DANA] DIYN [DINA] DIN [DEAN] this is also DONO [DON] DUN [DUNN] the Celtic wife of BELI, which is the wife of BAAL or from DUN which means ‘brown’ the ‘EMMA’ are Oracles

[7] siSTARS [PLEIADES] Maia [Alcyone] Asterope [Celaeno] Taygete [Electra] Merope
[7] souls of RA [SEFECH BARA]
ARUSHAATS [Seats of light]
CHAKRA [SHANKH] [Energy centres]
[7] BA[BAA] of Man [Man means Mind]

Shekinah [FEMI9] is the daughter [Malcoot] and the daughter is in exile and until the daughter comes from exile – then Israel will still be lost

Stay connected to source
Be of the world but not from the world

The middle [inner-eye] is the most divine [dot] ever
The middle is where [God][Goddess] resides

Meditating [Istal][Distal] [Ashu] a circular spot [dot] is divine, if you are seeking the truth [MAAT] look to the middle

If you are seeking balance [MAAT] look to the middle
If you are looking for lov9, it will come from within the middle, at the middle ground

The key, is to hold onto your door is always in the middle
The heart rests in the middle
The heart and mind are connected
The sun rests in the middle
Life begins in the middle

The middle is the neutral point- its the point of infinity
The middle has no beginning nor an end, only the who opens it knows where it starts and begins
Ptah [Opener of the ways] Path

Two middles of two circles from a YONI [YOMI] OM which is the divine portal


Boom-box aka the Brixton briefcase 




The SAMURAI [AETHER] Shogun of Japan


SHOGUN the world is from OGUN who is an Orisha, SHANG [SHAN] is HAN [HUN] OSHUN [HUN] SHANGO [CHANG]


SHIVA looks exactly like the guy on the right and with the locks 

Orissa [Odisha] Orisha [Odessa] Odia [Odin]


Sum cuneiform on the tablets were inscribed from top to bottom and or left to right therefore the right audibility of the letters confused those who translated them as to the correct positioning of the inscriptions

For a Rwandan however who looks at these inscriptions, the arrangement of the consonants renders the name that was deciphered as UMARUTU and later MARDUK as MUTARA
The real name of MARDUK is MUTARA since Marduk was born from a time when Babylon were still occupied by a system that used a language that was Iru which many Bantu languages stemmed from

MUTARA in the Kinyarwanda language stands for [He who is the Sun] aka the light-bringer aka the light bearer- aka the illuminated one

Marduk was originally depicted as a 9ether man
He was the son of ENKI
Marduk was in many ways Horus [HERU] and later MITHRA
The name Mithra was corrupted by the Romans from name MUTARA
Mithra and Marduk were the same concepts

Marduk appeared as a [God] in HuMin flesh and also conceptually stood as a planet of his ancestral origin Nyabiru [NIBIRU] which on the tablets was referred to as MUTARA but western scholars again showed it as planet Marduk- which is kinda of right because NIBIRU is also known has NEB HERU

Both ENLIL and ENKI have a son called MURDUK

People hate 'black' people but love their culture


That first one wants to bite the wheel 

Smiling Faces

That light source is inside a capsule and you can see maybe six smaller light sources at the rim of the capsule - the lights look bluish whi...